That was just beautiful and it was nice that He left us to decide individually the purpose and the impact!!!
To Me it is a portrayal of Love and Music being the universal languages...sometimes speaking without words conveys the heart far more than volumes and volumes of words!!!
I Like this Poem from:
Share a Poem
by Faye Kilday
The Universal Language Of Love
There is a universal language that is spoken by all -
Both on Earth and in the heavens above.
It's a beautiful language that flows from the heart
and its universal name is love.
The language of love uses thoughts and feelings
to express what it wants to say,
It's the language that God uses all the time when
He speaks to you each day.
It's a heavenly language that communicates with
smiles, affection and tenderness,
And its unspoken words will touch your heart and
fill your soul with bliss.
The language of love is a gift from God that is truly
Dave---It was dropped in my email yesterday by a friend who got it from her daughter who is a young art student..Its making the rounds, if you go to Youtube (which has a clear Hi def version) you'll notice it has over 9 million hits--as well it should.
As far as the music the only thing I know is what was on the tail end of the video at about 4:20--
which says:
Music by Garry Shymann
Drums and engineering by Dan Blessinger
Guitar Ken Dukes
Vocals Palbasha Siddique
Concert Master Belinda Brennan
Lyrics adapted from "Stream of Life"
from "Gitanjali" by Rajindranath Tagore
Praan is available on Amazon MP3
you may want to re go to the video and check some of the spelling on those names
Rainbows Girl
Thanks for the poem-I couldnt agree with you more
I didnt really know where to post this originally
and was going to post it on songs that make you cry
as it was so good that it brought me to the verge--
but it didnt seem to fit in with what else was there
Glad you dont think Im off my rocker--but see it for what it is
and Dave lets us know when you work out the song--or what else you find out about it--I'd love to hear it when you get it down
If You go to the You Tube, there is an entire series of "where The Hell Is Matt?"
The answer to Your question is in one of His three lecture series. I listened to them all but can't remember the exact one. The 2nd 0ne I think?
I will find it and post it!
In His many travels He went to many countries where ancient languages are dying off and He mention this one He used was one and the other details that You seek.
Hey ((((Mstar1)))),
In my opinion, You are anything good and pure, never could You be off Your Rocker...unless it is a chair!
David Here it is:It is about 16 minutes in that He talks about this! His lectures series are very interesting and so are His other travel videos."Where the Hell is Matt?" Lecture Part 2 of 3....It is a dying language of the Solomon Islands
In my opinion, You are anything good and pure, never could You be off Your Rocker...unless it is a chair!
I Love You too, RainbowsGirl
Thanks RG I needed to hear that---Ive been asked to give a talk on color which to me is another amazing universal language -like dance or music--for a bunch of big woop de doo people which is coming up soon---Im not a public speaker but Ive dealt with use of color for over 30 years-----i was researching it yesterday and as I reflected and the pieces fell together--I figured that these people will either think Im totally out of my mind or hopefully like Matt striving to communicate something that is beyond the ability of words to convey.
The video synchronistically showed up for me at the right time---but I have to admit Im still alittle nervous about how Ill pull it off and if I can get it to the level that it really deserves...your reinforcement helps
Thanks RG I needed to hear that---Ive been asked to give a talk on color which to me is another amazing universal language -like dance or music--for a bunch of big woop de doo people which is coming up soon---Im not a public speaker but Ive dealt with use of color for over 30 years-----i was researching it yesterday and as I reflected and the pieces fell together--I figured that these people will either think Im totally out of my mind or hopefully like Matt striving to communicate something that is beyond the ability of words to convey.The video synchronistically showed up for me at the right time---but I have to admit Im still alittle nervous about how Ill pull it off and if I can get it to the level that it really deserves...your reinforcement helpsThanks--Love you too!
Mstar, I would just love to be there at Your meeting when You deliver Your talk on color; Prisms, spectrograph's, refracted light, kaleidoscopes and rainbows fascinate me. Maybe, You would be able to record it or in someway be able to share it here somehow??? I certainly hope so, but in any case I am sure that You will "bend" their minds a little and indelibly color their thoughts!!!This is how I hope Jesus Christ is Preparing "my Place" with Prism Walls of LightWPP Prism Wall -
Edited by RainbowsGirl
About 15 years ago I worked in large white room and I made a spinning mobile out of dichroic glass, similar to that stuff , that I had leftover from another project and hung it near the brightest window......I honestly didnt get much work done as multi colors spent the day dancing on the ceilings and walls as I worked--too often it had me too mesmerized to work...theres is something about the spontaneous emotional appeal of pure color alive in light that belongs o the region of poetry
and has a reach far beyond mere words....
anyway ---I better get back to Matt---speaking of poetry I found the lyrics to that original song that dave was asking about--
The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day
runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.
It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth
in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth
and of death, in ebb and in flow.
I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.
The whole thing "Gitanjali" by Rabindranath Tagore (its a little lengthy but well worth it)
The poem was an excellent read, long yes, but worth it!
It's nice that this may be the origin of the music!
I now have listened to all the You Tubes in the "Where The Hell Is Matt?" series.
His unique approach to life and travel is so refreshing! He really puts in His all , heart, soul, mind and body...the full experience. He is a wealth of information too due to this thorough
Mstar, thanks for posting that! Very enjoyable - like Rainbows Girl was saying it's refreshing. I found that snippet of poetry really cool too and after scanning thru the link you gave - I converted the whole page into a PDF so I can look at it later...Wish you the best on your presentation about color - just be yourself like you are here at Grease Spot and you'll be fine. I always enjoy reading your posts...and anyone who can work a tough crowd like this café is OK in my book .
Wow! That was sooo cool, and very important in a social/cultural kinda way, people and places all over the world dancing the jig! Aw man if only I could do that dance.....
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That was just beautiful and it was nice that He left us to decide individually the purpose and the impact!!!
To Me it is a portrayal of Love and Music being the universal languages...sometimes speaking without words conveys the heart far more than volumes and volumes of words!!!
I Like this Poem from:
Share a Poem
by Faye Kilday
The Universal Language Of Love
There is a universal language that is spoken by all -
Both on Earth and in the heavens above.
It's a beautiful language that flows from the heart
and its universal name is love.
The language of love uses thoughts and feelings
to express what it wants to say,
It's the language that God uses all the time when
He speaks to you each day.
It's a heavenly language that communicates with
smiles, affection and tenderness,
And its unspoken words will touch your heart and
fill your soul with bliss.
The language of love is a gift from God that is truly
an inspiration,
And it's the only language you'll ever need to
communicate with all of creation.
© Faye Kilday 2002
Oh and Matt, Where ever You are....I hope it is with many of Your loving friends!!!
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Mstar --- that was one of the MOST compelling tunes I've heard in a coon's age. Who did it??
Do you know? I was absolutely captivated by it. Am working it out on mando, fiddle, organ and piano.
Good Gawd that's a haunting tune!! I closed my eyes listening to it, so the video became a moot point.
The music was the best part. So well executed. I didn't understand a word, but the music spoke for itself.
Where did you find this???
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Dave---It was dropped in my email yesterday by a friend who got it from her daughter who is a young art student..Its making the rounds, if you go to Youtube (which has a clear Hi def version) you'll notice it has over 9 million hits--as well it should.
As far as the music the only thing I know is what was on the tail end of the video at about 4:20--
which says:
Music by Garry Shymann
Drums and engineering by Dan Blessinger
Guitar Ken Dukes
Vocals Palbasha Siddique
Concert Master Belinda Brennan
Lyrics adapted from "Stream of Life"
from "Gitanjali" by Rajindranath Tagore
Praan is available on Amazon MP3
you may want to re go to the video and check some of the spelling on those names
Rainbows Girl
Thanks for the poem-I couldnt agree with you more
I didnt really know where to post this originally
and was going to post it on songs that make you cry
as it was so good that it brought me to the verge--
but it didnt seem to fit in with what else was there
Glad you dont think Im off my rocker--but see it for what it is
and Dave lets us know when you work out the song--or what else you find out about it--I'd love to hear it when you get it down
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If You go to the You Tube, there is an entire series of "where The Hell Is Matt?"
The answer to Your question is in one of His three lecture series. I listened to them all but can't remember the exact one. The 2nd 0ne I think?
I will find it and post it!
In His many travels He went to many countries where ancient languages are dying off and He mention this one He used was one and the other details that You seek.
Hey ((((Mstar1)))),
In my opinion, You are anything good and pure, never could You be off Your Rocker...unless it is a chair!
I Love You too, RainbowsGirl
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David Here it is:It is about 16 minutes in that He talks about this! His lectures series are very interesting and so are His other travel videos."Where the Hell is Matt?" Lecture Part 2 of 3....It is a dying language of the Solomon Islands
Edited by RainbowsGirlLink to comment
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Thanks RG I needed to hear that---Ive been asked to give a talk on color which to me is another amazing universal language -like dance or music--for a bunch of big woop de doo people which is coming up soon---Im not a public speaker but Ive dealt with use of color for over 30 years-----i was researching it yesterday and as I reflected and the pieces fell together--I figured that these people will either think Im totally out of my mind or hopefully like Matt striving to communicate something that is beyond the ability of words to convey.
The video synchronistically showed up for me at the right time---but I have to admit Im still alittle nervous about how Ill pull it off and if I can get it to the level that it really deserves...your reinforcement helps
Thanks--Love you too!
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Outtakes that didnt make original cut
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Cool Stuff--It looks like dichroic glass,
About 15 years ago I worked in large white room and I made a spinning mobile out of dichroic glass, similar to that stuff , that I had leftover from another project and hung it near the brightest window......I honestly didnt get much work done as multi colors spent the day dancing on the ceilings and walls as I worked--too often it had me too mesmerized to work...theres is something about the spontaneous emotional appeal of pure color alive in light that belongs o the region of poetry
and has a reach far beyond mere words....
anyway ---I better get back to Matt---speaking of poetry I found the lyrics to that original song that dave was asking about--
The whole thing "Gitanjali" by Rabindranath Tagore (its a little lengthy but well worth it)
can be read HERE
with an introduction by William Butler Yeats
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The poem was an excellent read, long yes, but worth it!
It's nice that this may be the origin of the music!
I now have listened to all the You Tubes in the "Where The Hell Is Matt?" series.
His unique approach to life and travel is so refreshing! He really puts in His all , heart, soul, mind and body...the full experience. He is a wealth of information too due to this thorough
approach to travel!
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Mstar, thanks for posting that! Very enjoyable - like Rainbows Girl was saying it's refreshing. I found that snippet of poetry really cool too and after scanning thru the link you gave - I converted the whole page into a PDF so I can look at it later...Wish you the best on your presentation about color - just be yourself like you are here at Grease Spot and you'll be fine. I always enjoy reading your posts...and anyone who can work a tough crowd like this café is OK in my book
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Wow! That was sooo cool, and very important in a social/cultural kinda way, people and places all over the world dancing the jig! Aw man if only I could do that dance.....
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