This is, quite frankly, the strangest welcome I have ever received, or ever seen for anybody else for that matter. Oh, I forgot for a second where I was, the GSCafe...Why should I be surprised?
This is, quite frankly, the strangest welcome I have ever received, or ever seen for anybody else for that matter. Oh, I forgot for a second where I was, the GSCafe...Why should I be surprised?
You have to understand, you were a former cult leader, you live in Alaska and some may not like your fish recipes.
That means you may need additional cult de-programming by your cult love friend you were sleeping with in the crypt. Btw., how was she?
This is, quite frankly, the strangest welcome I have ever received, or ever seen for anybody else for that matter. Oh, I forgot for a second where I was, the GSCafe...Why should I be surprised?
Jonny - no offense but I don't think this thread was started with "Welcome" in mind. I could be wrong - but that's my opinion....
Actually that fish recipe got me really jealous. I wouldn't know how to clean or cook a fish for the life of me, much less smoke and grill it. Fresh Alaskan salmon right from the water, and that scrumptious sounding sauce...heaven!
One of these days I'll have to tell my "fishing" story, about my :blink: (blech ick!) with this guy a couple of years ago who tried to teach me to fish. But that will be a whole different thread. Probably under, Worst Dates of my life or something.
do "doves" eat alaskan king salmon jonny?......or do they just pick at the rotting carcasses???...................just wonderin'.................peace.
do "doves" eat alaskan king salmon jonny?......or do they just pick at the rotting carcasses???...................just wonderin'................
I don't think so. We don't have any doves up here other than "pigeons". Did you know that technically, "pigeons" are actually "Rock Doves"? But they only eat grains, and such. But amazingly, the eagles do pick at rotting carcasses. In fact, the eagles have all been hanging out at the City Dump scrounging for garbage all late winter, spring, and early summer. Only lately, now that the salmon are running, have they been catching fresh salmon from the waters. But later, when the carcasses will litter the beaches and river banks, they will be picking at the rotting carcasses without any shame whatsoever.
Ya know though, I have always thought to do one of those "power point" slide shows depicting the eagles doing things that folks don' think that they do. And the song I would use would be "Eagle Inside" by Joyful Noise. During the line:
"He lives on the mountain top, he's never coming down,
he knows that there's no reason for him on the ground!"
I would then show a photo of a beautiful bald eagle rummaging through though the nasty garbage. Hah!
And during the line:
"There's no man or beast that's gonna drive him from his home"!
I would show a photo of an eagle being chased by a bunch of crows or ravens which I have seen time and time again. There are alot more verses in that song and actual realities with eagles that have always amused me. At the end of the song, I would have the tagline: "SOME TIMES THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE", or something like that. Would make a great You Tube, ya know? I just need to get out my camera one day. Shoot, all I'd need to do is carry it with me every day.
All winter long there's been this one eagle who sits on a street lamp overlooking the highway in the morning on the way to work. He sits up there on the exact same lamp four street lamps before the light and looks down at the southbound traffic. And when I drive under him (the lamp extends out over the right lane), he always bends his head way down as you pass under him, making sure he sees you until you are past his talons. Then he looks up again for the next car/truck and does the same thing over and over. I told my wife to watch for him too in that she goes to work an hour later than I do, and sure enough, same thing! Too funny! Maybe it trips him out or something, and gives him a "rush" to do that. Personally, I think that being able to fly like that would be the ultimate rush! But, who knows the mind of an eagle? Maybe soaring and flying gets boring?
Also, I have seen the eagles, as many as thirty on them flying and circling around our new Wal-Mart, and sitting on the roof of it. One day, I'll take my camera and take a shot. Maybe I could sell it to Wal-Mart for some coin. They are always being accused of being "anti-American" ya know. Maybe the boost in image would help.Oh well...
you guys up there in alaska are sure "spoiled" by having all that great wildlife up there "hangin' out" with ya every day! would be great, jonny especially any you would be able to take yourself!
yes!......i am aware that pidgeons are "technically" doves!.........and we have plenty of pidgeons out here on the "right coast"........unfortunately, we can't hunt them out here, and they're actually much more of a nuisance, especially with their large numbers and the quantity of their droppings.........they're scavengers just like the eagles are out your way..........but i think the scavenging menu is better for them out your way than it is out here!........"doves" down here in the lower 48 have a more steady diet of "garbage" than they do salmon.............and you know the old saying, "garbage in--garbage out"...........
must have been quite a battle bringin' in that 18lb king on a flyrod!!!.......way to go!.......sure must have been good eatin'!!..................peace.
Johhhnnny, there's an old guy just above your last posting who keeps sticking his tongue out at you! Do you think he needs feeding?
Remember, those that run with the wolves by night, fly not with the eagles by day! Maybe your bird friend is really a night vulture, just released from the Crypt?
LOL!.......grumpy!........or is it monsieur le bump??.......either way, no denying the "cuteness" of your avatar, as rottiegrrl pointed out!
trust me grumpy........i am most definitely well fed! seems however, that sometimes i have a difficult time "controlling " my tongue!!..........hehehe............and i was wondering how close a "friend" jonny is with the first poster on this thread?............i was hoping that another old adage, "birds of a feather flock together" does not really apply to jonny and his "night vulture" pen pal!............jonny never struck me as the "crypt-keeper" type of fellow, ya know?? ain't, is ya jonny???......................peace.
LOL!.......grumpy!........or is it monsieur le bump??.......either way, no denying the "cuteness" of your avatar, as rottiegrrl pointed out!
I have seen this Monsieur le bump on a few postings as well, and find he may be a bit of a "troll" or even a "luurker"?? Possibly he is a lonely tiger on the prowl for some cyber ... feline ....?? Who knows?
You can never be too careful with those baguette toting French hypocrites!
I caught a nice bright 18 pound King Salmon about two hours ago right off the beach on my fly rod! Yahooooo! He wasn't huge, but on that little fly rod it was a smoker! And now, I have put some Old Bay "rub" on it in prep for first, some alder smoke for about an hour in my smoker, and then the grill. Then, to complete the menu, we'll have basmati rice, and some steamed asparagus with Hollandaise sauce. Nice, simple, and, delectable! Also, a nice Merlot will accompany the meal. Now Cool Chef, what we do with the salmon when it is half grilled, is pour this sauce on it that my wife makes. It is a combination of brown sugar, soy sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, black pepper, and garlic powder. Like I began to say, when the salmon is half done, I'll take a fork and delicately poke holes in the grilling filets. Then, I'll brush on the sauce so that it seeps into the fillets and intermingles with the delicate and superb salmon slab. I'll then cover the grill and finish the grilling until perfection. And so Monsieur Chef, how does it sound Brother? If I could I have you over for dinner. But then if I did, I might be self conscious because of your cullinary expertise compared to my lack thereof. But no doubt, you'd give me a pass because of the effort, right?
Snowy just handed me the following message for a salmon fisherman in Alaska...
He says he's well fed Grumpy, so maybe he just has some sort of disorder, a form of Teret's maybe? Instead of shouting cuss words he sticks his tongue out at people? Or maybe, he could be a French woman's favorite date? Or, maybe he is Gene Simmons of KISS fame's Grandfather!
And no, I ain't no "crypt keeper" (whatever that means) DWBH. Sometimes I agree with WD, and sometimes I do not. I agreed with him on the point that since we were schooled to believe that "It is Written" and that the "Bible should be our only rule of faith and practice", that this is what we should have relied upon when challenged by Way leadership to comply with evil doctrines. We simply should have said; "Nope, sorry, that ain't God's Word", no matter what the consequences. This is something that I did when humiliated publicly by a region coordinator. I knew that I might have been kicked out of the Corps for what I did, but I concluded that "I was accepted in the beloved" as Ephesians says, and that I didn't care if I was even kicked out of The Way Ministry itself. I could always catch a ship and go back to Sea. God's love for me would simply "have to do". And so, I acted on it and got in that guy's face with Scripture and he backed off. But of course, there were times when I did not do just that, and "feared out" and complied. I hope that WD would recognize that we all were capable of both and did same. Certainly he is aware of why "Peter wasn't the man that he knew to be" when he denied our Lord in the Garden those three (Six? Never could see the "six denials") times...
But I will say that because I am not a female who was coerced by a Way leader into providing sex, I do not know what it means to be under that kind of pressure and therefore it would be unfair for me to judge. It seems pretty simple to me, to simply say "no", like my wife did very emphatically to LCM one time without negative repercussions, but every situation and every person is different. And, I mean, it would have been extremely weird if Dorothy Owens or Rhoda came onto me like that ya know? Think about that scenario and put yourself in the girls' shoes boys! Eeaauuww! I personally would have made a stink over it, and if challenged by their "word of god" on it as "true doctrine" to defend those actions, I would have walked. No, I would have run like a "striped arsed ape" screeching like Cheetah the chimp for the safety of the tall trees!
But make no mistake others who may be readin', the situation I was in with that RC was way different than the situations of which I have read about that happened to women while in The Way and The Way Corps. I don't doubt those things as have having happened. My good friend Sunesis, who wouldn't lie to me laid it all bare, with names, facts, everything. I must admit that it was hard to take because I hadn't really seen any of that crap, but I believe her because she is my friend. I think you know her. Hey, ask her about me, cause Grumpy doesn't know me...
I guess I am considered here by some as a "Way Apologist" (you have begun to wonder if I am one of them DWBH), because I still believe that there was lots of good stuff that I learned in The Way and that when I fell to my knees and asked God to "send me a Christian to show me the way" back in 1975, the next day a WOW gal from NY came to work where I worked and opened up the book of Ephesians to me. And then came on fifteen years of endeavor to serve The Almighty who had picked me up out of the miry clay. But when it became evident to me that there was no more word of God, I/we checked out. "Bye bye! Ephesians will just have to do for me/us"! And it has done well for me/us, and I don't think that we, like you, have skipped too many beats since leaving...
J'attends pour voir si M. Grumpy est vraiment juste un autre fracas sur le comptoir.
Call the Fire Dept! What's going on here?? I just did some google searches on text translations and...
I am waiting to see if Mr. Grumpy is really just another fracas over the counter.
Anyway, the Spanish word "golpe" is better used for a game of golf. This Mr. Grumpy looks to be an imposter, a poser or even a troll needing medication! I just called Disney Studios and Snow White hasn't seen him in days. He might by all accounts soon be heading on a fishing trip, to of all places...Alaska!!
thanks jonny, for that last post!!..........and, NO!.......i never thought you to be a "cryptkeeper", nor a twi/vic "apologist"!......just wanted to clear that up with you.........and i'll explain a little bit about why i have posted as i have on this thread, so you realize that i'm not trying to pick at you, or paint you into a box in which you do not fit, nor belong, imho!......let me just reiterate what i said in my first post on this thread, "no offense to you jonny!........i enjoy your stories too.......they're humorous, usually nicely written, and often entertaining....."...i mean that in all honesty, jonny!
firstly, i'd also like to thank you for the thread you started entitled "welcome back rascal".........i firmly believe that was an honest post by you to rascal, who was "suspended" from posting when you were, for the same length of time, for the same's also a post which exemplifies the kind of good guy you are, imho.......and, the reply you got from rascal i think also demonstrates the same thing about her........that, my friend, was a genuine, heartfelt post exchange between you two, which, i'm sure, just about every one here in our greasespot cafe community really appreciated from you, as well as honest "welcome back" that was appreciated by most of us fellow greasespotters.......kudos to you for posting it, with no "covert agenda".........i think it'll be one of my favorite jonny lingo posts for a long time to come........if that matters to you......
however, this thread, though entitled "welcome back jonny lingo", imho, shares none of the genuine heart or honesty that your "welcome back" thread does! was started by whitedove less than 13 hours after pawtucket had to take the following distasteful, yet necessary action, "I removed posts by White Dove and oldiesman. They took an important subject and did a bait and switch which they are both good at doing. It violated the forum rules and mission of GS. Their utter disrespect for a victim is sickening."...........these "sickening" posts were removed from the thread "losing the way part 2"...........which, if you have'nt read, i invite you to, so that you'll better understand where i'm coming from on this thread, and in this post to you.......
whitedove's refusal to stay "on topic" in that "important subject" thread, as well as his refusal to answer pertinent, honest, questions posed to him by me, and several other posters on that thread,........questions which solicited HIS "opinions" on issues central to that thread, and his posts on that thread..........was discourteous at best, and really more rudely condescending than at all necessary, thoughts regarding his posting behavior on that thread are pretty well summed up in post #7 of this thread, which he supposedly started to welcome you back from "cyber-jail" (his term, not mine).............but. which, imho, was started as a snide response to pawtucket's actions as i quoted above.........and he used his "implied" friendship with you as a brazen "cover" to try to prove some kind of spiteful point, as i said, less than 13 hours after the removal of his "sickening" posts on that thread............i thought that this thread he started was unfair to you, and was intended not as a "welcome back" like yours to rascal is, but rather, as an immature, angry, "slap-in-the-face" to paw, as well as the rest of us who posted questions to him on the topic of that thread...........imho, he used you to make his point...............and tried to cover it by patronizing you to post stuff you apparently had sent to him in pm's........
that's why i posted what i did in post #7 here, and continued to try to help you avoid any "guilt by association", which may have been sparked in the minds of many of your fellow greasespotters by whitedove's smarmy, patronizing proclamation of not just "friendship" with you, jonny, but more importantly the implied "ideological kinship" he seems to think he shares with you...........i.e."oh, jonny's a good guy, and he thinks like i do".............well, on this particular issue, i don't think that's an implication you deserve, nor is it appropriate to allow it to go unchallenged............and, i thank you again for clearing it up in no uncertain terms in the third paragraph of your last post here on this thread!
regarding this, "I guess I am considered here by some as a "Way Apologist" (you have begun to wonder if I am one of the DWBH), because I still believe that there was lots of good stuff that I learned in The Way and that when I fell to my knees and asked God to "send me a Christian to show me the way" back in 1975, the next day a WOW gal from NY came to work where I worked and opened up the book of Ephesians to me. And then came on fifteen years of endeavor to serve The Almighty who had picked me up out of the miry clay. But when it became evident to me that there was no more word of God, I/we checked out. "Bye bye! Ephesians will just have to do for me/us"! And it has done well for me/us, and I don't think we, like you, have skipped too many beats since leaving..."
i'll speak for myself and say, i do not consider you to be a "way apologist", or a "vic apologist", and i have not "begun to wonder" about that either!..........i know that you're not, and i know the impact your conversations with our beloved sunesis have had on you, as you shared with us...........and, i certainly do not begrudge you the "good times" and experiences you had in the corps and twi.........we share some fond memories together with many other of our fellow greasespotters, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THOSE WHO SUFFERED THE HORRORS WE DID NOT AT THE HANDS OF DER VICTOID, NOR IN DENIAL OF THE HORRORS HE PERPETRATED AGAINST FAR TOO MANY OF OUR INNOCENT BROTHERS AND SISTERS, IN SERVICE TO HIS OWN BELLY AND LUSTS!..........i care not at all whether he taught any "scriptural truth" or not............his actions speak so loudly i can't hear a word he taught or said, true or untrue!............that's where whitedove and i have absolutely no common ground........and jonny, i don't think he has as much in common with you as his posts on this thread were meant to lead us all to believe! to you and yours, and..........................peace.
I'm waiting to see if Mr. Grumpy is just another bump on the counter.
You shouldn't have needed a translator for that Bumpy. I thought you were married to a French woman. N'est ce que pas?
I KNEW you were a clever little girl! The only problem is "fracas" does not translate to "bump" or even le bump in French. I know this because our whole disfunctional family speaks in many tongues, sometimes with their forks in their mouths!!
This was partly a result of so many Europeans hanging around the "sets" during our creation. Anyway, the French word for "bump" is bosse. And "golpe" is a swing which is probably why that stupid tiger bothered to play with google.
As for his French wife, Je ne sais pas. Tigers are creatures of the night. They can be anywhere at anytime and their eyes can be a real scary. She might be a little "tigress" herself? Meow!
Or sleeping with six of their "closest friends."
I am... speechless! To think that Walt's favorite characters ( and we are his favorites! ) would be caught up in such a script... Gives Me Ideas!!
i care not at all whether he taught any "scriptural truth" or not............his actions speak so loudly i can't hear a word he taught or said, true or untrue!............that's where whitedove and i have absolutely no common ground........and jonny, i don't think he has as much in common with you as his posts on this thread were meant to lead us all to believe! to you and yours, and..........................peace.
I agree...because Jonny is a nice guy (except when I pick on him), Whitedove (the troll), tries to cotton up to him and be his pal. would seem that whitedove has an agenda...I wonder what it could be?
glad to see that you were finally released from cyber-purgatory... LOL
did the novena help?
i find it interesting to note that jonny and i both had a very similar experience in that we both "cried out" to God and a "wafer" showed up on the doorstep (well, in my case, it was my doorstep)... and yet, i completely reject all "way" doctrine as being twisted and perverted (and in many cases, an outright lie) as the man-made doctrine of a false prophet/false teacher... i do, however, believe the bible as the Word of Truth... many ex-way (and current-way) folks seem to have confused these 2 things... on the one hand, you have the false teachings of a degenerate, self-centered, lecherous old man who was motivated by his own lusts (lust for money, lust for power, lust for sex, etc.) and on the other hand, there is the bible... these are 2 completely and entirely DIFFERENT things...
i would even venture to say that MANY ex-way and current-way people know NOTHING about the bible because of this confusion... oh sure, vpw "used" the bible to support his twisted doctrinal ideas, but what else is new!... false prophets always twist the truth!... just because someone knows "way" doctrine inside and out doesn't mean they know a dang thing about the Truth (or the bible)... they may know how to chop it to pieces under the guise of "right-dividing", but they know NOTHING about the truth...
i would also say that not everyone who was "in" twi was born again (okay, that's an understatement)... i would say that the MAJORITY of people who were "in" twi were NOT born again... why?, because twi did NOT teach anyone how to become born again... it was ALL lip service hiding under vpw's twisted version of "grace"... vpw's idea was to say some magical words, and abracadabra, presto-chango, you're "going to heaven and all hell can't stop you"... he (vpw) wishes... repentance was NEVER talked about, and you don't get born again without repentance... further, Jesus was relegated to some afterthought (when He is CENTRAL to true christianity) or worse, His Name was USED as a tagline at the end of a prayer in order to get some material object (gag)... it's all rather disgusting...
twi is NOT a part of true christianity...
it is a RELIGION, a FALSE RELIGION loaded with RITUAL and based on the MAN-MADE doctrines of a FALSE PROPHET...
sad to say, most people that were in twi know nothing about Jesus and nothing about the Truth... (um, Jesus IS the Truth)
and it is also sad to see people here at the gscafe criticizing christianity and calling christians "bible thumpers" and such, when their major experience consists of being involved with the false religion of twi (which is definitely NOT representative of christianity or christians)...
let me also add that there is a minority of folks who were involved with twi that actually are true christians, and with whom the Holy Spirit continued to teach and guide throughout their "way" involvement; but if they learned anything, it was via the Holy Spirit and NOT twi... some of this minority may actually have had an easier time (ex. jonny) while in twi as a result of listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit...
in any event, it's a bit disheartening to see "way doctrines" and biblical doctrines used interchangably as if they were the same thing...
they are NOT!
p.s. i won't name names, but folks who cling to way doctrines and call them "truth" are deluded, and are not representative of true christians...
Some folks are blind in one eye, and can't see out of the other.
Well sorry for neglecting my thread here but I had a couple of social engagements to attend to this weekend the first a hundred and fifty dollar a plate fundraiser for a historic building, the second a wedding reception featuring a very nice Jazz group. I'm flying a little sideways now as I realized I can't work and stay up into the wee hours like I used to, but it was entertaining and I experienced a first, I usually drink brand name liquor but not extreme priced , but I tasted my first taste of what a $80.00 bottle of rum tastes like. Tasty but I doubt I'd pay the price.
Well down to business of catching up:
I see Mr. Tongue man has been entertaining you all with his assuming again but before I get to that, some of the others.
David - not sure what your quote had to do with the topic but since we are discussing body part quotes here are a few more of my favorites.
Some people have hands but can't carry a tune if their life depended on it.
Some people have ears but are deaf in one and can't hear in the other.
Rightly dividing The Word (if there is such a concept) isn't only about the words you speak, it's about the way you live your life and conduct yourself in relation to those words. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that Wierwille was miles away from rightly dividing The Word.
Not really , knowing what the word says and your lifestyle are not dependant on each other. While that may be the end result desired ,if one does not reach the goal ,the rightly dividing of the word does not change.
Hey OM, how's fishin'?
Yeah, the same ol' bait and switch action, huh?
The issue DW was addressing had nothing to do with the "integrity" of the Wurd that the Vicster promoted (as if you didn't know). It had to do with acceptance or rejection of a given person's testimony.
It seems that Whitey was adamantly opposed to even considering anything someone might have to say if what they said showed His Excellency, Mr. Wierwille, in a bad light. But when it comes to those wonderful stow-ries of Jonny's, well, Mr. Whitey seemed downright anxious to revel in the rightly-divided integrity of THEM.
Maybe a little double-standard going on?
George - An assumption, and a wrong one at that. I've considered many things, some have proved to be correct and I've made adjustments along the way ,some have not. Johnny's story however was of a different nature than the other for various reasons which I'll take up with Mr. Tongue.
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I heard a rumor that David repented and had some Godly sorrow for His sins. I missed TWI "LEADERSHIPs" sorrowful heart for the pain they caused. Even Jimmy Swaggart had the good manners to cry cro
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J0nny Ling0
This is, quite frankly, the strangest welcome I have ever received, or ever seen for anybody else for that matter. Oh, I forgot for a second where I was, the GSCafe...Why should I be surprised?
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You have to understand, you were a former cult leader, you live in Alaska and some may not like your fish recipes.
That means you may need additional cult de-programming by your cult love friend you were sleeping with in the crypt. Btw., how was she?
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Jonny - no offense but I don't think this thread was started with "Welcome" in mind. I could be wrong - but that's my opinion....
Welcome back BTW
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Actually that fish recipe got me really jealous. I wouldn't know how to clean or cook a fish for the life of me, much less smoke and grill it. Fresh Alaskan salmon right from the water, and that scrumptious sounding sauce...heaven!
One of these days I'll have to tell my "fishing" story, about my :blink: (blech ick!) with this guy a couple of years ago who tried to teach me to fish. But that will be a whole different thread. Probably under, Worst Dates of my life or something.
Edited by RottieGrrrlLink to comment
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do "doves" eat alaskan king salmon jonny?......or do they just pick at the rotting carcasses???...................just wonderin'.................peace.
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J0nny Ling0
I don't think so. We don't have any doves up here other than "pigeons". Did you know that technically, "pigeons" are actually "Rock Doves"? But they only eat grains, and such. But amazingly, the eagles do pick at rotting carcasses. In fact, the eagles have all been hanging out at the City Dump scrounging for garbage all late winter, spring, and early summer. Only lately, now that the salmon are running, have they been catching fresh salmon from the waters. But later, when the carcasses will litter the beaches and river banks, they will be picking at the rotting carcasses without any shame whatsoever.
Ya know though, I have always thought to do one of those "power point" slide shows depicting the eagles doing things that folks don' think that they do. And the song I would use would be "Eagle Inside" by Joyful Noise. During the line:
"He lives on the mountain top, he's never coming down,
he knows that there's no reason for him on the ground!"
I would then show a photo of a beautiful bald eagle rummaging through though the nasty garbage. Hah!
And during the line:
"There's no man or beast that's gonna drive him from his home"!
I would show a photo of an eagle being chased by a bunch of crows or ravens which I have seen time and time again. There are alot more verses in that song and actual realities with eagles that have always amused me. At the end of the song, I would have the tagline: "SOME TIMES THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE", or something like that. Would make a great You Tube, ya know? I just need to get out my camera one day. Shoot, all I'd need to do is carry it with me every day.
All winter long there's been this one eagle who sits on a street lamp overlooking the highway in the morning on the way to work. He sits up there on the exact same lamp four street lamps before the light and looks down at the southbound traffic. And when I drive under him (the lamp extends out over the right lane), he always bends his head way down as you pass under him, making sure he sees you until you are past his talons. Then he looks up again for the next car/truck and does the same thing over and over. I told my wife to watch for him too in that she goes to work an hour later than I do, and sure enough, same thing! Too funny! Maybe it trips him out or something, and gives him a "rush" to do that. Personally, I think that being able to fly like that would be the ultimate rush! But, who knows the mind of an eagle? Maybe soaring and flying gets boring?
Also, I have seen the eagles, as many as thirty on them flying and circling around our new Wal-Mart, and sitting on the roof of it. One day, I'll take my camera and take a shot. Maybe I could sell it to Wal-Mart for some coin. They are always being accused of being "anti-American" ya know. Maybe the boost in image would help.Oh well...
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you guys up there in alaska are sure "spoiled" by having all that great wildlife up there "hangin' out" with ya every day! would be great, jonny especially any you would be able to take yourself!
yes!......i am aware that pidgeons are "technically" doves!.........and we have plenty of pidgeons out here on the "right coast"........unfortunately, we can't hunt them out here, and they're actually much more of a nuisance, especially with their large numbers and the quantity of their droppings.........they're scavengers just like the eagles are out your way..........but i think the scavenging menu is better for them out your way than it is out here!........"doves" down here in the lower 48 have a more steady diet of "garbage" than they do salmon.............and you know the old saying, "garbage in--garbage out"...........
must have been quite a battle bringin' in that 18lb king on a flyrod!!!.......way to go!.......sure must have been good eatin'!!..................peace.
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Johhhnnny, there's an old guy just above your last posting who keeps sticking his tongue out at you! Do you think he needs feeding?
Remember, those that run with the wolves by night, fly not with the eagles by day! Maybe your bird friend is really a night vulture, just released from the Crypt?
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LOL!.......grumpy!........or is it monsieur le bump??.......either way, no denying the "cuteness" of your avatar, as rottiegrrl pointed out!
trust me grumpy........i am most definitely well fed! seems however, that sometimes i have a difficult time "controlling " my tongue!!..........hehehe............and i was wondering how close a "friend" jonny is with the first poster on this thread?............i was hoping that another old adage, "birds of a feather flock together" does not really apply to jonny and his "night vulture" pen pal!............jonny never struck me as the "crypt-keeper" type of fellow, ya know?? ain't, is ya jonny???......................peace.
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I have seen this Monsieur le bump on a few postings as well, and find he may be a bit of a "troll" or even a "luurker"?? Possibly he is a lonely tiger on the prowl for some cyber ... feline ....?? Who knows?
You can never be too careful with those baguette toting French hypocrites!
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Snowy just handed me the following message for a salmon fisherman in Alaska...
Nice recipe, but if these critters don't mate more quickly in the face of over fishing, they might end up like married homosexuals... on the rocks!
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Or sleeping with six of their "closest friends."

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J0nny Ling0
He says he's well fed Grumpy, so maybe he just has some sort of disorder, a form of Teret's maybe? Instead of shouting cuss words he sticks his tongue out at people? Or maybe, he could be a French woman's favorite date? Or, maybe he is Gene Simmons of KISS fame's Grandfather!
And no, I ain't no "crypt keeper" (whatever that means) DWBH. Sometimes I agree with WD, and sometimes I do not. I agreed with him on the point that since we were schooled to believe that "It is Written" and that the "Bible should be our only rule of faith and practice", that this is what we should have relied upon when challenged by Way leadership to comply with evil doctrines. We simply should have said; "Nope, sorry, that ain't God's Word", no matter what the consequences. This is something that I did when humiliated publicly by a region coordinator. I knew that I might have been kicked out of the Corps for what I did, but I concluded that "I was accepted in the beloved" as Ephesians says, and that I didn't care if I was even kicked out of The Way Ministry itself. I could always catch a ship and go back to Sea. God's love for me would simply "have to do". And so, I acted on it and got in that guy's face with Scripture and he backed off. But of course, there were times when I did not do just that, and "feared out" and complied. I hope that WD would recognize that we all were capable of both and did same. Certainly he is aware of why "Peter wasn't the man that he knew to be" when he denied our Lord in the Garden those three (Six? Never could see the "six denials") times...
But I will say that because I am not a female who was coerced by a Way leader into providing sex, I do not know what it means to be under that kind of pressure and therefore it would be unfair for me to judge. It seems pretty simple to me, to simply say "no", like my wife did very emphatically to LCM one time without negative repercussions, but every situation and every person is different. And, I mean, it would have been extremely weird if Dorothy Owens or Rhoda came onto me like that ya know? Think about that scenario and put yourself in the girls' shoes boys! Eeaauuww! I personally would have made a stink over it, and if challenged by their "word of god" on it as "true doctrine" to defend those actions, I would have walked. No, I would have run like a "striped arsed ape" screeching like Cheetah the chimp for the safety of the tall trees!
But make no mistake others who may be readin', the situation I was in with that RC was way different than the situations of which I have read about that happened to women while in The Way and The Way Corps. I don't doubt those things as have having happened. My good friend Sunesis, who wouldn't lie to me laid it all bare, with names, facts, everything. I must admit that it was hard to take because I hadn't really seen any of that crap, but I believe her because she is my friend. I think you know her. Hey, ask her about me, cause Grumpy doesn't know me...
I guess I am considered here by some as a "Way Apologist" (you have begun to wonder if I am one of them DWBH), because I still believe that there was lots of good stuff that I learned in The Way and that when I fell to my knees and asked God to "send me a Christian to show me the way" back in 1975, the next day a WOW gal from NY came to work where I worked and opened up the book of Ephesians to me. And then came on fifteen years of endeavor to serve The Almighty who had picked me up out of the miry clay. But when it became evident to me that there was no more word of God, I/we checked out. "Bye bye! Ephesians will just have to do for me/us"! And it has done well for me/us, and I don't think that we, like you, have skipped too many beats since leaving...
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J'attends pour voir si M. Grumpy est vraiment juste un autre fracas sur le comptoir.
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J0nny Ling0
Dooj, habal en Espanol por favor?
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Espero a ver si Sr. Grumpy es realmente sólo otro golpe en el contador.
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Call the Fire Dept! What's going on here?? I just did some google searches on text translations and...
I am waiting to see if Mr. Grumpy is really just another fracas over the counter.
Anyway, the Spanish word "golpe" is better used for a game of golf. This Mr. Grumpy looks to be an imposter, a poser or even a troll needing medication!
I just called Disney Studios and Snow White hasn't seen him in days. He might by all accounts soon be heading on a fishing trip, to of all places...Alaska!!
Maybe that little dwarf is a TWI Cult Plant
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thanks jonny, for that last post!!..........and, NO!.......i never thought you to be a "cryptkeeper", nor a twi/vic "apologist"!......just wanted to clear that up with you.........and i'll explain a little bit about why i have posted as i have on this thread, so you realize that i'm not trying to pick at you, or paint you into a box in which you do not fit, nor belong, imho!......let me just reiterate what i said in my first post on this thread, "no offense to you jonny!........i enjoy your stories too.......they're humorous, usually nicely written, and often entertaining....."...i mean that in all honesty, jonny!
firstly, i'd also like to thank you for the thread you started entitled "welcome back rascal".........i firmly believe that was an honest post by you to rascal, who was "suspended" from posting when you were, for the same length of time, for the same's also a post which exemplifies the kind of good guy you are, imho.......and, the reply you got from rascal i think also demonstrates the same thing about her........that, my friend, was a genuine, heartfelt post exchange between you two, which, i'm sure, just about every one here in our greasespot cafe community really appreciated from you, as well as honest "welcome back" that was appreciated by most of us fellow greasespotters.......kudos to you for posting it, with no "covert agenda".........i think it'll be one of my favorite jonny lingo posts for a long time to come........if that matters to you......
however, this thread, though entitled "welcome back jonny lingo", imho, shares none of the genuine heart or honesty that your "welcome back" thread does! was started by whitedove less than 13 hours after pawtucket had to take the following distasteful, yet necessary action, "I removed posts by White Dove and oldiesman. They took an important subject and did a bait and switch which they are both good at doing. It violated the forum rules and mission of GS. Their utter disrespect for a victim is sickening."...........these "sickening" posts were removed from the thread "losing the way part 2"...........which, if you have'nt read, i invite you to, so that you'll better understand where i'm coming from on this thread, and in this post to you.......
whitedove's refusal to stay "on topic" in that "important subject" thread, as well as his refusal to answer pertinent, honest, questions posed to him by me, and several other posters on that thread,........questions which solicited HIS "opinions" on issues central to that thread, and his posts on that thread..........was discourteous at best, and really more rudely condescending than at all necessary, thoughts regarding his posting behavior on that thread are pretty well summed up in post #7 of this thread, which he supposedly started to welcome you back from "cyber-jail" (his term, not mine).............but. which, imho, was started as a snide response to pawtucket's actions as i quoted above.........and he used his "implied" friendship with you as a brazen "cover" to try to prove some kind of spiteful point, as i said, less than 13 hours after the removal of his "sickening" posts on that thread............i thought that this thread he started was unfair to you, and was intended not as a "welcome back" like yours to rascal is, but rather, as an immature, angry, "slap-in-the-face" to paw, as well as the rest of us who posted questions to him on the topic of that thread...........imho, he used you to make his point...............and tried to cover it by patronizing you to post stuff you apparently had sent to him in pm's........
that's why i posted what i did in post #7 here, and continued to try to help you avoid any "guilt by association", which may have been sparked in the minds of many of your fellow greasespotters by whitedove's smarmy, patronizing proclamation of not just "friendship" with you, jonny, but more importantly the implied "ideological kinship" he seems to think he shares with you...........i.e."oh, jonny's a good guy, and he thinks like i do".............well, on this particular issue, i don't think that's an implication you deserve, nor is it appropriate to allow it to go unchallenged............and, i thank you again for clearing it up in no uncertain terms in the third paragraph of your last post here on this thread!
regarding this, "I guess I am considered here by some as a "Way Apologist" (you have begun to wonder if I am one of the DWBH), because I still believe that there was lots of good stuff that I learned in The Way and that when I fell to my knees and asked God to "send me a Christian to show me the way" back in 1975, the next day a WOW gal from NY came to work where I worked and opened up the book of Ephesians to me. And then came on fifteen years of endeavor to serve The Almighty who had picked me up out of the miry clay. But when it became evident to me that there was no more word of God, I/we checked out. "Bye bye! Ephesians will just have to do for me/us"! And it has done well for me/us, and I don't think we, like you, have skipped too many beats since leaving..."
i'll speak for myself and say, i do not consider you to be a "way apologist", or a "vic apologist", and i have not "begun to wonder" about that either!..........i know that you're not, and i know the impact your conversations with our beloved sunesis have had on you, as you shared with us...........and, i certainly do not begrudge you the "good times" and experiences you had in the corps and twi.........we share some fond memories together with many other of our fellow greasespotters, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THOSE WHO SUFFERED THE HORRORS WE DID NOT AT THE HANDS OF DER VICTOID, NOR IN DENIAL OF THE HORRORS HE PERPETRATED AGAINST FAR TOO MANY OF OUR INNOCENT BROTHERS AND SISTERS, IN SERVICE TO HIS OWN BELLY AND LUSTS!..........i care not at all whether he taught any "scriptural truth" or not............his actions speak so loudly i can't hear a word he taught or said, true or untrue!............that's where whitedove and i have absolutely no common ground........and jonny, i don't think he has as much in common with you as his posts on this thread were meant to lead us all to believe! to you and yours, and..........................peace.
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I said,
I'm waiting to see if Mr. Grumpy is just another bump on the counter.
You shouldn't have needed a translator for that Bumpy. I thought you were married to a French woman. N'est ce que pas?
Sorry about gumming up your welcome thread Jonny.
Would a cheesecake make a nice peace offering?
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Addressing a bit of what you said Jonny,
The only way to find what was worth anything to anyone from twi teachings is to dump it all and see what comes back.
We are to give and it will return to us.
I think that is part of this principle.
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I KNEW you were a clever little girl! The only problem is "fracas" does not translate to "bump" or even le bump in French. I know this because our whole disfunctional family speaks in many tongues, sometimes with their forks in their mouths!!
This was partly a result of so many Europeans hanging around the "sets" during our creation. Anyway, the French word for "bump" is bosse. And "golpe" is a swing which is probably why that stupid tiger bothered to play with google.
As for his French wife, Je ne sais pas. Tigers are creatures of the night. They can be anywhere at anytime and their eyes can be a real scary. She might be a little "tigress" herself? Meow!
I am... speechless! To think that Walt's favorite characters ( and we are his favorites! ) would be caught up in such a script... Gives Me Ideas!!
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I agree...because Jonny is a nice guy (except when I pick on him), Whitedove (the troll), tries to cotton up to him and be his pal. would seem that whitedove has an agenda...I wonder what it could be?
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hi jonny!
welcome back!!
glad to see that you were finally released from cyber-purgatory... LOL
did the novena help?
i find it interesting to note that jonny and i both had a very similar experience in that we both "cried out" to God and a "wafer" showed up on the doorstep (well, in my case, it was my doorstep)... and yet, i completely reject all "way" doctrine as being twisted and perverted (and in many cases, an outright lie) as the man-made doctrine of a false prophet/false teacher... i do, however, believe the bible as the Word of Truth... many ex-way (and current-way) folks seem to have confused these 2 things... on the one hand, you have the false teachings of a degenerate, self-centered, lecherous old man who was motivated by his own lusts (lust for money, lust for power, lust for sex, etc.) and on the other hand, there is the bible... these are 2 completely and entirely DIFFERENT things...
i would even venture to say that MANY ex-way and current-way people know NOTHING about the bible because of this confusion... oh sure, vpw "used" the bible to support his twisted doctrinal ideas, but what else is new!... false prophets always twist the truth!... just because someone knows "way" doctrine inside and out doesn't mean they know a dang thing about the Truth (or the bible)... they may know how to chop it to pieces under the guise of "right-dividing", but they know NOTHING about the truth...
i would also say that not everyone who was "in" twi was born again (okay, that's an understatement)... i would say that the MAJORITY of people who were "in" twi were NOT born again... why?, because twi did NOT teach anyone how to become born again... it was ALL lip service hiding under vpw's twisted version of "grace"... vpw's idea was to say some magical words, and abracadabra, presto-chango, you're "going to heaven and all hell can't stop you"... he (vpw) wishes... repentance was NEVER talked about, and you don't get born again without repentance... further, Jesus was relegated to some afterthought (when He is CENTRAL to true christianity) or worse, His Name was USED as a tagline at the end of a prayer in order to get some material object (gag)... it's all rather disgusting...
twi is NOT a part of true christianity...
it is a RELIGION, a FALSE RELIGION loaded with RITUAL and based on the MAN-MADE doctrines of a FALSE PROPHET...
sad to say, most people that were in twi know nothing about Jesus and nothing about the Truth... (um, Jesus IS the Truth)
and it is also sad to see people here at the gscafe criticizing christianity and calling christians "bible thumpers" and such, when their major experience consists of being involved with the false religion of twi (which is definitely NOT representative of christianity or christians)...
let me also add that there is a minority of folks who were involved with twi that actually are true christians, and with whom the Holy Spirit continued to teach and guide throughout their "way" involvement; but if they learned anything, it was via the Holy Spirit and NOT twi... some of this minority may actually have had an easier time (ex. jonny) while in twi as a result of listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit...
in any event, it's a bit disheartening to see "way doctrines" and biblical doctrines used interchangably as if they were the same thing...
they are NOT!
p.s. i won't name names, but folks who cling to way doctrines and call them "truth" are deluded, and are not representative of true christians...
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Well sorry for neglecting my thread here but I had a couple of social engagements to attend to this weekend the first a hundred and fifty dollar a plate fundraiser for a historic building, the second a wedding reception featuring a very nice Jazz group. I'm flying a little sideways now as I realized I can't work and stay up into the wee hours like I used to, but it was entertaining and I experienced a first, I usually drink brand name liquor but not extreme priced , but I tasted my first taste of what a $80.00 bottle of rum tastes like. Tasty but I doubt I'd pay the price.
Well down to business of catching up:
I see Mr. Tongue man has been entertaining you all with his assuming again but before I get to that, some of the others.
David - not sure what your quote had to do with the topic but since we are discussing body part quotes here are a few more of my favorites.
Some people have hands but can't carry a tune if their life depended on it.
Some people have ears but are deaf in one and can't hear in the other.
Not really , knowing what the word says and your lifestyle are not dependant on each other. While that may be the end result desired ,if one does not reach the goal ,the rightly dividing of the word does not change.
George - An assumption, and a wrong one at that. I've considered many things, some have proved to be correct and I've made adjustments along the way ,some have not. Johnny's story however was of a different nature than the other for various reasons which I'll take up with Mr. Tongue.
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