I remember Kristin Skedgell very well. It was the first year that I went to Twig. Kristin came to town to run a "College WOW" fellowship, and since I was going to a junior college and helped run a twig with a gal named Rita, I was invited to the thing. She was very kind and sweet, and exuded the love of God all over the place. A very intelligent and thoughtful young woman. We met in Rock Creek Park where Rock Creek flows through the Park in DC. It was a beautiful summer day, and we had put two picnic tables together so the ten or so of us could sit down in order to pray, sing, etc. And when we had finished praying, a young man came to us and peacefully interrupted the meeting by telling us that God must have sent us to help him. He said that he had been back in the woods when he heard us singing and then walked towards the sound of us. As he got closer, he heard us praying. He said that he was drawn to us and that he had been about to commit suicide back in the woods. Kris (we called her Kris back then), was very kind, allowed him to "interrupt" as she asked him to join us. She prayed for him as we all prayed silently together for him. We all were in awe at the Love Of God that was found in that group and how God saw fit to send that guy to our fellowship. It was very very cool.
whitedove said, on post #56 of this thread. " First off I'll point out that this thread was to welcome back Jonny, of course you decided to derail it with another subject matter namely Mrs. Skedgells book and so of course being the attentive person that I am I will answer your posts which will most assuredly generate more and more answers. Just for the record down the road when it ends up to be pages. Ill point out now who disrupted the discussion, just as in the other one I think it is clear who started that discussion if one looks back at the posts."
first off, i'll point out, that my first post on this phoney little "welcome back" thread of yours (the first 2 1/2 paragraphs of which you quoted on your post #56 on this thread), began with my quoting your 2nd post on this thread (post #3), which was your reponse to waysider's post #2 on this thread. i then began the 3rd paragraph of my post #7 here, with a quote from your opening post on this thread.............interesting that you would consider my quoting from your first two posts on a thread which you started, and then expressing my opinion regarding what you posted, and asking you a direct question about a statement you made in your opening post on your thread in this open forum , to somehow be "off topic" and a "derail"!??.........but, if you consider it to be such, then so be it!
after your post #3 here on your thread, there were 3 very short posts before my "derail" post #7..........not very much of a "discussion" i "disrupted", imo........but, again, if you consider it as such, then so be it!
then you mention "the other one" , referring to "that discussion" you disrupted on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........but, since you bring that up again on your post #57 of this thread, i'll get back to that in a bit..........but first, allow me to disagree with your opinion that you "never trashed her (kristen skedgell's) story"........apparently your opinion differs from that of pawtucket, who started the thread you derailed, and who felt constrained to remove some of your disruptive, off topic posts, stating that your "utter disrespect for a victim is sickening"!...........an opinion evidently shared by the overwhelming majority of the others who posted on that same thread!
on post #57 here, whitedove said, "Your opinion, are you implying that you can read heart and honesty in ink? Type has no emotions its an assumption at best and you know it." ...........absolutely that's what i'm "implying"!!......what is one of the great purposes of all literature, both much of non-fiction as well as fiction?........to communicate no emotion? dishonesty?..........is writing intended to be heartless, unemotional, and thereby, non-communicative of anything but "cold, hard, fact"??..........is this what you demand from your bible??.....from "the blue book"....from vic's bible teachings and writings?........from literature in general??.....from your own writing?..........if it is, you again are a blatant hypocrite, imo!...........do you expect me to believe that every post you type here, or anywhere in cyberspace, has "no emotions" of yours??..........talk about an "assmption"!!
whitedove's next attempt at typing nothing but "cold, hard, facts" on post #57 is. "This thread was started because Jonny returned to the cafe his return had nothing to do with other threads I think if one reviews the records one will find that the bait and switch was started with another poster. Let me refresh your memory"..........no thanks!..........let me instead "refresh" and correct yours..........this is a classic example, imho, of the "bait and switch' tactics you are "good at doing" as pawtucket mentioned!........you've been complaining about this for a while now, conveniently editing posts as necessary, and contrary to being "the attentive person" you claim to be, you completely ignore the chronology of various posts, splicing them together in an order which serves only your manic need to rearrange the contexts to fit your "bait and switch" "discussion" style.
the first post you quote following your "review of the records" was posted by groucho on june,12th, at 122am.....post #8 on the "losing the way part 2" thread..........nowhere on that post does your name appear.........as a matter of fact, no names appear on that post!........it is obviously groucho's response to having listened to the interview which is the topic of that thread, started by pawtucket.........clearly his opinion.........you then quote groucho again, prefacing said quote with the words "followed by".......but you "inadvertently" fail to indicate when and what that second groucho post "followed"!........that second groucho post you quote is post #60!.......posted on june 17th at 707pm which "followed" his post #8 alright........more than 5 and 1/2 days later!.........and which was in response to your first post on that thread, post #58, which you posted on june 17th at 418pm!!..........50 posts and 5 and 1/2 days after groucho's post # 8 on that thread!.........you quoted groucho's post #8, and then whitedove said,"Speaking of denial........ despite the obvious, you still assume that the group that you have apparently taken upon yourself to pigeonhole with a name is in denial. I wonder just what qualifies you to speak for others?"?????????........did you somehow infer from that post#8, that you , though never mentioned in post #8, were included in that "group" you accused groucho of "pigeonhole(ing) with a name"?...........if so, WHY??
as the "attentive person" you claim to be, why did you make such an inference?.........and what took you so long to make it, or why did it take you so long to presume that groucho was speaking for anyone but himself in post #8??...........why did you "disrupt the discussion" on that thread, and "derail" it with a question that had absolutely nothing to do with either the topic of the thread, or the 50+ post discussion that preceded your "bait and switch" on post #58????...........you did exactly the same thing later in that thread that you did here on post #57..........in the same feeble attempt to "refresh my memory" there, like you did here.........as i said.........no thanks!!.........the last person capable of refreshing anyone's memory, honestly, and accurately, is whitedove, imo!!!........btw.......groucho's post #60 was in response to your post #58, and, it was the first time anyone mentioned your name on that thread, and it was the first time anyone mentioned "the blue book", which groucho mentioned facetiously at the end of his response to your question to him!!............thanks for the memories "mr.dove"!!.......sic!
then whitedove said, "It appears that Mr. Dove only answered the above questions and did indeed not start the conversation in question. Get you facts straight. If one waves the red flag in front of the bull you really can't cry fowl when he charges now can you? "........it appears the way whitedove's revisions try to make it appear..........not at all the way it really was!!.........get your facts straight mr. "attentive person"!!...........before you try to rearrange the facts into whitedove's "emotionless fiction".........certainly no one needs to wave any flags in front of one so "full of bull" as mr. dove in order to encourage his ridiculous "charges"!!.........apparently all it takes is facts, logic, or truth to encourage those blind "charges".
more "love from the dove", "For someone that seems interested in staying on topic COUGH.... it appears that you seemed to stray from the one here I don't recall Mrs. Skedgells book being the point of this one. Lecture me when you can manage to do so yourself. Your questions were not honest ones you seek no answer, only to spew your hate further ,my choice if and when I answer questions, and I respond in the manner to match the tone of the question."............is that "heart and honesty" i detect in your typing there mr.dove??.........and you accuse me of "making assumptions" about what you post??..........evidently you not only cannot read what's written in posts other than your own, but you appear to be quite 'tone" deaf to boot!!.........i invite all those who choose to read for themselves what i wrote to whitedove in post #79 on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........and i happily stand by every word i've posted on this thread also, whitedove, as well as every opinion i've expressed here.
still more "love from the dove", "If you make assumptions that is your mistake I never implied anything, I never stated that Jonny was my best friend anywhere your assumption at best we have emailed each other on occasion ... He offered his story to me as suport for my position last week in that he felt the same. I welcomed him back and requested something from him his choice if he does it or not. I did so because his story blessed my life and I think it could others as well I was happy to see others who did not bow under the pressure to obey others who believed the it is written motto."...........show me where i ever said anything close to you stating "jonny was my best friend"...........refresh my memory on this one please!.........more revision, and fiction courtesy of whitedove! .........thanks again, mr. "attentive person"!
i don't think i'm going to waste any more time engaging mr. dove in a pointless, fruitless urinating contest on this thread, providing him with the attention he seems to crave..........i stand by everything i've posted here, as well as on the "losing the way part 2" thread......it's all there for anyone to plod through if they so choose.........i'm not posting here to change your mind whitedove..... you're obviously under the delusion that when it comes to vic and his cult, your bucket is full............your mind is made up, and you revel in your interpretations of vic's "word", the bible, and the great stand you take in upholding "the it is written motto"..........a motto trampled under the feet of the drunken,sociopathic,narcissistic, serial sexual predator who coined it!..........since you enjoy the right to express your opinions here at the greasespot, i'm going to express a few more of mine.........that's ok with you, is it not mr.dove??
i find your posts morally repugnant, intellectually vapid, psyhcologically unsound, rife with logical fallacies, contentious, malignantly opinionated, and mean-spirited..........imo, you pompously prance around the GSC forums in your vain attempt to play the role of the grand inquisitor of dante's inferno.........leaving your droppings for many to wretch at, and some to extoll..........again, your words, "Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All."...........maybe you should consider switching brands........the little personality you parade around in here is really worse than having no personality at all, imo!...........................peace.
...What gets me is that if I believed as Whitedove apparently does...I wouldn't come near this place...
I would start a twig or something...
Whitedove...honestly, why do you post here?...You're not with your "tribe"...most of us here hate Wierwille and what he did...and we also believe that he was wrong on most of what he taught...now, don't get me wrong...I don't speak for anyone but my myself...BUT, I've been here for quite awhile and I think I know the the general consensus around here...I think you do too!
So what is it?...You enjoy being contentious?...You crave the attention of being "different"?...You hope to convert some of us? ( )...What's your point in posting here?...are you a troll with an agenda?
Maybe some of the dweebs that frequent this place are obnoxious and contentious. But jeeze, wouldn't it get boring without 'em?
Honestly, if it wasn't for the Wierwille Apologists to fence with, I doubt I'd post much at all.
So, to all you Piffle regurgitators 'round here, Thanks for all your efforts!
No matter how low I may feel, or how bad things may go wrong in my life, I can always read some of your posts and realize that at least I'm not as screwed up as you are.
Bumpy, I think he took off with Snow White. She said that she had some household chores for him to take care of over in the little cabin in the woods...
I remember Kristin Skedgell very well. It was the first year that I went to Twig. Kristin came to town to run a "College WOW" fellowship, and since I was going to a junior college and helped run a twig with a gal named Rita, I was invited to the thing. She was very kind and sweet, and exuded the love of God all over the place. A very intelligent and thoughtful young woman. We met in Rock Creek Park where Rock Creek flows through the Park in DC. It was a beautiful summer day, and we had put two picnic tables together so the ten or so of us could sit down in order to pray, sing, etc. And when we had finished praying, a young man came to us and peacefully interrupted the meeting by telling us that God must have sent us to help him. He said that he had been back in the woods when he heard us singing and then walked towards the sound of us. As he got closer, he heard us praying. He said that he was drawn to us and that he had been about to commit suicide back in the woods. Kris (we called her Kris back then), was very kind, allowed him to "interrupt" as she asked him to join us. She prayed for him as we all prayed silently together for him. We all were in awe at the Love Of God that was found in that group and how God saw fit to send that guy to our fellowship. It was very very cool.
Nice post Jonny. I remember meeting Kris back in December of 1973 at a live CFS camp with Dr. Wierwille. If memory serves, I was walking along in the early morning and she stopped me to tell me that there was a flag raising happening. Very nice person.
Those early days were something weren't they? Of a truth God and Christ were among us. It was a privilege being a part of it.
Those early days were something weren't they? Of a truth God and Christ were among us. It was a privilege being a part of it.
It may just be that God and Christ were among us - but they weren't invited to a class or because of a class. In fact I don't think it had anything to do with what we knew. I think it had more to do with what we didn't know.
We were wide-eyed and seeking. That made it easier to help others on the same journey. It also made us approachable. The kindness, the sweetness, the love we had for each other and the truth we were seeking... All that was separate from TWI.
We were wide-eyed and seeking. That made it easier to help others on the same journey. It also made us approachable. The kindness, the sweetness, the love we had for each other and the truth we were seeking... All that was separate from TWI.
Maybe true, but instead of calling or coming over to my hospital bed to change my bedpans, you sent a nasty little picture of a WITCH That was mean, especially as Ms. Snowy looks Nothing like that which you know Very Well!! That's what happens when you've really been in a Cult Too Long (CTL)! This is what she looks like according to an enCrypted message I just received!
I can't concur with a statement like that. It's something like saying "I went to a Yankee game but it was separate from Yankee Stadium."
No. It's more like saying, "I enjoy sitting in the stands, eating hot dogs, drinking beer with my friends and being goofy but that's separate from the baseball game or the team playing."
BTW - that's how I really feel and the only time I really enjoy hot dogs or beer.
Bumpy - I didn't send anyone to you. Perhaps it was one of your brothers trying to bless you.
Its very simple for me Doojable. If TWI gets blamed when bad things happen there, its only fair they get some credit when good things happen there.
You're dreaming, on drugs or both?? This is a TWI hate site, ask Graucho, WW, or the girl in the dress. You don't come here lookin' for Euro Football scores!
Those early days were something weren't they? Of a truth God and Christ were among us. It was a privilege being a part of it.
Ya know Oldies, I just hafta agree with that. Those wonderful times benefited my life and I draw upon what I learned then to this day. I don't think God would have called me to it if there wasn't something good there.
If God called you two there to be *blessed* that also means he called ex and kris, and so many many like them to be harmed in the most brutal of betrayals.
Even worse Guys....some people DIED!!
He called them to the very same ministry to be taught by the very same men,...but instead of warm funzy times....To be drugged and raped, to be beaten and told that they must accept it. To be told that sleeping with vpw was what would make life worth living and help deliver them from the devil spirits....to be so stripped of dignity and fellowship witheheld that some actually took their lives.
Ok?? I can`t lay that at God`s feet.
I don`t think that I could love or serve a God that would do that. I can`t respect anyone that would claim that he is responsible for that.
What I CAN accept is that there are wolves in sheeps clothing masquerading as prophets...false prophets ...wolves seeking whom they may devour.
You know...if you hold as truth...what a guy said who could also rape your sisters and savagely destroy lives at a whim...you really have to wonder how much good all of that *knowledge we aquired while sitting at his feet is going to serve us.
I honestly wonder...how many of us twi folks are going to arrive in Jesus` presence and be told to *depart* for I knew you not.
whitedove said, on post #56 of this thread. " First off I'll point out that this thread was to welcome back Jonny, of course you decided to derail it with another subject matter namely Mrs. Skedgells book and so of course being the attentive person that I am I will answer your posts which will most assuredly generate more and more answers. Just for the record down the road when it ends up to be pages. Ill point out now who disrupted the discussion, just as in the other one I think it is clear who started that discussion if one looks back at the posts."
first off, i'll point out, that my first post on this phoney little "welcome back" thread of yours (the first 2 1/2 paragraphs of which you quoted on your post #56 on this thread), began with my quoting your 2nd post on this thread (post #3), which was your reponse to waysider's post #2 on this thread. i then began the 3rd paragraph of my post #7 here, with a quote from your opening post on this thread.............interesting that you would consider my quoting from your first two posts on a thread which you started, and then expressing my opinion regarding what you posted, and asking you a direct question about a statement you made in your opening post on your thread in this open forum , to somehow be "off topic" and a "derail"!??.........but, if you consider it to be such, then so be it!
after your post #3 here on your thread, there were 3 very short posts before my "derail" post #7..........not very much of a "discussion" i "disrupted", imo........but, again, if you consider it as such, then so be it!
then you mention "the other one" , referring to "that discussion" you disrupted on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........but, since you bring that up again on your post #57 of this thread, i'll get back to that in a bit..........but first, allow me to disagree with your opinion that you "never trashed her (kristen skedgell's) story"........apparently your opinion differs from that of pawtucket, who started the thread you derailed, and who felt constrained to remove some of your disruptive, off topic posts, stating that your "utter disrespect for a victim is sickening"!...........an opinion evidently shared by the overwhelming majority of the others who posted on that same thread!
My Your a windy thing arn't you ,you remid me of a MOG I once knew who loved to hear the sound of his voice. The fact is this threads subject matter was not what you discussed plain and simple, not that I care but just keep the record straight....
on post #57 here, whitedove said, "Your opinion, are you implying that you can read heart and honesty in ink? Type has no emotions its an assumption at best and you know it." ...........absolutely that's what i'm "implying"!!......what is one of the great purposes of all literature, both much of non-fiction as well as fiction?........to communicate no emotion? dishonesty?..........is writing intended to be heartless, unemotional, and thereby, non-communicative of anything but "cold, hard, fact"??..........is this what you demand from your bible??.....from "the blue book"....from vic's bible teachings and writings?........from literature in general??.....from your own writing?..........if it is, you again are a blatant hypocrite, imo!...........do you expect me to believe that every post you type here, or anywhere in cyberspace, has "no emotions" of yours??..........talk about an "assmption"!!
Print does not reflect the true emotion ,people can write words down does not mean they believe them. Wasn't it you who had such great words of praise for VP Wierwille once and now look at what you write So which words reflect the true emotion the heart and honesty, I bet many believed your words in the day...... guess the print fooled them. I think that was the point.
whitedove's next attempt at typing nothing but "cold, hard, facts" on post #57 is. "This thread was started because Jonny returned to the cafe his return had nothing to do with other threads I think if one reviews the records one will find that the bait and switch was started with another poster. Let me refresh your memory"..........no thanks!..........let me instead "refresh" and correct yours..........this is a classic example, imho, of the "bait and switch' tactics you are "good at doing" as pawtucket mentioned!........you've been complaining about this for a while now, conveniently editing posts as necessary, and contrary to being "the attentive person" you claim to be, you completely ignore the chronology of various posts, splicing them together in an order which serves only your manic need to rearrange the contexts to fit your "bait and switch" "discussion" style.
the first post you quote following your "review of the records" was posted by groucho on june,12th, at 122am.....post #8 on the "losing the way part 2" thread..........nowhere on that post does your name appear.........as a matter of fact, no names appear on that post!........it is obviously groucho's response to having listened to the interview which is the topic of that thread, started by pawtucket.........clearly his opinion.........you then quote groucho again, prefacing said quote with the words "followed by".......but you "inadvertently" fail to indicate when and what that second groucho post "followed"!........that second groucho post you quote is post #60!.......posted on june 17th at 707pm which "followed" his post #8 alright........more than 5 and 1/2 days later!.........and which was in response to your first post on that thread, post #58, which you posted on june 17th at 418pm!!..........50 posts and 5 and 1/2 days after groucho's post # 8 on that thread!.........you quoted groucho's post #8, and then whitedove said,"Speaking of denial........ despite the obvious, you still assume that the group that you have apparently taken upon yourself to pigeonhole with a name is in denial. I wonder just what qualifies you to speak for others?"?????????........did you somehow infer from that post#8, that you , though never mentioned in post #8, were included in that "group" you accused groucho of "pigeonhole(ing) with a name"?...........if so, WHY??
Check the records it is a well documented fact that many of us have been refered to in such a manner over the years, just because someone does not have the guts to come out say it does not mean that we are not the subject.
as the "attentive person" you claim to be, why did you make such an inference?.........and what took you so long to make it, or why did it take you so long to presume that groucho was speaking for anyone but himself in post #8??...........why did you "disrupt the discussion" on that thread, and "derail" it with a question that had absolutely nothing to do with either the topic of the thread, or the 50+ post discussion that preceded your "bait and switch" on post #58????...........you did exactly the same thing later in that thread that you did here on post #57..........in the same feeble attempt to "refresh my memory" there, like you did here.........as i said.........no thanks!!.........the last person capable of refreshing anyone's memory, honestly, and accurately, is whitedove, imo!!!........btw.......groucho's post #60 was in response to your post #58, and, it was the first time anyone mentioned your name on that thread, and it was the first time anyone mentioned "the blue book", which groucho mentioned facetiously at the end of his response to your question to him!!............thanks for the memories "mr.dove"!!.......sic!
then whitedove said, "It appears that Mr. Dove only answered the above questions and did indeed not start the conversation in question. Get you facts straight. If one waves the red flag in front of the bull you really can't cry fowl when he charges now can you? "........it appears the way whitedove's revisions try to make it appear..........not at all the way it really was!!.........get your facts straight mr. "attentive person"!!...........before you try to rearrange the facts into whitedove's "emotionless fiction".........certainly no one needs to wave any flags in front of one so "full of bull" as mr. dove in order to encourage his ridiculous "charges"!!.........apparently all it takes is facts, logic, or truth to encourage those blind "charges".
One sided event records are hardly truth ,fact,logic,
more "love from the dove", "For someone that seems interested in staying on topic COUGH.... it appears that you seemed to stray from the one here I don't recall Mrs. Skedgells book being the point of this one. Lecture me when you can manage to do so yourself. Your questions were not honest ones you seek no answer, only to spew your hate further ,my choice if and when I answer questions, and I respond in the manner to match the tone of the question."............is that "heart and honesty" i detect in your typing there mr.dove??.........and you accuse me of "making assumptions" about what you post??..........evidently you not only cannot read what's written in posts other than your own, but you appear to be quite 'tone" deaf to boot!!.........i invite all those who choose to read for themselves what i wrote to whitedove in post #79 on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........and i happily stand by every word i've posted on this thread also, whitedove, as well as every opinion i've expressed here.
still more "love from the dove", "If you make assumptions that is your mistake I never implied anything, I never stated that Jonny was my best friend anywhere your assumption at best we have emailed each other on occasion ... He offered his story to me as suport for my position last week in that he felt the same. I welcomed him back and requested something from him his choice if he does it or not. I did so because his story blessed my life and I think it could others as well I was happy to see others who did not bow under the pressure to obey others who believed the it is written motto."...........show me where i ever said anything close to you stating "jonny was my best friend"...........refresh my memory on this one please!.........more revision, and fiction courtesy of whitedove! .........thanks again, mr. "attentive person"!
i don't think i'm going to waste any more time engaging mr. dove in a pointless, fruitless urinating contest on this thread, providing him with the attention he seems to crave..........i stand by everything i've posted here, as well as on the "losing the way part 2" thread......it's all there for anyone to plod through if they so choose.........i'm not posting here to change your mind whitedove..... you're obviously under the delusion that when it comes to vic and his cult, your bucket is full............your mind is made up, and you revel in your interpretations of vic's "word", the bible, and the great stand you take in upholding "the it is written motto"..........a motto trampled under the feet of the drunken,sociopathic,narcissistic, serial sexual predator who coined it!..........since you enjoy the right to express your opinions here at the greasespot, i'm going to express a few more of mine.........that's ok with you, is it not mr.dove??
i find your posts morally repugnant, intellectually vapid, psyhcologically unsound, rife with logical fallacies, contentious, malignantly opinionated, and mean-spirited..........imo, you pompously prance around the GSC forums in your vain attempt to play the role of the grand inquisitor of dante's inferno.........leaving your droppings for many to wretch at, and some to extoll..........again, your words, "Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All."...........maybe you should consider switching brands........the little personality you parade around in here is really worse than having no personality at all, imo!...........................peace.
Fine with me .....So I guess Mr Geer was right apperantly the pre chewed food was not to your liking either?
...What gets me is that if I believed as Whitedove apparently does...I wouldn't come near this place...
I would start a twig or something...
Whitedove...honestly, why do you post here?...You're not with your "tribe"...most of us here hate Wierwille and what he did...and we also believe that he was wrong on most of what he taught...now, don't get me wrong...I don't speak for anyone but my myself...BUT, I've been here for quite awhile and I think I know the the general consensus around here...I think you do too!
So what is it?...You enjoy being contentious?...You crave the attention of being "different"?...You hope to convert some of us? ( )...What's your point in posting here?...are you a troll with an agenda?
...just honest questions...
Well I'll give you credit for finally admitting it......
I post here because I choose to like everone else .......Oh and for Truth Justice and the American Way............
You're dreaming, on drugs or both?? This is a TWI hate site, ask Graucho, WW, or the girl in the dress. You don't come here lookin' for Euro Football scores!
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Thank you Jeff, and thank you MStar.
And Bumpy, I mean Grumpy, before I race out the door in order to not get hit by some flying food, here I was! :blink:
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J0nny Ling0
I remember Kristin Skedgell very well. It was the first year that I went to Twig. Kristin came to town to run a "College WOW" fellowship, and since I was going to a junior college and helped run a twig with a gal named Rita, I was invited to the thing. She was very kind and sweet, and exuded the love of God all over the place. A very intelligent and thoughtful young woman. We met in Rock Creek Park where Rock Creek flows through the Park in DC. It was a beautiful summer day, and we had put two picnic tables together so the ten or so of us could sit down in order to pray, sing, etc. And when we had finished praying, a young man came to us and peacefully interrupted the meeting by telling us that God must have sent us to help him. He said that he had been back in the woods when he heard us singing and then walked towards the sound of us. As he got closer, he heard us praying. He said that he was drawn to us and that he had been about to commit suicide back in the woods. Kris (we called her Kris back then), was very kind, allowed him to "interrupt" as she asked him to join us. She prayed for him as we all prayed silently together for him. We all were in awe at the Love Of God that was found in that group and how God saw fit to send that guy to our fellowship. It was very very cool.
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whitedove said, on post #56 of this thread. " First off I'll point out that this thread was to welcome back Jonny, of course you decided to derail it with another subject matter namely Mrs. Skedgells book and so of course being the attentive person that I am I will answer your posts which will most assuredly generate more and more answers. Just for the record down the road when it ends up to be pages. Ill point out now who disrupted the discussion, just as in the other one I think it is clear who started that discussion if one looks back at the posts."
first off, i'll point out, that my first post on this phoney little "welcome back" thread of yours (the first 2 1/2 paragraphs of which you quoted on your post #56 on this thread), began with my quoting your 2nd post on this thread (post #3), which was your reponse to waysider's post #2 on this thread. i then began the 3rd paragraph of my post #7 here, with a quote from your opening post on this thread.............interesting that you would consider my quoting from your first two posts on a thread which you started, and then expressing my opinion regarding what you posted, and asking you a direct question about a statement you made in your opening post on your thread in this open forum , to somehow be "off topic" and a "derail"!??.........but, if you consider it to be such, then so be it!
after your post #3 here on your thread, there were 3 very short posts before my "derail" post #7..........not very much of a "discussion" i "disrupted", imo........but, again, if you consider it as such, then so be it!
then you mention "the other one" , referring to "that discussion" you disrupted on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........but, since you bring that up again on your post #57 of this thread, i'll get back to that in a bit..........but first, allow me to disagree with your opinion that you "never trashed her (kristen skedgell's) story"........apparently your opinion differs from that of pawtucket, who started the thread you derailed, and who felt constrained to remove some of your disruptive, off topic posts, stating that your "utter disrespect for a victim is sickening"!...........an opinion evidently shared by the overwhelming majority of the others who posted on that same thread!
on post #57 here, whitedove said, "Your opinion, are you implying that you can read heart and honesty in ink? Type has no emotions its an assumption at best and you know it." ...........absolutely that's what i'm "implying"!!......what is one of the great purposes of all literature, both much of non-fiction as well as fiction?........to communicate no emotion? dishonesty?..........is writing intended to be heartless, unemotional, and thereby, non-communicative of anything but "cold, hard, fact"??..........is this what you demand from your bible??.....from "the blue book"....from vic's bible teachings and writings?........from literature in general??.....from your own writing?..........if it is, you again are a blatant hypocrite, imo!...........do you expect me to believe that every post you type here, or anywhere in cyberspace, has "no emotions" of yours??..........talk about an "assmption"!!
whitedove's next attempt at typing nothing but "cold, hard, facts" on post #57 is. "This thread was started because Jonny returned to the cafe his return had nothing to do with other threads I think if one reviews the records one will find that the bait and switch was started with another poster. Let me refresh your memory"..........no thanks!..........let me instead "refresh" and correct yours..........this is a classic example, imho, of the "bait and switch' tactics you are "good at doing" as pawtucket mentioned!........you've been complaining about this for a while now, conveniently editing posts as necessary, and contrary to being "the attentive person" you claim to be, you completely ignore the chronology of various posts, splicing them together in an order which serves only your manic need to rearrange the contexts to fit your "bait and switch" "discussion" style.
the first post you quote following your "review of the records" was posted by groucho on june,12th, at 122am.....post #8 on the "losing the way part 2" thread..........nowhere on that post does your name appear.........as a matter of fact, no names appear on that post!........it is obviously groucho's response to having listened to the interview which is the topic of that thread, started by pawtucket.........clearly his opinion.........you then quote groucho again, prefacing said quote with the words "followed by".......but you "inadvertently" fail to indicate when and what that second groucho post "followed"!........that second groucho post you quote is post #60!.......posted on june 17th at 707pm which "followed" his post #8 alright........more than 5 and 1/2 days later!.........and which was in response to your first post on that thread, post #58, which you posted on june 17th at 418pm!!..........50 posts and 5 and 1/2 days after groucho's post # 8 on that thread!.........you quoted groucho's post #8, and then whitedove said,"Speaking of denial........ despite the obvious, you still assume that the group that you have apparently taken upon yourself to pigeonhole with a name is in denial. I wonder just what qualifies you to speak for others?"?????????........did you somehow infer from that post#8, that you , though never mentioned in post #8, were included in that "group" you accused groucho of "pigeonhole(ing) with a name"?...........if so, WHY??
as the "attentive person" you claim to be, why did you make such an inference?.........and what took you so long to make it, or why did it take you so long to presume that groucho was speaking for anyone but himself in post #8??...........why did you "disrupt the discussion" on that thread, and "derail" it with a question that had absolutely nothing to do with either the topic of the thread, or the 50+ post discussion that preceded your "bait and switch" on post #58????...........you did exactly the same thing later in that thread that you did here on post #57..........in the same feeble attempt to "refresh my memory" there, like you did here.........as i said.........no thanks!!.........the last person capable of refreshing anyone's memory, honestly, and accurately, is whitedove, imo!!!........btw.......groucho's post #60 was in response to your post #58, and, it was the first time anyone mentioned your name on that thread, and it was the first time anyone mentioned "the blue book", which groucho mentioned facetiously at the end of his response to your question to him!!............thanks for the memories "mr.dove"!!.......sic!
then whitedove said, "It appears that Mr. Dove only answered the above questions and did indeed not start the conversation in question. Get you facts straight. If one waves the red flag in front of the bull you really can't cry fowl when he charges now can you? "........it appears the way whitedove's revisions try to make it appear..........not at all the way it really was!!.........get your facts straight mr. "attentive person"!!...........before you try to rearrange the facts into whitedove's "emotionless fiction".........certainly no one needs to wave any flags in front of one so "full of bull" as mr. dove in order to encourage his ridiculous "charges"!!.........apparently all it takes is facts, logic, or truth to encourage those blind "charges".
more "love from the dove", "For someone that seems interested in staying on topic COUGH.... it appears that you seemed to stray from the one here I don't recall Mrs. Skedgells book being the point of this one. Lecture me when you can manage to do so yourself. Your questions were not honest ones you seek no answer, only to spew your hate further ,my choice if and when I answer questions, and I respond in the manner to match the tone of the question."............is that "heart and honesty" i detect in your typing there mr.dove??.........and you accuse me of "making assumptions" about what you post??..........evidently you not only cannot read what's written in posts other than your own, but you appear to be quite 'tone" deaf to boot!!.........i invite all those who choose to read for themselves what i wrote to whitedove in post #79 on the "losing the way part 2" thread.........and i happily stand by every word i've posted on this thread also, whitedove, as well as every opinion i've expressed here.
still more "love from the dove", "If you make assumptions that is your mistake I never implied anything, I never stated that Jonny was my best friend anywhere your assumption at best we have emailed each other on occasion ... He offered his story to me as suport for my position last week in that he felt the same. I welcomed him back and requested something from him his choice if he does it or not. I did so because his story blessed my life and I think it could others as well I was happy to see others who did not bow under the pressure to obey others who believed the it is written motto."...........show me where i ever said anything close to you stating "jonny was my best friend"...........refresh my memory on this one please!.........more revision, and fiction courtesy of whitedove! .........thanks again, mr. "attentive person"!
i don't think i'm going to waste any more time engaging mr. dove in a pointless, fruitless urinating contest on this thread, providing him with the attention he seems to crave..........i stand by everything i've posted here, as well as on the "losing the way part 2" thread......it's all there for anyone to plod through if they so choose.........i'm not posting here to change your mind whitedove..... you're obviously under the delusion that when it comes to vic and his cult, your bucket is full............your mind is made up, and you revel in your interpretations of vic's "word", the bible, and the great stand you take in upholding "the it is written motto"..........a motto trampled under the feet of the drunken,sociopathic,narcissistic, serial sexual predator who coined it!..........since you enjoy the right to express your opinions here at the greasespot, i'm going to express a few more of mine.........that's ok with you, is it not mr.dove??
i find your posts morally repugnant, intellectually vapid, psyhcologically unsound, rife with logical fallacies, contentious, malignantly opinionated, and mean-spirited..........imo, you pompously prance around the GSC forums in your vain attempt to play the role of the grand inquisitor of dante's inferno.........leaving your droppings for many to wretch at, and some to extoll..........again, your words, "Without Coffee I Would Have No Personality At All."...........maybe you should consider switching brands........the little personality you parade around in here is really worse than having no personality at all, imo!...........................peace.
Edited by Don'tWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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...What gets me is that if I believed as Whitedove apparently does...I wouldn't come near this place...
I would start a twig or something...
Whitedove...honestly, why do you post here?...You're not with your "tribe"...most of us here hate Wierwille and what he did...and we also believe that he was wrong on most of what he taught...now, don't get me wrong...I don't speak for anyone but my myself...BUT, I've been here for quite awhile and I think I know the the general consensus around here...I think you do too!
So what is it?...You enjoy being contentious?...You crave the attention of being "different"?...You hope to convert some of us? (

)...What's your point in posting here?...are you a troll with an agenda?
...just honest questions...
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as i said on the other topic, Valiant for the "TRUTH.....but the people??? screw em, it's just their opinion and we all know how worthless they are...
as mstar said, where is the compassion the Bible so clearly illustrates????
In the words of the vicster himseff, "Church? with you?? No thanks, no church with you....."
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George Aar
Maybe some of the dweebs that frequent this place are obnoxious and contentious. But jeeze, wouldn't it get boring without 'em?
Honestly, if it wasn't for the Wierwille Apologists to fence with, I doubt I'd post much at all.
So, to all you Piffle regurgitators 'round here, Thanks for all your efforts!
No matter how low I may feel, or how bad things may go wrong in my life, I can always read some of your posts and realize that at least I'm not as screwed up as you are.
What a vital service you perform!
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Johnny, have you seen Grumpy? There's a search party looking for him out in the forest if anyone wants to help??
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J0nny Ling0
Bumpy, I think he took off with Snow White. She said that she had some household chores for him to take care of over in the little cabin in the woods...
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I heard Grumpy found the woman of his dreams:
Too bad this is what she really looks like when all the makeup comes off:

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Nice post Jonny. I remember meeting Kris back in December of 1973 at a live CFS camp with Dr. Wierwille. If memory serves, I was walking along in the early morning and she stopped me to tell me that there was a flag raising happening. Very nice person.
Those early days were something weren't they? Of a truth God and Christ were among us. It was a privilege being a part of it.
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It may just be that God and Christ were among us - but they weren't invited to a class or because of a class. In fact I don't think it had anything to do with what we knew. I think it had more to do with what we didn't know.
We were wide-eyed and seeking. That made it easier to help others on the same journey. It also made us approachable. The kindness, the sweetness, the love we had for each other and the truth we were seeking... All that was separate from TWI.
I've heard that Woodstock was the same way.
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I can't concur with a statement like that. It's something like saying "I went to a Yankee game but it was separate from Yankee Stadium."
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Maybe true, but instead of calling or coming over to my hospital bed to change my bedpans, you sent a nasty little picture of a WITCH
That was mean, especially as Ms. Snowy looks Nothing like that which you know Very Well!! That's what happens when you've really been in a Cult Too Long (CTL)! This is what she looks like according to an enCrypted message I just received!
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Nice pic Bumpy.
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No. It's more like saying, "I enjoy sitting in the stands, eating hot dogs, drinking beer with my friends and being goofy but that's separate from the baseball game or the team playing."
BTW - that's how I really feel and the only time I really enjoy hot dogs or beer.
Bumpy - I didn't send anyone to you. Perhaps it was one of your brothers trying to bless you.
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Its very simple for me Doojable. If TWI gets blamed when bad things happen there, its only fair they get some credit when good things happen there.
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You're dreaming, on drugs or both?? This is a TWI hate site, ask Graucho, WW, or the girl in the dress. You don't come here lookin' for Euro Football scores!
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J0nny Ling0
Ya know Oldies, I just hafta agree with that. Those wonderful times benefited my life and I draw upon what I learned then to this day. I don't think God would have called me to it if there wasn't something good there.
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See...THATS where I have a problem.
If God called you two there to be *blessed* that also means he called ex and kris, and so many many like them to be harmed in the most brutal of betrayals.
Even worse Guys....some people DIED!!
He called them to the very same ministry to be taught by the very same men,...but instead of warm funzy times....To be drugged and raped, to be beaten and told that they must accept it. To be told that sleeping with vpw was what would make life worth living and help deliver them from the devil spirits....to be so stripped of dignity and fellowship witheheld that some actually took their lives.
Ok?? I can`t lay that at God`s feet.
I don`t think that I could love or serve a God that would do that. I can`t respect anyone that would claim that he is responsible for that.
What I CAN accept is that there are wolves in sheeps clothing masquerading as prophets...false prophets ...wolves seeking whom they may devour.
You know...if you hold as truth...what a guy said who could also rape your sisters and savagely destroy lives at a whim...you really have to wonder how much good all of that *knowledge we aquired while sitting at his feet is going to serve us.
I honestly wonder...how many of us twi folks are going to arrive in Jesus` presence and be told to *depart* for I knew you not.
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Fine with me .....So I guess Mr Geer was right apperantly the pre chewed food was not to your liking either?
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I post here because I choose to like everone else .......Oh and for Truth Justice and the American Way............
We want the Bump....
Gotta have the Bump...
Ahh We need the Bump....
Got to have that Bump......
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Hey, Dove
Had any luck finding those "studies" yet?
Just wonderin'
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Haven't looked nordo I intend to ,that would be your job.
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