In fact, and many of you may know this: When the daughter of a Way clergy man who left the ministry was killed in a plane crash in Bosnia (the Ron Brown federal economics department entourage that all died), her death was used publicly in The Way to cow members into staying or, "if you walk away, the same thing that happened to Naomi Pouling will happen to you or your children!" When I learned that it just made me sick. I wanted to smash fists deep down ugly throats. I knew Naomi as a wonderful young teenager, and that just made me want to, well, never mind...
Isn't saying this sort of thing equal to saying that God killed her to punish her parents? And isn't that the exact OPPOSITE of what twi SAID they taught? In fact, the fact that God was always good and never evil - that He was a loving Father and not waiting with a bat to smack up every time we messed up was one of the things I liked about their doctrine... but they would always just say that it was the adversary who killed the girl because God couldn't protect her...
Well ya know, even though my friend back in 79 said what he said to me, I really don't think this overt in your face fear effort was ushered in until later, after POP and the times when Craig was trying to "grab back the reins of power" through his fear, ranting and raving. But yeah Java Jane, point well made and very astute of you! Really, that's exactly what it was: a major reversal of doctrine.
Just another undereducated buffoon with delusions of godhood (ahem, way corps *grad*) given authority during loy's "reign of terror" over people's lives..
He isn't just a regular Joe who was leader$h*t during LCM's reign, he was a good friend to LCM. He got there by puckering his lips to Craig's arse.
Marks claim to fame,he was one of lcms buddies,When I came back to the der veg,I was approved to go to the 95 ac class,two weeks after the deadline,hmm
wonder how that happened. The second time around in der veg was hell,worst time in my life.
Mark wake whatever you can to find your self.You were once a godly man.
"undereducated buffoon" really was not a personal remark. More of an observation. Where's he gonna go if (or when) they cut him loose?
Like loy, I don't see fortune 500 companies fighting over him..
good point. What would he do? He has no job skills, no education, no retirement(maybe TWI has a 401K?), no house... pretty much nothing. He made some money buying and flipping a house or two in oregon, before it was made against TWI rules.
I wonder how many others are in this situation. No other job skills, 50 something, no where else to go without having to start all over.
I guess I got out at the right time before most of the BS started. I got out right after the John Lynn letter was circulated. In fact, John Lynn was my LC at the time. When I went to a Limb Meeting, after the letter was distributed, with Howard Allen there, there were a lot of Corps that were jumping up and down screaming complete and utter nonsense. It was, as if, the letter had launched a spiritual awakening with some going toward the good and others going toward the bad. I never knew Mark Wallace. But I did know Corps that seemed to have completely gone bonkers after the letters was out.
It seems to me that those Corps who started demanding loyalty to the organization instead of to God had lost all sense. It was if everything they had learned from the Bible on how to become a better person was wiped from their brains and they reverted back to their pre-TWI personalities.
Regardless of what people think about PFAL, VPW did stress that the Word should take priority over everything else, including the organization. Apparently, LCM, Don Wierwille, and Howard Allen missed that part. They also missed the part about being able to receive reproof as they completely ignored Godly reproof that was pointed out by John, Ralph Dubofsky, Robert Belt and others. The organization was never was supposed to be more important than the Word.
It sounds to me that Mark Wallace went to the Dark Side in a Galaxy Far Far Away from what the whole purpose of TWI was supposed to be about, getting to the truth of God's Word. That Corps who decided to remain with TWI after so many people left continued to sway to the dark side of things being outraged by people's contempt for the organization. It minds me of my childhood. If my sisters found out that I did not like a music group or a television show that they liked, they responded by deciding they didn't like a group or show that I liked. They reacted by thinking that if someone didn't like their group that they could dislike that person, ignoring the whole crux of the matter, and that was people, namely LCM and the BOT, not acting in a Godly manner. Their attitude was that if I left their group, that made me a bad person, and they didn't care what happened to bad people. Thus, when Art Poling left, Naomi Poling death represented what happened to a bad person. They couldn't grasp that they, the BOT, where the problem, not the people that left.
So, whatever people may think about John Lynn and the other authors and/or composed of that 1987 letter, they did bring alot of things to light spiritually that opened many people's eyes to what was really going on with the BOT or BOD whatever they called themselves back then.
Still coordinate 3 states. I think its Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. I heard there's only like 5 people in Utah... lol probably just the whole washington family... the washingtons are cool people.
That's the first step to "stepping out" usually, isn't it?
It's got to be scary when one has never had a "real job" in their lives, but it shows balls moving away from that TWI t1t. Maybe that's what they are doing..... Sounds like Mark Wallace would make a great used car salesman.
Well, I don't know if its the case with him, but when there are very few people in a state, a Limb coordinator could be a state contact for a couple more states besides the one he was the official limb co of.
It's got to be scary when one has never had a "real job" in their lives, but it shows balls moving away from that TWI t1t. Maybe that's what they are doing..... Sounds like Mark Wallace would make a great used car salesman.
or should that be, used motorcycle salesman?
He worked briefly either for Orkin or Terminix while here in NE Ohio.
How do I know?
I ran into one of his NON-TWI victims at school.
Several years back, in one of my psychology classes, I had a study buddy-- a non TWI type, not religious, just going back to med school. We were discussing narcissism and sociopaths, and he told me he had just been fired by one.
He said he had a really bad experience where he worked, which motivated him to go back to school and finish his education.
My study friend had worked for an extermination company and felt the manager exhibited sociopathic and narcissistic qualities. When he began describing his behavior and some of the pressure tactics and terminology the guy used, it sounded all too famiar. And then when he began calling his manager "Mark," it was downright eerie. I asked him what Mark's last name was and he said "Wallace." Then I asked him to describe him physically to me, and it was in fact the Mark Wallace from TWI. My buddy remembered he also coordinated some religious group in Cleveland. I asked if it was The Way, and he said, "Yeah, that's it!"
Wallace evidently was just as abusive to his underlings in the exterminating company as he was in TWI. Changing jobs and occupations doesn't change the decay and corruption on the inside. It's something he can't hide. It will follow him wherever he goes.
I'm sure Wallace got a "kick" out of working for an exterminating company, seeing as his "job" in TWI was to "exterminate vermin" from the "household." I can just see him now, swelling with "spiritual pride" in the ironies.
The guy leaves a wake of destruction behind him wherever he goes.
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Isn't saying this sort of thing equal to saying that God killed her to punish her parents? And isn't that the exact OPPOSITE of what twi SAID they taught? In fact, the fact that God was always good and never evil - that He was a loving Father and not waiting with a bat to smack up every time we messed up was one of the things I liked about their doctrine... but they would always just say that it was the adversary who killed the girl because God couldn't protect her...
What?? It just makes no sense!
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J0nny Ling0
Well ya know, even though my friend back in 79 said what he said to me, I really don't think this overt in your face fear effort was ushered in until later, after POP and the times when Craig was trying to "grab back the reins of power" through his fear, ranting and raving. But yeah Java Jane, point well made and very astute of you! Really, that's exactly what it was: a major reversal of doctrine.
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He isn't just a regular Joe who was leader$h*t during LCM's reign, he was a good friend to LCM. He got there by puckering his lips to Craig's arse.
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In the end though, I think he's proven to be an under-educated buffoon..
or will be.
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mxrk wxllxce broke the law in Colorado when he didn't report domestic abuse involving children.
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Is today is his birthday? lol
Wonder what will happen if I start a similar thread about the vicksterdang ? Not to take away from this one....
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Marks claim to fame,he was one of lcms buddies,When I came back to the der veg,I was approved to go to the 95 ac class,two weeks after the deadline,hmm
wonder how that happened.
The second time around in der veg was hell,worst time in my life.
Mark wake whatever you can to find your self.You were once a godly man.
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I think he's painted himself into a corner..
"undereducated buffoon" really was not a personal remark. More of an observation. Where's he gonna go if (or when) they cut him loose?
Like loy, I don't see fortune 500 companies fighting over him..
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good point. What would he do? He has no job skills, no education, no retirement(maybe TWI has a 401K?), no house... pretty much nothing. He made some money buying and flipping a house or two in oregon, before it was made against TWI rules.
I wonder how many others are in this situation. No other job skills, 50 something, no where else to go without having to start all over.
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Maybe that's how they keep them in twi...
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I'd like to hear more about that one...
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Biblefan Dave
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Biblefan Dave
I guess I got out at the right time before most of the BS started. I got out right after the John Lynn letter was circulated. In fact, John Lynn was my LC at the time. When I went to a Limb Meeting, after the letter was distributed, with Howard Allen there, there were a lot of Corps that were jumping up and down screaming complete and utter nonsense. It was, as if, the letter had launched a spiritual awakening with some going toward the good and others going toward the bad. I never knew Mark Wallace. But I did know Corps that seemed to have completely gone bonkers after the letters was out.
It seems to me that those Corps who started demanding loyalty to the organization instead of to God had lost all sense. It was if everything they had learned from the Bible on how to become a better person was wiped from their brains and they reverted back to their pre-TWI personalities.
Regardless of what people think about PFAL, VPW did stress that the Word should take priority over everything else, including the organization. Apparently, LCM, Don Wierwille, and Howard Allen missed that part. They also missed the part about being able to receive reproof as they completely ignored Godly reproof that was pointed out by John, Ralph Dubofsky, Robert Belt and others. The organization was never was supposed to be more important than the Word.
It sounds to me that Mark Wallace went to the Dark Side in a Galaxy Far Far Away from what the whole purpose of TWI was supposed to be about, getting to the truth of God's Word. That Corps who decided to remain with TWI after so many people left continued to sway to the dark side of things being outraged by people's contempt for the organization. It minds me of my childhood. If my sisters found out that I did not like a music group or a television show that they liked, they responded by deciding they didn't like a group or show that I liked. They reacted by thinking that if someone didn't like their group that they could dislike that person, ignoring the whole crux of the matter, and that was people, namely LCM and the BOT, not acting in a Godly manner. Their attitude was that if I left their group, that made me a bad person, and they didn't care what happened to bad people. Thus, when Art Poling left, Naomi Poling death represented what happened to a bad person. They couldn't grasp that they, the BOT, where the problem, not the people that left.
So, whatever people may think about John Lynn and the other authors and/or composed of that 1987 letter, they did bring alot of things to light spiritually that opened many people's eyes to what was really going on with the BOT or BOD whatever they called themselves back then.
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QUOTE(potato @ Jun 21 2008, 06:14 PM)
mxrk wxllxce broke the law in Colorado when he didn't report domestic abuse involving children.
I'd still like to hear more about that one.
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no longer region coordinators.
Stepped down.
Still coordinate 3 states. I think its Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. I heard there's only like 5 people in Utah... lol probably just the whole washington family... the washingtons are cool people.
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Nandon, they stepped down as RCs? Are they still full time staff? What are they called if they are over three states but not RCs?
I'm corn-fused.
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not sure really...
but that's the word. I didn't really try to understand LOL, I just hope they are doing well, and I hope they are doing what brings them joy and peace.
I'm pretty sure they still get paid by TWI, but not sure.
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LOL! Thanks, Nandon.
"stepping down"
That's the first step to "stepping out" usually, isn't it?
It's got to be scary when one has never had a "real job" in their lives, but it shows balls moving away from that TWI t1t. Maybe that's what they are doing..... Sounds like Mark Wallace would make a great used car salesman.
or should that be, used motorcycle salesman?
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Well, I don't know if its the case with him, but when there are very few people in a state, a Limb coordinator could be a state contact for a couple more states besides the one he was the official limb co of.
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He worked briefly either for Orkin or Terminix while here in NE Ohio.
How do I know?
I ran into one of his NON-TWI victims at school.
Several years back, in one of my psychology classes, I had a study buddy-- a non TWI type, not religious, just going back to med school. We were discussing narcissism and sociopaths, and he told me he had just been fired by one.
He said he had a really bad experience where he worked, which motivated him to go back to school and finish his education.
My study friend had worked for an extermination company and felt the manager exhibited sociopathic and narcissistic qualities. When he began describing his behavior and some of the pressure tactics and terminology the guy used, it sounded all too famiar. And then when he began calling his manager "Mark," it was downright eerie. I asked him what Mark's last name was and he said "Wallace." Then I asked him to describe him physically to me, and it was in fact the Mark Wallace from TWI. My buddy remembered he also coordinated some religious group in Cleveland. I asked if it was The Way, and he said, "Yeah, that's it!"
Wallace evidently was just as abusive to his underlings in the exterminating company as he was in TWI. Changing jobs and occupations doesn't change the decay and corruption on the inside. It's something he can't hide. It will follow him wherever he goes.
I'm sure Wallace got a "kick" out of working for an exterminating company, seeing as his "job" in TWI was to "exterminate vermin" from the "household." I can just see him now, swelling with "spiritual pride" in the ironies.
The guy leaves a wake of destruction behind him wherever he goes.
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