Rah rah, biss boom bah...this is not a court room. You are confusing your constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States with your being a guest at a private website...people come here to relate experiences and share opinions...they don't need to present court room evidence here.
It is not a private site and we see more and more every day people being held accountable for things they do and say on the internet ,as it should be.
Perhaps those who wish to hurl cheap insults at others should be banned? Perhaps it is they who should start their own thread and not disrupt another with their sniping. I question their agenda and why they are here...this is not a question of honest debates and differing opinions...this is a deliberate attempt by certain people to shut down threads with their Anti-Wierwille apologist rhetoric.
You question MY agenda and why I am here?... After nearly 7000 posts over a number of years, my agenda should be clear to you...you should have no questions about it... ...but just for the record, my agenda is anti-twi, anti-Wierwille, anti Martindale, anti waybrain...anti cult...AND my agenda happens to be in "alignment and harmony" with the mission of this website...
...You seem to think that the GreaseSpot Cafe is a "neutral zone" where anti Wierwille and pro Wierwille posters are both welcome with equality and open arms...HA! As far as I'm concerned, anyone who is here to promote twi, Wierwille and his teachings and the cult mentality...is fair game!
You question MY agenda and why I am here?... After nearly 7000 posts over a number of years, my agenda should be clear to you...you should have no questions about it... ...but just for the record, my agenda is anti-twi, anti-Wierwille, anti Martindale, anti waybrain...anti cult...AND my agenda happens to be in "alignment and harmony" with the mission of this website...
...You seem to think that the GreaseSpot Cafe is a "neutral zone" where anti Wierwille and pro Wierwille posters are both welcome with equality and open arms...HA! As far as I'm concerned, anyone who is here to promote twi, Wierwille and his teachings and the cult mentality...is fair game!
Just like anyone that disagrees on politics gets the same treatment. It's the mission that gives the right to attack!
Thank you Lucy it's nice to see that someone still supports our rights in this country for everybody not just for those we like.
And until someone has been given those rights and found guilty the proper term to refer to those offences in question is alleged.
WhiteDove- our constitutional rights are just fine. No one is dismantling the constitution.
Please quite wrapping yourself in the flag while you attack posters telling their first hand experiences. It's a disgrace to both the flag and the posters telling their story.
This is not a courtroom and you are not an officer of the court. You've not been charged with impeaching a witness.
Even if all that had been true, there would have been a cry long ago that you harass those giving their "testimonies."
It is not a private site and we see more and more every day people being held accountable for things they do and say on the internet ,as it should be.
Yes, I agree that people should be "held accountable for things they do and say on the internet"
GSC is, indeed, a public place in that virtually anyone with a computer can access these pages for perusal.
Participation here, however, requires that one subscribe and follow the rules, both in letter and in spirit.
That means that, even though GSC is "public" in terms of visibility, activity here can be controlled "privately" by the operators of the site. It also means they can "hold people accountable for things they do and say" as participants. As the proprietors, they are within their rights and they have the power to do so, much as the proprietor of a privately owned theater has the right to insist that disruptive speech, such as calling, "FIRE!" or open solicitation be prohibited.
Revictimizing the victims of abuse is itself abusive. It speaks volumes about the one doing it. What they still adhere to shapes their perspective and ability to
inflict cruelty on those so horribly hurt. So, it serves a purpose on this website, revealing VPW in all his glory. His legacy. But, how do you provide a safe place
for the victims story to be told without restricting these posters access to abusive behavoir? Tough question.
Maybe the circle of kind and loving support you all have put around these victims is enough to sheild them? Sounds like it is for some. Maybe others don't tell
their stories for fear of ridicule, which is a shame.
Banning them seems excessive.
The support given might be enough to protect them--the ones revictimizing show their hearts, the ones defending theirs. Who still believes the VP garbage? Who
Then, there's the frustration watching another thread get derailed again due to the constant flogging of dead horse objections and tired arguements by the pro waybrain apologists.
Trolling and flamebaiting are against this site's rules, those who partake in such practices to start a flame debate just because they don't like the content or phraseology of the non waybrained posters are going to get posts deleted, as we've seen, time out restrictions from posting, we've seen that too, and ultimately get banned if their acts are agregeous and repetitive enough.
This is what I said to WhiteDove in the other thread -
I've said it twice now, once on this thread once on the other. I have defended your right to post, stood firm on the notion that you should not be banned. It would be nice if perhaps you would acknowledge or otherwise respond to the following:
In the real world, even in a courtroom, the victim does not refer to the perpetrator as the "alleged perpetrator" and the victim does not refer to the crimes as "alleged crimes." When one is speaking of personal experience, and another comes along and calls their experience "alleged" they are in essence questioning that person's honesty and integrity and that is very personal.
You don't like be referred to as a "VPW apologist." People who tell of their personal experiences in TWI don't like having their honesty and integrity questioned. You can try to be as "objective" and "lawyerly" as possible, but when you cast aspersions of doubt about someone's personal experience, you are attacking them personally.
A wise person knows when to speak and when to hold their own tongue. There are plently of opportunities on this board for you to ask your questions and state your opinions. Sometimes, however, it is best to do neither, if doing so may cause mental and emotional anguish to someone who has exposed their heart and pain.
VPW is dead. Defending him won't raise him from the dead. The accusations against him cannot hurt him, he is feeling no pain. For the living, telling of their experiences can be healing, but having to defend themselves for telling of their experiences is hurtful. Is your love for the "facts" and or your love for a dead man really so much greater, so much more important than your love for the living?
His refusal to acknowledge that even in a courtroom victims do not referr to the perpetrator or the crimes as "alleged," the completely cold and calloused responses and lack of regard for the pain he could be causing to someone who has already suffered more than enough - which is apparently not nearly as important to him as defending a dead man, really causes me to lose any respect I might have once had for him and actually does make me want to rethink my original position on this thread regarding banning.
I think you are missing my point...This isn't about different opinions. This is about a pattern of attacks against people who are victims of twi, trying to tell their story...when suddenly...the same posters show up, attacking the credibility of the poster, blaming the victim and generally derailing the thread...
...How many people will, in the future, be willing to share "their story"...when they know that Whitedove and oldiesman are about to attack them?
I've been around these board for over eight years now. I don't see the "attacks" you mention. I see some strong opinions and passionate exchanges, but I think to call it "attacks" is turning it into "high drama". Sorry. If you want to see attacks, go look at some early Waydale posts - good grief.
I am in favor of differing opinions...but don't call what they are doing as people expressing "a different opinion"...what they do is rude and insensitive and insulting to the poster...and 9 times out of ten, the thread becomes totally derailed as a result of their efforts...there's a pattern of this and I believe that it's deliberate.
Then take it to the moderators - I've found them to be very proactive when there's a REAL issue.
"Wow...what a boring place"...yeah, I agree. I highly encourage people to think for themselves and to present differing views. I often get involved with the debates in the politics and tacks forum because there are times that I enjoy that type of thing...BUT, I don't think that every thread on every forum is a "debate forum"...when someone is telling their story, they should not have to worry about being attacked...what about the prayer room forum or the forum on memorials?...
Again, I don't see this trend - do you have stats on this? Seriously.
All I'm saying is that there is some very inappropriate behavior going on in certain threads ...and although it may not be boring, watching thread after thread go down the toilet is less than satisfying...
With all due respect, as you haven't crossed any lines with me (and believe me, you'd know it if you had) but your behavior hasn't been stellar either. I see you locking up with a lot of posters. No offense, but you're strongly opinionated, as am I, but your delivery isn't exactly tactful at times. That doesn't mean I start a thread, call out your name, and offer to ban you does it? Good grief. That's a bit extreme. Let the mods do their job and report what you think is unfair to them.
Yes, I agree that people should be "held accountable for things they do and say on the internet"
GSC is, indeed, a public place in that virtually anyone with a computer can access these pages for perusal.
Participation here, however, requires that one subscribe and follow the rules, both in letter and in spirit.
That means that, even though GSC is "public" in terms of visibility, activity here can be controlled "privately" by the operators of the site. It also means they can "hold people accountable for things they do and say" as participants. As the proprietors, they are within their rights and they have the power to do so, much as the proprietor of a privately owned theater has the right to insist that disruptive speech, such as calling, "FIRE!" or open solicitation be prohibited.
I agree and when the rules say that NO ONE is allowed to speak anything that is considered posative about the Way or VP then I will honor that request and the site can become a hate fest for anti way apologists.
This is what I said to WhiteDove in the other thread -
His refusal to acknowledge that even in a courtroom victims do not referr to the perpetrator or the crimes as "alleged," the completely cold and calloused responses and lack of regard for the pain he could be causing to someone who has already suffered more than enough - which is apparently not nearly as important to him as defending a dead man, really causes me to lose any respect I might have once had for him and actually does make me want to rethink my original position on this thread regarding banning.
Been a little busy here Geeese your response is in the Q
WhiteDove- our constitutional rights are just fine. No one is dismantling the constitution.
Please quite wrapping yourself in the flag while you attack posters telling their first hand experiences. It's a disgrace to both the flag and the posters telling their story.
This is not a courtroom and you are not an officer of the court. You've not been charged with impeaching a witness.
Even if all that had been true, there would have been a cry long ago that you harass those giving their "testimonies."
I've never harassed anyone . I have pointed out that that which some seem to take as fact has not been established as so. I have not made claim as to if it is true or untrue only that there is not adequate documentation to establish either, as such one can not be passed off as fact. That may bother those who would like it to be so that I say so is enough to establish fact ,it does not work that way in cases where crimes are accused.
This isn't directed to anyone poster in particular but if the shoe fits...
This forum is many things to many different people:
venting about former or current experiences with TWI
connecting with old friends and even family members
sharing life experiences and milestones
making new friends in other states or countries
asking for help with prayers
debating politics or sharing political views
talking about sports
sharing recipes
getting answers to computer questions
and so much more...
Guess what? This isn't the only forum I frequent. There's one for my local community, Harry Potter fans, Mac computer users, dog rescue, and others that I also visit. I read a lot of opinionated discussion - and that's fine and well - as long as people remember one thing...
"Don't be easily offended and don't offend easily".
This is true for any forum and any communication via this electronic medium.
So think about it...
Why are you here?
Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Perhaps the REAL issue isn't WHAT people believe (i.e. anti-VPW or pro-VPW) - maybe it's the delivery of the message.
I agree and when the rules say that NO ONE is allowed to speak anything that is considered posative about the Way or VP then I will honor that request and the site can become a hate fest for anti way apologists.
Once again, you have distorted the essence of my post. I myself have made positive statements about my experiences in The Way. However, in doing so, I did not discount or deny the "less than positive" experiences that others have had. I have, however, stated that it is my opinion that the cost of those experiences was far too high. If you will get honest with yourself, you will see that this discounting type of attitude is what some find objectionable, more so than recounting a positive event.
And since you skirted the issue regarding the difference between public and private, allow me to restate the obvious.
This is a public place (to visit) but participation is privately controlled.
I've never harassed anyone . I have pointed out that that which some seem to take as fact has not been established as so. I have not made claim as to if it is true or untrue only that there is not adequate documentation to establish either, as such one can not be passed off as fact. That may bother those who would like it to be so that I say so is enough to establish fact ,it does not work that way in cases where crimes are accused.
What do you believe would be allowed if a poster does not believe the testimony of another poster?
GS is a group of close knit indiviudals who have been involved in this areana for many years.
Naturaly ties and allegience and friendships and relationships are formed along with opinions .
To get along often means going with the flow to not cause "divisions within the ranks" to be agreeable with the general concept of the site. to try to understand the other point of view.
Emotions are involved because this isnt a fact finding case or a court of law.
WD it isnt. It is a public web site.
So I ask what if as much as it may freak some of you out a poster doesnt agree that another poster is telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Poster align with those they know will agree with them and comfort or side with their view.
I think the apologists are fewer in number as you call those who do not think everything written here is the gospel for all.
I know most want those to believe their friends and fellows, because they do and maybe even once didnt but changed their mind and feel better now.
now back to the elephant what if what if some do not believe the testimony of a poster here?
if it about a vote on who thinks one poster is telling a true story or not. The apologists lose. clearly.
those who believe they are right assume everyone see it that way, or can be convinced someday to believe it.
What if that doesnt happen par for the course ? do ya just shoot the elephant and leave the decay all over the site?
eventualy you will have a hate site without differing opinions .
So TWI wasn't the utopia - the heaven on earth you initially thought it was or should be. Divorcee's say pretty much the same thing when discussing what their marriage was like to their ex. That is why I agree with you 1000%. The real issue isn't over what people believe or don't believe. It's about the relationships they have with one another.
now back to the elephant what if what if some do not believe the testimony of a poster here?
if it about a vote on who thinks one poster is telling a true story or not. The apologists lose. clearly.
those who believe they are right assume everyone see it that way, or can be convinced someday to believe it.
What if that doesnt happen par for the course ? do ya just shoot the elephant and leave the decay all over the site?
eventualy you will have a hate site without differing opinions .
There's no requirement to believe what anyone here says...I question a lot of what I read...some posters have more credibility with me than others...that's probably true for most of us. This issue is not about having a different opinion...it's about being rude and insensitive...and hurtful towards others. Would you walk into an AA meeting and in the middle of a tearful testamony, shout out "How do I know what you are saying is true?"..."Do you offer any proof?"...Even if you questioned their credibilty, it would be rude to interupt them in such an inappropriate manner.
There's a time and a place for everything...and yes, I am biased. I have seen the damage done to individuals for many years now...caused by their experience in a cult that we call twi. The nefarious acts committed against the young and the naive in the name of God...The lies, the abuse...and that's primarily why I post here...To expose the evils of this cult...it's wrong teachings, it's immoral behavior, the damage it causes to many, many individuals...to warn people to stay away from them, get out of there if you are currently involved...and find some help...this website has always been, in part, an internet support group for ex-twi members...many people have been helped by this place...
...so now I'm supposed to be tolerant of pro-Wierwille/twi rhetoric?...Allow them their own podium in which their voice can be heard...for the sake of political correctness?...the fact is...they are allowed here to post. I don't think that entitles them any special consideration...and there's no way they should be allowed to attack rapes victims as they give their testamonies...
I am not permitted to call you a liar, but this statement is simply inacurate when it comes to your conduct here.
You have harassed, stalked, insulted, denigrated me, my ideas, denied my experiences and called into question my veracity for years. Before it was cracked down upon, you called me viscious names, accused me of lying, called into question my mental stability, my qualifications as a parent, etc.
Your treatment of others is at times cruel and vindictive as well.
It is sad to me, that you feel that anybody who doesn`t support your version of twi is considered worthy of such a lack of kindness, compassion, or just plain decency.
Adherence to Twi doctrine appears to have made you hard. This is not the behavior one would expect of a fellow Christian :(
Rah rah, biss boom bah...this is not a court room. You are confusing your constitutional rights as a citizen of the United States with your being a guest at a private website...people come here to relate experiences and share opinions...they don't need to present court room evidence here.
Groucho, I don't know who teed teed in your Cheerios and really I don't care, you have offended me with each of your posts, do I go and tattle on you? NO, I ignore you, until you insulted me and the other people that saw the point of what I said. You don't have the power or authority to tell people how to think. In my opinion you just started another argument by starting this thread, and I am not a guest.
When you forget your constitutional rights and the rights of others to speak, have opinions and say how they feel you may as well be in Iran. you want to go live in Iran. I will pack your bags. I know someone who will get you in, you can stay with them. When they (the Muslims in charge) shoot you in the back for being a subvertor, I will come back and get your body. You have no idea how good you have it, and all you care about is someone who has an opinion different from yours.
Try this on for size: I think all people should pee sitting down. I do, so I think you should too. And we should get rid of all urinals, and make men sit down to pee because they certainly are too stupid to figure out how to pee on their own. It's just as ridiculous as you saying ban the sympathizers....Ban the books, burn the Bible. Use your head.
People have the right to say what they think, no yelling fire in a theater, no calling 911 when there is no emergency, people have the right to disagree with you, or anyone else. Gee, you are against free thinkers. Do you want to be brainwashed again, have you learned to think for yourself, can you state your own opinion without violating anyone's civil rights?
I have related experiences and shared opinions, I also try to do it without hurting anyone's feelings, to present myself as a lady, and respect the rights of others, the topics discussed here are volitile at best, so to expect calm seas at all times is unrealistic.
Try to see the other persons point of view Groucho.
Sorry i got on ya, but you are totally missing the point.
This isn't directed to anyone poster in particular but if the shoe fits...
Guess what? This isn't the only forum I frequent. There's one for my local community, Harry Potter fans, Mac computer users, dog rescue, and others that I also visit. I read a lot of opinionated discussion - and that's fine and well - as long as people remember one thing...
"Don't be easily offended and don't offend easily".
ChasUFarley, i hate to do this to you, but we need a laugh in this thread......
i am afraid I cannot abide your being in a forum for Mac users, it's against the law...somewhere......I am a Mac opposer. and I think Mac's whould be outlawed. I think they are.
(watch some numbnut is going to read this and start a gossip thread that Mac's have been outlawed....just watch)
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Hi, Revictimizing the victims of abuse is itself abusive. It speaks volumes about the one doing it. What they still adhere to shapes their perspective and ability to inflict cruelty on those so horr
It is not a private site and we see more and more every day people being held accountable for things they do and say on the internet ,as it should be.
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You question MY agenda and why I am here?...
After nearly 7000 posts over a number of years, my agenda should be clear to you...you should have no questions about it...
...but just for the record, my agenda is anti-twi, anti-Wierwille, anti Martindale, anti waybrain...anti cult...AND my agenda happens to be in "alignment and harmony" with the mission of this website...
...You seem to think that the GreaseSpot Cafe is a "neutral zone" where anti Wierwille and pro Wierwille posters are both welcome with equality and open arms...HA! As far as I'm concerned, anyone who is here to promote twi, Wierwille and his teachings and the cult mentality...is fair game!
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Just like anyone that disagrees on politics gets the same treatment. It's the mission that gives the right to attack!
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That's right Ductape...We all make our choices.
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And your nearly 7000 posts show your choice to go after and attack those that disagree with your position.
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The mission doesn't give the right to attack posters telling their personal stories.
The mission doesn't give the right to be rude.
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WhiteDove- our constitutional rights are just fine. No one is dismantling the constitution.
Please quite wrapping yourself in the flag while you attack posters telling their first hand experiences. It's a disgrace to both the flag and the posters telling their story.
This is not a courtroom and you are not an officer of the court. You've not been charged with impeaching a witness.
Even if all that had been true, there would have been a cry long ago that you harass those giving their "testimonies."
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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Yes, I agree that people should be "held accountable for things they do and say on the internet"
GSC is, indeed, a public place in that virtually anyone with a computer can access these pages for perusal.
Participation here, however, requires that one subscribe and follow the rules, both in letter and in spirit.
That means that, even though GSC is "public" in terms of visibility, activity here can be controlled "privately" by the operators of the site. It also means they can "hold people accountable for things they do and say" as participants. As the proprietors, they are within their rights and they have the power to do so, much as the proprietor of a privately owned theater has the right to insist that disruptive speech, such as calling, "FIRE!" or open solicitation be prohibited.
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Revictimizing the victims of abuse is itself abusive. It speaks volumes about the one doing it. What they still adhere to shapes their perspective and ability to
inflict cruelty on those so horribly hurt. So, it serves a purpose on this website, revealing VPW in all his glory. His legacy. But, how do you provide a safe place
for the victims story to be told without restricting these posters access to abusive behavoir? Tough question.
Maybe the circle of kind and loving support you all have put around these victims is enough to sheild them? Sounds like it is for some. Maybe others don't tell
their stories for fear of ridicule, which is a shame.
Banning them seems excessive.
The support given might be enough to protect them--the ones revictimizing show their hearts, the ones defending theirs. Who still believes the VP garbage? Who
grew up? It is obvious to the most casual lurker!
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now I see
Then, there's the frustration watching another thread get derailed again due to the constant flogging of dead horse objections and tired arguements by the pro waybrain apologists.
Trolling and flamebaiting are against this site's rules, those who partake in such practices to start a flame debate just because they don't like the content or phraseology of the non waybrained posters are going to get posts deleted, as we've seen, time out restrictions from posting, we've seen that too, and ultimately get banned if their acts are agregeous and repetitive enough.
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This is what I said to WhiteDove in the other thread -
His refusal to acknowledge that even in a courtroom victims do not referr to the perpetrator or the crimes as "alleged," the completely cold and calloused responses and lack of regard for the pain he could be causing to someone who has already suffered more than enough - which is apparently not nearly as important to him as defending a dead man, really causes me to lose any respect I might have once had for him and actually does make me want to rethink my original position on this thread regarding banning.
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I agree and when the rules say that NO ONE is allowed to speak anything that is considered posative about the Way or VP then I will honor that request and the site can become a hate fest for anti way apologists.
Been a little busy here Geeese your response is in the Q
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I've never harassed anyone . I have pointed out that that which some seem to take as fact has not been established as so. I have not made claim as to if it is true or untrue only that there is not adequate documentation to establish either, as such one can not be passed off as fact. That may bother those who would like it to be so that I say so is enough to establish fact ,it does not work that way in cases where crimes are accused.
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This isn't directed to anyone poster in particular but if the shoe fits...
This forum is many things to many different people:
Guess what? This isn't the only forum I frequent. There's one for my local community, Harry Potter fans, Mac computer users, dog rescue, and others that I also visit. I read a lot of opinionated discussion - and that's fine and well - as long as people remember one thing...
"Don't be easily offended and don't offend easily".
This is true for any forum and any communication via this electronic medium.
So think about it...
Why are you here?
Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Perhaps the REAL issue isn't WHAT people believe (i.e. anti-VPW or pro-VPW) - maybe it's the delivery of the message.
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Once again, you have distorted the essence of my post. I myself have made positive statements about my experiences in The Way. However, in doing so, I did not discount or deny the "less than positive" experiences that others have had. I have, however, stated that it is my opinion that the cost of those experiences was far too high. If you will get honest with yourself, you will see that this discounting type of attitude is what some find objectionable, more so than recounting a positive event.
And since you skirted the issue regarding the difference between public and private, allow me to restate the obvious.
This is a public place (to visit) but participation is privately controlled.
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Thank you. I responded in the other thread.
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Only in YOUR mind.
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OK I will talk about the elephant in the room.
What do you believe would be allowed if a poster does not believe the testimony of another poster?
GS is a group of close knit indiviudals who have been involved in this areana for many years.
Naturaly ties and allegience and friendships and relationships are formed along with opinions .
To get along often means going with the flow to not cause "divisions within the ranks" to be agreeable with the general concept of the site. to try to understand the other point of view.
Emotions are involved because this isnt a fact finding case or a court of law.
WD it isnt. It is a public web site.
So I ask what if as much as it may freak some of you out a poster doesnt agree that another poster is telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Poster align with those they know will agree with them and comfort or side with their view.
I think the apologists are fewer in number as you call those who do not think everything written here is the gospel for all.
I know most want those to believe their friends and fellows, because they do and maybe even once didnt but changed their mind and feel better now.
now back to the elephant what if what if some do not believe the testimony of a poster here?
if it about a vote on who thinks one poster is telling a true story or not. The apologists lose. clearly.
those who believe they are right assume everyone see it that way, or can be convinced someday to believe it.
What if that doesnt happen par for the course ? do ya just shoot the elephant and leave the decay all over the site?
eventualy you will have a hate site without differing opinions .
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What The Hey
So TWI wasn't the utopia - the heaven on earth you initially thought it was or should be. Divorcee's say pretty much the same thing when discussing what their marriage was like to their ex. That is why I agree with you 1000%. The real issue isn't over what people believe or don't believe. It's about the relationships they have with one another.
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There's no requirement to believe what anyone here says...I question a lot of what I read...some posters have more credibility with me than others...that's probably true for most of us. This issue is not about having a different opinion...it's about being rude and insensitive...and hurtful towards others. Would you walk into an AA meeting and in the middle of a tearful testamony, shout out "How do I know what you are saying is true?"..."Do you offer any proof?"...Even if you questioned their credibilty, it would be rude to interupt them in such an inappropriate manner.
There's a time and a place for everything...and yes, I am biased. I have seen the damage done to individuals for many years now...caused by their experience in a cult that we call twi. The nefarious acts committed against the young and the naive in the name of God...The lies, the abuse...and that's primarily why I post here...To expose the evils of this cult...it's wrong teachings, it's immoral behavior, the damage it causes to many, many individuals...to warn people to stay away from them, get out of there if you are currently involved...and find some help...this website has always been, in part, an internet support group for ex-twi members...many people have been helped by this place...
...so now I'm supposed to be tolerant of pro-Wierwille/twi rhetoric?...Allow them their own podium in which their voice can be heard...for the sake of political correctness?...the fact is...they are allowed here to post. I don't think that entitles them any special consideration...and there's no way they should be allowed to attack rapes victims as they give their testamonies...
...but that's just me
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I am not permitted to call you a liar, but this statement is simply inacurate when it comes to your conduct here.
You have harassed, stalked, insulted, denigrated me, my ideas, denied my experiences and called into question my veracity for years. Before it was cracked down upon, you called me viscious names, accused me of lying, called into question my mental stability, my qualifications as a parent, etc.
Your treatment of others is at times cruel and vindictive as well.
It is sad to me, that you feel that anybody who doesn`t support your version of twi is considered worthy of such a lack of kindness, compassion, or just plain decency.
Adherence to Twi doctrine appears to have made you hard. This is not the behavior one would expect of a fellow Christian :(
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Groucho, I don't know who teed teed in your Cheerios and really I don't care, you have offended me with each of your posts, do I go and tattle on you? NO, I ignore you, until you insulted me and the other people that saw the point of what I said. You don't have the power or authority to tell people how to think. In my opinion you just started another argument by starting this thread, and I am not a guest.
When you forget your constitutional rights and the rights of others to speak, have opinions and say how they feel you may as well be in Iran. you want to go live in Iran. I will pack your bags. I know someone who will get you in, you can stay with them. When they (the Muslims in charge) shoot you in the back for being a subvertor, I will come back and get your body. You have no idea how good you have it, and all you care about is someone who has an opinion different from yours.
Try this on for size: I think all people should pee sitting down. I do, so I think you should too. And we should get rid of all urinals, and make men sit down to pee because they certainly are too stupid to figure out how to pee on their own. It's just as ridiculous as you saying ban the sympathizers....Ban the books, burn the Bible. Use your head.
People have the right to say what they think, no yelling fire in a theater, no calling 911 when there is no emergency, people have the right to disagree with you, or anyone else. Gee, you are against free thinkers. Do you want to be brainwashed again, have you learned to think for yourself, can you state your own opinion without violating anyone's civil rights?
I have related experiences and shared opinions, I also try to do it without hurting anyone's feelings, to present myself as a lady, and respect the rights of others, the topics discussed here are volitile at best, so to expect calm seas at all times is unrealistic.
Try to see the other persons point of view Groucho.
Sorry i got on ya, but you are totally missing the point.
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ChasUFarley, i hate to do this to you, but we need a laugh in this thread......
i am afraid I cannot abide your being in a forum for Mac users, it's against the law...somewhere......I am a Mac opposer. and I think Mac's whould be outlawed. I think they are.
(watch some numbnut is going to read this and start a gossip thread that Mac's have been outlawed....just watch)
Lighten up people. We survived right.
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