Ricky Gervais is a famous actor in the U.K. who was the original writer of "The Office" as well as playing the boss in the U.K. version of that show. He wrote of his conversion from Christian to Atheist:
I found that quote after reading some things by George Carlin. According to Carlin, his atheism also came about due to a lot of thinking and logic:
Anyone else have any interesting or funny atheist quotes?
Too bad! I was hoping old Georgy would liven up the party in heaven....now I guess not!
Too bad! I was hoping old Georgy would liven up the party in heaven....now I guess not!
Why would you, as one who professes to God's unfathomable grace, even presume to know who will or won't be at a party that you are not hosting?!
Or do you take glee in your assessment of the late Mr. Carlin's supposed eternal state?
Who among us has the right to speculate for one nanosecond on the "eternal destiny" of one of God's beloved- and, yes, believe it or not Mr. Carlin was just as beloved to God as Martin Luther, Billy Graham, or Jesus.
I for one enjoy reading the stories of evangelical atheists more than reading those of evangelical religionists
I've never seen or heard of an evangelical atheist. Do they go door to door? Is there a green card you have to sign and $50 to pay to get a book by Hitchens and a video of an elderly pervert telling you...whatever it is that evangelical atheists are supposed to tell you?
I read his book and didn't find it all that convincing. More anger than anything else.
What turned the corner for me was William Manchester's volume "A World Lit only by Fire". The relentless documentation of both Catholic and Reformation oppression was stunning. And it also confirmed quite a bit of the stuff in "Babylon, Mystery Religion", believe it or not.
Like Gervais, I've always found the concept of the absence of God (at least the one propounded in the Churches I attended), to be intuitively obvious.
I find it remarkable that, now that we're all grown up and sent men to the moon, developed treatments - or even cures -for most of the really nasty diseases, and discovered planets in other solar systems, that so many of us still want to cling to such an unpersuasive being as the God of The Bible.
Oh, but I'm getting off topic here. I'll come back when I think of a cutesy line or two about atheism...
i find it remarkable that there are many who so easily badmouth and criticize God (or outright dismiss Him as a figment of the imagination) when the majority of their knowledge about Him comes from a false religion... yet they are without excuse for the whole creation testifies of His existence..
i really shouldn't be surprised though:
this is a direct result of the false prophets/false teachers that were among the people, who brought in destructive heresies, and caused many to follow them... it is because of them that the way of truth will be blasphemed..... 2peter2:1
I've never seen or heard of an evangelical atheist. Do they go door to door? Is there a green card you have to sign and $50 to pay to get a book by Hitchens and a video of an elderly pervert telling you...whatever it is that evangelical atheists are supposed to tell you?
I was thinking of some of the videos I watched of George Carlin in the last few days....
There are quiet , to themselves atheists, and then there are those who will not hesitate to tell you about and do whatever to convert anyone. To me they are "evangelizing" their atheism, ---evangelical atheists.
its not a derogatory term just a descriptive term
I doubt most of them have any big formal plan or classes (maybe they do ...I really dont know..and sort of doubt it)
to me its just anyone who starts talking about atheism
i find it remarkable that there are many who so easily badmouth and criticize God (or outright dismiss Him as a figment of the imagination) when the majority of their knowledge about Him comes from a false religion... yet they are without excuse for the whole creation testifies of His existence..
i really shouldn't be surprised though:
this is a direct result of the false prophets/false teachers that were among the people, who brought in destructive heresies, and caused many to follow them... it is because of them that the way of truth will be blasphemed..... 2peter2:1
??? How do you know what individuals did after they left TWI? Do you know what churches they attended, what books they read, people they conversed with etc?
Some became Roman Catholics, some became Baptists, some went to Judaism, some to paganism, some to Evangelical Christianity, some became trinitarians...there is a wide range of differing beliefs and different viewpoints on GSC , even though we all spent time in TWI.
It's a big wide world full of different ideas...GSC has been a place where people do discuss different ideas. Perhaps you need to find a Christian only site? Or start a former TWI, now Christian site?
I read his book and didn't find it all that convincing. More anger than anything else.
What turned the corner for me was William Manchester's volume "A World Lit only by Fire". The relentless documentation of both Catholic and Reformation oppression was stunning. And it also confirmed quite a bit of the stuff in "Babylon, Mystery Religion", believe it or not.
I've read some quotes by him, but haven't been interested enough to read one of his books. I mean, if he writes books about atheism, how much mileage can you really get talking about an absence of belief in something? Does it really require a whole library of books to explain how atheism works?
Like Gervais, I've always found the concept of the absence of God (at least the one propounded in the Churches I attended), to be intuitively obvious.
I find it remarkable that, now that we're all grown up and sent men to the moon, developed treatments - or even cures -for most of the really nasty diseases, and discovered planets in other solar systems, that so many of us still want to cling to such an unpersuasive being as the God of The Bible.
Oh, but I'm getting off topic here. I'll come back when I think of a cutesy line or two about atheism...
I agree with you on atheism feeling like the obvious answer, but I don't share your view of religion, or Christianity in particular. There are a lot of intelligent, good people that I respect that do continue to have those types of beliefs. While I think they are incorrect, I respect them enough that I know in their minds they feel they are right, and I have no right to judge them badly for it. While the idea of believing in the supernatural does seem like a primitive, outmoded way of living, there are many things we do that could be considered the same. Long term monogamous marriage, for example, serves little purpose in this day and age, yet I still like the idea of being married to my wife for the rest of my life. We human beings often cling to superstition or unnecessary things, but it's part of what makes us interesting. Only when those things become a negative influence on us (such as extremist Christianity like TWI) does it present a problem. My wife is Catholic and believes in Jesus and all that stuff, and I have no problem with it. If she wanted to join TWI, I would have a huge problem with it.
There are quiet , to themselves atheists, and then there are those who will not hesitate to tell you about and do whatever to convert anyone. To me they are "evangelizing" their atheism, ---evangelical atheists.
its not a derogatory term just a descriptive term
I doubt most of them have any big formal plan or classes (maybe they do ...I really dont know..and sort of doubt it)
to me its just anyone who starts talking about atheism
I'm a little touchy on this, because to some people, even mentioning that you are an atheist results in them freaking out and acting like you are trying to sabotage their "walk." That's why the quote from Gervais was especially funny for me. Still, how is talking about atheism evangelical, while Christians are not considered evangelical unless they try to recruit you to go to church with them? For example, if I put up a sign on my desk at work saying, "Atheism is great!" it would be controversial and people would complain that I was pushing atheism in their face, mocking their religion, and crossing the line. However, people can tell me "God Bless You!", talk about their pastor, or put up pictures of angels or crosses at their desk, and I'm not allowed to say anything. I think a lot of what people consider "evangelical atheism" is nothing more than atheists trying to be as comfortable with themselves as Christians are with themselves. There's also the backlash from being repressed by our society. It can be very easy to rant and rave like Carlin did when you look at the hypocrisy and unfairness in much of our society when it comes to religion.
??? How do you know what individuals did after they left TWI? Do you know what churches they attended, what books they read, people they conversed with etc?
Some became Roman Catholics, some became Baptists, some went to Judaism, some to paganism, some to Evangelical Christianity, some became trinitarians...there is a wide range of differing beliefs and different viewpoints on GSC , even though we all spent time in TWI.
It's a big wide world full of different ideas...GSC has been a place where people do discuss different ideas. Perhaps you need to find a Christian only site? Or start a former TWI, now Christian site?
Why should she she has just as much right to post as you do here.
Why should she she has just as much right to post as you do here.
I think the point is that jen-o posted something arrogant, condescending, and scolding in a know-it-all way, so bramble became offended and responded. I agree that everyone has as much right to post here as the next as long as they obey the rules, but civility from all parties would be nice. Part of what makes some non-Christians angry is how some Christians will talk down to us as if they are adults and we are spoiled little children. It completely dismisses what we have been through, what we have learned, and the validity of our views.
I can understand and sympathize with the Christian view that only Christianity is correct, but there are ways to believe that and be tactful when dealing with non-Christians. You can't convince people by belittling them. If jen-o truly wants others to believe as she does, she would take a positive, friendly approach instead.
I've read some quotes by him, but haven't been interested enough to read one of his books. I mean, if he writes books about atheism, how much mileage can you really get talking about an absence of belief in something? Does it really require a whole library of books to explain how atheism works?
Well, you've probably already read his stuff, but in the off chance you haven't, you might be interested in my adopted Mentor's work:
i find it remarkable that there are many who so easily badmouth and criticize God (or outright dismiss Him as a figment of the imagination) when the majority of their knowledge about Him comes from a false religion
Do you really know where people get "the majority of their knowledge"?
... yet they are without excuse for the whole creation testifies of His existence..
This seems like a reference to Romans 1 (maybe not, correct me if I'm mistaken please) - but I've never, not even wheen I was a Christian understood this. The whole "creation" testifies to the biblical god's exiistance only if that existance is already accepted. The same "creation" testifies to the existance of pagan pantheons to those who hold that worldview.
i really shouldn't be surprised though:
this is a direct result of the false prophets/false teachers that were among the people, who brought in destructive heresies, and caused many to follow them... it is because of them that the way of truth will be blasphemed..... 2peter2:1
Are you suggesting that without what you call false prophets and teachers no one would come to the conclusion that there is no God?
Unlike sister Bramble, I will not suggest that you go find a Christian site, but among people who may or may not accept your premises about the bible, simply refering to it doesn't make your point.
i find it remarkable that there are many who so easily badmouth and criticize God (or outright dismiss Him as a figment of the imagination) when the majority of their knowledge about Him comes from a false religion...
I still find it very difficult to badmouth or criticize God. It's believing in Him that's difficult.
Your "false religion" statement is laughable at best. I've spent my whole life around true believers, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindi, Jewish, vegan, Marxist, etc, etc, etc. The most remarkable thing I can say is that most of them believe they possess the true religion. Believing does not make it so.
The best we know about one 6th of the world population considers themselves Atheist or Agnostic, we might have more but haven't had time to count them.
You may ask why then haven't we heard from these Atheists? Well for the most part they mind their own business, aren't concerned with organizing or otherwise making a big deal about it. The other more important reason Atheists and to some extent Agnostics don't advertise their lack of belief is because religious people are very violent, this may insult most of you fine believers who are peaceful, but you need to understand this. Religion is a breeding ground for the scum of the earth, and that is not the fault of "Joe Churchgoer" but of the system, and the beliefs that make up the system. I'm sorry but this is my opinion. You cannot blame the whole problem on the extremists because if you were to ask a moderate and an extremist about a scripture that says god said kill those infidels, they would both agree that it's the right thing to do, but the extremist would actually do it. So the whole system is screwed because let's I say I'm Christian (but like to murder people, on a regular basis, but not those of the same faith) I'd still be forgiven and welcomed in church, and called a soldier for the lord, I call that crazy talk.
Something I'd like to point out to my religious friends is that much of the modern day conveniences we have, the advanced medicine and life extending & saving drugs we all benefit from daily were invented by Atheists. Most to the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our age have been discovered by Atheists, and they don't turn around and say only Atheists can use these developments. You religious people need to get off your arrogant high horses. I mean the top three killers 100 years ago were Pneumonia, Diarrhea and the Flu, if it was up to religious people those still would be the top killers because instead of scientific discovery we'd have a church meeting and pray over it.
I dont know if THIS qualifies as a funny atheist quote, or maybe its just more like the bizarro news story of the week
From a poll in Tuesdays Washington Post:
Even Americans who describe themselves as atheist or agnostic have a robust sense of a higher power: Twenty-one percent of those who describe themselves as atheists expressed a belief in God or a universal spirit, and more than half of those who call themselves agnostic expressed a similar conviction.
Gotta love reading the paper --It always keeps me entertained
Well there are terms for that, it's called media spin, however there are weak Atheists, meaning they are guided by logic and science but hold in their hearts the willingness to believe that science may find proof of other dimensional beings, or explanations for legends.
I'm willing to believe that there may be other dimensions I cannot see, and it may be in those dimensions there are beings with sufficiently advanced technology that it would seem like magic or a miracle to me what they can do. This is a statistical long shot but given enough time and research we may make contact and find out ghosts and such are not dead human spirits, but adolescent antics performed by young highly advanced other dimensional aliens. You know the more advanced a race of beings the more important play is to their emotional development.
I however do not base my life and actions on this belief, I don't try to build a dogma around it, and then invite people to join me in the quest to worship the pan-dimensional beings with advanced technology. There are people who do, scientologists and the Heaven's Gate group, maybe many others, they have taken a hope of a story that is plainly far fetched and made a religion around it.
Even though I'm an Atheist I remain a hopeful skeptic, that is to say I know we are learning new things every day, if some new proof comes around I think I could change my mind about what I believe.
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Too bad! I was hoping old Georgy would liven up the party in heaven....now I guess not!
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Why would you, as one who professes to God's unfathomable grace, even presume to know who will or won't be at a party that you are not hosting?!
Or do you take glee in your assessment of the late Mr. Carlin's supposed eternal state?
Who among us has the right to speculate for one nanosecond on the "eternal destiny" of one of God's beloved- and, yes, believe it or not Mr. Carlin was just as beloved to God as Martin Luther, Billy Graham, or Jesus.
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I for one enjoy reading the stories of evangelical atheists more than reading those of evangelical religionists
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Mister P-Mosh
I've never seen or heard of an evangelical atheist. Do they go door to door? Is there a green card you have to sign and $50 to pay to get a book by Hitchens and a video of an elderly pervert telling you...whatever it is that evangelical atheists are supposed to tell you?
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I think this guy could be called one...
I read his book and didn't find it all that convincing. More anger than anything else.
What turned the corner for me was William Manchester's volume "A World Lit only by Fire". The relentless documentation of both Catholic and Reformation oppression was stunning. And it also confirmed quite a bit of the stuff in "Babylon, Mystery Religion", believe it or not.
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George Aar
Like Gervais, I've always found the concept of the absence of God (at least the one propounded in the Churches I attended), to be intuitively obvious.
I find it remarkable that, now that we're all grown up and sent men to the moon, developed treatments - or even cures -for most of the really nasty diseases, and discovered planets in other solar systems, that so many of us still want to cling to such an unpersuasive being as the God of The Bible.
Oh, but I'm getting off topic here. I'll come back when I think of a cutesy line or two about atheism...
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i find it remarkable that there are many who so easily badmouth and criticize God (or outright dismiss Him as a figment of the imagination) when the majority of their knowledge about Him comes from a false religion... yet they are without excuse for the whole creation testifies of His existence..
i really shouldn't be surprised though:
this is a direct result of the false prophets/false teachers that were among the people, who brought in destructive heresies, and caused many to follow them... it is because of them that the way of truth will be blasphemed..... 2peter2:1
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I was thinking of some of the videos I watched of George Carlin in the last few days....
There are quiet , to themselves atheists, and then there are those who will not hesitate to tell you about and do whatever to convert anyone. To me they are "evangelizing" their atheism, ---evangelical atheists.
its not a derogatory term just a descriptive term
I doubt most of them have any big formal plan or classes (maybe they do ...I really dont know..and sort of doubt it)
to me its just anyone who starts talking about atheism
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George Aar
I'm sure somebody's posted this recently, due to his passing, but just in case:
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??? How do you know what individuals did after they left TWI? Do you know what churches they attended, what books they read, people they conversed with etc?
Some became Roman Catholics, some became Baptists, some went to Judaism, some to paganism, some to Evangelical Christianity, some became trinitarians...there is a wide range of differing beliefs and different viewpoints on GSC , even though we all spent time in TWI.
It's a big wide world full of different ideas...GSC has been a place where people do discuss different ideas. Perhaps you need to find a Christian only site? Or start a former TWI, now Christian site?
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Mister P-Mosh
I've read some quotes by him, but haven't been interested enough to read one of his books. I mean, if he writes books about atheism, how much mileage can you really get talking about an absence of belief in something? Does it really require a whole library of books to explain how atheism works?
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Mister P-Mosh
I agree with you on atheism feeling like the obvious answer, but I don't share your view of religion, or Christianity in particular. There are a lot of intelligent, good people that I respect that do continue to have those types of beliefs. While I think they are incorrect, I respect them enough that I know in their minds they feel they are right, and I have no right to judge them badly for it. While the idea of believing in the supernatural does seem like a primitive, outmoded way of living, there are many things we do that could be considered the same. Long term monogamous marriage, for example, serves little purpose in this day and age, yet I still like the idea of being married to my wife for the rest of my life. We human beings often cling to superstition or unnecessary things, but it's part of what makes us interesting. Only when those things become a negative influence on us (such as extremist Christianity like TWI) does it present a problem. My wife is Catholic and believes in Jesus and all that stuff, and I have no problem with it. If she wanted to join TWI, I would have a huge problem with it.
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Mister P-Mosh
I'm a little touchy on this, because to some people, even mentioning that you are an atheist results in them freaking out and acting like you are trying to sabotage their "walk." That's why the quote from Gervais was especially funny for me. Still, how is talking about atheism evangelical, while Christians are not considered evangelical unless they try to recruit you to go to church with them? For example, if I put up a sign on my desk at work saying, "Atheism is great!" it would be controversial and people would complain that I was pushing atheism in their face, mocking their religion, and crossing the line. However, people can tell me "God Bless You!", talk about their pastor, or put up pictures of angels or crosses at their desk, and I'm not allowed to say anything. I think a lot of what people consider "evangelical atheism" is nothing more than atheists trying to be as comfortable with themselves as Christians are with themselves. There's also the backlash from being repressed by our society. It can be very easy to rant and rave like Carlin did when you look at the hypocrisy and unfairness in much of our society when it comes to religion.
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Why should she she has just as much right to post as you do here.
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Mister P-Mosh
I think the point is that jen-o posted something arrogant, condescending, and scolding in a know-it-all way, so bramble became offended and responded. I agree that everyone has as much right to post here as the next as long as they obey the rules, but civility from all parties would be nice. Part of what makes some non-Christians angry is how some Christians will talk down to us as if they are adults and we are spoiled little children. It completely dismisses what we have been through, what we have learned, and the validity of our views.
I can understand and sympathize with the Christian view that only Christianity is correct, but there are ways to believe that and be tactful when dealing with non-Christians. You can't convince people by belittling them. If jen-o truly wants others to believe as she does, she would take a positive, friendly approach instead.
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George Aar
Well, you've probably already read his stuff, but in the off chance you haven't, you might be interested in my adopted Mentor's work:
Can't get enough of him...
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Unlike sister Bramble, I will not suggest that you go find a Christian site, but among people who may or may not accept your premises about the bible, simply refering to it doesn't make your point.
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I only suggested jen-o find a Christian site because non-Christian posters seem to upset her so.
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I still find it very difficult to badmouth or criticize God. It's believing in Him that's difficult.
Your "false religion" statement is laughable at best. I've spent my whole life around true believers, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindi, Jewish, vegan, Marxist, etc, etc, etc. The most remarkable thing I can say is that most of them believe they possess the true religion. Believing does not make it so.
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Seth R.
First thing, love the quotes Mister P-Mosh.
The best we know about one 6th of the world population considers themselves Atheist or Agnostic, we might have more but haven't had time to count them.
You may ask why then haven't we heard from these Atheists? Well for the most part they mind their own business, aren't concerned with organizing or otherwise making a big deal about it. The other more important reason Atheists and to some extent Agnostics don't advertise their lack of belief is because religious people are very violent, this may insult most of you fine believers who are peaceful, but you need to understand this. Religion is a breeding ground for the scum of the earth, and that is not the fault of "Joe Churchgoer" but of the system, and the beliefs that make up the system. I'm sorry but this is my opinion. You cannot blame the whole problem on the extremists because if you were to ask a moderate and an extremist about a scripture that says god said kill those infidels, they would both agree that it's the right thing to do, but the extremist would actually do it. So the whole system is screwed because let's I say I'm Christian (but like to murder people, on a regular basis, but not those of the same faith) I'd still be forgiven and welcomed in church, and called a soldier for the lord, I call that crazy talk.
Something I'd like to point out to my religious friends is that much of the modern day conveniences we have, the advanced medicine and life extending & saving drugs we all benefit from daily were invented by Atheists. Most to the greatest scientific breakthroughs of our age have been discovered by Atheists, and they don't turn around and say only Atheists can use these developments. You religious people need to get off your arrogant high horses. I mean the top three killers 100 years ago were Pneumonia, Diarrhea and the Flu, if it was up to religious people those still would be the top killers because instead of scientific discovery we'd have a church meeting and pray over it.
This is all I have time to say right now.
Go Atheists Go!
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Following are some quotes that I find interesting and thought provoking:
Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a God superior to themselves.
Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.
I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in
our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology.
-Thomas Jefferson
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties;
no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained
by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
-Albert Einstein
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I dont know if THIS qualifies as a funny atheist quote, or maybe its just more like the bizarro news story of the week
From a poll in Tuesdays Washington Post:
Gotta love reading the paper
--It always keeps me entertained
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Seth R.
Well there are terms for that, it's called media spin, however there are weak Atheists, meaning they are guided by logic and science but hold in their hearts the willingness to believe that science may find proof of other dimensional beings, or explanations for legends.
I'm willing to believe that there may be other dimensions I cannot see, and it may be in those dimensions there are beings with sufficiently advanced technology that it would seem like magic or a miracle to me what they can do. This is a statistical long shot but given enough time and research we may make contact and find out ghosts and such are not dead human spirits, but adolescent antics performed by young highly advanced other dimensional aliens. You know the more advanced a race of beings the more important play is to their emotional development.
I however do not base my life and actions on this belief, I don't try to build a dogma around it, and then invite people to join me in the quest to worship the pan-dimensional beings with advanced technology. There are people who do, scientologists and the Heaven's Gate group, maybe many others, they have taken a hope of a story that is plainly far fetched and made a religion around it.
Even though I'm an Atheist I remain a hopeful skeptic, that is to say I know we are learning new things every day, if some new proof comes around I think I could change my mind about what I believe.
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George Aar
Wow, what a coincidence.
I was reading in the paper and they've found that 21 percent of the population has a very poor understanding of the meaning of many words...
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