For some reason I can't fathom, she wants to call the baby "Frodo" if it's a boy. Not his real name, mind you, but his nickname. I don't get it. She doesn't even like Lord of the Rings.
She already has two girls, so she wants a boy. Not that having a girl would break our hearts.
Frodo. Hmmmm....
By the way, check out the parenting blog on my sig. It's put together by Sun-Sentinel staffers and raises all sorts of fun issues and questions. Feel free to chime in.
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Congrats, Raf!!! You will make a GREAT daddy. I just know it!!!! Babies are so sweet.
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Nah-h-h! Hafta include them pineapples. Why, gotta e-x-p-a-n-d the kiddo's cultural horizons, donchaknow. ;)
In any event, Corn-grats to you and the missus, Raf!
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<_< infidel....
Oops! I mean... that was what I heard some infidel say. ;)
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Congratulations, my friend!
I guess that there will be none of THIS, however...
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Oh, I WILL have a ceegar! Prolly won't like it, though.
We don't know the gender yet.
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Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Raf!!!!!!
Mr. Raf, I hope you are prepared to make the midnight pickles and ice cream run!
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For some reason I can't fathom, she wants to call the baby "Frodo" if it's a boy. Not his real name, mind you, but his nickname. I don't get it. She doesn't even like Lord of the Rings.
She already has two girls, so she wants a boy. Not that having a girl would break our hearts.
Frodo. Hmmmm....
By the way, check out the parenting blog on my sig. It's put together by Sun-Sentinel staffers and raises all sorts of fun issues and questions. Feel free to chime in.
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Such good news!

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I've wandered around your blog, raf, it's great!
Sigh........I love babies.
Congratulations, again, it's such an amazing, wonderful time in your life.
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Well, I always had a hunch you were a stud, Raf! Now this just proves it!
Congratulations to you and the Mrs. This is wonderful news!!
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