You are probably right. i have given it some thought, and he might. He already feels betrayed though. There has to be a way to build a bridge from them to us and knock off all this sniping and bickering. It's like I have learned from being married, he feels the way he does about certain things, I feel differently, I love him and care about his feelings more than I do about being right. So we drop the subject. I wouldn't have discussed this here at all had he not been the first Inney I have spoken to since I left in 1988.
If he gets upset I am sorry, it is much a teaching tool for all of us, on how to treat each other, no matter what we believe as it is a personal letter to him.
i still miss my family. But I would miss God a lot more.
There has to be a happy medium somewhere. To all this, maybe this can serve as a start.
I just thought of this, he would be very angry, as well he should be, if I had put up his email to me.
I just wanted you guys to know I handled this and maybe we could all be a little more loving, they are still family, and no one can override our freewill.
Thanks, just tried to be loving, fighting hasn't gotten any of us anywhere, so I thought I would take the high road.
...just tried to be loving, fighting hasn't gotten any of us anywhere, so I thought I would take the high road.
I'll say that I love your attitude.
It's refreshing to see someone around here taking this approach. Not to insult anyone here but over the last few years it has seemed to me that those that came here for help, got it and moved on. It has left some who have a lasting gudge and hatred and hurt that cant be overcome it seems in the wake(in some it's understandable). I've found myself, shying away from here more and more because of it. So it's quite refreshing to see as you put it "someone taking the high road".
Although my couriosity would have loved to know what his response was, I'm glad to see you were able to take that first stretch in 20yrs and reach out to him. even if it wasnt the greatest reunion, it sounds like you have a start to possibly rebuilding that friedship again. I've known him for many years as well and his initial response was in character for him, I hope for both of your sakes that his willingness to continue communicating is genuine and not just an outreach attempt.
Good luck and don't lose your awesome perspective and stray from that high road, love can win a multitude of battles that harshness will never comprehend.
Yeah.. you'd think there is some middle ground. I was contacted by one of my friends from childhood.. I casually mentioned the fact that I didn't go to "twig" anymore.. and that was the last of any kind of communication I got. Unfortunately, "I'll drop the hostility if you drop the arrogance" doesn't work, yet..
it's just.. I'd like to talk like a human being.. not having to coddle these poor souls with twenty King James references and references to old wayisms as to why we should be nice to each other before the grimace barely softens..
If I have to give them twenty reasons why I'm not inferior to them, we aren't anywhere near on the same page.. seems hardly worth the effort.
We have been "talking" for a few days. Each taking tentative steps, but it's coming along great. I am really happy about it. I missed him real bad, he's a great guy and was the only believer in the ministry that did not shun me when I got dismissed from the Corps. I bounced back, but it sure wasn't easy. I knew he has been in Atlanta for a few years, but not listed, no email address, no way to get in touch.
He said, I knew you left the ministry before you told me. i couldn't stand it, my curiousity got me, I asked. How did you know? If it was anyone else I would have expected to hear the "God told me". But he loves me and I love him and we always have and he said, because i didn't see you around anymore. He missed me. I told him, I didn't think anyone missed me.
So, if you want the healing to continue, I have a suggestion. Allow God to work in you. He wants us to get along a lot more than we do. It hurts Him when we fight. So if there is someone you care about, miss or whatever, just ask God to hunt them down, and when you get the chance, be nice, realize that they have feelings too, they have their reasons too, and tap into the love of God like you never have.
it gets a little touchy when you get to the Word, stay meek. It's better to be loving than it is to be right, and arguing doesn't make for peace.
It's awesome. I am happy to be in touch with my friend again. I don't have to give up what I believe to be a good sister to Bob, and he knows the same thing.
BUY HIS ALBUM. Roadman's Hammer get it at CD It is a rock and roll hall of fame album. that man is truly free in his heart, he would succeed in a prison camp, he is that free.
I knew Bob when he was Yard Dog. He took PFAL in my hometown and our area was blessed because of his heart for God and he gave it back to God by teaching with his lyrics and multi talent! I remember local Coffehouses and he would begin tearing while he was singing and would have to stop to wipe his eyes..His redemption was huge to him..He sang at my wedding..then he went into Corp. Ten yrs later he ended back in his home area teaching and I got to revisit and learn from him..
Bob's talent brought alot of heart to other' matter where you are in is all good..
Re:"The music he has playing at his web site is VERY good!"
If you like that sort of thing, I guess. I could post a Beethoven sonata that wouldn't get high marks with this crowd you do know. But it just so happens that I have tune most everyone here will like.. I'll just make you go to another thread or ask for it here. Hereeeee's the link HERE!!! Anyone want some more of it?
NNOOOOOooooo........ Make her *STOP*!!!!!
P.S., ya know, at first, listening to the thunderstorm, I thought it was gonna be the Doors' "Riders on the Storm". ......
.... then Claudette's voice brought across a much worse nightmare!! :ph34r: (((shudders)))
Yeah, gosh, hearing that again makes me all misty and yearning to hear J.P. do another rendition of "Hiway 29"...
(Yes, I AM being facetious)
Honestly, do you guys actually LIKE listening to Wayfer music? I can't imagine. Really, it's so foreign of a concept to me.
Yes, taste is an individual thing, but, good gawd...
I listen to any music that is good. I will go for anything but Polka, there I draw the line.
So who cares if Bob is still in the ministry, that is his decision. He can still out rock most people, and it's positive. I decide for myself what I do, and the days of letting anyone else influence me are OVA! Even you.
Rest assured Ms. Van Pelt, I'm not trying to influence anyone's choice in music. And I'm totally unfamiliar with anything that Mr. Stanley did or is currently doing.
I was referring more to the post of Ms. Royale's ode to PFAL. As Wayfer music went, I guess it was pretty good, but that's not saying too much.
I always found (even as a starry-eyed WayBot) Wayfer music to be ICKY. Like most pop-40-wanna-bee religious diddies, it was driven by message more than music I think. And as a result, it came out banal, bland, boring, but still shackled with the creepy,often moralistic, always painfully sentimental, theological message.
Add to that the baggage of WayWorld life, and all the ugly memories that entails, and I'm somewhat less than enthused about ever hearing any of that (stuff) again. Likewise, I find it remarkable that ANYONE does. But then, that's just me. YMMV.
Rest assured Ms. Van Pelt, I'm not trying to influence anyone's choice in music. And I'm totally unfamiliar with anything that Mr. Stanley did or is currently doing.
My goodness, aren't you chivilrous? Thank you kind sir.....
That's why Bob's tuff is good, it's like Billy Falcon, you can get a message across, love, joy, peace, without taking out a hammer and bearting people over the head. That's why these two guys have had careers in the music business. Billy with Bon Jovi, and Bob with the Byrds.....They have talent. It's all I'm saying,
Okay? Music is music, and I really get into it. Try it, if you don't like it, turn it off, get your money, back or use it as a frisbee. It's all good.
As soon as I spoke the Word the @$$hole came out of hiding. Tried to tell me I didn't know what I was talking about, and paraphrased God's Word, like it made him cool. And then he said go witness to someone new. Like he is above it all and i should kiss his ring or something.
As soon as I spoke the Word the @$$hole came out of hiding. Tried to tell me I didn't know what I was talking about, and paraphrased God's Word, like it made him cool. And then he said go witness to someone new. Like he is above it all and i should kiss his ring or something.
I was being nice to the guy. Nice.
I feel stupid. But I tried to reach out.
So be it.
Hey Lucy,
I'm soooo sorry you got slapped by his holiness, unfortunately since I know of him as well, it didnt come as a shock. I feel bad for you because I thought maybe, someone might have gotten through to him. I guess not, but dont take it personally, it wasn't you, he does it to alot of people.
A few years ago he lost some fellowship coordinators ( for the same reasons you just explained, his inability to deal with people)and apparently HQ heard about it and instead of booting him, at the next placement offered him the opporunity to run Way Productions. He had "cough" bought a house with his brother's money(i think it was called, being given it technically) and refused to go to HQ and I think they moved him from full-time to part-time, took away his branch of 7-10 fellowships(minus those that left on his watch) and in turn gave him a branch of 2 fellowships, his and another that whorshipped the ground he walked on.
If they still hold to the same rules as they did in the past, part-time Way Corp is non-paid, which would make sense as to why he made the CD. Part in rebellion of being demoted, part in relief of not being full time and feeling like he has the freedom to do his own thing again and partly because he probably needs to feed his family.
So I wouldn't be suprised if he has turned more hostile, I was hoping that incident might have opened hs eyes a little, I guess not.
I just got the CD.... only listened to the first 3 or 4 tracks, and it does rock. Looking forward to giving it a serious listen. Perhaps I'll post a review later. My three grown girls grew up on God First, and this is straight-up Bob Stanley, with more experience. So far, the album seems to be quite secular, without ditching his spiritual convictions. I like it a lot. Wish my bike had a sound system... it would make great riding music. Guess I'll get an ipod.
As for Wayfer music, yes, much of it was banal, and far too much was hokey or amateurish. But we were doing stuff. I loved Bob's stuff, and Lisa Tracy's Treasure in an Earthen Vessel was inspired, in the strictest sense of the word. True Way is one of my all-time favorite songs. "We need to show, show the Lord Jesus Christ."
I just got the CD.... only listened to the first 3 or 4 tracks, and it does rock. Looking forward to giving it a serious listen. Perhaps I'll post a review later. My three grown girls grew up on God First, and this is straight-up Bob Stanley, with more experience. So far, the album seems to be quite secular, without ditching his spiritual convictions. I like it a lot. Wish my bike had a sound system... it would make great riding music. Guess I'll get an ipod.
As for Wayfer music, yes, much of it was banal, and far too much was hokey or amateurish. But we were doing stuff. I loved Bob's stuff, and Lisa Tracy's Treasure in an Earthen Vessel was inspired, in the strictest sense of the word. True Way is one of my all-time favorite songs. "We need to show, show the Lord Jesus Christ."
motorcycles? did someone say motorcycles?
The only thing would have made that scoot better, would be a shovel head engine and Harley wings
I thought everything Lisa Tracy did sounded the same. I liked Takit, Joyful Noise, Sammy Prine, Bob's stuff is fine, it's maddening that he is so stubborn.
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That's a nice letter. You are a good friend. Great example.
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Just say no,
You are probably right. i have given it some thought, and he might. He already feels betrayed though. There has to be a way to build a bridge from them to us and knock off all this sniping and bickering. It's like I have learned from being married, he feels the way he does about certain things, I feel differently, I love him and care about his feelings more than I do about being right. So we drop the subject. I wouldn't have discussed this here at all had he not been the first Inney I have spoken to since I left in 1988.
If he gets upset I am sorry, it is much a teaching tool for all of us, on how to treat each other, no matter what we believe as it is a personal letter to him.
i still miss my family. But I would miss God a lot more.
There has to be a happy medium somewhere. To all this, maybe this can serve as a start.
I just thought of this, he would be very angry, as well he should be, if I had put up his email to me.
I just wanted you guys to know I handled this and maybe we could all be a little more loving, they are still family, and no one can override our freewill.
Thanks, just tried to be loving, fighting hasn't gotten any of us anywhere, so I thought I would take the high road.
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I'll say that I love your attitude.
It's refreshing to see someone around here taking this approach. Not to insult anyone here but over the last few years it has seemed to me that those that came here for help, got it and moved on. It has left some who have a lasting gudge and hatred and hurt that cant be overcome it seems in the wake(in some it's understandable). I've found myself, shying away from here more and more because of it. So it's quite refreshing to see as you put it "someone taking the high road".
Although my couriosity would have loved to know what his response was, I'm glad to see you were able to take that first stretch in 20yrs and reach out to him. even if it wasnt the greatest reunion, it sounds like you have a start to possibly rebuilding that friedship again. I've known him for many years as well and his initial response was in character for him, I hope for both of your sakes that his willingness to continue communicating is genuine and not just an outreach attempt.
Good luck and don't lose your awesome perspective and stray from that high road, love can win a multitude of battles that harshness will never comprehend.
Edited by JustSayNOLink to comment
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Yeah.. you'd think there is some middle ground. I was contacted by one of my friends from childhood.. I casually mentioned the fact that I didn't go to "twig" anymore.. and that was the last of any kind of communication I got. Unfortunately, "I'll drop the hostility if you drop the arrogance" doesn't work, yet..
not that I'm hostile, or anything..
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it's just.. I'd like to talk like a human being.. not having to coddle these poor souls with twenty King James references and references to old wayisms as to why we should be nice to each other before the grimace barely softens..
If I have to give them twenty reasons why I'm not inferior to them, we aren't anywhere near on the same page.. seems hardly worth the effort.
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Just say no and anyone interested:
We have been "talking" for a few days. Each taking tentative steps, but it's coming along great. I am really happy about it. I missed him real bad, he's a great guy and was the only believer in the ministry that did not shun me when I got dismissed from the Corps. I bounced back, but it sure wasn't easy. I knew he has been in Atlanta for a few years, but not listed, no email address, no way to get in touch.
He said, I knew you left the ministry before you told me. i couldn't stand it, my curiousity got me, I asked. How did you know? If it was anyone else I would have expected to hear the "God told me". But he loves me and I love him and we always have and he said, because i didn't see you around anymore. He missed me. I told him, I didn't think anyone missed me.
So, if you want the healing to continue, I have a suggestion. Allow God to work in you. He wants us to get along a lot more than we do. It hurts Him when we fight. So if there is someone you care about, miss or whatever, just ask God to hunt them down, and when you get the chance, be nice, realize that they have feelings too, they have their reasons too, and tap into the love of God like you never have.
it gets a little touchy when you get to the Word, stay meek. It's better to be loving than it is to be right, and arguing doesn't make for peace.
It's awesome. I am happy to be in touch with my friend again. I don't have to give up what I believe to be a good sister to Bob, and he knows the same thing.
BUY HIS ALBUM. Roadman's Hammer get it at CD It is a rock and roll hall of fame album. that man is truly free in his heart, he would succeed in a prison camp, he is that free.
Edited by lucyvanpeltLink to comment
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I knew Bob when he was Yard Dog. He took PFAL in my hometown and our area was blessed because of his heart for God and he gave it back to God by teaching with his lyrics and multi talent! I remember local Coffehouses and he would begin tearing while he was singing and would have to stop to wipe his eyes..His redemption was huge to him..He sang at my wedding..then he went into Corp. Ten yrs later he ended back in his home area teaching and I got to revisit and learn from him..
Bob's talent brought alot of heart to other' matter where you are in is all good..
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NNOOOOOooooo........ Make her *STOP*!!!!!
P.S., ya know, at first, listening to the thunderstorm, I thought it was gonna be the Doors' "Riders on the Storm". ......
.... then Claudette's voice brought across a much worse nightmare!! :ph34r: (((shudders)))
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George Aar
Yeah, gosh, hearing that again makes me all misty and yearning to hear J.P. do another rendition of "Hiway 29"...
(Yes, I AM being facetious)
Honestly, do you guys actually LIKE listening to Wayfer music? I can't imagine. Really, it's so foreign of a concept to me.
Yes, taste is an individual thing, but, good gawd...
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I listen to any music that is good. I will go for anything but Polka, there I draw the line.
So who cares if Bob is still in the ministry, that is his decision. He can still out rock most people, and it's positive. I decide for myself what I do, and the days of letting anyone else influence me are OVA! Even you.
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George Aar
Rest assured Ms. Van Pelt, I'm not trying to influence anyone's choice in music. And I'm totally unfamiliar with anything that Mr. Stanley did or is currently doing.
I was referring more to the post of Ms. Royale's ode to PFAL. As Wayfer music went, I guess it was pretty good, but that's not saying too much.
I always found (even as a starry-eyed WayBot) Wayfer music to be ICKY. Like most pop-40-wanna-bee religious diddies, it was driven by message more than music I think. And as a result, it came out banal, bland, boring, but still shackled with the creepy,often moralistic, always painfully sentimental, theological message.
Add to that the baggage of WayWorld life, and all the ugly memories that entails, and I'm somewhat less than enthused about ever hearing any of that (stuff) again. Likewise, I find it remarkable that ANYONE does. But then, that's just me. YMMV.
Peace, love...
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Just so you know,
As soon as I spoke the Word the @$$hole came out of hiding. Tried to tell me I didn't know what I was talking about, and paraphrased God's Word, like it made him cool. And then he said go witness to someone new. Like he is above it all and i should kiss his ring or something.
I was being nice to the guy. Nice.
I feel stupid. But I tried to reach out.
So be it.
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Do a jon bon jovi:Have a nice day! Serious,people in the der vey seem to be jeckyl/hyde,Nice when they wanna be,
It is Gods word,not der veys word period.I have talked to people still "in"der vey,but only surface niceties,Maybe bob
needs to be reminded he was a carbon copy of ozzy,now he is a carbon copy of what?Hitler?
Another thread said compassion was key,I agree,without that we are all der veyites.
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Hey Lucy,
I'm soooo sorry you got slapped by his holiness, unfortunately since I know of him as well, it didnt come as a shock. I feel bad for you because I thought maybe, someone might have gotten through to him. I guess not, but dont take it personally, it wasn't you, he does it to alot of people.
A few years ago he lost some fellowship coordinators ( for the same reasons you just explained, his inability to deal with people)and apparently HQ heard about it and instead of booting him, at the next placement offered him the opporunity to run Way Productions. He had "cough" bought a house with his brother's money(i think it was called, being given it technically) and refused to go to HQ and I think they moved him from full-time to part-time, took away his branch of 7-10 fellowships(minus those that left on his watch) and in turn gave him a branch of 2 fellowships, his and another that whorshipped the ground he walked on.
If they still hold to the same rules as they did in the past, part-time Way Corp is non-paid, which would make sense as to why he made the CD. Part in rebellion of being demoted, part in relief of not being full time and feeling like he has the freedom to do his own thing again and partly because he probably needs to feed his family.
So I wouldn't be suprised if he has turned more hostile, I was hoping that incident might have opened hs eyes a little, I guess not.
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Hey, Luc'. Just listened to some of Stanley's stuff. Nice music! I like the stuff that sounds like ZZ Top. Thanks! :)
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I just got the CD.... only listened to the first 3 or 4 tracks, and it does rock. Looking forward to giving it a serious listen. Perhaps I'll post a review later. My three grown girls grew up on God First, and this is straight-up Bob Stanley, with more experience. So far, the album seems to be quite secular, without ditching his spiritual convictions. I like it a lot. Wish my bike had a sound system... it would make great riding music. Guess I'll get an ipod.
As for Wayfer music, yes, much of it was banal, and far too much was hokey or amateurish. But we were doing stuff. I loved Bob's stuff, and Lisa Tracy's Treasure in an Earthen Vessel was inspired, in the strictest sense of the word. True Way is one of my all-time favorite songs. "We need to show, show the Lord Jesus Christ."
motorcycles? did someone say motorcycles?
Edited by anotherDanLink to comment
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The only thing would have made that scoot better, would be a shovel head engine and Harley wings
I thought everything Lisa Tracy did sounded the same. I liked Takit, Joyful Noise, Sammy Prine, Bob's stuff is fine, it's maddening that he is so stubborn.
Oh well,
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