I am going to be totally amazed reading this thread, if I read that anyone believes this statement by Rico Magnelli, I can't imagine that he himself believed it at that time, now or at
any other time...ever!!!
WayDale stirs up memories
August 8th, 1999
Rico Magnelli, public relations coordinator for The Way International, said that the Way's policy is to keep people fully informed.
"Anyone that has ever been involved in our ministry honestly knows that we explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts, to our followers. This has been the pattern since 1942 from the founding board of trustees clear through to the current trustees and leadership body. We want people to be fully informed because we understand people, no matter who they are, have to make up their own minds," Magnelli stated. ]
I'd sure like to meet anyone ever affiliated with TWI who still or ever believed this one!
I may have never known their egregiously sinful secrets, until this last year and a half; but that they had secrets throughout all my in time was blatantly apparent when no real answers
were given to legitimate questions! Their actions were definitely systematically premeditated in every sense!!!
Hey Sock's
Was he telling the truth? Anyone still involved that lurks here reading this, think - before you assume that they told you whatever you "really needed to know", ask the question - why did this guy tell the "outside" world that they were so intent on keeping you "fully informed" - if you weren't? If they never did? If this site and others is where you've found out information for the first time?
Questions that come to mind:
Does anyone know if Magnelli is still the PRC of the Way?
I don't know.
Anyone here that was in the Way during 1999 and 2000 remember them following through on the statement above to "explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts"?
My above statement covers this one and I might add that any organization on the size level TWI was has never been that communicative or honest. TWI never was
either; and their dissections on all fronts have indisputably proven it
During that time period would anyone describe their level of knowledge of these events to be "fully informed", REGARDLESS OF WHO (YOU WERE) so that you could "make up (your) own minds"?
I was in from 1971 or 72? till about 1990,Then I was isolated and Marked and Avoided for ALL their standard set of reasons, which I might add is NO less cruel
than sexual, or verbal or ANY other form of abuse that was afflicted upon any other members by TWI members. I was isolated already by the world for keeping and raising MY Dear Son
who has many challenges from a rare chromosome deletion. Mark and Avoid is as cruel and evil a practice as imprisonment without evidence or a fair trial!!! There never were fair trials
in TWI!!! I listened to the tapes,DVD's and Magazine until about 2007; There were no disclosures in them only more disappearances of members and endless questions brewing in my
mind till Greasespot!!!!
Least we forget, we were ALL hurt in very devastating and diverse manners; and the pain and it's consequences do vary person to person, but we don't see all the whole of the matter, only,
GOD sees the totality of our individual lives!!! Incidentally, like many or most of us here or anywhere, I, also have been abused in every way possible, so, I feel my statement about the pains of
abuse is very very credible. None of Us ever goes through life unscathed!!! The most important lessen to me is not to be the abuser or repeat the cycles of abuse. We are All equal in
GOD's eyes. Abuses crops up when we become arrogant, judgmental and narcissistic!!!
Where and when did you get an "explanation" of the decisions?
I was involved during 1999 & 2000 and I can assure you, nothing was ever explained "A - B", let alone "A - Z".
We had, if I remember correctly, three meetings about the lawsuit and it's aftermath.
During the first meeting it was explained that a lawsuit was being filed against TWI and Martindale and that it involved sexual harrassment. Martindale admitted to a "one-time affair" that he had told his wife and the other Trustees about approximately one year before this announcement. Martindale claimed that he had been forgiven by his wife and that "everything had been handled according to The Word". We were told to report any press coverage of this lawsuit, but to not go on the internet looking for information.
The second meeting was to announce Martindale's stepping down as President. The reason given was to "protect the ministry" and Martindale's family.
The third meeting was to announce that Martindale was being removed from active Way Corps status, would no longer be considered clergy and that he was being put on probation until such a time as his actions indicated a change in heart.
It was never explained why, if everything has been handled "according to The Word" prior to the first meeting, Martindale was being put on probation. It was never explained why he was ousted after the lawsuit, but had been allowed to remain in a position of authority despite the other Trustees knowing what was going on. It was never explained exactly what his actions were that indicated that he needed to change. It was never explained why Donna Martindale was still allowed to stay in a position of responsibility. Any questions were met with the assertion that we were succumbing to internet gossip.
This would be "handling it according to the Word":
1 Tim 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.
20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
This would certainly fit in this context. Yet, Oakspear says, absolute minimum information or explanation was disclosed, and no questioning permitted. Whether the WC got any better explanation is also debatable.
And no explanation means definitely no rebuke.
The public/WC rebukes heaped upon people kicked out for fairly minor infractions or for "genuine spiritual suspicion" would be nothing compared to the tongue-lashing that LCM ought to heap upon himself. It would be Rosalie's job to do this publicly and comprehensively - and by not doing that, she too is open to rebuke (disregarding pro tem her involvement in LCM's escapades).
Wapakoneta Daily News 04/08/2000
The Way target of lawsuit
A press release from The Way attorney Rico Magnelli contends the lawsuit "is part of an organized campaign to destroy The Way International."
If this could be said to be true, one has to say that the "organized campaign" seems to have been organized by ... LCM!
Like Socks, I'm interested in responses from innies or post-2000 leavers.
Nothing has ever been explained to this day, and never will be. Too many lawsuits would happen if they actually explained what happened. Their only goal is to make sure no more lawsuits happen.
Thanks for the responses. I now this is ground that's been gone over many times before, but it amazes me that such a thing transpired and their members could today believe it was all handled appropriately. To me "fully informed" sounds like a big bag of wind. Here's to whoever can prove me wrong.
Somewhere between Magnelli's soup and nuts, it got pretty lean.
RainbowsGirl - that's significant, I think. Thank you. Until 2007, nuttin' through tapes, DVD's or the Way Mag. 1999 and 2000 - I can see how that was a difficult time for everyone involved. It would have been right to follow through as stated though. By 2001, it's time to make good on the promise of some information on what had happened and what was going on.
GeorgeStGeorge, thank you for that. Botkins - nice little city as I recall.
Oaks - 3 meetings? One, he's being sued and it's being handled. Two, he's stepping down. Three, he's out, goodbye, see ya.
I wonder now if everyone nationwide was supposed to have those meetings, and if everyone did the same thing in them?
Looking back, do you think it amounted to them finding out more about what was going on with him and the others? (were others booted out along with him that weren't announced or just him, I wonder?)
I've been told - second hand, but from a source I consider reliable - that when he got to doing depositions, he "laid it all out" and told of numerous similar instances and gave forth a lot of details on what was going on.
That being the case, his original contention that the Allen lawsuit involved a concensual "affair" went south quickly, I'd imagine. Clearly it wasn't that "simple". He stepped down and no doubt it got complicated to say the least. I can't imagine what else went on during that period, but it got to the point he was stripped of all Way Corps and Clergy recognitions and fired. So there had to be at the very least some strong differences of opinion there as to how he was handling it.
So it sounds like those meetings you had addressed "what happened" (to a certain extent but not fully) but not the "why". Not enough to make up your mind about anything. What's to make the mind about? Nothing. Someone gives a version of what's happened and that's that. There's no information.
That puts people in a very difficult situation. All you can decide on is how to react to the report.
Twinky, thanks for that. And no explanation means definitely no rebuke. Indeed - they gave the impression it was all being handled. By who? How? What methods were being used, what standards?
Rosalie's job to do this publicly and comprehensively - one would think.
This whole thing opened up that there's a threat to the membership of the Way - they believe the "Adversary" is around every corner. Clearly the "Adversary" had gotten in. What better way to handle than to have a "fully informed" membership, that knows what's going on and what the threat is.
They've got people there now who think "he's all gone now" and everything's swell. But how could it be - those closest to the matters haven't all come forward and accounted for their own state and status. Or have they? I'd like to know if they have, it would make their PR man look and sound a whole lot better.
Livinlarge - I completely agree with that. Yet, it would make good sense to draw a line and do what Magnelli said they "do" - lay it all out, once and for all, and account for their own stewardship of their ministry.
I wanted to add - like you RG, I look forward to anyone who can recount events that they believe substantiate Magnelli's claim.
I'm keying on what he said because of what his job was/is - Public Relations Coordinator. He addresses the "public" and handles messaging that speaks to the public.
One of the first things in PR is - shut up. Don't motor mouth. Anything you say can and will be repeated a 1,000 times, so make sure it's what you mean and what you want to have repeated.
Like LCM - I can see why they put a bag over him. He loved to talk and rattle on extemporaneously on anything and everything that buzzed his bonnet. Once he got a head of steam going he'd amp up and go in a 100 different directions, with seemingly no thought for if he made any sense or not. That's my opinion of course, but even long before 1999, that's the way he was.
Basically, a PRC's worst nightmare - someone who can't control what they say and defends what they say as being "inspired".
Still - the PRC hisself made a clear point, in descriptive language - of the Way's history and ongoing desire to make sure their members know what's going on because they need to, to make up their own minds.
I doubt that a man hired to manage messaging would mishandle such statements as he made.
I'd say this defines what they consider "fully informed". It's "need to know - and you don't".
I won't outright say the man's a liar - although it appears that he was. Maybe he believed what he was saying. Maybe he got caught in the cross fire and was as surprised as everyone else when he learned they weren't, in fact, going to be going A to Z through everything for their peep's. Maybe he got spanked for saying that and hoped it would just disappear. Maybe his alphabet soup ran short on nuts.
Wapakoneta Daily News - 11/07/2000The Way International reaches settlement with couple
Rico Magnelli, public relations coordinator for The Way, confirmed a settlement with the Allens had been reached but would not divulge any more information.
"We are not ready to release anything at this time," Magnelli said. "We will release something on this at a later date."
I see this is the last statement he gave regarding the matter.. and it's been almost EIGHT YEARS. I wonder if he's struggling with grammar and spelling issues, working over the fiftieth revision for release..
I mean, he said we WILL release something, didn't he?
Whether Rico believed what he was saying or not is a moot point. He had to sell the company line and the man did his job each day he knew he wasn't fit for work anywhere else after working for TWI. His being the PRC for TWI was probably the highlight of his career.
His being the PRC for TWI was probably the highlight of his career.
That really has to hurt..
Well, I don't think it would exactly look so good on a resume.. I'm sure they check how one performs how well they function as a p.r. person. He didn't exactly pull twi's reputation out to the fire, or anything..
then staff in the 90's wasn't what it used to be either. He may have worn the p.r. hat.. but between sorting out peas, peanuts and press releases from the lawsuits, they probably had him cleaning the parking lot..
I dunno.. maybe he got the priviledge to "coordinate" the cleaning of rosie's swimming pool..
I know of some staff they did that kind of thing to.. crushed professional type people with micro-management and menial labor that any reputable company would contract out to a cleaning business..
One of the first things in PR is - shut up. Don't motor mouth. Anything you say can and will be repeated a 1,000 times, so make sure it's what you mean and what you want to have repeated.
true. I think they just couldn't put enough spin on anything lawsuit related to make it look "good".
"we PREVAILED.. only lost 16 million when we coulda lost 50.."
Oaks - 3 meetings? One, he's being sued and it's being handled. Two, he's stepping down. Three, he's out, goodbye, see ya.
I wonder now if everyone nationwide was supposed to have those meetings, and if everyone did the same thing in them?
We were led to believe that the same meetings were held all over and covered the same things. All three may have been phone hookups, at least two were. If any weren't phone hookups, then a prepared statement was read. I distinctly remember hearing Martindale's voice on the second one.
Looking back, do you think it amounted to them finding out more about what was going on with him and the others? (were others booted out along with him that weren't announced or just him, I wonder?)
I've been told - second hand, but from a source I consider reliable - that when he got to doing depositions, he "laid it all out" and told of numerous similar instances and gave forth a lot of details on what was going on.
That being the case, his original contention that the Allen lawsuit involved a concensual "affair" went south quickly, I'd imagine. Clearly it wasn't that "simple". He stepped down and no doubt it got complicated to say the least. I can't imagine what else went on during that period, but it got to the point he was stripped of all Way Corps and Clergy recognitions and fired. So there had to be at the very least some strong differences of opinion there as to how he was handling it.
Clearly he was saying or doing things that were putting the corporation, TWI, in further jeopardy.
So it sounds like those meetings you had addressed "what happened" (to a certain extent but not fully) but not the "why". Not enough to make up your mind about anything. What's to make the mind about? Nothing. Someone gives a version of what's happened and that's that. There's no information.
That puts people in a very difficult situation. All you can decide on is how to react to the report.
Minimal information. They must have known that the information would get out, so they told us about the lawsuit, but nothing more.
The lack of information is one of the reasons why those of us who left 7 - 8 years ago left. Many of us turned to WayDale & GSC for our information because we weren't getting it "inside". Heck, Don Wierwille was dead 5 days before it was announced in fellowships.
Oaks - 3 meetings? One, he's being sued and it's being handled. Two, he's stepping down. Three, he's out, goodbye, see ya.
That is exactly how it happened. The first meeting was in April, the second just a couple weeks later, and the third was in August.
I wonder now if everyone nationwide was supposed to have those meetings, and if everyone did the same thing in them?
These meetings were coordinated VERY precisely across the nation. They were phone hookups, with taped remarks from Martindale and Rivenbark (maybe others, too, I don't remember) They were supposed to happen at exactly the same time for everyone. I specifically got outed by the WayGB when I posted that our third local meeting had not yet taken place in my area yet. I didn't realize at the time that only a very few areas had been given permission to postpone that meeting from its designated time. The WayGB read that, then faxed my collected posts to those few areas and asked the leaders if they could recognize the poster and mine did from other details I had mentioned online. He called me THAT DAY to say, "Don't bother showing up for the meeting, I'll meet with you separately." I knew immediately I was in trouble, and sure enough, when he and his wife showed up at my home they had the printouts with them and confronted me for my online activities. I was officially declared "Mark and Avoid" a few days later.
Looking back, do you think it amounted to them finding out more about what was going on with him and the others?
Oh, don't kid yourself... they all knew the whole time EXACTLY what had been going on... Wayne C---p, and several other clergy had confronted them about it, and what did it get them? Booted and black-listed!!
(were others booted out along with him that weren't announced or just him, I wonder?)
To the best of my recollection, no one else was booted but Martindale. Others named in the lawsuit as part of the conspiracy either still hold their positions today or simply faded away over the past few years, stepping down for one reason or another.
I've been told - second hand, but from a source I consider reliable - that when he got to doing depositions, he "laid it all out" and told of numerous similar instances and gave forth a lot of details on what was going on. That being the case, his original contention that the Allen lawsuit involved a concensual "affair" went south quickly, I'd imagine. Clearly it wasn't that "simple".
This is exactly what happened. (I have this from a very well-placed inside source.) They did the depositions and the lawyers got to ask questions, and Martindale and Rivenbark both gave testimony that clearly indicated this kind of thing had been going on for some time and a lot of people knew about it. This is backed up by the Judge's statements that enough information had been given that he felt a jury should decide on the count of conspiracy, and he would not remove it from the lawsuit as twi requested.
It is NOT coincidence that it was a few days after his deposition hearing that Martindale was put on probation.
He stepped down and no doubt it got complicated to say the least. I can't imagine what else went on during that period, but it got to the point he was stripped of all Way Corps and Clergy recognitions and fired. So there had to be at the very least some strong differences of opinion there as to how he was handling it.
I'm guessing he "handled" it the same way he "handled" POP, which was to spiral into a depression so deep that they had people watching him and got him lots of medication. What we know for certain is that he was shipped to Toledo, to live in a house owned by Dr. Z--a, (twi's pet physician) for a few years before he got his own place. This was a man with delusions of godhood, who had a WHOLE lot of twi skeletons in his closet, who was depressed and unstable and probably angry as well... what would you do with him?
So it sounds like those meetings you had addressed "what happened" (to a certain extent but not fully) but not the "why". Not enough to make up your mind about anything. What's to make the mind about? Nothing. Someone gives a version of what's happened and that's that. There's no information. That puts people in a very difficult situation. All you can decide on is how to react to the report.
At the meetings they told us what they wanted us to believe -- that the ministry was under attack -- that it was a one-time consensual affair. That Martindale had messed up due to the great pressure he was under as the Moggy and opened this door for the devil to move, but that it was OUR ministry (God's chosen ministry) and it was up to us to pray and believe and support the leadership as we moved through this troubling and difficult time TOGETHER. We were told that it would only help the devil if we went online looking for details; talking to copouts and looking to stir up dirt, etc. etc. We were told that since it was all a pack of lies, told by a couple where the wife ran the household, who had made demands on twi leadership and didn't get their way and were now hatefully and vindictively looking for revenge, that we didn't need to know what the actual accusations were. We were told to STAY OFF the INTERNET!!
Hmmmmm. Illuminating information on those years. Thanks everyone! Again, I know this has been discussed before and posted on. It's really interesting to read it, in the context of those years you all experienced firsthand.
And significant - this isn't ancient history, old days long gone, way back when the earth was cooling and hippies sprang forth out of the ground it seemed, populating the Weirwille's ancestral farm. This is recent, involving the current regime that's formed at the Way, just a few years ago. This occured about 8 years ago, and continued in context for the next few years. So it's bumping right up into 2007, 2008.
Chaster, hi!
His being the PRC for TWI was probably the highlight of his career.
Anyone know if he came from a Communications or Journalism background? Anything related? Or just an assignment gone terribly awry? :blink:
Hamlingston said:
I think they just couldn't put enough spin on anything lawsuit related to make it look "good".
I've thought about that - lipstick on a pig, pretty much. The way they handled it seemed to be to go underground, stealth. Somebody must've gotten some Preparation-M and used it because it sounds like the basic message was "shut the f*k up and don't say anything that isn't written and approved".
Which kinda makes sense - lawsuits and all. But what an opportunity missed!!!! Seriously, the chance to get the previous 10-12 years behind them by getting some fresh air in, opening up the lines of communication and building something based on fresh, honest and open effort. "Fully informed", indeedy.
Minimal information. They must have known that the information would get out, so they told us about the lawsuit, but nothing more.
The lack of information is one of the reasons why those of us who left 7 - 8 years ago left. Many of us turned to WayDale & GSC for our information because we weren't getting it "inside". Heck, Don Wierwille was dead 5 days before it was announced in fellowships.
I'm catching again the simple point - "Mark and Avoid" was enacted for many of those who wanted to have what had, in fact, been promised them. What any reasonable person would want or expect even if they hadn't read it in the paper - Magnelli's statement that all of the information, noups to suts, R to M, would be handled so everyone could make up their own minds.
OUCH!!! That ain't right. Innies-think about it. What promises have been made to you, in perhaps perfectly good faith by those locally, that won't be delivered? Will the rules change? Will it matter?
Highway, thank you. You been dere, done dat and saw it first hand.
We were told that since it was all a pack of lies, told by a couple where the wife ran the household, who had made demands on twi leadership and didn't get their way and were now hatefully and vindictively looking for revenge, that we didn't need to know what the actual accusations were. We were told to STAY OFF the INTERNET!!
This kinda sums up the whole conflict of RM's perposterous claim to "fully inform" everyone - they quickly devised a well orchestrated and executed plan to misinform their membership - by denying them the very truths and facts that would have kept them fully informed as to the nature of the "lies" and their definition of an "attack" on the Way. An attack perpetrated by the President of the Way himself and those closest to him!
Had no claims been made, no expectation would have been established. And of course, those claims were made in a press release. Were those statements distributed to everyone in the Way at that time? Did everyone even know what they were being "promised"?
Contrary to the claims of their PRC, there doesn't appear to have ever been an honest accounting of what was going on, who was involved, what the problems actually were, when they occured, how they were being handled, and without any effort to establish a reliable and consistent plan to followup with their members throughout the time period so as to continue to keep them fully informed so they could ultimately make their own minds up with honest conviction.
Rico said they "will", as Ham noted. They never did though. Call me a Negative Nick but doggon it - he sounds like he wasn't telling the truth. Or maybe he just got confused. Lost his memory. Amenesia. Had his cat taken hostage, threatened. Maybe...dunno.
That ain't right. Or as Larry the Cable Guy might say, "I don't care who you are, that ain't right".
Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory. They don't think about him anymore, and they've moved on. That sounds all fine and dandy except that there are MANY victims of his reign which were hurt. Families were torn apart and women were used, and that is to list only a few of the things. No form of counseling to help healing was done to my knowledge. The Koolaide drinkers are in the dark and "don't want to know" so they can still live the Verd (whatever the H that means.)
Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory.
Notawayfer - Yup, I hear you -"he's all gone now. The trouble makers have left". Story over. Or is it?
The very person who made the claims to fully inform is still hanging around apparently, as Rico was on video not long ago helping to chase off and keep people out of the Way Woods who felt they had a right to be on the property. So, come to think of it he's been working the mic fairly recently.
And what's really funny in a sad way, seeing the smarmy look on his face as he summarily and flatly denied that anyone had ever at any time made any statement to the effect that those of the Way would always have access to that property. He flat out denied, on video, that statement was ever made.
Now - the fact is that VPW did make that statement. He made it with the assumption that those who he was thinking of would be fully supportive members of the Way at the time. So there's a matter of interpretation and application there that needs to be sorted out, but denying it was every made is untrue. I'm sure he was made aware of that and chose to make the statement he did regardless. So it doesn't cast a good light on his veracity or of those around him.
So the problems are far from over. In fact, it would appear they're an accident waiting to happen.
The very person who made the claims to fully inform is still hanging around apparently, as Rico was on video not long ago helping to chase off and keep people out of the Way Woods who felt they had a right to be on the property. So, come to think of it he's been working the mic fairly recently.
So between public press releases, it seems they have him working the night shift, chasing undesirables out of da way woods..
"and on your way back, make sure you clean the oil spots and pick up the McDonald's wrappers from the parking lot in front of the brc.."
I just wonder.. does he have a brain of his own?
sorry socks.. I just know what they did to some of these guys.. I wonder if they are still on rosies groundskeeping crew between calls to the microphone..
Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory. ---"he's all gone now. The trouble makers have left". Story over.
That's the line I've gotten from the few innies I've run into since 2000.
The very person who made the claims to fully inform is still hanging around apparently...
I was in-rez with Rico and he was a delight... just a guy who was full of life and joy and enthusiasm for God back then. It's so sad to see what he has become. But once you buy into the big lie that twi is the best (aka ONLY) way to know and worship God, and you start climbing that leadership ladder, it's pretty hard to turn back. I think he is convinced that by keeping twi's lockbox secure, and keeping "god's ministry" safe from outside interference, he is doing God's most holy work. Really sad.
Occassionally innies who like being in show up and post here. They invariably claim that things are better now since they got rid of all the malcontents and bad leadership. Hey! That's us!
as long as rosie is in charge at twi, everything that goes on there will remain as current as all the evil she personally participated in with der victoid himself, as well as the doofus from okie. she is absolutely and fully knowledgeable of vic's sexual predation, his death from metastatic occular melanoma (hepatic metastasis as listed on the official death certificate, which is a required legal document), his physical and spiritual abuse of hundreds of innocent followers, financial fraud, blatant plagiarism, alcoholism, "intellectual" and personal dishonesty, pathological lying, unabashed nepotism, and all the other immoral and unethical behaviors vic habitualized himself to throughout his "ministry"! her dogged cover-up of the real facts of vic's public and personal life is not "ancient history"........it is current and persists to this day!
as is her cover-up of all the events surrounding geer's "putsch" in 1986, and all the lies that were told repeatedly then are repeated daily today, along with thousands more which her reign as mogette of twi has necessitated in the 20-plus years since!.......she knows the sordid details of king okie's reign as well as her soul-mate donna does......which is as detailed and horrid a pack of "memories" as anyone on the planet holds, besides king okie himself!..............this is current activity and behavior, and remains current as long as she and twi refuse to stop lying, covering their own sorry arses, and refusing to come clean about what their "ministry" is really all about!
she knows more of the "soup-to-nuts" facts than hapless rico will ever know!.......she's been covering for vic, king okie, coward allen, ding don wierwille, donna, and herself since at least 1986!........and she has not stopped covering-up and "whiting" the twi sepulchres since then..........and continues to this day to do the same.......again, no "ancient history" here.........it's as current as her "presidency" of "god's ministry"!!...........and, as long as she's in charge, or anyone she deems "faithful" enough is in trustee positions, the lies and cover-up will remain current..........if it ever does "get honest", twi will cease to exist, as will the extravagant lifestyle of those immoral, conscienceless, and pyschoemotionally dysfunctional enough to "serve" as its "leaders"!................the only chance folks have of uncovering the truth and facts about vic, king okie, twi, rosie, et al, is to read what's posted here at the greasespot by those who have personal, firsthand, knowledge of the facts, and reading books like kris skedgell's "losing the way"................as far as rico or any other twi innie ever exposing the facts "from A to Z"?........ROTFLOL!............not in their lifetime!!!..............................peace.
...sure enough, when he and his wife showed up at my home they had the printouts with them and confronted me for my online activities. I was officially declared "Mark and Avoid" a few days later.
Your online activities...
What kind of people monitor the online activities of the members of their church/congregation/ministry? That fax and research to determine who's posted what? That scurry around to stop anyone that might have a question they don't want to answer from even being present?
Why the extreme secrecy? That's just plain chicken sh!t. Not to give chicken sh!t a bad name.
That's fear, to put it mildly.
For an open ministry that say they share soup, nuts and everything from A to Z to keep people informed, why such measures to insure that you - "no matter WHO YOU ARE" per the PRC - WILL NOT be fully informed? Because you might share it with others online? What were they afraid of?
she knows more of the "soup-to-nuts" facts than hapless rico will ever know!.
as far as rico or any other twi innie ever exposing the facts "from A to Z"?........ROTFLOL!............not in their lifetime!!!.............................
I knew Rico, he was the WOW Program Director the year I went WOW, I had to deal with him several times on the phone and other wise.
Here's how I feel about him, I feel he is just a straight up filthy liar. I thought his wife was cute though.
I also felt Rico was a pimp for LCM Don and Howard picking all the hot tail from the WOW field for them to pillage, this is just how I feel, there may be no basis in fact for any of this.
What kind of people monitor the online activities of the members of their church/congregation/ministry? That fax and research to determine who's posted what? That scurry around to stop anyone that might have a question they don't want to answer from even being present?
Same thing happened to me.
I didn't admit to anything myself. Every time they asked me if I was "Twyril", I redirected by asking a pointed question about something the Trustees had done, or a topic in the WayAP class. That usually got them flustered and distracted for a while. I'm sure I wasn't fooling them, but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction that they had sucessfully figured out who I was posting as. At one point they tried to "trick" me by stumbling over the pronunciation of "Twyril" and looking at me expectantly, seeing if I would supply the correct pronunciation! :blink:
This is what TWI turned into in the 90's and 00's. No thought of actually teaching or helping people, nothing but circling the wagons and throwing those who deviated from the company line out.
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Great Thread((((Socks,))))!!!
I am going to be totally amazed reading this thread, if I read that anyone believes this statement by Rico Magnelli, I can't imagine that he himself believed it at that time, now or at
any other time...ever!!!
WayDale stirs up memories
August 8th, 1999
Rico Magnelli, public relations coordinator for The Way International, said that the Way's policy is to keep people fully informed.
"Anyone that has ever been involved in our ministry honestly knows that we explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts, to our followers. This has been the pattern since 1942 from the founding board of trustees clear through to the current trustees and leadership body. We want people to be fully informed because we understand people, no matter who they are, have to make up their own minds," Magnelli stated. ]
I'd sure like to meet anyone ever affiliated with TWI who still or ever believed this one!
I may have never known their egregiously sinful secrets, until this last year and a half; but that they had secrets throughout all my in time was blatantly apparent when no real answers
were given to legitimate questions! Their actions were definitely systematically premeditated in every sense!!!
Hey Sock's
Was he telling the truth? Anyone still involved that lurks here reading this, think - before you assume that they told you whatever you "really needed to know", ask the question - why did this guy tell the "outside" world that they were so intent on keeping you "fully informed" - if you weren't? If they never did? If this site and others is where you've found out information for the first time?
Questions that come to mind:
Does anyone know if Magnelli is still the PRC of the Way?
I don't know.
Anyone here that was in the Way during 1999 and 2000 remember them following through on the statement above to "explain decisions involving our ministry from A to Z, from soup to nuts"?
My above statement covers this one and I might add that any organization on the size level TWI was has never been that communicative or honest. TWI never was
either; and their dissections on all fronts have indisputably proven it
During that time period would anyone describe their level of knowledge of these events to be "fully informed", REGARDLESS OF WHO (YOU WERE) so that you could "make up (your) own minds"?
I was in from 1971 or 72? till about 1990,Then I was isolated and Marked and Avoided for ALL their standard set of reasons, which I might add is NO less cruel
than sexual, or verbal or ANY other form of abuse that was afflicted upon any other members by TWI members. I was isolated already by the world for keeping and raising MY Dear Son
who has many challenges from a rare chromosome deletion. Mark and Avoid is as cruel and evil a practice as imprisonment without evidence or a fair trial!!! There never were fair trials
in TWI!!! I listened to the tapes,DVD's and Magazine until about 2007; There were no disclosures in them only more disappearances of members and endless questions brewing in my
mind till Greasespot!!!!
Least we forget, we were ALL hurt in very devastating and diverse manners; and the pain and it's consequences do vary person to person, but we don't see all the whole of the matter, only,
GOD sees the totality of our individual lives!!! Incidentally, like many or most of us here or anywhere, I, also have been abused in every way possible, so, I feel my statement about the pains of
abuse is very very credible. None of Us ever goes through life unscathed!!! The most important lessen to me is not to be the abuser or repeat the cycles of abuse. We are All equal in
GOD's eyes. Abuses crops up when we become arrogant, judgmental and narcissistic!!!
Where and when did you get an "explanation" of the decisions?
I Never did to this day!!!
Edit sure is a good thing!!!
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According to Switchboard.com, Rico and Robin live in Botkins, so I'm sure they're still hanging around TWI. Is Rico still PR Manager? I don't know.
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I was involved during 1999 & 2000 and I can assure you, nothing was ever explained "A - B", let alone "A - Z".
We had, if I remember correctly, three meetings about the lawsuit and it's aftermath.
During the first meeting it was explained that a lawsuit was being filed against TWI and Martindale and that it involved sexual harrassment. Martindale admitted to a "one-time affair" that he had told his wife and the other Trustees about approximately one year before this announcement. Martindale claimed that he had been forgiven by his wife and that "everything had been handled according to The Word". We were told to report any press coverage of this lawsuit, but to not go on the internet looking for information.
The second meeting was to announce Martindale's stepping down as President. The reason given was to "protect the ministry" and Martindale's family.
The third meeting was to announce that Martindale was being removed from active Way Corps status, would no longer be considered clergy and that he was being put on probation until such a time as his actions indicated a change in heart.
It was never explained why, if everything has been handled "according to The Word" prior to the first meeting, Martindale was being put on probation. It was never explained why he was ousted after the lawsuit, but had been allowed to remain in a position of authority despite the other Trustees knowing what was going on. It was never explained exactly what his actions were that indicated that he needed to change. It was never explained why Donna Martindale was still allowed to stay in a position of responsibility. Any questions were met with the assertion that we were succumbing to internet gossip.
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This would be "handling it according to the Word":
1 Tim 5:19 Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.
20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
This would certainly fit in this context. Yet, Oakspear says, absolute minimum information or explanation was disclosed, and no questioning permitted. Whether the WC got any better explanation is also debatable.
And no explanation means definitely no rebuke.
The public/WC rebukes heaped upon people kicked out for fairly minor infractions or for "genuine spiritual suspicion" would be nothing compared to the tongue-lashing that LCM ought to heap upon himself. It would be Rosalie's job to do this publicly and comprehensively - and by not doing that, she too is open to rebuke (disregarding pro tem her involvement in LCM's escapades).
If this could be said to be true, one has to say that the "organized campaign" seems to have been organized by ... LCM!
Like Socks, I'm interested in responses from innies or post-2000 leavers.
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Nothing has ever been explained to this day, and never will be. Too many lawsuits would happen if they actually explained what happened. Their only goal is to make sure no more lawsuits happen.
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Thanks for the responses. I now this is ground that's been gone over many times before, but it amazes me that such a thing transpired and their members could today believe it was all handled appropriately. To me "fully informed" sounds like a big bag of wind.
Here's to whoever can prove me wrong.
Somewhere between Magnelli's soup and nuts, it got pretty lean.
RainbowsGirl - that's significant, I think. Thank you. Until 2007, nuttin' through tapes, DVD's or the Way Mag. 1999 and 2000 - I can see how that was a difficult time for everyone involved. It would have been right to follow through as stated though. By 2001, it's time to make good on the promise of some information on what had happened and what was going on.
GeorgeStGeorge, thank you for that. Botkins - nice little city as I recall.
Oaks - 3 meetings? One, he's being sued and it's being handled. Two, he's stepping down. Three, he's out, goodbye, see ya.
I wonder now if everyone nationwide was supposed to have those meetings, and if everyone did the same thing in them?
Looking back, do you think it amounted to them finding out more about what was going on with him and the others? (were others booted out along with him that weren't announced or just him, I wonder?)
I've been told - second hand, but from a source I consider reliable - that when he got to doing depositions, he "laid it all out" and told of numerous similar instances and gave forth a lot of details on what was going on.
That being the case, his original contention that the Allen lawsuit involved a concensual "affair" went south quickly, I'd imagine. Clearly it wasn't that "simple". He stepped down and no doubt it got complicated to say the least. I can't imagine what else went on during that period, but it got to the point he was stripped of all Way Corps and Clergy recognitions and fired. So there had to be at the very least some strong differences of opinion there as to how he was handling it.
So it sounds like those meetings you had addressed "what happened" (to a certain extent but not fully) but not the "why". Not enough to make up your mind about anything. What's to make the mind about? Nothing. Someone gives a version of what's happened and that's that. There's no information.
That puts people in a very difficult situation. All you can decide on is how to react to the report.
Twinky, thanks for that. And no explanation means definitely no rebuke. Indeed - they gave the impression it was all being handled. By who? How? What methods were being used, what standards?
Rosalie's job to do this publicly and comprehensively - one would think.
This whole thing opened up that there's a threat to the membership of the Way - they believe the "Adversary" is around every corner. Clearly the "Adversary" had gotten in. What better way to handle than to have a "fully informed" membership, that knows what's going on and what the threat is.
They've got people there now who think "he's all gone now" and everything's swell. But how could it be - those closest to the matters haven't all come forward and accounted for their own state and status. Or have they? I'd like to know if they have, it would make their PR man look and sound a whole lot better.
Livinlarge - I completely agree with that. Yet, it would make good sense to draw a line and do what Magnelli said they "do" - lay it all out, once and for all, and account for their own stewardship of their ministry.
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I wanted to add - like you RG, I look forward to anyone who can recount events that they believe substantiate Magnelli's claim.
I'm keying on what he said because of what his job was/is - Public Relations Coordinator. He addresses the "public" and handles messaging that speaks to the public.
One of the first things in PR is - shut up. Don't motor mouth. Anything you say can and will be repeated a 1,000 times, so make sure it's what you mean and what you want to have repeated.
Like LCM - I can see why they put a bag over him. He loved to talk and rattle on extemporaneously on anything and everything that buzzed his bonnet. Once he got a head of steam going he'd amp up and go in a 100 different directions, with seemingly no thought for if he made any sense or not. That's my opinion of course, but even long before 1999, that's the way he was.
Basically, a PRC's worst nightmare - someone who can't control what they say and defends what they say as being "inspired".
Still - the PRC hisself made a clear point, in descriptive language - of the Way's history and ongoing desire to make sure their members know what's going on because they need to, to make up their own minds.
I doubt that a man hired to manage messaging would mishandle such statements as he made.
I'd say this defines what they consider "fully informed". It's "need to know - and you don't".
I won't outright say the man's a liar - although it appears that he was. Maybe he believed what he was saying. Maybe he got caught in the cross fire and was as surprised as everyone else when he learned they weren't, in fact, going to be going A to Z through everything for their peep's. Maybe he got spanked for saying that and hoped it would just disappear. Maybe his alphabet soup ran short on nuts.
Dunno. :blink:
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I see this is the last statement he gave regarding the matter.. and it's been almost EIGHT YEARS. I wonder if he's struggling with grammar and spelling issues, working over the fiftieth revision for release..
I mean, he said we WILL release something, didn't he?
Rico lie? Naw...
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Whether Rico believed what he was saying or not is a moot point. He had to sell the company line and the man did his job each day he knew he wasn't fit for work anywhere else after working for TWI. His being the PRC for TWI was probably the highlight of his career.
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Well, I don't think it would exactly look so good on a resume.. I'm sure they check how one performs how well they function as a p.r. person. He didn't exactly pull twi's reputation out to the fire, or anything..
then staff in the 90's wasn't what it used to be either. He may have worn the p.r. hat.. but between sorting out peas, peanuts and press releases from the lawsuits, they probably had him cleaning the parking lot..
I dunno.. maybe he got the priviledge to "coordinate" the cleaning of rosie's swimming pool..
I know of some staff they did that kind of thing to.. crushed professional type people with micro-management and menial labor that any reputable company would contract out to a cleaning business..
true. I think they just couldn't put enough spin on anything lawsuit related to make it look "good".
"we PREVAILED.. only lost 16 million when we coulda lost 50.."
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The lack of information is one of the reasons why those of us who left 7 - 8 years ago left. Many of us turned to WayDale & GSC for our information because we weren't getting it "inside". Heck, Don Wierwille was dead 5 days before it was announced in fellowships.
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That is exactly how it happened. The first meeting was in April, the second just a couple weeks later, and the third was in August.
These meetings were coordinated VERY precisely across the nation. They were phone hookups, with taped remarks from Martindale and Rivenbark (maybe others, too, I don't remember) They were supposed to happen at exactly the same time for everyone. I specifically got outed by the WayGB when I posted that our third local meeting had not yet taken place in my area yet. I didn't realize at the time that only a very few areas had been given permission to postpone that meeting from its designated time. The WayGB read that, then faxed my collected posts to those few areas and asked the leaders if they could recognize the poster and mine did from other details I had mentioned online. He called me THAT DAY to say, "Don't bother showing up for the meeting, I'll meet with you separately." I knew immediately I was in trouble, and sure enough, when he and his wife showed up at my home they had the printouts with them and confronted me for my online activities. I was officially declared "Mark and Avoid" a few days later.
Oh, don't kid yourself... they all knew the whole time EXACTLY what had been going on... Wayne C---p, and several other clergy had confronted them about it, and what did it get them? Booted and black-listed!!
To the best of my recollection, no one else was booted but Martindale. Others named in the lawsuit as part of the conspiracy either still hold their positions today or simply faded away over the past few years, stepping down for one reason or another.
This is exactly what happened. (I have this from a very well-placed inside source.) They did the depositions and the lawyers got to ask questions, and Martindale and Rivenbark both gave testimony that clearly indicated this kind of thing had been going on for some time and a lot of people knew about it. This is backed up by the Judge's statements that enough information had been given that he felt a jury should decide on the count of conspiracy, and he would not remove it from the lawsuit as twi requested.
It is NOT coincidence that it was a few days after his deposition hearing that Martindale was put on probation.
I'm guessing he "handled" it the same way he "handled" POP, which was to spiral into a depression so deep that they had people watching him and got him lots of medication. What we know for certain is that he was shipped to Toledo, to live in a house owned by Dr. Z--a, (twi's pet physician) for a few years before he got his own place. This was a man with delusions of godhood, who had a WHOLE lot of twi skeletons in his closet, who was depressed and unstable and probably angry as well... what would you do with him?
At the meetings they told us what they wanted us to believe -- that the ministry was under attack -- that it was a one-time consensual affair. That Martindale had messed up due to the great pressure he was under as the Moggy and opened this door for the devil to move, but that it was OUR ministry (God's chosen ministry) and it was up to us to pray and believe and support the leadership as we moved through this troubling and difficult time TOGETHER. We were told that it would only help the devil if we went online looking for details; talking to copouts and looking to stir up dirt, etc. etc. We were told that since it was all a pack of lies, told by a couple where the wife ran the household, who had made demands on twi leadership and didn't get their way and were now hatefully and vindictively looking for revenge, that we didn't need to know what the actual accusations were. We were told to STAY OFF the INTERNET!!
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Hmmmmm. Illuminating information on those years. Thanks everyone! Again, I know this has been discussed before and posted on. It's really interesting to read it, in the context of those years you all experienced firsthand.
And significant - this isn't ancient history, old days long gone, way back when the earth was cooling and hippies sprang forth out of the ground it seemed, populating the Weirwille's ancestral farm. This is recent, involving the current regime that's formed at the Way, just a few years ago. This occured about 8 years ago, and continued in context for the next few years. So it's bumping right up into 2007, 2008.
Chaster, hi!
His being the PRC for TWI was probably the highlight of his career.
Anyone know if he came from a Communications or Journalism background? Anything related? Or just an assignment gone terribly awry? :blink:
Hamlingston said:
I think they just couldn't put enough spin on anything lawsuit related to make it look "good".
I've thought about that - lipstick on a pig, pretty much. The way they handled it seemed to be to go underground, stealth. Somebody must've gotten some Preparation-M and used it because it sounds like the basic message was "shut the f*k up and don't say anything that isn't written and approved".
Which kinda makes sense - lawsuits and all. But what an opportunity missed!!!! Seriously, the chance to get the previous 10-12 years behind them by getting some fresh air in, opening up the lines of communication and building something based on fresh, honest and open effort. "Fully informed", indeedy.
Minimal information. They must have known that the information would get out, so they told us about the lawsuit, but nothing more.
The lack of information is one of the reasons why those of us who left 7 - 8 years ago left. Many of us turned to WayDale & GSC for our information because we weren't getting it "inside". Heck, Don Wierwille was dead 5 days before it was announced in fellowships.
I'm catching again the simple point - "Mark and Avoid" was enacted for many of those who wanted to have what had, in fact, been promised them. What any reasonable person would want or expect even if they hadn't read it in the paper - Magnelli's statement that all of the information, noups to suts, R to M, would be handled so everyone could make up their own minds.
OUCH!!! That ain't right. Innies-think about it. What promises have been made to you, in perhaps perfectly good faith by those locally, that won't be delivered? Will the rules change? Will it matter?
Highway, thank you. You been dere, done dat and saw it first hand.
We were told that since it was all a pack of lies, told by a couple where the wife ran the household, who had made demands on twi leadership and didn't get their way and were now hatefully and vindictively looking for revenge, that we didn't need to know what the actual accusations were. We were told to STAY OFF the INTERNET!!
This kinda sums up the whole conflict of RM's perposterous claim to "fully inform" everyone - they quickly devised a well orchestrated and executed plan to misinform their membership - by denying them the very truths and facts that would have kept them fully informed as to the nature of the "lies" and their definition of an "attack" on the Way. An attack perpetrated by the President of the Way himself and those closest to him!
Had no claims been made, no expectation would have been established. And of course, those claims were made in a press release. Were those statements distributed to everyone in the Way at that time? Did everyone even know what they were being "promised"?
Contrary to the claims of their PRC, there doesn't appear to have ever been an honest accounting of what was going on, who was involved, what the problems actually were, when they occured, how they were being handled, and without any effort to establish a reliable and consistent plan to followup with their members throughout the time period so as to continue to keep them fully informed so they could ultimately make their own minds up with honest conviction.
Rico said they "will", as Ham noted. They never did though. Call me a Negative Nick but doggon it - he sounds like he wasn't telling the truth. Or maybe he just got confused. Lost his memory. Amenesia. Had his cat taken hostage, threatened. Maybe...dunno.
That ain't right. Or as Larry the Cable Guy might say, "I don't care who you are, that ain't right".
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Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory. They don't think about him anymore, and they've moved on. That sounds all fine and dandy except that there are MANY victims of his reign which were hurt. Families were torn apart and women were used, and that is to list only a few of the things. No form of counseling to help healing was done to my knowledge. The Koolaide drinkers are in the dark and "don't want to know" so they can still live the Verd (whatever the H that means.)
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Today's Koolaide is that LCM is a far gone memory.
Notawayfer - Yup, I hear you -"he's all gone now. The trouble makers have left". Story over. Or is it?
The very person who made the claims to fully inform is still hanging around apparently, as Rico was on video not long ago helping to chase off and keep people out of the Way Woods who felt they had a right to be on the property. So, come to think of it he's been working the mic fairly recently.
And what's really funny in a sad way, seeing the smarmy look on his face as he summarily and flatly denied that anyone had ever at any time made any statement to the effect that those of the Way would always have access to that property. He flat out denied, on video, that statement was ever made.
Now - the fact is that VPW did make that statement. He made it with the assumption that those who he was thinking of would be fully supportive members of the Way at the time. So there's a matter of interpretation and application there that needs to be sorted out, but denying it was every made is untrue. I'm sure he was made aware of that and chose to make the statement he did regardless. So it doesn't cast a good light on his veracity or of those around him.
So the problems are far from over. In fact, it would appear they're an accident waiting to happen.
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So between public press releases, it seems they have him working the night shift, chasing undesirables out of da way woods..
"and on your way back, make sure you clean the oil spots and pick up the McDonald's wrappers from the parking lot in front of the brc.."
I just wonder.. does he have a brain of his own?
sorry socks.. I just know what they did to some of these guys.. I wonder if they are still on rosies groundskeeping crew between calls to the microphone..
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That's the line I've gotten from the few innies I've run into since 2000.
I was in-rez with Rico and he was a delight... just a guy who was full of life and joy and enthusiasm for God back then. It's so sad to see what he has become. But once you buy into the big lie that twi is the best (aka ONLY) way to know and worship God, and you start climbing that leadership ladder, it's pretty hard to turn back. I think he is convinced that by keeping twi's lockbox secure, and keeping "god's ministry" safe from outside interference, he is doing God's most holy work. Really sad.
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And there is one I really WISH would post here.. apparently he is not "vindictive" enough- YET..
*they* ground some of these guys manhood into the ground.. reduced them to utter sub-servience..
all in the name of God, of course..
sadly, "god" looks a lot like rosie..
I think conditions were even far worse, after loy's departure..
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Occassionally innies who like being in show up and post here. They invariably claim that things are better now since they got rid of all the malcontents and bad leadership. Hey! That's us!
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hiya fellow greasespotters!
as long as rosie is in charge at twi, everything that goes on there will remain as current as all the evil she personally participated in with der victoid himself, as well as the doofus from okie. she is absolutely and fully knowledgeable of vic's sexual predation, his death from metastatic occular melanoma (hepatic metastasis as listed on the official death certificate, which is a required legal document), his physical and spiritual abuse of hundreds of innocent followers, financial fraud, blatant plagiarism, alcoholism, "intellectual" and personal dishonesty, pathological lying, unabashed nepotism, and all the other immoral and unethical behaviors vic habitualized himself to throughout his "ministry"! her dogged cover-up of the real facts of vic's public and personal life is not "ancient history"........it is current and persists to this day!
as is her cover-up of all the events surrounding geer's "putsch" in 1986, and all the lies that were told repeatedly then are repeated daily today, along with thousands more which her reign as mogette of twi has necessitated in the 20-plus years since!.......she knows the sordid details of king okie's reign as well as her soul-mate donna does......which is as detailed and horrid a pack of "memories" as anyone on the planet holds, besides king okie himself!..............this is current activity and behavior, and remains current as long as she and twi refuse to stop lying, covering their own sorry arses, and refusing to come clean about what their "ministry" is really all about!
she knows more of the "soup-to-nuts" facts than hapless rico will ever know!.......she's been covering for vic, king okie, coward allen, ding don wierwille, donna, and herself since at least 1986!........and she has not stopped covering-up and "whiting" the twi sepulchres since then..........and continues to this day to do the same.......again, no "ancient history" here.........it's as current as her "presidency" of "god's ministry"!!...........and, as long as she's in charge, or anyone she deems "faithful" enough is in trustee positions, the lies and cover-up will remain current..........if it ever does "get honest", twi will cease to exist, as will the extravagant lifestyle of those immoral, conscienceless, and pyschoemotionally dysfunctional enough to "serve" as its "leaders"!................the only chance folks have of uncovering the truth and facts about vic, king okie, twi, rosie, et al, is to read what's posted here at the greasespot by those who have personal, firsthand, knowledge of the facts, and reading books like kris skedgell's "losing the way"................as far as rico or any other twi innie ever exposing the facts "from A to Z"?........ROTFLOL!............not in their lifetime!!!..............................peace.
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...sure enough, when he and his wife showed up at my home they had the printouts with them and confronted me for my online activities. I was officially declared "Mark and Avoid" a few days later.
Your online activities...
What kind of people monitor the online activities of the members of their church/congregation/ministry? That fax and research to determine who's posted what? That scurry around to stop anyone that might have a question they don't want to answer from even being present?
Why the extreme secrecy? That's just plain chicken sh!t. Not to give chicken sh!t a bad name.
That's fear, to put it mildly.
For an open ministry that say they share soup, nuts and everything from A to Z to keep people informed, why such measures to insure that you - "no matter WHO YOU ARE" per the PRC - WILL NOT be fully informed? Because you might share it with others online? What were they afraid of?
Full disclosure? "The truth shall set you free."
Details? "The truth shall set you free."
Bad publicity? "The truth shall set you free."
Shame and guilt? "The truth shall set you free."
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she knows more of the "soup-to-nuts" facts than hapless rico will ever know!.
as far as rico or any other twi innie ever exposing the facts "from A to Z"?........ROTFLOL!............not in their lifetime!!!.............................
It's true, isn't it?
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Seth R.
I knew Rico, he was the WOW Program Director the year I went WOW, I had to deal with him several times on the phone and other wise.
Here's how I feel about him, I feel he is just a straight up filthy liar. I thought his wife was cute though.
I also felt Rico was a pimp for LCM Don and Howard picking all the hot tail from the WOW field for them to pillage, this is just how I feel, there may be no basis in fact for any of this.
Any way that felt good to get off my chest.
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Same thing happened to me.
I didn't admit to anything myself. Every time they asked me if I was "Twyril", I redirected by asking a pointed question about something the Trustees had done, or a topic in the WayAP class. That usually got them flustered and distracted for a while. I'm sure I wasn't fooling them, but I didn't want to give them the satisfaction that they had sucessfully figured out who I was posting as. At one point they tried to "trick" me by stumbling over the pronunciation of "Twyril" and looking at me expectantly, seeing if I would supply the correct pronunciation! :blink:
This is what TWI turned into in the 90's and 00's. No thought of actually teaching or helping people, nothing but circling the wagons and throwing those who deviated from the company line out.
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