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God first

Beloved All

God loves us all my dear friends

I wanted to write about "Adding a friend" and how I see it because some one but I will not say who or when but it has got me upset that some one could be mad because I asked them to be my friend

The "Grease Spot Cafe" software sent them a invitation from me which blesses me

Now no one has to approval of any friend and they can take friends away at any time if they changed their minds

So how I see friends is a friendship met that can change at any time depending on either side

nothing more nothing less please tell me your understanding of it

NOW I also like to "add a comment" on some new people profile which might get some people upset if the wrongs are added and I understand that so on new people I just add "welcome"

but I have added other things to other people's with no problem

The "welcome" to me is just a way to welcome them to this place no more no less

With out getting into a long draw out story my posting this tread I hope to help the person understand my reasons without written them or pointing a finger at anyone and make sure everybody other that I invited to be my friend and sent them a welcome is ok with it

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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