Saw where you caught a big salmon. I was fishing in NC at my brothers place this week and caught a nice 2 lb small mouth bass and a 12 inch crappy. Not as nice as your fish, but a heck of a lot of fun all the same.
Can`t wait to get after some large mouth and pike over the 4th in michigan.
Hey, a nice smallmouth is an awesome fish! And a two pounder is very nice! I used to fish for smallmouth on the upper Potomac River in the rapids for smallmouth near Harper's Ferry West Virginia. And it was some of the finest fishing that I have ever done to date. It's "all relative" I 'spose. Hey, sorry for the expletive. Have a great day... :)
Was it a white crappy or a black crappy? I have only caught one crappy in my life and it was white one. Cool fish and he fought good. Tasted better! And, do you say "Crappy"? Or pronounce it "Croppy"? I like to say "Crappy with a "short a" just for fun...
Was it a white crappy or a black crappy? I have only caught one crappy in my life and it was white one.
Johnny! Just what were you 2 doing during your cult vacation down in that Crypt? This sounds like something you should keep in the chat room!! Anyway, I'm sure everyone including the Mods are relieved the two of you are catching black and white "crappies"...oh what a relief!
..oh and Grumpy as far as what Jonny n I did???? I`ll never tell..... Don`t you know what goes on in cyber purgatory STAYS in cyber purgatory! smile.gif
Yup! What stays in Cyber Purgatory stays in cyber purgatory! But Rascal, remember that time when we....ummm... it was so...never mind....Hey girl, I love you. I hopes that anything I ever did to hurt you just goes away, ya know? Really, I mean it. Seriously, PEACE this time, for reals...
TJ) And you had Miss Aston with you didn't you Johnny? As a matter of fact, because you took her fishing, she too has now been late for breakfast, hasn't she Jonny?
JL) Yes sir Reverend Jenkinson. It won't happen again. I..
TJ) What won't happen again Jonny? You won't make her late again? Or you won't go fishing again?
JL) Well sir, I'll always want to go fishing sir, I mean the Gunnison River is one of the finest trout rivers in the country, and, well, it's right out our back door and I, well, it's hard to stay away. Ya see this morning I made this one cast behind a rock, and wham! This big brown smacked it but when he leaped clean clear of the water he shook..
TJ.) Enough Jonny! You won't be having...
JL.) ...the hook and..
TJ.)...any breakfast this morning Jonny, and, you can tell Miss Aston the same. That will be all.
TJ continues eating with head toward his plate, left arm in lap like he had been during the entire interrogation...
Jonny Lingo, with head down turns, but with smirk on face leaves head table area and goes back to long table seated with WC friends all smiling at the "scandal", all wanting to know what TJ's sentence was for JL's morning pre-breakfast fishing expedition. When asked, JL looks at everybody and particularly Miss Aston and says primly; "Miss Aston, neither you nor I will be having breakfast this morning....." And in a whisper, Jonny says that he'll tell the rest of the story later when "the head table can't hear us and we'll all have a good laugh"!
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Thanks friend :)
Saw where you caught a big salmon. I was fishing in NC at my brothers place this week and caught a nice 2 lb small mouth bass and a 12 inch crappy. Not as nice as your fish, but a heck of a lot of fun all the same.
Can`t wait to get after some large mouth and pike over the 4th in michigan.
Life is good
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J0nny Ling0
Hey, a nice smallmouth is an awesome fish! And a two pounder is very nice! I used to fish for smallmouth on the upper Potomac River in the rapids for smallmouth near Harper's Ferry West Virginia. And it was some of the finest fishing that I have ever done to date. It's "all relative" I 'spose. Hey, sorry for the expletive. Have a great day... :)
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J0nny Ling0
Was it a white crappy or a black crappy? I have only caught one crappy in my life and it was white one. Cool fish and he fought good. Tasted better! And, do you say "Crappy"? Or pronounce it "Croppy"? I like to say "Crappy with a "short a" just for fun...
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Johnny! Just what were you 2 doing during your cult vacation down in that Crypt?
This sounds like something you should keep in the chat room!! Anyway, I'm sure everyone including the Mods are relieved the two of you are catching black and white "crappies"...oh what a relief! 
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LOL!.......AND, AMEN, GRUMPY!!!!.........................AND THERE WAS.................................PEACE!
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Me too Jonny, and right back atcha.
I don`t know the difference between white n black crappy (pronounced with an o) but they sure are game little buggers.
..oh and Grumpy as far as what Jonny n I did???? I`ll never tell..... Don`t you know what goes on in cyber purgatory STAYS in cyber purgatory! :)
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welcome back rascal and jonny!
good to see you both!!
i don't need to know all the details of what goes on in cyber-purgatory, but it sure sounds like there's some right nice fishing going on there!
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J0nny Ling0
Yup! What stays in Cyber Purgatory stays in cyber purgatory! But Rascal, remember that time when we....ummm... it was so...never mind....Hey girl, I love you. I hopes that anything I ever did to hurt you just goes away, ya know? Really, I mean it. Seriously, PEACE this time, for reals...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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now I see
Welcome back Rascal! Good to see both of you back!
Forget about a GS annual BBQ, there should be a GS annual Fish out!
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I finally figured out what you've been up to lately!
You't you, Johnny?
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J0nny Ling0
JL.) Yes Reverend Jenkinson, I was fishing.
TJ) And you had Miss Aston with you didn't you Johnny? As a matter of fact, because you took her fishing, she too has now been late for breakfast, hasn't she Jonny?
JL) Yes sir Reverend Jenkinson. It won't happen again. I..
TJ) What won't happen again Jonny? You won't make her late again? Or you won't go fishing again?
JL) Well sir, I'll always want to go fishing sir, I mean the Gunnison River is one of the finest trout rivers in the country, and, well, it's right out our back door and I, well, it's hard to stay away. Ya see this morning I made this one cast behind a rock, and wham! This big brown smacked it but when he leaped clean clear of the water he shook..
TJ.) Enough Jonny! You won't be having...
JL.) ...the hook and..
TJ.)...any breakfast this morning Jonny, and, you can tell Miss Aston the same. That will be all.
TJ continues eating with head toward his plate, left arm in lap like he had been during the entire interrogation...
Jonny Lingo, with head down turns, but with smirk on face leaves head table area and goes back to long table seated with WC friends all smiling at the "scandal", all wanting to know what TJ's sentence was for JL's morning pre-breakfast fishing expedition. When asked, JL looks at everybody and particularly Miss Aston and says primly; "Miss Aston, neither you nor I will be having breakfast this morning....." And in a whisper, Jonny says that he'll tell the rest of the story later when "the head table can't hear us and we'll all have a good laugh"!
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Yup! What stays in Cyber Purgatory stays in cyber purgatory! But Rascal, remember that time when we....ummm... it was so...never mind....
:) shhhhhh Jonny, wouldn`t want to let THAT little secret out of the bag ....
Hmmm fish out...I can host it at the lake...but I`d love an excuse to visit ak and tie into a real fish :)
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isn't it amazing that this was seen as "normal" behavior, for one adult to tell another grown adult that he/she couldn't have any breakfast?!?
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It's just not the same without you.
I'm glad that you've been enjoying yourself.
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