Hurt feelings?? Damned right. Embarrassed?? Absofrigginlutely....mortified even :) But please point out...where did *I* whine??
You play by the rules here no matter what your pov is evidenced by the suspension of two posters with divergent points of view.
You guys had posts deleted...suck it up, and accept that you went over the line in your ardor to present your pov.
We all do it from time to time.....we get reigned in..... we then post within the parameters allowed...or we face the consequences. Not all that hard to abide by.
I think Oldies point was that he did post within the perimeters allowed as defined by the rules, but then the perimeters sprouted legs and moved like a moving target. Me I don't care in particular only that if a reason is given one should not allow others to do the same thing without reprimand as well.
You guys had posts deleted...suck it up, and accept that you went over the line in your ardor to present your pov.
We didn't go over the line or break any rules, unless new rules are being enforced. Show me what rule I broke will you? My post was against the GS Mission? Well whooped de-freakin do... 99.9% of my posts have been against the GS Mission for years.
So, Whitedove and oldies, you two are just going to start the same stuff here?
Come on...........
I'll just bold my previous remarks as I expected this to come up ........ I think the record will show exactly who it was who started this here. Look at the post trails......
First off I'll point out that this thread was to welcome back Jonny, of course you decided to derail it with another subject matter namely Mrs. Skedgells book and so of course being the attentive person that I am I will answer your posts which will most assuredly generate more and more answers. Just for the record down the road when it ends up to be pages. Ill point out now who disrupted the discussion, just as in the other one I think it is clear who started that discussion if one looks back at the posts.
I see you have escaped Cyber Jail , I told you that file in the cake bit would work. Just wanted to add my greetings to the list.
Just wanted to say would you consider posting that great story that you emailed me a few days back. On living the it is written lifestyle vs compliance. Some here think it is a special talent perhaps if more people were to post their experiances they would see it is not the exception to live this way but indeed the Words Way. It truely is available to all who choose.
Here is the post(spun from the context of another thread in which it originated) that surreptitiously denigrates people who didn't question leadership and reprove their elders in the church but rather followed orders they were led to believe had Divine origin.
Call it trolling, call it baiting, call it whatever you want. Where I come from we just call it pushing someone's buttons. It was (IMO) designed to elicit this sort of response.
You guys had posts deleted...suck it up, and accept that you went over the line in your ardor to present your pov.
Or another possibility, we did not wish to drink the Kool Aid flavor of the day Bitter Apple, me I'm a "life is a bowl of Cherries Cherry" kind of guy maybe the stand will offer it as a choice in the future. Although it's not looking promising as the Bitter Apple sales seem to be going well. at least here..
Here is the post(spun from the context of another thread in which it originated) that surreptitiously denigrates people who didn't question leadership and reprove their elders in the church but rather followed orders they were led to believe had Divine origin.
Call it trolling, call it baiting, call it whatever you want. Where I come from we just call it pushing someone's buttons. It was (IMO) designed to elicit this sort of response.
I call it the facts, although the post is deleted now the post was in fact as I stated. The poster thought it was some special talent that I possessed. My intent was/is to prove that it was not, that it was available to all who choose. It has been proven in studies that such sharing's help victims, in recovery as they are inspiring. Surely you don't wish that not to happen?
Folks, THIS problem is not all that complicated. It's can be broken down into 3 basic food groups: People, Power and Emotions, with three sub-catagories entitled IQ, Cynicism and "Moderators".
First, Some People Posters have been here WAY TOO Many Years! (No Kidding!) This can result in continued mental Cyber Cult Disorder (CCD) with too many hours watching strange avatars, telling those who you don't agree with to stop posting. (Add to that, The Poster Roaster Coaster who runs up the post counter to unbelievable new Highs!)
People & POWER can be bad news if "power corrupts" into Cult Group Think (CGT). Pull out your blue hymn manuals and pick a song. The fact is, Many Folks Over-Dosed in Kansas, and there is No Way Back Home!
Sorry, but there IS JUST NO CURE? You need each other for constant RE-Assurance AND to Convince yourselves all this HOT AIR is for the BENEFIT of some poor unfortunate "INNIE" who hasn't landed here yet. (who can also supply new gossip!)
Btw.,(Normal People are "Lurkers" watching you from the outside window wondering How Crazy YOU have ALL become!)
Take Out the emotional cynicism from some posters history and there's nothing left but a Cult Dead Head (CDH) repeating the S A M E stuff Over & Over...
The Mod Squad is in it for da $$ but nobody cares. Like the Cult in OHIO, His new business address is here @ GS Cyberland. HE IS A MOG Cyber Control Freak (CCF) who YOU will never meet in a REAL Tet a' Tet Meltdown. BUT HE CAN ALWAYS DELETE your last thought! (Like George Carlin, you can never say that!)
THAT IS HIS POWER & the problem with the Cult Business Structure (CBS)! Stop Posting (consuming) & the Advertisers, MODS, Website...POOOF All VANISH!
Just like in the Stock Market!!
Boy that was fun!! (Where's Bumpy?)
PS, Welcome back Jonny, Hope you haven't Whooooosssed OUT on us just because you've been blowing kisses in the Krypt!
I'll just point out that neither of us called someone a name which you did. That is a violation of the rules ,at least the ones posted.
White Duv, speakie de Englis?? Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Now if I called you, for example, let's say, a "moron", that would be name calling, but pointing out you were "owned" by DontWorry, is simply an observation, albeit, of which I was very happy to post, but doesn't fall into the name calling category you are trying to squeeze it into.
I'm sure you are posting this because you are upset at me for pointing out to everyone that you've been owned and outed, which you are not handling well. I am simply posting my opinion, just like you have been posting yours. Although, you didn't handle the Kristin Skegell interview well either, as I posted on that thread, your comments there were inappropriate and out of place.
I think your statements regarding my posts fall into the opinion category, I find no truth in them, no scripture, no relevant content, and do believe them to be unsubstanciated and untrue. I don't know where you come up with this stuff, I think you might have made up portions of your content, and pulled it out of thin air, in my opinion...
White Duv, speakie de Englis?? Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Now if I called you, for example, let's say, a "moron", that would be name calling, but pointing out you were "owned" by DontWorry, is simply an observation, albeit, of which I was very happy to post, but doesn't fall into the name calling category you are trying to squeeze it into.
I'm sure you are posting this because you are upset at me for pointing out to everyone that you've been owned and outed, which you are not handling well. I am simply posting my opinion, just like you have been posting yours. Although, you didn't handle the Kristin Skegell interview well either, as I posted on that thread, your comments there were inappropriate and out of place.
I think your statements regarding my posts fall into the opinion category, I find no truth in them, no scripture, no relevant content, and do believe them to be unsubstanciated and untrue. I don't know where you come up with this stuff, I think you might have made up portions of your content, and pulled it out of thin air, in my opinion...
Have a nice day.
You might take a moment to read exactly to who my post was to . it might give you a clue as to exactly how dumb this remark is.
I'm sure you are posting this because you are upset at me for pointing out to everyone that you've been owned and outed,
I realize that you think we all are in awe of you but it just ain't so. What was your name again? When you can read get back to me.......
Oops! Sorry, WD, there were so many back to back posts from you, I lost my place and responded to the wrong statement.
Thanks for grinding your displeasure in by pointing out I'm a no-name poster, (I know in the Way world you ascribe to, name, ranking, and hierarchy is everything) my comments to you were dumb, and that I made a mistake reading...
Classy as ever, wd, I wouldn't put you in the category of a contributing poster, more of an annoyance. Why don't you just pick up your ball and go play elsewhere since you don't like anyone who doesn't agree with you?
that's quite an astute analysis you made in post #84!
and i concur...
some people are overly invested emotionally in the comments made on a message board...
i don't think i agree with WD on anything, but i'll defend his right to post his opinion...
i'm a big proponent of free speech...
and even though you, monsieur le grump, (as well as mr. ductape) have made some astute observations on this thread, apparently it has gone over the top of some folks heads...
there have been some rather UGLY and mean-spirited posts directed at WD, even AFTER you have made your observations... incredibly, even directly following one of your observational posts (as evidenced by the "owned" post immediately following #58)... i dunno, but that post strikes me as a personal attack...
i think that people should focus on the CONTENT of what someone says, and NOT go after "the person"...
it means "most likely sometime in the future, in Shalla, God Willing, it will be possible, for some but not for others, to enter into the kingdom of peace and tranquility. For indeed, the train has already left the station and those that are left behind will become as dust in the wind or sand in the machinery of strife, only to be marked and avoided in cyber earthly life!"
No Kidding, that's what it says on the google search! Ask dooj, she cut and pasted it right out of her Texas cookbook!
I'm making my own heaven here on earth .. and you can stay for eternity if you like ...
I already described it .. we make our own beer and wine ... all profits are shared fully (like the Chimay monks?)... ummm ... no promises for the after life ... all labor is rewarded in the here and now ...
Nirvana is easy .. how do we keep it tax exempt?
Grumpy ... jen-o and now I see can work out the details ... I'd prefer to just be the MOG ... exceptit will only be a pseudo position ... like the queen of england ...
OK ... get to work you guys ... my our kingdom awaits ye ...
I haven't much to say. WD, you went over the line, in my opinion on the losing the way thread. I have given you lots of leeway over the years and very seldom do anything to stop your postings and you know that is true. I have not stopped you from saying the contrary, have I?
Oldies, your post deletion was preemptive. How you can possibly say that this has been going on for weeks is beyond me. When posters mentioned your sister inappropriately, wasn't I quick to remove the offending post? You remember what you want.
Bumpy, as usual, you are doing what you do best, stir the pot.
First, Some People Posters have been here WAY TOO Many Years! (No Kidding!) This can result in continued mental Cyber Cult Disorder (CCD) with too many hours watching strange avatars, telling those who you don't agree with to stop posting. (Add to that, The Poster Roaster Coaster who runs up the post counter to unbelievable new Highs!)
They've outlawed LSD.. what else do you expect people to do with their spare time?
Jonny Lingo, ducking as he runs in, looks at the crowd and says with a smile while waving; "Hey! Then quickly runs back out the door, almost knocking a waitress and her coffees and pie slices to the floor. Grumpy was relieved, because he was looking fwd to that pie!
My opinion is that the information in the book is not documentable/or has not been done, as such it is a one sided view, a personal testimony, opinion, which contains all or part truths. Clearly the intent is to make money, otherwise it would have been offered for free as a blog or a download.
If that is truly your opinion, then it is MY opinion that you have abandoned logic and honesty in favor of your bias...
...and your agenda, which is to defend the monster Wierwille at all costs.
Considering this is a privately owned website (not a democracy) should consider yourself fortunate to still be allowed to post here at all...if I owned this site, you would be gone...along with oldies.
Which brings up another point that begs the question...considering the mission of this website, WHY would you want to be coming here to defend Wierwille?...By definition, you are a's my understanding that there are numerous pockets of glassy eyed Wierwille followers still sipping the koolaid in their "fellowships"...why not find one of them where people agree with your convoluted logic and your cult mentality?...instead of deliberately attempting to provoke anger with your pro-cult opinions...
Every time I read White Dove's opinion about a person's personal testimony I have to wonder what would satisfy him. Medical records? What about a therapists testimony? (While it could be flimsily argued that a person would write a book about personal tragedy for the money - few would spend thousands of dollars on a therapist hoping that one day they could write a book.)
Add to this particular scenario that these women of tricky vics usually knew each other or knew of each other. Some of the women (maybe Kris- I haven't read the book yet) had confidantes - friends they could confide in. It is entirely possible that there are corroborating testimonies and events.
On the other hand, WD has not read the book. How does he know what is documented or documentable? Is he psychic?
I think the whole "it can't be documented" argument revolves around the fact that vp is being trashed and he isn't around to defend himself - poor baby. He put plenty of people in the position where they were helpless. The argument is weak - period.
I read WD's arguments and I shake my head in disbelief that anyone can be so dense. I wonder how it is that he can argue against the living personal testimony of a person and yet still claim to believe the Bible. So very little of it can be documented.
Perhaps WhiteFowl would have been standing right next to Thomas as he demanded to stick his fingers in the wounds on Jesus's hands and feet. Maybe he would have demanded to see if the wounds were really made by a stake and not faked so that Jesus could become a major cult leader. Maybe he would have demanded that four or five people draw the scene on the spot to record the event for history.
The end result would have been the same. The words would have come back, "You have seen and you believe. Blessed are those that have not seen and yet still believe." (paraphrased from memory.)
(Edited to add that the previous is my opinion of the matter.)
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I think Oldies point was that he did post within the perimeters allowed as defined by the rules, but then the perimeters sprouted legs and moved like a moving target. Me I don't care in particular only that if a reason is given one should not allow others to do the same thing without reprimand as well.
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We didn't go over the line or break any rules, unless new rules are being enforced. Show me what rule I broke will you? My post was against the GS Mission? Well whooped de-freakin do... 99.9% of my posts have been against the GS Mission for years.
I'll stop whining now...
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I'll just bold my previous remarks as I expected this to come up ........ I think the record will show exactly who it was who started this here. Look at the post trails......
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Here is the post(spun from the context of another thread in which it originated) that surreptitiously denigrates people who didn't question leadership and reprove their elders in the church but rather followed orders they were led to believe had Divine origin.
Call it trolling, call it baiting, call it whatever you want. Where I come from we just call it pushing someone's buttons. It was (IMO) designed to elicit this sort of response.
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Or another possibility, we did not wish to drink the Kool Aid flavor of the day Bitter Apple, me I'm a "life is a bowl of Cherries Cherry" kind of guy maybe the stand will offer it as a choice in the future. Although it's not looking promising as the Bitter Apple sales seem to be going well. at least here..
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Sounds like a case of "victim mentality" to me.
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I call it the facts, although the post is deleted now the post was in fact as I stated. The poster thought it was some special talent that I possessed. My intent was/is to prove that it was not, that it was available to all who choose. It has been proven in studies that such sharing's help victims, in recovery as they are inspiring. Surely you don't wish that not to happen?
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Folks, THIS problem is not all that complicated. It's can be broken down into 3 basic food groups: People, Power and Emotions, with three sub-catagories entitled IQ, Cynicism and "Moderators".
First, Some People Posters have been here WAY TOO Many Years! (No Kidding!) This can result in continued mental Cyber Cult Disorder (CCD) with too many hours watching strange avatars, telling those who you don't agree with to stop posting. (Add to that, The Poster Roaster Coaster who runs up the post counter to unbelievable new Highs!)
People & POWER can be bad news if "power corrupts" into Cult Group Think (CGT). Pull out your blue hymn manuals and pick a song. The fact is, Many Folks Over-Dosed in Kansas, and there is No Way Back Home!
Sorry, but there IS JUST NO CURE? You need each other for constant RE-Assurance AND to Convince yourselves all this HOT AIR is for the BENEFIT of some poor unfortunate "INNIE" who hasn't landed here yet. (who can also supply new gossip!)
Btw.,(Normal People are "Lurkers" watching you from the outside window wondering How Crazy YOU have ALL become!)
Take Out the emotional cynicism from some posters history and there's nothing left but a Cult Dead Head (CDH) repeating the S A M E stuff Over & Over...
The Mod Squad is in it for da $$ but nobody cares. Like the Cult in OHIO, His new business address is here @ GS Cyberland. HE IS A MOG Cyber Control Freak (CCF) who YOU will never meet in a REAL Tet a' Tet Meltdown. BUT HE CAN ALWAYS DELETE your last thought! (Like George Carlin, you can never say that!)
THAT IS HIS POWER & the problem with the Cult Business Structure (CBS)! Stop Posting (consuming) & the Advertisers, MODS, Website...POOOF All VANISH!
Just like in the Stock Market!!
Boy that was fun!! (Where's Bumpy?)
PS, Welcome back Jonny, Hope you haven't Whooooosssed OUT on us just because you've been blowing kisses in the Krypt!
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Would it be too forward of me to ask for a sampling of these "studies"?
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now I see
White Duv, speakie de Englis?? Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Now if I called you, for example, let's say, a "moron", that would be name calling, but pointing out you were "owned" by DontWorry, is simply an observation, albeit, of which I was very happy to post, but doesn't fall into the name calling category you are trying to squeeze it into.
I'm sure you are posting this because you are upset at me for pointing out to everyone that you've been owned and outed, which you are not handling well. I am simply posting my opinion, just like you have been posting yours. Although, you didn't handle the Kristin Skegell interview well either, as I posted on that thread, your comments there were inappropriate and out of place.
I think your statements regarding my posts fall into the opinion category, I find no truth in them, no scripture, no relevant content, and do believe them to be unsubstanciated and untrue. I don't know where you come up with this stuff, I think you might have made up portions of your content, and pulled it out of thin air, in my opinion...
Have a nice day.
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Tom Strange
Lingo was gone? ...guess I missed that...
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You might take a moment to read exactly to who my post was to . it might give you a clue as to exactly how dumb this remark is.
I realize that you think we all are in awe of you but it just ain't so. What was your name again? When you can read get back to me.......
Edited by WhiteDoveLink to comment
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now I see
Oops! Sorry, WD, there were so many back to back posts from you, I lost my place and responded to the wrong statement.
Thanks for grinding your displeasure in by pointing out I'm a no-name poster, (I know in the Way world you ascribe to, name, ranking, and hierarchy is everything) my comments to you were dumb, and that I made a mistake reading...
Classy as ever, wd, I wouldn't put you in the category of a contributing poster, more of an annoyance. Why don't you just pick up your ball and go play elsewhere since you don't like anyone who doesn't agree with you?
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...and not only that, but bumpy is now grumpy, the vixter is dead, the internet speaks american gringo and Jonny Lingo morphed into a crypt thread...
Ou sera le fin, mon petit cult fan?
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hey grumpy!
that's quite an astute analysis you made in post #84!
and i concur...
some people are overly invested emotionally in the comments made on a message board...
i don't think i agree with WD on anything, but i'll defend his right to post his opinion...
i'm a big proponent of free speech...
and even though you, monsieur le grump, (as well as mr. ductape) have made some astute observations on this thread, apparently it has gone over the top of some folks heads...
there have been some rather UGLY and mean-spirited posts directed at WD, even AFTER you have made your observations... incredibly, even directly following one of your observational posts (as evidenced by the "owned" post immediately following #58)... i dunno, but that post strikes me as a personal attack...
i think that people should focus on the CONTENT of what someone says, and NOT go after "the person"...
btw, grumpy, you never answered my question:
qu'est-ce que c'est "pourrait"?
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it means "most likely sometime in the future, in Shalla, God Willing, it will be possible, for some but not for others, to enter into the kingdom of peace and tranquility. For indeed, the train has already left the station and those that are left behind will become as dust in the wind or sand in the machinery of strife, only to be marked and avoided in cyber earthly life!"
No Kidding, that's what it says on the google search! Ask dooj, she cut and pasted it right out of her Texas cookbook!
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I'm making my own heaven here on earth .. and you can stay for eternity if you like ...
I already described it .. we make our own beer and wine ... all profits are shared fully (like the Chimay monks?)... ummm ... no promises for the after life ... all labor is rewarded in the here and now ...
Nirvana is easy .. how do we keep it tax exempt?
Grumpy ... jen-o and now I see can work out the details ... I'd prefer to just be the MOG ... exceptit will only be a pseudo position ... like the queen of england ...
OK ... get to work you guys ... my our kingdom awaits ye ...
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I haven't much to say. WD, you went over the line, in my opinion on the losing the way thread. I have given you lots of leeway over the years and very seldom do anything to stop your postings and you know that is true. I have not stopped you from saying the contrary, have I?
Oldies, your post deletion was preemptive. How you can possibly say that this has been going on for weeks is beyond me. When posters mentioned your sister inappropriately, wasn't I quick to remove the offending post? You remember what you want.
Bumpy, as usual, you are doing what you do best, stir the pot.
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details, details, details...
rhino, are you asking me to be detail-minded?...
i hope it doesn't involve stringing chairs... LOL
les grumps,
i never seem to get a straight answer out of you...
i had to go search for an online translator, because i thought that "pourrait" was an adjective describing the kind of "discours"... my faux pas...
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Shucks Paw, you shouldn't go through life in a cult without at least getting noticed, n'est ce pas?
After all, didn't VP shake a stick at you? <_<
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They've outlawed LSD.. what else do you expect people to do with their spare time?
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J0nny Ling0
Jonny Lingo, ducking as he runs in, looks at the crowd and says with a smile while waving; "Hey!
Then quickly runs back out the door, almost knocking a waitress and her coffees and pie slices to the floor. Grumpy was relieved, because he was looking fwd to that pie!
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If that is truly your opinion, then it is MY opinion that you have abandoned logic and honesty in favor of your bias...
...and your agenda, which is to defend the monster Wierwille at all costs.
Considering this is a privately owned website (not a democracy) should consider yourself fortunate to still be allowed to post here at all...if I owned this site, you would be gone...along with oldies.
Which brings up another point that begs the question...considering the mission of this website, WHY would you want to be coming here to defend Wierwille?...By definition, you are a's my understanding that there are numerous pockets of glassy eyed Wierwille followers still sipping the koolaid in their "fellowships"...why not find one of them where people agree with your convoluted logic and your cult mentality?...instead of deliberately attempting to provoke anger with your pro-cult opinions...
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Every time I read White Dove's opinion about a person's personal testimony I have to wonder what would satisfy him. Medical records? What about a therapists testimony? (While it could be flimsily argued that a person would write a book about personal tragedy for the money - few would spend thousands of dollars on a therapist hoping that one day they could write a book.)
Add to this particular scenario that these women of tricky vics usually knew each other or knew of each other. Some of the women (maybe Kris- I haven't read the book yet) had confidantes - friends they could confide in. It is entirely possible that there are corroborating testimonies and events.
On the other hand, WD has not read the book. How does he know what is documented or documentable? Is he psychic?
I think the whole "it can't be documented" argument revolves around the fact that vp is being trashed and he isn't around to defend himself - poor baby. He put plenty of people in the position where they were helpless. The argument is weak - period.
I read WD's arguments and I shake my head in disbelief that anyone can be so dense. I wonder how it is that he can argue against the living personal testimony of a person and yet still claim to believe the Bible. So very little of it can be documented.
Perhaps WhiteFowl would have been standing right next to Thomas as he demanded to stick his fingers in the wounds on Jesus's hands and feet. Maybe he would have demanded to see if the wounds were really made by a stake and not faked so that Jesus could become a major cult leader. Maybe he would have demanded that four or five people draw the scene on the spot to record the event for history.
The end result would have been the same. The words would have come back, "You have seen and you believe. Blessed are those that have not seen and yet still believe." (paraphrased from memory.)
(Edited to add that the previous is my opinion of the matter.)
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