1. The most important red flag one should consider and the first question one should ask when considering a church or religious organization to become a part of is: Does this group believe in the Christian Orthodox Historical concept of The Trinity? If they do not, then run, do not walk, away from this organization. Most Christian cults are anti-Trinitarian and will often use this as the basis for their religious organization altogether. Victor Paul Wierwille, founder of TWI, even wrote a book “Jesus Christ is Not God” and this became the cornerstone teaching of The Way.
If the group is anti-Trinitarian (they will not refer to their organization or beliefs as such, but essentially, this is what it will boil down to once their specific doctrine on this subject is examined), then they can’t be Christian. These groups will argue vehemently say that this is not so – that merely because they do not uphold this belief does not indicate they are a non-Christian group. They will firmly claim that they “follow Jesus Christ” and therefore must be considered Christian. The fact remains – they either know the Biblical Judeo/Christian God and teach this, or they do not. This God is a God in three distinct persons, all a part of the same ONE God. If they do not, and they teach anything other than Jesus Christ WAS God as He is depicted in John Chapter 1 (see especially verses 1 – 14), then they can not be Christian.
2. Does this group have a charismatic (usually male) founder who received “new revelation” or heard directly from God or an angel, concerning Biblical issues that are distinctive to this group? Does the group consider that this founder/ leader/ teacher/prophet – has the only information from God that is “correct” or “right” or the only information that can lead to salvation? Is this leader “perfect” and never to be questioned?
3. Does this group consider that they are the only “true” Christian group and that all other mainstream Christian sects are “corrupt” or have “fallen away” from the truth? They will often be anti-Catholic and anti-Jew and be very open about this.
4. Does the organization teach that the Bible is flawed, missing parts, improperly translated and corrupted?
5. Is the group public about all the money it receives and what it does with it? Does the organization make a periodic public statement that members can obtain concerning what is happening with all the finances of the organization? If the answer is no to this, that is a worrisome concern and should be considered a sign that this organization has something to hide.
If there were any “yes” answers to 1-4 and a “no” to 5, it would be very wise to reconsider any type of involvement what-so-ever with a group that meets these criteria. The very least one should do is research the group thoroughly before becoming involved in an activity or attending any meetings or worship services. This by no means indicates that without exception, the group must be a cult if they agree with the list above, but it certainly heightens their chances of being one. I urge anyone considering an organization with the beliefs described above to reconsider. I hope to help others avoid the heartache that became a six year nightmare for me and my family and almost led to my taking my life. Be aware, be informed, be suspicious when you encounter the description above. Don’t take a step that could mean ruin for your life.
Remember this – if a person only knows the Jesus or the god that these cults teach, it could mean that they face eternal damnation. Regardless of how passionate one feels they believe, regardless of how one feels they are serving God, if they don’t know God, then they can’t serve Him. For example – if I believe with all my heart that Louis Farakahan is who he claims to be, Elijah – who is the “true” Jesus Christ, and I believe this with all my heart and every fiber of my being. I believe that as Jesus Christ, Farakahan is my Savior and therefore, I believe I am saved by Jesus – am I saved? Of course not. Jesus Himself warns of this very thing:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
- Matthew 7:21-23
I’ve had Mormons in particular write to me and tell me that their “testimony is strong” and if I choose to answer their very passionate e-mails, I won’t be able to persuade them that the Mormon Church isn’t the only “true” church on earth. I write back telling them that I hope and pray they will lose that testimony because regardless of how strongly they feel, if they don’t know Jesus, then they have nothing. If they don’t know the TRUE Jesus of the Bible, the ONLY Jesus who can save them, if they only know the Jesus of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or The Way International or Mormonism or of Farakahan – then they don’t know Jesus. If they don’t know Jesus, no matter how lovely or wonderful they believe their organization is, they are lost, and if they take their final breath believing in their organization’s version of Jesus instead of having the true Jesus in their heart, they’ll die lost. I don’t wish this for anyone, and most importantly, Jesus doesn’t wish this for a single soul, because he died for ALL, and wants everyone to come to Him
BTWW I can't understand why this is still a dispute--
It's still "in dispute" because not everyone agrees with you. There are some who use the pejorative label "cult" to describe those who disagree with them on some issues, while others define a cult as a group that follows certain behaviors.
Just returned from a short visit to Paris. Visited Notre Dame while I was there. This is a hugely significant church to the French people. Interestingly, right at the entrance, there is a notice in French and English - the French version stating that this is a church dedicated to the "culte catholique" - in English, Roman Catholic "religion". The word "culte" really leapt out at me! The RC church calls itself a cult!!!!
A cult, or sect, if you prefer, is anything that cuts itself off from others. In the religious sense, cuts itself off from other Christians or says it has the only correct way. Whether that be in interpretation of the scriptures, or in practise, doesn't matter. All are works of the flesh.
Galatians 5:20
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions
Factions in some versions is "sects".
[Middle English secte, from Old French, from Latin secta, course, school of thought, from feminine past participle of sequī, to follow; see sekw-1 in Indo-European roots.]
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary
sect [sekt] noun
a group of people within a larger, especially religious, group, having views different from those of the rest of the group
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Wierwille latched onto the Trinitarian aspect of Christian cults and completely ignored the rest because it served his agenda.
A group can be a cult without any involvement of Trinitarian beliefs.
Every group has something that makes it uniquely different from other groups.
With Christian Cults, that might well include the Trinity but that is not the defining factor.
I remember how Wierwille enjoyed playing up this comparison of The Way to groups that were accepted as being cults.
It gave him a ready made platform to launch into his JCING theology.
He embraced the comparisons.
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Just a bit more--She was in TWI--
For A Christian Religious Organization:
1. The most important red flag one should consider and the first question one should ask when considering a church or religious organization to become a part of is: Does this group believe in the Christian Orthodox Historical concept of The Trinity? If they do not, then run, do not walk, away from this organization. Most Christian cults are anti-Trinitarian and will often use this as the basis for their religious organization altogether. Victor Paul Wierwille, founder of TWI, even wrote a book “Jesus Christ is Not God” and this became the cornerstone teaching of The Way.
If the group is anti-Trinitarian (they will not refer to their organization or beliefs as such, but essentially, this is what it will boil down to once their specific doctrine on this subject is examined), then they can’t be Christian. These groups will argue vehemently say that this is not so – that merely because they do not uphold this belief does not indicate they are a non-Christian group. They will firmly claim that they “follow Jesus Christ” and therefore must be considered Christian. The fact remains – they either know the Biblical Judeo/Christian God and teach this, or they do not. This God is a God in three distinct persons, all a part of the same ONE God. If they do not, and they teach anything other than Jesus Christ WAS God as He is depicted in John Chapter 1 (see especially verses 1 – 14), then they can not be Christian.
2. Does this group have a charismatic (usually male) founder who received “new revelation” or heard directly from God or an angel, concerning Biblical issues that are distinctive to this group? Does the group consider that this founder/ leader/ teacher/prophet – has the only information from God that is “correct” or “right” or the only information that can lead to salvation? Is this leader “perfect” and never to be questioned?
3. Does this group consider that they are the only “true” Christian group and that all other mainstream Christian sects are “corrupt” or have “fallen away” from the truth? They will often be anti-Catholic and anti-Jew and be very open about this.
4. Does the organization teach that the Bible is flawed, missing parts, improperly translated and corrupted?
5. Is the group public about all the money it receives and what it does with it? Does the organization make a periodic public statement that members can obtain concerning what is happening with all the finances of the organization? If the answer is no to this, that is a worrisome concern and should be considered a sign that this organization has something to hide.
If there were any “yes” answers to 1-4 and a “no” to 5, it would be very wise to reconsider any type of involvement what-so-ever with a group that meets these criteria. The very least one should do is research the group thoroughly before becoming involved in an activity or attending any meetings or worship services. This by no means indicates that without exception, the group must be a cult if they agree with the list above, but it certainly heightens their chances of being one. I urge anyone considering an organization with the beliefs described above to reconsider. I hope to help others avoid the heartache that became a six year nightmare for me and my family and almost led to my taking my life. Be aware, be informed, be suspicious when you encounter the description above. Don’t take a step that could mean ruin for your life.
Remember this – if a person only knows the Jesus or the god that these cults teach, it could mean that they face eternal damnation. Regardless of how passionate one feels they believe, regardless of how one feels they are serving God, if they don’t know God, then they can’t serve Him. For example – if I believe with all my heart that Louis Farakahan is who he claims to be, Elijah – who is the “true” Jesus Christ, and I believe this with all my heart and every fiber of my being. I believe that as Jesus Christ, Farakahan is my Savior and therefore, I believe I am saved by Jesus – am I saved? Of course not. Jesus Himself warns of this very thing:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
- Matthew 7:21-23
I’ve had Mormons in particular write to me and tell me that their “testimony is strong” and if I choose to answer their very passionate e-mails, I won’t be able to persuade them that the Mormon Church isn’t the only “true” church on earth. I write back telling them that I hope and pray they will lose that testimony because regardless of how strongly they feel, if they don’t know Jesus, then they have nothing. If they don’t know the TRUE Jesus of the Bible, the ONLY Jesus who can save them, if they only know the Jesus of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or The Way International or Mormonism or of Farakahan – then they don’t know Jesus. If they don’t know Jesus, no matter how lovely or wonderful they believe their organization is, they are lost, and if they take their final breath believing in their organization’s version of Jesus instead of having the true Jesus in their heart, they’ll die lost. I don’t wish this for anyone, and most importantly, Jesus doesn’t wish this for a single soul, because he died for ALL, and wants everyone to come to Him
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Geisha's latest post illustrates but one of my main complaints re: the 'cult' term, and its often less-than-factual-or-honest usage.
Particularly when some people bandy the term about like its some medically proven clinical term.
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Just returned from a short visit to Paris. Visited Notre Dame while I was there. This is a hugely significant church to the French people. Interestingly, right at the entrance, there is a notice in French and English - the French version stating that this is a church dedicated to the "culte catholique" - in English, Roman Catholic "religion". The word "culte" really leapt out at me! The RC church calls itself a cult!!!!
A cult, or sect, if you prefer, is anything that cuts itself off from others. In the religious sense, cuts itself off from other Christians or says it has the only correct way. Whether that be in interpretation of the scriptures, or in practise, doesn't matter. All are works of the flesh.
Galatians 5:20
idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions
Factions in some versions is "sects".
[Middle English secte, from Old French, from Latin secta, course, school of thought, from feminine past participle of sequī, to follow; see sekw-1 in Indo-European roots.]
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary
sect [sekt] noun
a group of people within a larger, especially religious, group, having views different from those of the rest of the group
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