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ROA '76


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Thirty-two years ago give or take a month. Could it have been that long ago? Something about the 4th of July brings it to mind.

Well, that was the year there was a little fireworks display.

Also, someone performed American Trilogy at the closing service.

Barry McCoy, perhaps?

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Elvis died when I was at my first ROA. We went to town to wash clothes and heard it on the t. v. in the laundry mat. Cuuuhhhraaazeee, how ya remember stuff. It seems just like yesterday to me. Yip, skip it was 31 years ago.

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Well, that was the year there was a little fireworks display.

Also, someone performed American Trilogy at the closing service.

Barry McCoy, perhaps?

American Trilogy was done in '73. It was on the ROA '73 album. (Although they certainly could have done it again in '76.)

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When we lived in Charleston, SC, we would go to the ROA and wonder why Ohioans thought they had humidity at all!

The only time I really enjoyed the ROA was when we stayed somewhere other than in a tent. I have NEVER liked tent camping, and to make it worse, there were those VIP's and WC who were always clean, neat, with pressed clothes, coiffured hair and full makeup in place, smiling sweetly at the sweating masses of non-green-namtagged peons, suffering in the sun and rain and humidity.

No offence to those of you who actually worked during the ROA and sweated right along with the rest of us. There were a chosen few, however, who seemed to enjoy special privileges and never worked or got dirty.


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When we lived in Charleston, SC, we would go to the ROA and wonder why Ohioans thought they had humidity at all!

You got that right.

I grew up in Washington State, on the side of the Cascade mountains. We had hard winters and nice summers. Low humidity, temperature in the 70's and 80's most of the time. Just really nice weather from May to September. I enlisted in the Army in the summer of 1970. The recruiter told me I'd be sent to Ft. Lewis for basic training. That's on the coast of Washington state. I reported for my induction and they told me we would be going to Ft. Jackson at Columbia SC. I didn't have a clue what the weather would be like, but when I stepped off the plane at the airport, I thought I'd die. It felt like stepping into a furnace. What the he|| had I gotten myself into? Well, I got through it, and now when I think things are bad, I can always look back to that 60 days...

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only roa I enjoyed was when I stayed in an RV,my first time out wow(big dreamer I was)

after that and a "vow" of celibacy well.....that went right out the window,I wonder how many

children were conceived at ROA.

Get it while you can/rules were made to be broken yada yada yada.....memories/nightmares


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The best thing about roa '76, was that it was still at the Shelby County fairgrounds in Sidney.

Instead of the antiseptic, controlled way hq, those grounds featured lovely wooden structures, in various states of disrepair, actual dances at night after the big meeting, grass growing wild, and a few step walk to the town store,passing the protesters .

The chaos was great fun.

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