First, thank you everyone. I've been so busy with new doctors and more new doctors that I'm getting dizzy. LOL. My new family doc (GP) has been seeing me every 2 weeks now for a couple of months. I see him again on Friday, Aug 1st. He's done some tests that he wanted results of and an EKG for my pain doc since I'm on Methadone and a yearly EKG is a *MUST HAVE* when taking that painkiller. The pain doc I see once a month (Aug 22nd) and my GP doc just added a new G.I. doc into the mix. I see him on Aug. 26th. I have a feeling one more appt will be added in the middle of the month after I see the GP doc on Friday. I think about the fact I still have a few more specialists to add to our list, but we aren't rushing. I'm going to see them and get settled in with them one at a time, starting with the worst health problem working down to the least of my worries. So having Crohn's, the G.I. doc was first.
NottaWayfer, David and I have a longstanding joke between us. He's like 6'5" to my 5' even. My hair is now down past my butt, so I sit on it. David reminds me that human hair is the best thing to restring a fiddle bow with. Then I threaten to find a ladder, climb up it and bite him in the kneecap ... darn tall people anyway! LOL. We have a lot of fun with it. I just did my best to measure it by myself, not real easy to do, but the other half is still at work. I got 31 inches. That means it's now more than half my height .... that's kinda cool when I think about it.
For those I haven't seen and talked to lately, which is most of you reading this, one of the nurse practitioners I used to see at my pain doc's clinic sent me for an MRI of my spine. I have bad pain in my shoulders, neck and lower back, which I have always figured came from a few car wrecks I've been in and from the Fibromyalgia I have. Wrong. The test results showed spinal arthritis (Spondylosis) C4 to C7 and that plus lumbar disk bulge L4 to L5 and L5 to S-1. So it wasn't just the Fibro or whiplash, although those didn't help it any. I had noticed over the past year or two it seemed to be hurting more and I now have trouble getting up on my own if sitting on the floor working on a computer or something. He told me it will continue to get worse thruout the rest of my life. Yee Haw, doesn't that sound fun? NOT!
My GP doc after doing the EKG for the pain doc, had me have a sonogram of my heart. It was way cool to watch on the screen. She showed me the whole inside of my heart and I was watching it beat and hearing it too when she turned the speaker on for a short time. It sounded louder and different than my kids hearts did when they were monitored during labor. I found it very interesting. Then next he did a sonogram of the arteries on both sides of my neck. They weren't as cool as the heart to see, but I could see the blood rushing thru them. Both tests showed all was fine inside me there.
Oh yeah, my weight got up to 106 pounds last month, but I had a couple bad weeks this past month and lost a couple. It won't take very long to gain them back. I'm staying pretty steady now between 102 to 106. This is the only time in my life that I've weighed over 100 pounds and wasn't pregnant! I'm thrilled, but the downside is after putting on 30 pounds in a year (76 to 106), none of my clothes fit. I've had to buy some new stuff. The CVS on the corner near us has some great deals on T-shirts, short or sleeveless shirts, shorts and jogging pants. They work fine for everyday wear. Now that I've saved up some money and bought the most important things first and built myself a new computer, AMD dual core, ATI Radeon 3870 says it all to the geeks here, very sweet ... well, now I can save up and buy a couple pairs of jeans. LOL.
For my birthday the hubby bought me a MP4 Media Player that is sooo cool. It does music and I ripped a few of my CD's the other day. They sound great on it and I only had it set at the default, middle setting for quality. It has 8 gigs of room on it and has a mini SD card slot on the bottom that will allow me to add more if I need it. I'm thinking of putting a couple movies on some 8 gig cards and then when I'm passing time in doctors waiting rooms I can watch a movie if I don't feel like any of my music or listening to it's FM Radio, which I can also record songs from. I have yet to do much with the video recorder and player. I watched one short video we took of me last year on my mountain bike showing off what looks like a moving light show when I ride after dark. I have blinking lights all around it in various colors and blink patterns and then a very bright headlight that allows me to see what's ahead of me for quite a way. Some friends were worried I wouldn't be seen at night, so I wanted to ease their mind and show them I can't be missed. LOL. Anyway, the video looked really good and convinced me I could easily watch a movie on the 2.8 inch screen without any eye strain. There's no keyboard like my cell phone has, but I can put text files into the player from my computer. It does Ebooks too, which is something I really want to look in to. I'm thinking about buying one this month and see how easy they are to read compared to a real book or my 22" LCD monitor. As you can see, I just love it. He told me he wasn't sure if I'd like it or not when he ordered it and planned it so FedEx would deliver it on my birthday. Totally unexpected and a very fun, cool toy for me. It goes well with my other USB toys around here.
After building my new computer, I needed one more thing besides the new monitor. I found a wonderful Logitech 5.1 surround sound speaker system that was just the price I love .. on sale. LOL. I was running low on funds, but the sale saved me and I got them at a great price. It is a 155 watt system and it peeks at 300 watts. I now tease my neighbor that if he makes me mad I will melt the wall between us. Hehe. He and I hang out when we both are home with nothing to do, at one or the other place. He has Cerebral Palsy, so I pretty much let him decide where he'd rather be. We both have coffee pots, so it doesn't matter. We're both half crazy, like when I hop on the back of his power chair and he gives me a ride down the sidewalk. It's too funny to watch the people driving by, they do a double take and realize we're both in our 50's and acting like kids. Heh, ya gotta have fun. We're thinking of a video .. tie a rope to his power chair, put me in my regular wheelchair behind him holding the other end of the rope. We both think it would be fun to put it online and give people a laugh. In a couple of months when it finally cools off here, we'll get serious about finding the rope. Way too hot right now to do anything outside for very long.
I'll end this update of my strange and crazy life by telling you about a birthday gift that was sent to me by a couple of very sweet ladies from this forum. They sent me Kris' new book and as many have already said, it's a great read. I will re-read it again in the near future. Books that I really like I put in a special place on the bookshelves, so they are easy to get to when I want to read one of them. There's not many there, but Kris' book WILL be there now that I've finished the first reading of it. She's a very good writer and I'd recommend the book to everyone. It's a story everyone who was in TWI should hear (read).
Thank you all again for the birthday wishes. It was a really great one this year! I hope I didn't bore you all by the 'book' I just wrote here. LOL. I figured it was easier to put it all here and get everyone up to date at the same time. :) I sure love y'all.
NottaWayfer, David and I have a longstanding joke between us. He's like 6'5" to my 5' even. My hair is now down past my butt, so I sit on it. David reminds me that human hair is the best thing to restring a fiddle bow with. Then I threaten to find a ladder, climb up it and bite him in the kneecap ... darn tall people anyway! LOL. We have a lot of fun with it. I just did my best to measure it by myself, not real easy to do, but the other half is still at work. I got 31 inches. That means it's now more than half my height .... that's kinda cool when I think about it.
There ya have it , straight from the (uhhh) horse's mouth. :unsure:
She and I have always had a good exchange with each other. :)
Prayers sent back and forth when in need, that sort of thing.
This site (GSC) really can bring out the best in folks, if a lighthearted attitude is taken.
Get too serious -- and minor posts can come across as attacks.
So with that said -- Hey there BB --- >>
Just re-measured the fiddle bows. I need 26 1/4 inches (in length) of hair for the three of them.
1/4 inch wide, on all of them as well. So --- if you've got 31 inches *to spare* ---
You could give me everything I need for these bows, an still be *stylish* in Phoenix!
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wishing you lots of sunshine today... and plenty of reasons to smile! Happy Birthday!
Have an awesome day!
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Happy birthday, Biker Babe - I've always enjoyed talking with you in chat.
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Happy Birthday, BB.
Hope you're having a good one.
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Happiest of Birthdays, BB!!
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Happy BD, sweetie!
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Happy birthday, Biker Lady!!
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May Your Birthday be filled with Love and Joy that lasts unendingly!
With Love, RainbowsGirl
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wishing you a great one bb!!!!
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Happy B-day BB!!
Krista & the family
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Happy Birthday!!!!!!! You deserve it!
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...and since I see you seem to be logged in this evening, I'll double and redouble your happy birthday!
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Here's hoping you had a great one!! Happy Birthday!
(P.S. --- 3 of my fiddle bows STILL need re-hairing, and I'm still waiting!!)
And (word of warning here ---) I'm wearing knee pads so you can't bite em!! :P
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:blink: What does that mean???
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First, thank you everyone. I've been so busy with new doctors and more new doctors that I'm getting dizzy. LOL. My new family doc (GP) has been seeing me every 2 weeks now for a couple of months. I see him again on Friday, Aug 1st. He's done some tests that he wanted results of and an EKG for my pain doc since I'm on Methadone and a yearly EKG is a *MUST HAVE* when taking that painkiller. The pain doc I see once a month (Aug 22nd) and my GP doc just added a new G.I. doc into the mix. I see him on Aug. 26th. I have a feeling one more appt will be added in the middle of the month after I see the GP doc on Friday. I think about the fact I still have a few more specialists to add to our list, but we aren't rushing. I'm going to see them and get settled in with them one at a time, starting with the worst health problem working down to the least of my worries. So having Crohn's, the G.I. doc was first.
NottaWayfer, David and I have a longstanding joke between us. He's like 6'5" to my 5' even. My hair is now down past my butt, so I sit on it. David reminds me that human hair is the best thing to restring a fiddle bow with. Then I threaten to find a ladder, climb up it and bite him in the kneecap ... darn tall people anyway! LOL. We have a lot of fun with it. I just did my best to measure it by myself, not real easy to do, but the other half is still at work. I got 31 inches. That means it's now more than half my height .... that's kinda cool when I think about it.
For those I haven't seen and talked to lately, which is most of you reading this, one of the nurse practitioners I used to see at my pain doc's clinic sent me for an MRI of my spine. I have bad pain in my shoulders, neck and lower back, which I have always figured came from a few car wrecks I've been in and from the Fibromyalgia I have. Wrong. The test results showed spinal arthritis (Spondylosis) C4 to C7 and that plus lumbar disk bulge L4 to L5 and L5 to S-1. So it wasn't just the Fibro or whiplash, although those didn't help it any. I had noticed over the past year or two it seemed to be hurting more and I now have trouble getting up on my own if sitting on the floor working on a computer or something. He told me it will continue to get worse thruout the rest of my life. Yee Haw, doesn't that sound fun? NOT!
My GP doc after doing the EKG for the pain doc, had me have a sonogram of my heart. It was way cool to watch on the screen. She showed me the whole inside of my heart and I was watching it beat and hearing it too when she turned the speaker on for a short time. It sounded louder and different than my kids hearts did when they were monitored during labor. I found it very interesting. Then next he did a sonogram of the arteries on both sides of my neck. They weren't as cool as the heart to see, but I could see the blood rushing thru them. Both tests showed all was fine inside me there.
Oh yeah, my weight got up to 106 pounds last month, but I had a couple bad weeks this past month and lost a couple. It won't take very long to gain them back. I'm staying pretty steady now between 102 to 106. This is the only time in my life that I've weighed over 100 pounds and wasn't pregnant! I'm thrilled, but the downside is after putting on 30 pounds in a year (76 to 106), none of my clothes fit. I've had to buy some new stuff. The CVS on the corner near us has some great deals on T-shirts, short or sleeveless shirts, shorts and jogging pants. They work fine for everyday wear. Now that I've saved up some money and bought the most important things first and built myself a new computer, AMD dual core, ATI Radeon 3870 says it all to the geeks here, very sweet ... well, now I can save up and buy a couple pairs of jeans. LOL.
For my birthday the hubby bought me a MP4 Media Player that is sooo cool. It does music and I ripped a few of my CD's the other day. They sound great on it and I only had it set at the default, middle setting for quality. It has 8 gigs of room on it and has a mini SD card slot on the bottom that will allow me to add more if I need it. I'm thinking of putting a couple movies on some 8 gig cards and then when I'm passing time in doctors waiting rooms I can watch a movie if I don't feel like any of my music or listening to it's FM Radio, which I can also record songs from. I have yet to do much with the video recorder and player. I watched one short video we took of me last year on my mountain bike showing off what looks like a moving light show when I ride after dark. I have blinking lights all around it in various colors and blink patterns and then a very bright headlight that allows me to see what's ahead of me for quite a way. Some friends were worried I wouldn't be seen at night, so I wanted to ease their mind and show them I can't be missed. LOL. Anyway, the video looked really good and convinced me I could easily watch a movie on the 2.8 inch screen without any eye strain. There's no keyboard like my cell phone has, but I can put text files into the player from my computer. It does Ebooks too, which is something I really want to look in to. I'm thinking about buying one this month and see how easy they are to read compared to a real book or my 22" LCD monitor. As you can see, I just love it. He told me he wasn't sure if I'd like it or not when he ordered it and planned it so FedEx would deliver it on my birthday. Totally unexpected and a very fun, cool toy for me. It goes well with my other USB toys around here.
After building my new computer, I needed one more thing besides the new monitor. I found a wonderful Logitech 5.1 surround sound speaker system that was just the price I love .. on sale. LOL. I was running low on funds, but the sale saved me and I got them at a great price. It is a 155 watt system and it peeks at 300 watts. I now tease my neighbor that if he makes me mad I will melt the wall between us. Hehe. He and I hang out when we both are home with nothing to do, at one or the other place. He has Cerebral Palsy, so I pretty much let him decide where he'd rather be. We both have coffee pots, so it doesn't matter. We're both half crazy, like when I hop on the back of his power chair and he gives me a ride down the sidewalk. It's too funny to watch the people driving by, they do a double take and realize we're both in our 50's and acting like kids. Heh, ya gotta have fun. We're thinking of a video .. tie a rope to his power chair, put me in my regular wheelchair behind him holding the other end of the rope. We both think it would be fun to put it online and give people a laugh. In a couple of months when it finally cools off here, we'll get serious about finding the rope. Way too hot right now to do anything outside for very long.
I'll end this update of my strange and crazy life by telling you about a birthday gift that was sent to me by a couple of very sweet ladies from this forum. They sent me Kris' new book and as many have already said, it's a great read. I will re-read it again in the near future. Books that I really like I put in a special place on the bookshelves, so they are easy to get to when I want to read one of them. There's not many there, but Kris' book WILL be there now that I've finished the first reading of it. She's a very good writer and I'd recommend the book to everyone. It's a story everyone who was in TWI should hear (read).
Thank you all again for the birthday wishes. It was a really great one this year! I hope I didn't bore you all by the 'book' I just wrote here. LOL. I figured it was easier to put it all here and get everyone up to date at the same time. :) I sure love y'all.
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There ya have it , straight from the (uhhh) horse's mouth. :unsure:
She and I have always had a good exchange with each other. :)
Prayers sent back and forth when in need, that sort of thing.
This site (GSC) really can bring out the best in folks, if a lighthearted attitude is taken.
Get too serious -- and minor posts can come across as attacks.
So with that said -- Hey there BB --- >>
Just re-measured the fiddle bows. I need 26 1/4 inches (in length) of hair for the three of them.
1/4 inch wide, on all of them as well. So --- if you've got 31 inches *to spare* ---
You could give me everything I need for these bows, an still be *stylish* in Phoenix!
Whatcha say? Eh??
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PS -- I meant to add It's good to hear your getting the medical care you need.
About d*** time!
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