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standing in the gap


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I'm sure there were some loving members who ACTUALLY WERE standing in the gap through prayer for those around them and situations abounding, but I think unfortunately, to most it was a catch phrase that sounded good.

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Good point Bride,

I think that anybody who would be effectively stand in the gap would also be the least likely to beat someone over the head with it.

What a condescending bunch of smarmy self promoting ingrates. :realmad:



Edited by JeffSjo
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  Twinky said:
I'm another who's still trying to "know" JC rather than just what he wants. Am getting there...

I know God is faithful, I know Him as a Father, just still finding out more about JC as my Big Brother.

Since this thread is also about how TWI steered us clear of Jesus I wanted to share this. It is NOT NOT NOT about the trinity.


I see this and I smile, but I gotta tell ya twinky et al--you already know Him well. Do you know your bible? As ex-way I BET you do. Who is the living word? Jesus.

Do you think that you bypass Him to know the father? No. The father is WELL PLEASED in the Son and loves Him with a burning love we do not even comprehend. He, The Father, put all things under subjection to the Son. That includes you. The only way--only way--only way--you know God, is through Jesus. He is God's heart to you.

He that has seen Me has seen the Father--not an orientalism-or figure of speech--it is the truth.

The Father is in Me and I am in the Father. The words I speak are not my own. The Father who lives in Me does His works.

Twinky, you KNOW Him. That is the way you know God. It is so simple

It is not some secret initiation. Or something others have that you have to work at---you already HAVE Him. And He loves you. All fullness dwells in HIm.

He is the way God has expressed Himself to you. No other way. He is the way. That is it. Christ is ALL and in ALL. He is EVERYTHING to a believer.

You already read His heart for you--you pray to Him--you know Him.

By HIm all things were created and hold together. No other way will get you to God. Not tossing His name in at the end of prayer---you are actually praying IN HIS NAME.

For now--call Him Bro-Uncle-cuz-dude I don't care--just call Him Lord. He is who you already know--No big secret--TWI messed with that one real good. Rascal was so right.

My sincere LOVE to you! In His name.

By No other name are we saved. :)

BTW--I read your posts and have experienced a bit of your sweet tender heart--you KNOW him WELL!!

Edited by geisha779
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  rascal said:
Does it seem to anybody else like we were systematically distanced from Jesus, the true shepherd?

Does it seem like to anybody else that studying, witnessing, tithing, participation in programs, obedience to men of God, replaced the walk of the spirit?

That scripture memorized, classes run, programs completed became the measure of ones spirituality, rather than fruit of the spirit?

Formulas, and principles, replaced our walk of the spirit.

Yes! I feel that at least by the late eighties, we were trained to be Pharisees that looked good on the outside with all our nametags and way credentials. We eventually learned a faith that was dead like James talks about--pretty convenient that we didn't read part of James too often and it was not written to us.

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I am sooo glad you hang out here. I love "hearing" from you after all these years!


You will get there. I spent years just so ashamed of myself. One day as I was praying (and feeling pretty crummy) I remembered how Jesus dealt with the woman caught in adultury. He said you're forgiven and go and sin no more. It was at that point that I realized that it was time for me to start moving on-I didn't have to stay crying in the dirt so to speak. I tried to imagine what it must have been like for that woman who was spared her life and who got to look in his compassionate eyes. I know my shepherd rejoiced when he got to bring me back into the flock. (I consider it that because I had stopped having Jesus Christ my Lord--instead it was twi leadership)

I have enjoyed Is 61--verse 7 mentions no longer having shame or disgrace but instead receiving double portions and rejoicing in our inheritance.

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I know what you mean, I remember old vic telling us he stood in the gap for "his people" many times.  He would say he prayed for each and every WOW ever day, for all the in residence corps, for all the leadership out on the field for the ones in the UK, for all the ones abroad on all the continents.  I remember thinking at the time that he would have time to do nothing else with his day if he really prayed for all those people every day, heck my prayer list was tons shorter by comparison and I had trouble getting enough time to do it, how could he do it?  It was even attributed to vp that catastrophic weather and occurrences in America such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, were somehow abated due to him "standing in the gap".  

I even remeber getting a tape on the wow field from vp where he talked about a wow in Liousianna had sent him a voodoo doll that a voodoo witch had given the wow as a hex and a curse over the wow.  The wow had looked to vp as a spiritual one to "stand in the gap" for him to nullify the hex.  

Thinking of how vp handled Kristen Skegells requests for spiritual help in a critical situation on the podcast Paw has on GS, by ignoring her problem, reminding her it would impact their special times together, and then proceeding to please himself,  we all were in a world of hurt if we relied upon him for real help in time of need, thanks be to God and Christ for being the ones to stand in the gap for real.  

I heard once that some eastern religions teach if you take the credit, praise and thanks from men for things here on earth it nullifies your ability to be recognized for the deed in heaven, sounds like humility to me.

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Hi Rascal,

If others testimony are true (which I believe they are) then it seems the leaders were doing something else in the "gap" while the rest of us stood in the C-r.a-p. :)


Edited by Seth R.
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