#1) I must stop saying "Bless Your Heart" and replace it with the beautiful and poignant cliche my mom gave me:
"Bless your pointed little head..."
That "bless your heart" phrase always bugged me... because if we were supposed to "say what you mean and mean what you say" VP should have replaced it whith "you dumbass!"
That "bless your heart" phrase always bugged me... because if we were supposed to "say what you mean and mean what you say" VP should have replaced it whith "you dumbass!" Would have been more honest.
I never said "bless your heart" much in twi. I said "bless you" or "blessed" a LOT though. I purposely made myself use words like "lucky" and "fortunate" to break that habit.
But now I live in the south and "bless your heart" is very common in my area... and yeah, it is usually a nice way of saying "boy, that was dumb, wasn't it?".
My mom (and now me as well) actually use that phrase and embelish upon it by saying "Bless your little pea picking heart" She had been saying that for many many years before twi. But it usually meant "you poor thing dont you have a brain that you can borrow because the one you're using isnt working very well?"
I don't have a problem (anymore) using phrases from twi. They're valid (and applicable) to many (if not all) situations faced in life by those of us who used to be in the cult. I look at the phrases from twi the same way I look at their doctrine. It was lifted from someone else, and though they used it to our detriment and their benefit, it doesn't negate the validity of the statement, eh?
My mom (and now me as well) actually use that phrase and embelish upon it by saying "Bless your little pea picking heart" She had been saying that for many many years before twi. But it usually meant "you poor thing dont you have a brain that you can borrow because the one you're using isnt working very well?"
My mom (and now me as well) actually use that phrase and embelish upon it by saying "Bless your little pea picking heart" She had been saying that for many many years before twi. But it usually meant "you poor thing dont you have a brain that you can borrow because the one you're using isnt working very well?"
When you said that to me at the Texas BBQ, you meant it in a nice way, right?
I remember a scene in the James Bond movie "Licence to Kill" where Wayne Newton, playing a scam-artist preacher, gets his head handed to him by Carey Lowell, to which he responds, "Bless your heart!" In context, it seemed to mean "Screw you!"
About a year before I was out.. I had about enough of the wayspeak.. so I tried a little experiment. It was cruel..
at "leader"'s house.. in a movie, the character was suddenly afraid. I said, on purpose: "he sure is SPOOKED.."
"leader's" mouth dropped open.. he started twitching.. I thought he was going to go into a fit or something.. "sss, sss ssss SPOOKED?? SPOOKED?? sss, sss.. hisss, SPOOKED???" then he succumbed to a fit of laughter..
There used to be a booklet of VPW quotes. I had a copy, but have misplaced (lost, thrown out) it. Does someone have that booklet? Some of that stuff was pretty good. Probably someone else's material, but good, nevertheless.
In my opinion, the hallmark of WayBrain is using the old cliches without thinking. If one of the old sayings fits, and you're saying it because you want to, by all means, do it! You shouldn't be afraid to use certain words just because we did in TWI.
However, if your brain is on autopilot, and the ol' wayisms just pop out, that's a whole 'nother thing <_<
Ah, crikey. Well over a decade after being M&A'd but a couple of years after getting my brain back (having discovered the Cafe), I went to a carol concert one December (dare I say, Christmas?) put on by the Salvation Army which was okay and I was doing all right until the presenter said, "Now the Corps will sing...." and chills ran up my spine and my hair stood on end and my eyes bugged out...
It's the words or expressions that catch you completely unawares, whether said by someone else or coming out of your own mouth.
Ah, crikey. Well over a decade after being M&A'd but a couple of years after getting my brain back (having discovered the Cafe), I went to a carol concert one December (dare I say, Christmas?) put on by the Salvation Army which was okay and I was doing all right until the presenter said, "Now the Corps will sing...." and chills ran up my spine and my hair stood on end and my eyes bugged out...
It's the words or expressions that catch you completely unawares, whether said by someone else or coming out of your own mouth.
That scared me just reading it and I was not WC(but heard them sing as LOUD as humanly possibble!)
This is a big one, gang. An earth-shaking study from MIT on a topic that's on every Door reader's mind - government thought control. This ground-breaking study answers the eternal question: "Do tin-foil hats block mind-control signals?" The student researchers' work unearthed some very troubling data: tin-foil hats actually amplify - not deaden - mind-control signals. Honest! It doesn't seem to matter which style of tin-foil hat you use - classical, fez or centurion. The report concludes that government agents may well have originated the tin-foil helmet rumors in order to enhance their mind control activities. (Poor Tin Man from Oz!)
There used to be a booklet of VPW quotes. I had a copy, but have misplaced (lost, thrown out) it. Does someone have that booklet? Some of that stuff was pretty good. Probably someone else's material, but good, nevertheless.
Yeah, Lifelines, it was called. It was a full sized book, too, not just a booklet.
The weirdest thing is, the intro talks about how VPW, before he died, had told LCM it would be a good idea to collect all his little one-liner "words of wisdom" and put them in a book. Didn't anybody think at the time that it was rather arrogant and self-important to suggest that? (And don't forget, "the suggestion of a man of God is tantamount to an order.")
Ah, crikey. Well over a decade after being M&A'd but a couple of years after getting my brain back (having discovered the Cafe), I went to a carol concert one December (dare I say, Christmas?) put on by the Salvation Army which was okay and I was doing all right until the presenter said, "Now the Corps will sing...." and chills ran up my spine and my hair stood on end and my eyes bugged out...
It's the words or expressions that catch you completely unawares, whether said by someone else or coming out of your own mouth.
Yes, there are other groups that use the word "corps" but we got in the habit of thinking "Way Corps." I remember hearing a guy talking about when he "went into the corps" and come to find out, he was talking about the Marine Corps!
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I know..I use too stop right in my tracks when saying things to this day I never use the word
wow,and try not to use the way,or scripture that was used over and over with way meaning
and not True meaning.
Use to have a problem with people wearing crosses around their necks,that doesn't bother me
now after 30 yrs!
But now I see people wearing the tree of life around there neck (and it's just weird to see that)
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That "bless your heart" phrase always bugged me... because if we were supposed to "say what you mean and mean what you say" VP should have replaced it whith "you dumbass!"
Would have been more honest.
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I never said "bless your heart" much in twi. I said "bless you" or "blessed" a LOT though. I purposely made myself use words like "lucky" and "fortunate" to break that habit.
But now I live in the south and "bless your heart" is very common in my area... and yeah, it is usually a nice way of saying "boy, that was dumb, wasn't it?".
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I heard a comedy routine ounce in which the comedienne made it clear that in the south it meant "how you said it" more than "bless you heart."
I think she said it in a way that made it clear that "You dumbass" was meant. Except it was funny when she said it.
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My mom (and now me as well) actually use that phrase and embelish upon it by saying "Bless your little pea picking heart" She had been saying that for many many years before twi. But it usually meant "you poor thing dont you have a brain that you can borrow because the one you're using isnt working very well?"
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I don't have a problem (anymore) using phrases from twi. They're valid (and applicable) to many (if not all) situations faced in life by those of us who used to be in the cult. I look at the phrases from twi the same way I look at their doctrine. It was lifted from someone else, and though they used it to our detriment and their benefit, it doesn't negate the validity of the statement, eh?
Just my imo. :)
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When you said that to me at the Texas BBQ, you meant it in a nice way, right?
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hmmm like
Artious..psst yeah right my a$$! Way talk it was all twisted.
Going to go puke now!
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I remember a scene in the James Bond movie "Licence to Kill" where Wayne Newton, playing a scam-artist preacher, gets his head handed to him by Carey Lowell, to which he responds, "Bless your heart!" In context, it seemed to mean "Screw you!"
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About a year before I was out.. I had about enough of the wayspeak.. so I tried a little experiment. It was cruel..
at "leader"'s house.. in a movie, the character was suddenly afraid. I said, on purpose: "he sure is SPOOKED.."
"leader's" mouth dropped open.. he started twitching.. I thought he was going to go into a fit or something.. "sss, sss ssss SPOOKED?? SPOOKED?? sss, sss.. hisss, SPOOKED???" then he succumbed to a fit of laughter..
it probably went in a file somewhere on me..
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There used to be a booklet of VPW quotes. I had a copy, but have misplaced (lost, thrown out) it. Does someone have that booklet? Some of that stuff was pretty good. Probably someone else's material, but good, nevertheless.
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In my opinion, the hallmark of WayBrain is using the old cliches without thinking. If one of the old sayings fits, and you're saying it because you want to, by all means, do it! You shouldn't be afraid to use certain words just because we did in TWI.
However, if your brain is on autopilot, and the ol' wayisms just pop out, that's a whole 'nother thing <_<
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allow tearing of processed & pressed spudage to commence...
Dear Oakspear (if that's your real name...)
You obviously have an opportunity with possible possesso's...but it is available to renew your mind abundantly.
...a quick examination upwards of the clavicle area may be in order
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I'm believin' for your eyes to be healed...
let me lift it for you...cuz it was heavy revvy that I do so...
your want must equal your need, however...
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Ah, crikey. Well over a decade after being M&A'd but a couple of years after getting my brain back (having discovered the Cafe), I went to a carol concert one December (dare I say, Christmas?) put on by the Salvation Army which was okay and I was doing all right until the presenter said, "Now the Corps will sing...." and chills ran up my spine and my hair stood on end and my eyes bugged out...
It's the words or expressions that catch you completely unawares, whether said by someone else or coming out of your own mouth.
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That scared me just reading it and I was not WC(but heard them sing as LOUD as humanly possibble!)
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This from the Witeenbrug Door Mag.
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Sorry, OCW.
Maybe this thread should have a health warning.
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Mark Clarke
Did you know that comes from a Jefferson Airplane album?
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Mark Clarke
Yeah, Lifelines, it was called. It was a full sized book, too, not just a booklet.
The weirdest thing is, the intro talks about how VPW, before he died, had told LCM it would be a good idea to collect all his little one-liner "words of wisdom" and put them in a book. Didn't anybody think at the time that it was rather arrogant and self-important to suggest that? (And don't forget, "the suggestion of a man of God is tantamount to an order.")
Yes, there are other groups that use the word "corps" but we got in the habit of thinking "Way Corps." I remember hearing a guy talking about when he "went into the corps" and come to find out, he was talking about the Marine Corps!
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This was not Lifelines. It was one of those about the size of Slain in the Spirit. Had things in it like "Learn to read what's written on the page."
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It was kind of like Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy.
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