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Baby Moosey Bets "Bumped" By Grizzly Bear

J0nny Ling0

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Watching TV with a couple of the clients at the house I work at, we saw a show (National Geographic Channel -- I think it was), about moose in alaska. The mother sometimes give birth to twins and even triplets. Within a half an hour of being born, they can walk and follow Momma moose.

As protective as *Momma* is and can be, mortality rate among moose cubs seems to be high.

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As protective as *Momma* is and can be, mortality rate among moose cubs seems to be high.

Maybe that's why they have multiple calves at a time. Someone has to feed the bears, we're not supposed to... even at the zoo. :biglaugh:

Edited by Eyesopen
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Dear (((((Jonny)))))),

Your right about survival of the fittest and things the way we don't want them to be or end :o . How sad!!!!...I thought bears ate mostly nuts and berries :doh: .... boohoo!!!

We sure have graphically seen way too many things end badly in every category of life in this instant media age...Usually right in our own back yard is more than plenty..."What a world!!!" "What a world!!!"

I am going to watch Haps You tube thread on Christian the Lion!

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Survival of the fittest I guess. Sometimes things are actually the way we don't want them to be....What to do?

That idea that the lion will one day lay down with the lamb is pretty strong image for the bible folks to hope for after seeing video like that--- I dont see it actually happening myself but Im sure it offers hope for a change from the harshness of life for a lot people

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  mstar1 said:
That idea that the lion will one day lay down with the lamb is pretty strong image for the bible folks to hope for after seeing video like that--- I dont see it actually happening myself but Im sure it offers hope for a change from the harshness of life for a lot people

It happens ... but it is after the lion has killed the lamb. :o

Just yesterday, right in front of me, a couple new fawns ran out from under a tree in heavy brush, about 100 yards from my house. I haven't seen any coyotes around here lately, and they are really the only predator, except man.

I'm glad we don't have bears in the woods.

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It's just the way things are.

Recently I saw a hawk taking off about 4 feet from the ground with a baby bunny in it's talons. A few seconds later, mama bunny was running in hot pursuit, to no avail.

I see snakes getting cicadas and my eggs :( , racoons getting ducks, foxes getting chickens, bobcats getting bunnies and squirrels and in the early fall, I've even seen ants herding aphids like cattle on my tomato plants.

We have several predators including bobcats, foxes, coyotes, hawks, racoons etc. The black bears we have are generally scavengers. They only attack bags of garbage and dishes containing dogfood.


Everything has to eat.

It's just the way things are.

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