I recently saw someone on another site that "trashed" people that were trashing vp 20 years after his death. He felt if people didn't have the balls to confront vp then, he didn't want to hear it now ... and that those people got nothing from their training ...
While he was reminded that is not what that site was for .. it amazed me someone could be like that still.
For one thing ... youngsters in their 20's that were deceived are not the same as older folks now ... also, not all info was available then ... so rape is OK because it was not confronted by everyone then?
But he said a mouthful .. he doesn't want to hear it ... if a man wants to be ignorant ... let him be ignorant ... :o
he wants to talk about moving the word ... so i guess some still live in wonderland where THEY are keeping Gawd's wuhrd "alive" ...
oh well ... he is not the only delusional person on the planet ... but it is good to get the word out .... vp was NOT god's anything ... he traded his family farm and a bunch of hype for a lifetime of service from a bunch of suckers ... basically ... nice suckers some were .. but ...
I believe that the whole "carcass eating thing" is an emotional manipulation that was devised by TWI leadership to cover their arsses.
Is their any other input on this TWI standard of likening people who pick on Dr. Wierwille to carrion eaters?
Sure, why not?...What else WOULD they say?...Since the inception of Waydale and Grease Spot, twi has been in damage control mode. Their dirty little secrets have been exposed. Why didn't we confront Wierwille back then?...We didn't KNOW back then...
and I must say...I've been around these forums for years and my opinion of Wierwille continues to drop more and more. The guy abused his own daughters!...for me, that was a new low...Wierwille was worse than most folks here realize. The guy had NO REGARD for anyone or anything except his own monstrous lusts...and he thought God was speaking to him?...can anyone say "Charles Manson"?
Well --- count me SOLIDLY in the *carrion-picker camp* (if there IS such a thing).
If he (docvic) was a *no name, uninfluential person, with zero influence, or social impact* person,
Yea -- I agree -- we'd be picking at bones, and needlessly so.
He spawned and left an evil empire behind him, that (sadly) still exists.
The Org is STILL disrupting folks lives today with all the gold plated B.S.
that they are SO familiar with dispensing, while ignoring that crap themselves.
Picking on docvic?? Naww. I don't think so.
Criticizing his assinine attempt to form a *ministry*? Yes.
Criticizing his lack of morals? Ya -- you betcha.
Criticizing his copius amounts of alcohol consumtion?? Yes.
Criticizing his criticism of his *vocal opponents*, so he smelled sweet?
Again ---- yes.
Oh no --- don't accuse me of picking on poor old vpw. You'll find me front and center in the fight to eradicate (not vpw so much), but what he left behind, that others have taken up as a cause *worthy* (cough!!) to *share to the nations*. It has sucked the life out of so many. Like a cancer --- it keeps on keeping on.
So -- docvic is dead. He's been worm food for 23 years. I've no problems with a dead man.
Ain't no way he's gonna do anything soon. It's the Org he left behind I have problems with.
Like I said -- if docvic was a no name non-descript from Timbucktu ----
All our railing/ complaining/ testimonies would be in vain.
But he wasn't, so our's isn't.
If you want to get rid of evil -- attack the root. We've done that.
Soon the rest of the *tree* will die. That's a hope I have.
I never knew Vic, nor had any experiences in TWI, but what I've read is enough to tell me this man truly was the lowest of the low. I can only pray that God has mercy on his soul. It worries me, about Steph and her family, and at the same time it makes me incredibly angry when I read the things Wierwille did and said. As I've stated before, Steph and I have talked about our religious differences before; and when we talk about it, she gets arrogant, completely unlike her. She also asked me where I was getting my information about Vic because I blatantly told her my extremely low opinion of him, and she just said in a half-sarcastic tone, "Uhhhhhh...yeeeaaahhh...don't go to those sites. All the stuff they say is bull$h!t" I said "But Steph, all claims, whether true or false, have a basis in truth." I asked if she's actually looked at the sites and she told me she hadn't, that she doesn't need to because she knows the truth. And that is when she told me that her mom knew Wierwille, and then said he was a great man. I was astonished. It's amazing what this man and his organization have done to people's minds. Why should we all keep silent for the sake of the poor believers who are offended? More information needs to be released, and more people need to speak out and make known TWI and what it has done to people.
waysider............there are several nazis who post here regularly!.......not much "neo" about their revisionism of vic's "ministry", or adolph's for that matter!.......not much difference between the two, other than some words and geography!.......funny thing is, that the "neo-nazis" who continue "moving das verd over das velt" don't allow their own devotees to post on their own offshoot websites, so like mayo, they've got no place else to go to freely express themselves!........and, as history so sadly proves, fascism needs its propaganda in steady doses, over and over and over again!..........fortunately, most people with functioning brains, and even average intelligence, are able to learn from history........but these "believers" with their amoebic intelligence and rabid religious fervor, are truly doomed to repeat it, and they take great pride in doing so!.............kinda like dogs returning to their vomit!..........only worse!...................peace.
...I've been around these forums for years and my opinion of Wierwille continues to drop more and more. The guy abused his own daughters!...for me, that was a new low...
I hadn't heard that one! Is there a thread or a link around here that deals with that?
As for "criticizing the dead" -- If his followers didn't keep denying the truth and lauding him to people who don't know any better, then it wouldn't be necessary to keep talking about it. But like GrouchoMarxJr, each new revelation about him sickens me even more.
I think that if Dr. Wierwille himself hadn't shared in his book, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" in the teaching entitled,"The
Final Chapter" that was edited by Chris Geer postuminously that he felt that David would have told Bathshebah to "get out of here" if she had mentioned the rape to him I might resist this new course.
I don't think I ever read this one... What did he say about David and Bathsheba and "get out of here"??
Jeff, I understand your anger. We were betrayed, whether it was physically or spiritualy. Wierwille took that which was not his, utilizing the name of God and scriptures to facilitate his crime.
Our lives were hijacked, our time and resources and youth confiscated...used to support incomprehensible evil. Some of us lost everything, a few lost their lives :(
When the apologists proclaim that *God* called them/us to this .... it makes me physically ill.
Jeff, I understand your anger. We were betrayed, whether it was physically or spiritualy. Wierwille took that which was not his, utilizing the name of God and scriptures to facilitate his crime.
Our lives were hijacked, our time and resources and youth confiscated...used to support incomprehensible evil. Some of us lost everything, a few lost their lives :(
When the apologists proclaim that *God* called them/us to this .... it makes me physically ill.
Hi Rascal,
I believe this is a quote from a poem by Edgar Allen Poe:
"Death is the Great Equalizer"
And the Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Judge. If there isn't any justice down here regarding this, there will be in the Throne Room of the Great King, Jesus, the Christ! Hope springs eternal, does it not?
I don't think I ever read this one... What did he say about David and Bathsheba and "get out of here"??
Hi Java Jane,
I'm working from memory right now but I'll do my best.
I think that the purpose of this chapter as written by Dr. Wierwille might just have been to admit to his crimes and say that he was unrepentant, and it was done in that TWI doublespeak that Dr. Wierwille's disciples learned. It has allowed them to say many hurtful and nasty things in such a "sideways manner" that nobody could actually accuse them of saying what everybody knows was meant. I've grown to hate this manner of speaking over the last several years as I was in a situation where some people that ran a little splinter group made up their minds to ruin my life, but in such a manner that they could actually falsely claim to be treating me the best that they could under the circumstances.
I believe that Dr. Wierwille was nearly unbeatable in this manner of speaking.
Well, back to the point Java Jane.
In this chapter Dr. Wierwille is teaching an apparently heartfelt and touching bible lesson when out of nowhere he said that HE THINKS that if Bathsheba had come into David's bedroom and pleaded for her life and Solomon's by reminding David that he raped her he would have said, "Woman, get out of here." And in the same section he said that Abishag the Shunamite was in David's bed to warm him (or some such thing) and even though it's plainly stated that David knew her not, Dr stated that as David's wife, Bathsheba had every right to come in there and say to Abishag, "Get out of here you sex fiend."
These two statements by Dr. Wierwille in this teaching do not fit with the rest of the teaching, and I believe that he probably intended them as warnings to his wife.
As I've said, this was a manner of speaking that Dr. excelled in and I believe that his disciples were trained and conditioned to hear the word of God (so-called) in these subtle little jabs.
I've heard this kind of thing a lot, and I consider it his own words pointing to his guilt.
Jeff, I understand your anger. We were betrayed, whether it was physically or spiritualy. Wierwille took that which was not his, utilizing the name of God and scriptures to facilitate his crime.
Our lives were hijacked, our time and resources and youth confiscated...used to support incomprehensible evil. Some of us lost everything, a few lost their lives :(
When the apologists proclaim that *God* called them/us to this .... it makes me physically ill.
Yeah I know what you mean rascal.
I consider you to be one of my good examples in the category of living well in spite of all this.
I never knew Vic, nor had any experiences in TWI, but what I've read is enough to tell me this man truly was the lowest of the low. I can only pray that God has mercy on his soul. It worries me, about Steph and her family, and at the same time it makes me incredibly angry when I read the things Wierwille did and said. As I've stated before, Steph and I have talked about our religious differences before; and when we talk about it, she gets arrogant, completely unlike her. She also asked me where I was getting my information about Vic because I blatantly told her my extremely low opinion of him, and she just said in a half-sarcastic tone, "Uhhhhhh...yeeeaaahhh...don't go to those sites. All the stuff they say is bull$h!t" I said "But Steph, all claims, whether true or false, have a basis in truth." I asked if she's actually looked at the sites and she told me she hadn't, that she doesn't need to because she knows the truth. And that is when she told me that her mom knew Wierwille, and then said he was a great man. I was astonished. It's amazing what this man and his organization have done to people's minds. Why should we all keep silent for the sake of the poor believers who are offended? More information needs to be released, and more people need to speak out and make known TWI and what it has done to people.
So if I am a "carrion-eater," so be it.
Dear Brushstroke,
I believe that you are very thoughtful and intelligent for such a young man.
I hope you are taking good notes at this site however and praying much, because even with everything that you seem capable, of it is plain to me that you might not win this fight.
I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to warn you that I don't think that many of us even here would be capable of changing anything for your dear Steph, and you should be prepared for this too, if it comes to that.
For what it's worth, I will pray that you succeed however.
Jeff, since this is your thread and just for fun, maybe with the help of Rascal we can get all the Cult Posters together to pray enough to RAISE Dr. Weirvell back to LIFE, make a new Mel Brooks KULT Frankenstein movie and then Put HIM To Death Again & Again... :evildenk: You know just for fun?? Maybe 4,5,6 times, just so the sequels can keep everyone entertained!!
There has to be enough movie critics, producers and twi way corps experts lurking around to make a great retirement final episode!
At least your put down is not the same old crap that has decieved many, many people for decades.
Or is it? HHHMMM...
Jeff, before you get the job, you have to raise him from the DEAD
So don't be too quick to rspond...hhhmmm <_< Even for a guy with your great talents these things don't just happen over night! :unsure: Remember...TALK is CHEAP!!
Once a young man that I was fond of like a little brother joked with me about how much work he did the night before in the cabinet shop.
I said, "I'll believe it when I see it."
His response was, "I can't believe that you are taking Thomas's road." (referring of course to the disciple/ future apostle commonly called doubting Thomas)
I answered, "For me to be on Thomas's road, you have to be on Jesus Christ's road, and you are not telling the truth kiddo."
You see, he was wrongly accusing me of being a little off, and his statement was false because Thomas was doubting truth, not a lie. I was doubting a lie, and not the truth.
Talking truth is never cheap Bumpy.
I've shared honestly with you that I have grave doubts as to just exactly where you are coming from however.
Where am I talking falsely Bumpy? Accusations and provocations can be cheap too.
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Nice post Jeff.
I am a carrion eater - I guess
He goes well with kiante....
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I recently saw someone on another site that "trashed" people that were trashing vp 20 years after his death. He felt if people didn't have the balls to confront vp then, he didn't want to hear it now ... and that those people got nothing from their training ...
While he was reminded that is not what that site was for .. it amazed me someone could be like that still.
For one thing ... youngsters in their 20's that were deceived are not the same as older folks now ... also, not all info was available then ... so rape is OK because it was not confronted by everyone then?
But he said a mouthful .. he doesn't want to hear it ... if a man wants to be ignorant ... let him be ignorant ... :o
he wants to talk about moving the word ... so i guess some still live in wonderland where THEY are keeping Gawd's wuhrd "alive" ...
oh well ... he is not the only delusional person on the planet ... but it is good to get the word out .... vp was NOT god's anything ... he traded his family farm and a bunch of hype for a lifetime of service from a bunch of suckers ... basically ... nice suckers some were .. but ...
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haha I agree what a decietful evil person!
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Sure, why not?...What else WOULD they say?...Since the inception of Waydale and Grease Spot, twi has been in damage control mode. Their dirty little secrets have been exposed. Why didn't we confront Wierwille back then?...We didn't KNOW back then...
and I must say...I've been around these forums for years and my opinion of Wierwille continues to drop more and more. The guy abused his own daughters!...for me, that was a new low...Wierwille was worse than most folks here realize. The guy had NO REGARD for anyone or anything except his own monstrous lusts...and he thought God was speaking to him?...can anyone say "Charles Manson"?
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Well --- count me SOLIDLY in the *carrion-picker camp* (if there IS such a thing).
If he (docvic) was a *no name, uninfluential person, with zero influence, or social impact* person,
Yea -- I agree -- we'd be picking at bones, and needlessly so.
He spawned and left an evil empire behind him, that (sadly) still exists.
The Org is STILL disrupting folks lives today with all the gold plated B.S.
that they are SO familiar with dispensing, while ignoring that crap themselves.
Picking on docvic?? Naww. I don't think so.
Criticizing his assinine attempt to form a *ministry*? Yes.
Criticizing his lack of morals? Ya -- you betcha.
Criticizing his copius amounts of alcohol consumtion?? Yes.
Criticizing his criticism of his *vocal opponents*, so he smelled sweet?
Again ---- yes.
Oh no --- don't accuse me of picking on poor old vpw. You'll find me front and center in the fight to eradicate (not vpw so much), but what he left behind, that others have taken up as a cause *worthy* (cough!!) to *share to the nations*. It has sucked the life out of so many. Like a cancer --- it keeps on keeping on.
So -- docvic is dead. He's been worm food for 23 years. I've no problems with a dead man.
Ain't no way he's gonna do anything soon. It's the Org he left behind I have problems with.
Like I said -- if docvic was a no name non-descript from Timbucktu ----
All our railing/ complaining/ testimonies would be in vain.
But he wasn't, so our's isn't.
If you want to get rid of evil -- attack the root. We've done that.
Soon the rest of the *tree* will die. That's a hope I have.
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Had to add --- It bugs me to NO END, that folks hang onto this guy like
God On A Stick, or something.
He and his Org have ruined more lives than you can shake a stick at.
Yea, yea, yea --- they taught some good stuff, but it's FAR outweighed by the bad.
So -- accuse me all you want of *infidelity*. Then ask if I give a ****.
The short answer is NO. I'm a grown-up now.
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Ever heard of the Neo Nazis?
They extol the virtues of Der Fuhrer.
But what difference should it make?
Old Adolph left this planet over 60 years ago.
Too bad he didn't take his toxic idealism with him.
Likewise mit herr vierville.
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I never knew Vic, nor had any experiences in TWI, but what I've read is enough to tell me this man truly was the lowest of the low. I can only pray that God has mercy on his soul. It worries me, about Steph and her family, and at the same time it makes me incredibly angry when I read the things Wierwille did and said. As I've stated before, Steph and I have talked about our religious differences before; and when we talk about it, she gets arrogant, completely unlike her. She also asked me where I was getting my information about Vic because I blatantly told her my extremely low opinion of him, and she just said in a half-sarcastic tone, "Uhhhhhh...yeeeaaahhh...don't go to those sites. All the stuff they say is bull$h!t" I said "But Steph, all claims, whether true or false, have a basis in truth." I asked if she's actually looked at the sites and she told me she hadn't, that she doesn't need to because she knows the truth. And that is when she told me that her mom knew Wierwille, and then said he was a great man. I was astonished. It's amazing what this man and his organization have done to people's minds. Why should we all keep silent for the sake of the poor believers who are offended? More information needs to be released, and more people need to speak out and make known TWI and what it has done to people.
So if I am a "carrion-eater," so be it.
Edited by BrushstrokeLink to comment
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hiya folks!.........dmiller..........LOL!.........
waysider............there are several nazis who post here regularly!.......not much "neo" about their revisionism of vic's "ministry", or adolph's for that matter!.......not much difference between the two, other than some words and geography!.......funny thing is, that the "neo-nazis" who continue "moving das verd over das velt" don't allow their own devotees to post on their own offshoot websites, so like mayo, they've got no place else to go to freely express themselves!........and, as history so sadly proves, fascism needs its propaganda in steady doses, over and over and over again!..........fortunately, most people with functioning brains, and even average intelligence, are able to learn from history........but these "believers" with their amoebic intelligence and rabid religious fervor, are truly doomed to repeat it, and they take great pride in doing so!.............kinda like dogs returning to their vomit!..........only worse!...................peace.
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Mark Clarke
I hadn't heard that one! Is there a thread or a link around here that deals with that?
As for "criticizing the dead" -- If his followers didn't keep denying the truth and lauding him to people who don't know any better, then it wouldn't be necessary to keep talking about it. But like GrouchoMarxJr, each new revelation about him sickens me even more.
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Brushstroke --- click on my signatures, at the bottom of my posts.
Especially the first one, where I quote Paw.
*Nail That Catfish* is a simple fiddle tune, but speaks volumes concerning the topic at hand.
These (in the video) are all friends of mine from here in Minnesota, who are all non-twi,
but all of them have a HEALTHY respect for indepence.
I'll let it go at that. :)
(edited for spelling. Yea --- I care about that stuff).
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Apparently people aren't picking on old "doc" enough..
same old same old.. won't it ever end?
it's like the Boys from Brazil..
"ya, mein Fuhrer.. they vill take up your name, and from der ashes shall rise the fourth reich.."
just what we need.. "a wierwille for TODAY.. in the twenty-first century.."
I suppose in their minds, nazi Germany under Hitler was a paradise.. just ruined by a few "bad eggs"..
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I don't think I ever read this one... What did he say about David and Bathsheba and "get out of here"??
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Jeff, I understand your anger. We were betrayed, whether it was physically or spiritualy. Wierwille took that which was not his, utilizing the name of God and scriptures to facilitate his crime.
Our lives were hijacked, our time and resources and youth confiscated...used to support incomprehensible evil. Some of us lost everything, a few lost their lives :(
When the apologists proclaim that *God* called them/us to this .... it makes me physically ill.
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Hi Rascal,
I believe this is a quote from a poem by Edgar Allen Poe:
"Death is the Great Equalizer"
And the Lord Jesus Christ is the Great Judge. If there isn't any justice down here regarding this, there will be in the Throne Room of the Great King, Jesus, the Christ! Hope springs eternal, does it not?
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Hi Java Jane,
I'm working from memory right now but I'll do my best.
I think that the purpose of this chapter as written by Dr. Wierwille might just have been to admit to his crimes and say that he was unrepentant, and it was done in that TWI doublespeak that Dr. Wierwille's disciples learned. It has allowed them to say many hurtful and nasty things in such a "sideways manner" that nobody could actually accuse them of saying what everybody knows was meant. I've grown to hate this manner of speaking over the last several years as I was in a situation where some people that ran a little splinter group made up their minds to ruin my life, but in such a manner that they could actually falsely claim to be treating me the best that they could under the circumstances.
I believe that Dr. Wierwille was nearly unbeatable in this manner of speaking.
Well, back to the point Java Jane.
In this chapter Dr. Wierwille is teaching an apparently heartfelt and touching bible lesson when out of nowhere he said that HE THINKS that if Bathsheba had come into David's bedroom and pleaded for her life and Solomon's by reminding David that he raped her he would have said, "Woman, get out of here." And in the same section he said that Abishag the Shunamite was in David's bed to warm him (or some such thing) and even though it's plainly stated that David knew her not, Dr stated that as David's wife, Bathsheba had every right to come in there and say to Abishag, "Get out of here you sex fiend."
These two statements by Dr. Wierwille in this teaching do not fit with the rest of the teaching, and I believe that he probably intended them as warnings to his wife.
As I've said, this was a manner of speaking that Dr. excelled in and I believe that his disciples were trained and conditioned to hear the word of God (so-called) in these subtle little jabs.
I've heard this kind of thing a lot, and I consider it his own words pointing to his guilt.
(added in editing)
Scumbag motherf'er!
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Yeah I know what you mean rascal.
I consider you to be one of my good examples in the category of living well in spite of all this.
Thank you dear friend,
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Dear Brushstroke,
I believe that you are very thoughtful and intelligent for such a young man.
I hope you are taking good notes at this site however and praying much, because even with everything that you seem capable, of it is plain to me that you might not win this fight.
I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to warn you that I don't think that many of us even here would be capable of changing anything for your dear Steph, and you should be prepared for this too, if it comes to that.
For what it's worth, I will pray that you succeed however.
(edited for clarity)
Thank you very much EVERYBODY else!!!
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Jeff, since this is your thread and just for fun, maybe with the help of Rascal we can get all the Cult Posters together to pray enough to RAISE Dr. Weirvell
back to LIFE, make a new Mel Brooks KULT Frankenstein movie and then Put HIM
To Death Again & Again...
:evildenk: You know just for fun?? Maybe 4,5,6 times, just so the sequels can keep everyone entertained!! 
There has to be enough movie critics, producers and twi way corps experts lurking around to make a great retirement final episode!
You could be director!
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Well Bumpy,
At least your put down is not the same old crap that has decieved many, many people for decades.
Or is it? HHHMMM...
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Jeff, before you get the job, you have to raise him from the
So don't be too quick to rspond...hhhmmm <_< Even for a guy with your great talents these things don't just happen over night! :unsure: Remember...TALK is CHEAP!!
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Once a young man that I was fond of like a little brother joked with me about how much work he did the night before in the cabinet shop.
I said, "I'll believe it when I see it."
His response was, "I can't believe that you are taking Thomas's road." (referring of course to the disciple/ future apostle commonly called doubting Thomas)
I answered, "For me to be on Thomas's road, you have to be on Jesus Christ's road, and you are not telling the truth kiddo."
You see, he was wrongly accusing me of being a little off, and his statement was false because Thomas was doubting truth, not a lie. I was doubting a lie, and not the truth.
Talking truth is never cheap Bumpy.
I've shared honestly with you that I have grave doubts as to just exactly where you are coming from however.
Where am I talking falsely Bumpy? Accusations and provocations can be cheap too.
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Jeff, Bumpy never said you spoke with forked tongue. Just raise Doc Vic UP from the dead...and forget all about your little persecution complexes!
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O.K. Bumpy.
So then you are choosing provocation then.....
I think it's not worth much of anything good. But it seems to be the kind of post that is most common for you, is it not?
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