Ideally, I'd like to base this forum on that great quote by Rodney King -- "Can't we all just get along?" only seems to be a fraction as popular as that other Internet social networking site, MySpace, but in a year or two, who knows, it could eventually snowball and become #1 in participation.
Anywho, I know it's just in the beginning stages here, let me know what y'all think.
Well --- I took a look and saw the first page only.
Does one have to sign up/ sign in to see the others?
Seems I couldn't access them, if I didn't, but that might just be me.
I copied this from your front page (to post here) ----- >>>
This is a networking forum specifically for current (and former) members of the Way International, a.k.a. Way Ministry, The Way, etc., headquartered in New Knoxville Ohio, to just share thoughts and experiences with one another.
Discussion topics such as: Passing of the Patriarch, CES, Athletes of the Spirit,, Power for Abundant Living, adultery and fornication in the Bible, Word Over the World Auditorium, WOW Ambassadors, Rock of Ages, and, of course, Speaking in Tongues are all considered "fair game" on this particular sounding board.
So grab a cup of joe, hang out with us for awhile, and let's all "chat" about this stuff like the mature men and women of God that we ought to be -- okay?
Where to start? ----->>> And I'm NOT being confrontational, just stating the facts, OK?? :)
The entire POP paper can be read here at GSC. Comments and threads about it abound.
CES has it's own sub-forum with all the evidence needed as to why it imploded.
AOS also has many threads about the *rainbow man*, and how he was *doing his own thing*.
Grease Spot Cafe has the largest population of folks willing to tell the truth about the REALITY of twi.
Pfal -- (if you search in the back pages of the doctrinal section), has threads MANY pages long about it.
Adultery and fornication (both in the bible, and by the mog) are regular topics here.
There's folks here who've helped build the vpwow auditorium, AND the corps chalet.
We (at GSC) have discussed past ROA's, what happened, to whom, when, and how.
A lot of us were Wow, Corps, Fellow Laborer's, U. of L., etc. All Innie, all the time --- >>
but NOT no more. Do you REALLY want to invite us to that site?? Honestly?
We don't *just get along* (See Paw's thread on the open section),
because we now are free to speak our mind, and guess what?? We differ, and it's cool.
But (most of us) have been here long enough to be man/ woman enough to apologize
when things get out of hand (as they occassionaly do).
So -- with all that said --- I wish you well on your site.
I think you'll find few (if any) recruits for your site from this one.
Again -- this is meant to be informational --- NOT confrontational.
Oh --- Thought I might make an observation here zbrick --- (your contact info).
Happened to be THE WAY with the following contact info ----- >>>
Please write:
The Way International
Information Center
P.O. Box 328
New Knoxville OH 45871-0328
Where in the H E (double hockey sticks) is a web address (WITH EMAIL CONTACT INFO)
Or, a phone number, where one can call and talk to a real person?????
Write??? Snail mail?? What's a stamp even cost (these days???) I haven't a clue.
Repeat after me --- *Dark ages*, *Dark ages*, Dark ages*.
Since they didn't even provide it on their (COUGH! COUGH!) web site,
I'll give folks (here) the land-line number they (twi) were too cheap to put online.
Area code (419) 753-2523 That is taken from one of twi's own publications.
I'm guessing it's the same. It costs money to switch things, eh?
The phone # was published in the twi Bookstore Catalog from 1988.
Nothing ever changes there, so why would a phone number be different, eh?
(P.S. --- BUT if anyone decides to call that number, be prepared for them to ask (basically) WHO THE H!!! ARE YOU?, and to be put on hold, and you'd best have your area leader's name handy, as well as your twig leader's name handy because you're going to need *credentials* . You'll be *contacted* by local leaders (at their convinience), if you're NOT active. They (twi) won't give out S hit for info over the phone, if you aren't a current member. I know. It happened to me, recently.)
A biblical fellowhip, research and teaching ministry??? Right!
The Jehovah Witness's, Mormons, Baptists, Pentecostals, (You name the ORG),
have more compassion (not to mention contact info) than these bozos.
Sorry, If I need something along the lines of what you are offering, it's already here at GSC.
Yo dmiller dawg, I ain't trying to compete or put out of business, I'm just throwing out another opportunity for former and current members of the Way Ministry to vent their thoughts and experiences with each other. But as grows in popularity, I would assume this group forum will grow in popularity as well.
Does a person have to be a member of to comment and participate on this particular group forum -- I don't have the slightest clue. Granted, I'm not going to deny folks who've never been associated membership with the Way International from participating on this sounding board, although I think they'll be bored silly trying to understand what exactly our fellowship has experienced over the past 22 years or so.
BTW, I changed the contact e-mail address to myself -- I've also added a couple of photos to this group forum I'm sure you'll enjoy. As I said, I don't claim to be an "expert" on setting up and organizing this type of stuff, I'm just having a little fun with it. I fully realize that's there's been so much division and strife in the Way Ministry, at least since the Passing of the Patriarch in '86, that trying to put former and current Way members together in peace and harmony is sort of like doing the same with the Jews and the Muslims.
In summation, I guess I'm just trying to "spread the word" at least to those who do have to check it out and consider joining my new group. In the event that this forum fails, I guess you could say I got what I paid for it -- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
I read within the past two weeks that Facebook has already passed MySpace in terms of popularity, so it's probably a good thing. Additionally, there are a lot of people who will use Facebook, but don't necessarily have the interest to search for sites like this directly. I think as a result, we may be able to see people coming here as a result of the Facebook group.
OMG! The first thing I see is those god awful pictures of vp and Loy! I don't even know how I justified aligning myself with those weasels for all those years. Both of them deserve a fate worse than death, maybe hard time in a federal penitentiary. The gross out factor is way high when you visit that page and the first thing you see is their ugly mugs. Good luck with that zwebrick, I am truely embarassed I was ever a part of that god forsaken organization. You should put up a picture of Loy in his Athletes of the spirit uniform with those short, short hotpants he wears with the thick shin high athletic socks...king Okie alright!
OMG! The first thing I see is those god awful pictures of vp and Loy! I don't even know how I justified aligning myself with those weasels for all those years. Both of them deserve a fate worse than death, maybe hard time in a federal penitentiary. The gross out factor is way high when you visit that page and the first thing you see is their ugly mugs. Good luck with that zwebrick, I am truely embarassed I was ever a part of that god forsaken organization. You should put up a picture of Loy in his Athletes of the spirit uniform with those short, short hotpants he wears with the thick shin high athletic socks...king Okie alright!
I agree with this person. (Now I see)they need to be pictures in the most wanted list!!!!!
I hope no one goes to that facebook(why don't cha just give them a box of nails for there coffins
and a hammer to bang themselves in the freaking head!)
I have look the facebook page. Is it just me? Something does not look right. They put the faces of VPW and L.C M with the greaspot cafe along with the T.W.I web site.I not not clear about this but who put that up? Is someone desparate? Or is someone trying to be funny or what? :blink: :unsure:
Why doesn't everybody who's within eye-shot of this Internet posting register on -- what the heck, it's free? Then you'll be eligible for sure to log on and participate on my Way Believers group forum. If you can register as a member on Grease Spot Cafe, I'm sure it's no more difficult than registering on Facebook. Just a suggestion.
Why doesn't everybody who's within eye-shot of this Internet posting register on -- what the heck, it's free? Then you'll be eligible for sure to log on and participate on my Way Believers group forum. If you can register as a member on Grease Spot Cafe, I'm sure it's no more difficult than registering on Facebook. Just a suggestion.
I don't want to register for more than one facebook account. I don't want anything of TWI associated with my real name, so I won't use my normal account.
Why doesn't everybody who's within eye-shot of this Internet posting register on -- what the heck, it's free? Then you'll be eligible for sure to log on and participate on my Way Believers group forum. If you can register as a member on Grease Spot Cafe, I'm sure it's no more difficult than registering on Facebook. Just a suggestion.
Why doesn't everybody who's within eye-shot of this Internet posting register on -- what the heck, it's free? Then you'll be eligible for sure to log on and participate on my Way Believers group forum. If you can register as a member on Grease Spot Cafe, I'm sure it's no more difficult than registering on Facebook. Just a suggestion.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I don't feel this Facebook group forum is "competing" with Grease Spot Cafe, or for that matter CES or the Way Ministry. I'm simply making it available for the principles and followers of all three of these entities to share stuff with others or just plain vent. Perhaps this idea is about 22 years too late as far as most PFAL grads go. Unfortunately, the Internet didn't really become popular until about nine years ago.
Oh well, if this group forum fails, it fails. I just thought I'd do my part to try to ease the pain and bitterness a little bit.
OK, I'm just laughing because last week I threw away my #10 16 inch long "eye poking" needle, I thought I'd never need to use it any more. That is until I visited that facebook page, damn! Where's a good needle to stick in my eye when I need it! Oh, well.
Thank you so much WordWolf for sharing that with me and thus, putting this whole forum string in proper perspective.
I just can't help but think if TWI had just, justifiably, followed in the footsteps of how the PTL Club handled Rev. Jim Bakker just about a year earlier -- LCM should've been stripped of his Way Presidency as soon as the Passing of the Patriarch was publicly revealed in '86. Ditto with Howard and Dean Don from their Trustee positions. It sounds as if the purpose of Chris G33r and Ralph Dub45sky disclosing that stuff was nothing more than spreading rumor and gossip because absolutely nothing changed with these guys' "indescretions".
I can understand the pain and the bitterness felt, especially from that whole ordeal of about 22 years ago. What I find especially sad, at least in my own personal experience, are the former TWI believers who've completely washed their hands of God and His Word because they somehow equate the Almighty with VPW and LCM -- as if to say, if this is what God's like, I don't want to have absolutely nothing to do with Him. What a blatant lie from Satan! LCM, for last I heard, has relegated himself as a UPS driver as well as a customer service rep at a Bally fitness center in the Toledo -- a mere shell of the man he was about 25 years ago when things were "different".
I'm sure VPW got his "just dessert" when he went face-to-face with God Almighty on his Judgement Day, which is also a day LCM probably isn't looking forward to either. The adultery, the fornication, etc.
But why should that whole experience compel anyone of us to refrain from still worshipping God? Harboring bitterness and resentment is sort of like eating poison, assuming it's going to kill the person you "hate". Just the opposite, the inability to forgive someone or something of a wrongdoing is more devastating to you and your well-being than the person you're directing your hatred and anger towards.
I've been attending a nearby Assembly of God church for the past 4-5 years now with my two kids and I really enjoy that. Next week, I'll probably go hear John Lynn speak in Mass., because I have no qualms whatsoever with John Lynn. I personally consider John Lynn a fairly close friend and nothing he'll say next week will sway me from my personal beliefs in God and His Word.
Enough said. I won't add anymore postings to this particular string, nor will I say anymore here on Grease Spot Cafe about my Facebook forum.
Facebook is popular. I have one for my romance writer penname, but that is for networking so a Way type group would be out of place. Plus, surfers might think I ENDORSE TWi, which would be awful.
I'd like to apologize for some of my fellow posters, but I would prefer they do that themselves, for the less than welcome reception you have received.
Particularly, Seth and Oklahoma City WOW. I just don't see how it benefits anyone but yourselves to have hurled a fiery dart at 'the enemy'.
I'm not interested in the site, but I know I'm not the only person on the planet. As such, it doesn't matter to me how many sites there are pro or con with respect to TWI. To each his/her own.
I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to post any more about this subject (which I don't intend to), OR on this string. But having gone through a divorce myself from eight years ago, which I'm still paying child support -- I still haven't forgiven my ex-wife for that whole experience. It definitely has taken its toll my personal life both physically and psychologically. I can only hope and pray that some of the folks who frequent Grease Spot Cafe don't mistake God and His Word for a couple of evil, arrogant whack jobs who once operated a supposed Biblical research and teaching ministry under His name. That's all.
I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to post any more about this subject (which I don't intend to), OR on this string. But having gone through a divorce myself from eight years ago, which I'm still paying child support -- I still haven't forgiven my ex-wife for that whole experience. It definitely has taken its toll my personal life both physically and psychologically. I can only hope and pray that some of the folks who frequent Grease Spot Cafe don't mistake God and His Word for a couple of evil, arrogant whack jobs who once operated a supposed Biblical research and teaching ministry under His name. That's all.
Some may have, some may have veered into completely different directions than TWI...there is no consensus of belief on GSC.
But the ones who have veered far away are not very likely to join up with any group that tries to turn back the hands of time and send them back into Way like beliefs.
Not trying to be insulting at all. I just don't think TWI is a good choice for people--it has a bad track record.
I'd like to apologize for some of my fellow posters, but I would prefer they do that themselves, for the less than welcome reception you have received.
Particularly, Seth and Oklahoma City WOW. I just don't see how it benefits anyone but yourselves to have hurled a fiery dart at 'the enemy'.
I'm not interested in the site, but I know I'm not the only person on the planet. As such, it doesn't matter to me how many sites there are pro or con with respect to TWI. To each his/her own.
Excuse me! No I don't think so,I will not respond to anything affiliated with or by The Way International
ever again!
No more than I would promote child abuse with a slap on the wrist to these people who deliberately
cause "illness" to people and STILL are by the foundational class they sell as their snake oil.
Tough "love" does NOT walk hand in hand with the error that in itself is deceitful which is a big
GREAT BIG HUGE PROBLEM (the way international has)
Recommended Posts
Well --- I took a look and saw the first page only.
Does one have to sign up/ sign in to see the others?
Seems I couldn't access them, if I didn't, but that might just be me.
I copied this from your front page (to post here) ----- >>>
Where to start? ----->>> And I'm NOT being confrontational, just stating the facts, OK?? :)
The entire POP paper can be read here at GSC. Comments and threads about it abound.
CES has it's own sub-forum with all the evidence needed as to why it imploded.
AOS also has many threads about the *rainbow man*, and how he was *doing his own thing*.
Grease Spot Cafe has the largest population of folks willing to tell the truth about the REALITY of twi.
Pfal -- (if you search in the back pages of the doctrinal section), has threads MANY pages long about it.
Adultery and fornication (both in the bible, and by the mog) are regular topics here.
There's folks here who've helped build the vpwow auditorium, AND the corps chalet.
We (at GSC) have discussed past ROA's, what happened, to whom, when, and how.
A lot of us were Wow, Corps, Fellow Laborer's, U. of L., etc. All Innie, all the time --- >>
but NOT no more. Do you REALLY want to invite us to that site?? Honestly?
We don't *just get along* (See Paw's thread on the open section),
because we now are free to speak our mind, and guess what?? We differ, and it's cool.
But (most of us) have been here long enough to be man/ woman enough to apologize
when things get out of hand (as they occassionaly do).
So -- with all that said --- I wish you well on your site.
I think you'll find few (if any) recruits for your site from this one.
Again -- this is meant to be informational --- NOT confrontational.
God bless.
(edited fer da dang gum speeling thang!) ;)
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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Oh --- Thought I might make an observation here zbrick --- (your contact info).
Happened to be THE WAY with the following contact info ----- >>>
Where in the H E (double hockey sticks) is a web address (WITH EMAIL CONTACT INFO)
Or, a phone number, where one can call and talk to a real person?????
Write??? Snail mail?? What's a stamp even cost (these days???) I haven't a clue.
Repeat after me --- *Dark ages*, *Dark ages*, Dark ages*.
Since they didn't even provide it on their (COUGH! COUGH!) web site,
I'll give folks (here) the land-line number they (twi) were too cheap to put online.
Area code (419) 753-2523 That is taken from one of twi's own publications.
I'm guessing it's the same. It costs money to switch things, eh?
The phone # was published in the twi Bookstore Catalog from 1988.
Nothing ever changes there, so why would a phone number be different, eh?
(P.S. --- BUT if anyone decides to call that number, be prepared for them to ask (basically) WHO THE H!!! ARE YOU?, and to be put on hold, and you'd best have your area leader's name handy, as well as your twig leader's name handy because you're going to need *credentials* . You'll be *contacted* by local leaders (at their convinience), if you're NOT active. They (twi) won't give out S hit for info over the phone, if you aren't a current member. I know. It happened to me, recently.)
A biblical fellowhip, research and teaching ministry??? Right!
The Jehovah Witness's, Mormons, Baptists, Pentecostals, (You name the ORG),
have more compassion (not to mention contact info) than these bozos.
Sorry, If I need something along the lines of what you are offering, it's already here at GSC.
And in spades.
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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Yo dmiller dawg, I ain't trying to compete or put out of business, I'm just throwing out another opportunity for former and current members of the Way Ministry to vent their thoughts and experiences with each other. But as grows in popularity, I would assume this group forum will grow in popularity as well.
Does a person have to be a member of to comment and participate on this particular group forum -- I don't have the slightest clue. Granted, I'm not going to deny folks who've never been associated membership with the Way International from participating on this sounding board, although I think they'll be bored silly trying to understand what exactly our fellowship has experienced over the past 22 years or so.
BTW, I changed the contact e-mail address to myself -- I've also added a couple of photos to this group forum I'm sure you'll enjoy. As I said, I don't claim to be an "expert" on setting up and organizing this type of stuff, I'm just having a little fun with it. I fully realize that's there's been so much division and strife in the Way Ministry, at least since the Passing of the Patriarch in '86, that trying to put former and current Way members together in peace and harmony is sort of like doing the same with the Jews and the Muslims.
In summation, I guess I'm just trying to "spread the word" at least to those who do have to check it out and consider joining my new group. In the event that this forum fails, I guess you could say I got what I paid for it -- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
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Mister P-Mosh
I read within the past two weeks that Facebook has already passed MySpace in terms of popularity, so it's probably a good thing. Additionally, there are a lot of people who will use Facebook, but don't necessarily have the interest to search for sites like this directly. I think as a result, we may be able to see people coming here as a result of the Facebook group.
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now I see
OMG! The first thing I see is those god awful pictures of vp and Loy! I don't even know how I justified aligning myself with those weasels for all those years. Both of them deserve a fate worse than death, maybe hard time in a federal penitentiary. The gross out factor is way high when you visit that page and the first thing you see is their ugly mugs. Good luck with that zwebrick, I am truely embarassed I was ever a part of that god forsaken organization. You should put up a picture of Loy in his Athletes of the spirit uniform with those short, short hotpants he wears with the thick shin high athletic socks...king Okie alright!
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Mike Z??? Is that you?
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I agree with this person. (Now I see)they need to be pictures in the most wanted list!!!!!
I hope no one goes to that facebook(why don't cha just give them a box of nails for there coffins
and a hammer to bang themselves in the freaking head!)
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I have look the facebook page. Is it just me? Something does not look right. They put the faces of VPW and L.C M with the greaspot cafe along with the T.W.I web site.I not not clear about this but who put that up? Is someone desparate? Or is someone trying to be funny or what? :blink: :unsure:
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Why doesn't everybody who's within eye-shot of this Internet posting register on -- what the heck, it's free? Then you'll be eligible for sure to log on and participate on my Way Believers group forum. If you can register as a member on Grease Spot Cafe, I'm sure it's no more difficult than registering on Facebook. Just a suggestion.
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Mister P-Mosh
I don't want to register for more than one facebook account. I don't want anything of TWI associated with my real name, so I won't use my normal account.
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Maybe I could just jump off the nearest bridge.
At least I wouldn't need a password.
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George Aar
I think I'd rather eat a razorblade sandwich...
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now I see
Classy Zwebeck, nice of you to advertize for another website here on Greasespot, nice.
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Gee, sorry if I ruffled any feathers here.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I don't feel this Facebook group forum is "competing" with Grease Spot Cafe, or for that matter CES or the Way Ministry. I'm simply making it available for the principles and followers of all three of these entities to share stuff with others or just plain vent. Perhaps this idea is about 22 years too late as far as most PFAL grads go. Unfortunately, the Internet didn't really become popular until about nine years ago.
Oh well, if this group forum fails, it fails. I just thought I'd do my part to try to ease the pain and bitterness a little bit.
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I am sorry to see your still in a waybrain mentality,it's a disease we all had at one time and
takes years to heal,don't add fuel to the fire it WILL destroy you.
But ,if you insist on living in the artificial oasis of The Way International have fun chasing your tail
in circles like a crazy dog getting nowhere.
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Seth R.
OK, I'm just laughing because last week I threw away my #10 16 inch long "eye poking" needle, I thought I'd never need to use it any more. That is until I visited that facebook page, damn! Where's a good needle to stick in my eye when I need it! Oh, well.
Nice try.
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I think people, in their own fashions, are trying to say they don't think it's going to work.
You see, first of all, current twi people aren't ALLOWED to go on sites NOT approved by
twi, to discuss twi. GSC posters who posted on the GSC while in twi were kicked out of
twi. One fellow IN twi made a messageboard, and there were some POLITE
(I read them-they were polite AND tactful, if you can believe it) posts there by non-twi
posters. Immediately after that happened, twi clamped down on the messageboard,
and he wasn't permitted to allow posters who were not current twi members.
As for non-twi posters, those already being served by the GSC get post-trauma flashbacks
when someone shows them pictures of lcm and vpw without warning them first.
They REALLY, REALLY don't want to see them, and don't think much of either man.
(Feel free to ask me to point you to WHY they don't think much of either man.)
So, this board can serve, possibly, ces/stfi, cff, and other organizations' ex-twi,
as well as independents who aren't in any ofh them.
That's supposing ces/stfi and cff allow their people to post.
And they and independents want to post.
And can FIND it. If they know it exists.
That having been said, hey, it's your messageboard. Have a good time with it.
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Thank you so much WordWolf for sharing that with me and thus, putting this whole forum string in proper perspective.
I just can't help but think if TWI had just, justifiably, followed in the footsteps of how the PTL Club handled Rev. Jim Bakker just about a year earlier -- LCM should've been stripped of his Way Presidency as soon as the Passing of the Patriarch was publicly revealed in '86. Ditto with Howard and Dean Don from their Trustee positions. It sounds as if the purpose of Chris G33r and Ralph Dub45sky disclosing that stuff was nothing more than spreading rumor and gossip because absolutely nothing changed with these guys' "indescretions".
I can understand the pain and the bitterness felt, especially from that whole ordeal of about 22 years ago. What I find especially sad, at least in my own personal experience, are the former TWI believers who've completely washed their hands of God and His Word because they somehow equate the Almighty with VPW and LCM -- as if to say, if this is what God's like, I don't want to have absolutely nothing to do with Him. What a blatant lie from Satan! LCM, for last I heard, has relegated himself as a UPS driver as well as a customer service rep at a Bally fitness center in the Toledo -- a mere shell of the man he was about 25 years ago when things were "different".
I'm sure VPW got his "just dessert" when he went face-to-face with God Almighty on his Judgement Day, which is also a day LCM probably isn't looking forward to either. The adultery, the fornication, etc.
But why should that whole experience compel anyone of us to refrain from still worshipping God? Harboring bitterness and resentment is sort of like eating poison, assuming it's going to kill the person you "hate". Just the opposite, the inability to forgive someone or something of a wrongdoing is more devastating to you and your well-being than the person you're directing your hatred and anger towards.
I've been attending a nearby Assembly of God church for the past 4-5 years now with my two kids and I really enjoy that. Next week, I'll probably go hear John Lynn speak in Mass., because I have no qualms whatsoever with John Lynn. I personally consider John Lynn a fairly close friend and nothing he'll say next week will sway me from my personal beliefs in God and His Word.
Enough said. I won't add anymore postings to this particular string, nor will I say anymore here on Grease Spot Cafe about my Facebook forum.
Edited by pawtucketLink to comment
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Facebook is popular. I have one for my romance writer penname, but that is for networking so a Way type group would be out of place. Plus, surfers might think I ENDORSE TWi, which would be awful.
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I'd like to apologize for some of my fellow posters, but I would prefer they do that themselves, for the less than welcome reception you have received.
Particularly, Seth and Oklahoma City WOW. I just don't see how it benefits anyone but yourselves to have hurled a fiery dart at 'the enemy'.
I'm not interested in the site, but I know I'm not the only person on the planet. As such, it doesn't matter to me how many sites there are pro or con with respect to TWI. To each his/her own.
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Sorry, Z.
Didn't mean to insult you personally.
It's not my cup of tea.
If it works for you, then cool beans.
Hope things go to your liking at your new venture.
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I know, I know, I said I wasn't going to post any more about this subject (which I don't intend to), OR on this string. But having gone through a divorce myself from eight years ago, which I'm still paying child support -- I still haven't forgiven my ex-wife for that whole experience. It definitely has taken its toll my personal life both physically and psychologically. I can only hope and pray that some of the folks who frequent Grease Spot Cafe don't mistake God and His Word for a couple of evil, arrogant whack jobs who once operated a supposed Biblical research and teaching ministry under His name. That's all.
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Some may have, some may have veered into completely different directions than TWI...there is no consensus of belief on GSC.
But the ones who have veered far away are not very likely to join up with any group that tries to turn back the hands of time and send them back into Way like beliefs.
Not trying to be insulting at all. I just don't think TWI is a good choice for people--it has a bad track record.
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Excuse me! No I don't think so,I will not respond to anything affiliated with or by The Way International
ever again!
No more than I would promote child abuse with a slap on the wrist to these people who deliberately
cause "illness" to people and STILL are by the foundational class they sell as their snake oil.
Tough "love" does NOT walk hand in hand with the error that in itself is deceitful which is a big
GREAT BIG HUGE PROBLEM (the way international has)
It's not you zbrick ! It is the message of TWI.
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