I dont know who your talking about but it seems appropriate for a way guy.
he beamed with glee as he described how he carefully positioned his tire on the cover of the book, revved the engine and popped a wheelie, ripping the book apart and sending pages flying everywhere.
Its a good analogy for the whole (gag) "ministry"--thats pretty much what they always did anyway
Just another undereducated buffoon with delusions of godhood (ahem, way corps *grad*) given authority during loy's "reign of terror" over people's lives..
Catcup, isn't he one of these supposed "kindler, gentler" leadership that some have claimed are currently in twi?
I remember that story too.. he told it with pride here too.
Sad to say, my state produced him..
"Kinder, gentler"? HA! He absolutely delighted in gutstripping innocent people and then telling tales of how cool he was as he did it. His wife cowers in his shadow, afraid and unwilling to speak the truth when she knows her hubby is contradicting it.
He threatened Geek with death, me with disability, and my daughter with insanity if Geek didn't "get a passion for the truth." She sat silently and refused to look at me when I stared at her, waiting in vain for her to speak up as her husband flat out lied about me in a meeting, accusing me of things that she knew for a fact were not true. She remained silent in the face of his vicious libel of me and my family. She's a gutless wonder of a beaten wimp.
When Wxllace was the TWI area coordinator in Cleveland he used to relish tearing people's lives apart. He and Pxnarello were two peas in a pod on that point. And then when it was in his own best interest, he led Pxnarello down a primrose path and then knifed him in the back as well.
He was rewarded for his deceit, his lies, and his cruelty by being named a region coordinator.
When Wxllace was the TWI area coordinator in Cleveland he used to relish tearing people's lives apart
The gift ministry of AntiPastor? is that something new TWI discovered in its research?
Maybe they call it something else---Im not going to go crack a bible right now but isnt there something in there about 'ravenous wolves seeking who they may devour?'
I'm wondering if this is the same guys I think this is... anyone know what region he coordinated/coordinates?
If this is the guy I am thinking about he gives me the heeby jeebies.
I'm not sure which region he coordinates now. I think it may be posted in the archives somewhere when an innie posted the new assignments. He used to coordinate the limb of Idaho, I think, before he arrived in Cleveland to decimate the area.
He SHOULD give you the heeby jeebies..... fake grin, fake laugh that always sounds forced..... and an ego the size of Texas....
i've got good memories of him. But I was a kid when I knew him. Never really knew him when I was an adult. Only had a few conversations with him as an adult.
Threatened with DEATH?>??? what the hell? seems like that happened more often than we all think in TWI. "ministers" somehow saying that you are going to die unless you do what they say.
he's the rocky mtn region coordinator, stays in colorado.
It's absolutely true that some were threatened with death, not necessarily "I'm gonna KILL you if you don't straighten up" but "if you leave TWI, whether of your own volition or we decide you are no longer worthy of fellowshipping with us, at that very moment the spirit within you dies, and shortly thereafter, your phsyical body shall die also, because it is impossible to live outside the Body of Christ."
These very words were spoken in a branch meeting by a 18th WC grad shortly before we left. From the portentous manner in which he spoke them, I think he copied these words straight from the horse's azz, er, mouth, i.e. the MOGFODAT himself.
I had that one used on me, as well... Mainly to try and keep me from fellowshipping with my M&A family...
BUT, I was also told that if I stood with twi, it would keep my family alive because I would be "standing in the gap" for them - God would keep them alive even though they had left the ministry if I would just not have anything to do with them.
:blink: :unsure: :( <_<
And I beleived them... being the good little believer I was.
I too believe them about not surviving if you left the protection of the Way. To honest, I believe this even after I left. I was so screwed up that whenever things happen badly to me (after I left) I thought it was because I left.
But what do I know, if someone says something enough times (especially someone you trust) you tend to believe them no matter how crazy it sounds to people that think straight. But I think that how the mind works, after all how many times have you heard someone that was in a relationship believe some crazy stuff because they trusted their partner?
When I was kid there was nine planets, now they say there's only eight (major planets).... and if they keep saying it, who knows maybe I believe it.
The power of continually saying certain phrases (no matter how stupid it is). "Snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie..."
The power of continually saying certain phrases (no matter how stupid it is). "Snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie..."
The problem with all of that is it's just not true!
God is so much bigger than TWI, or any other two-bit ....y-assed ministry purporting to be the ONLY ones who have the truth! And believe me, there are a lot more of them out there than I would have ever dreamed of!
Fooledagin, don't let that lie continue to influence your life. Adopt a new credo: .... happens" is a good start.
He's the Region coor for the Rocky Mountains. Lives in Colorado Springs.................
I was under his ''leadership'' after Catcups horrors..........it never got that bad for us. (i am sure his true self was in hiding)
What set you off Cat to bring him up? Just curious.
Maybe it was hearing a motorcycle off in the distance while driving down a beautiful wooded parkway in the natrue preserve. Maybe it was watching with pride with my husband at my side while my daughter performed at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Maybe it was realizing that the behavior of some people, who have neither admitted nor realized their mistakes, should be spotlighted as a warning of what lurks beneath the surface.
It's absolutely true that some were threatened with death, not necessarily "I'm gonna KILL you if you don't straighten up" but "if you leave TWI, whether of your own volition or we decide you are no longer worthy of fellowshipping with us, at that very moment the spirit within you dies, and shortly thereafter, your phsyical body shall die also, because it is impossible to live outside the Body of Christ."
These very words were spoken in a branch meeting by a 18th WC grad shortly before we left. From the portentous manner in which he spoke them, I think he copied these words straight from the horse's azz, er, mouth, i.e. the MOGFODAT himself.
And yet, when I was in the process of leaving twi and used this as one of the lies told by twi, my Branch Coordinator actually had the juevos to tell me that twi NEVER taught that they were the only way to fellowship with God. (Just the BEST way.)
Yeah, sorry, but I was 18th corps and DID hear the MOGFODAT say these kinds of things himself!! -- hello.. Greasespot, anyone???
Maybe it was realizing that the behavior of some people, who have neither admitted nor realized their mistakes, should be spotlighted as a warning of what lurks beneath the surface.
One of the demotivational posters at despair.com, entitled "MISTAKES" and featuring a sinking ship, reads, "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
One of the demotivational posters at despair.com, entitled "MISTAKES" and featuring a sinking ship, reads, "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
Know anyone you'd like to send that to? :D
Yeah-- Howard Allen.
I have a quote from Howard that came from the 6th Corps in-res class he taught on principles of management:
"No man is ever truly worthless-- you can always use him as a bad example!"
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Watered Garden
I'm so glad I never met him.
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Catcup, isn't he one of these supposed "kindler, gentler" leadership that some have claimed are currently in twi?
I remember that story too.. he told it with pride here too.
Sad to say, my state produced him..
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I dont know who your talking about but it seems appropriate for a way guy.
Its a good analogy for the whole (gag) "ministry"--thats pretty much what they always did anyway
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I'm totally out the loop. Who is M*rk W*ll*ce?
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Just another undereducated buffoon with delusions of godhood (ahem, way corps *grad*) given authority during loy's "reign of terror" over people's lives..
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"Kinder, gentler"? HA! He absolutely delighted in gutstripping innocent people and then telling tales of how cool he was as he did it. His wife cowers in his shadow, afraid and unwilling to speak the truth when she knows her hubby is contradicting it.
He threatened Geek with death, me with disability, and my daughter with insanity if Geek didn't "get a passion for the truth." She sat silently and refused to look at me when I stared at her, waiting in vain for her to speak up as her husband flat out lied about me in a meeting, accusing me of things that she knew for a fact were not true. She remained silent in the face of his vicious libel of me and my family. She's a gutless wonder of a beaten wimp.
When Wxllace was the TWI area coordinator in Cleveland he used to relish tearing people's lives apart. He and Pxnarello were two peas in a pod on that point. And then when it was in his own best interest, he led Pxnarello down a primrose path and then knifed him in the back as well.
He was rewarded for his deceit, his lies, and his cruelty by being named a region coordinator.
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The gift ministry of AntiPastor? is that something new TWI discovered in its research?
Maybe they call it something else---Im not going to go crack a bible right now but isnt there something in there about 'ravenous wolves seeking who they may devour?'
That sounds pretty close to your description
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I'm wondering if this is the same guys I think this is... anyone know what region he coordinated/coordinates?
If this is the guy I am thinking about he gives me the heeby jeebies.
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I'm not sure which region he coordinates now. I think it may be posted in the archives somewhere when an innie posted the new assignments. He used to coordinate the limb of Idaho, I think, before he arrived in Cleveland to decimate the area.
He SHOULD give you the heeby jeebies..... fake grin, fake laugh that always sounds forced..... and an ego the size of Texas....
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i've got good memories of him. But I was a kid when I knew him. Never really knew him when I was an adult. Only had a few conversations with him as an adult.
Threatened with DEATH?>??? what the hell? seems like that happened more often than we all think in TWI. "ministers" somehow saying that you are going to die unless you do what they say.
he's the rocky mtn region coordinator, stays in colorado.
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Watered Garden
It's absolutely true that some were threatened with death, not necessarily "I'm gonna KILL you if you don't straighten up" but "if you leave TWI, whether of your own volition or we decide you are no longer worthy of fellowshipping with us, at that very moment the spirit within you dies, and shortly thereafter, your phsyical body shall die also, because it is impossible to live outside the Body of Christ."
These very words were spoken in a branch meeting by a 18th WC grad shortly before we left. From the portentous manner in which he spoke them, I think he copied these words straight from the horse's azz, er, mouth, i.e. the MOGFODAT himself.
Hasn't happened yet.
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I had that one used on me, as well... Mainly to try and keep me from fellowshipping with my M&A family...
BUT, I was also told that if I stood with twi, it would keep my family alive because I would be "standing in the gap" for them - God would keep them alive even though they had left the ministry if I would just not have anything to do with them.
:blink: :unsure: :( <_<
And I beleived them... being the good little believer I was.
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I too believe them about not surviving if you left the protection of the Way. To honest, I believe this even after I left. I was so screwed up that whenever things happen badly to me (after I left) I thought it was because I left.
But what do I know, if someone says something enough times (especially someone you trust) you tend to believe them no matter how crazy it sounds to people that think straight. But I think that how the mind works, after all how many times have you heard someone that was in a relationship believe some crazy stuff because they trusted their partner?
When I was kid there was nine planets, now they say there's only eight (major planets).... and if they keep saying it, who knows maybe I believe it.
The power of continually saying certain phrases (no matter how stupid it is). "Snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie... snakes on the plane was a good movie..."
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JavaJane I meant if you say something enough times some people will believe it. Like panic of Y2K?
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Hilarious !!!!!!!!
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Watered Garden
The problem with all of that is it's just not true!
God is so much bigger than TWI, or any other two-bit ....y-assed ministry purporting to be the ONLY ones who have the truth! And believe me, there are a lot more of them out there than I would have ever dreamed of!
Fooledagin, don't let that lie continue to influence your life. Adopt a new credo: .... happens" is a good start.
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He's the Region coor for the Rocky Mountains. Lives in Colorado Springs.................
I was under his ''leadership'' after Catcups horrors..........it never got that bad for us. (i am sure his true self was in hiding)
What set you off Cat to bring him up? Just curious.
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First time I heard that he said what he said,Isaid to him your life went down the toilet after that didnt it?
he says to me kinda angry,Why is that?Isays,cause God gave you a way to believe,cause you like me were taught
growing up to have a respect for God.He was not real happy with my reply,
This was circa 1988 in michigan.
I got to be good friends with him,Onseveral occasions he came up to see me from lansing to midland.
He was gonna leave the ministry,Me being a defender,talked him into staying.Well seems he became a pri@k.
His fault,his choice,At least I know he always was not like he is now.
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Maybe it was hearing a motorcycle off in the distance while driving down a beautiful wooded parkway in the natrue preserve. Maybe it was watching with pride with my husband at my side while my daughter performed at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Maybe it was realizing that the behavior of some people, who have neither admitted nor realized their mistakes, should be spotlighted as a warning of what lurks beneath the surface.
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I think it's fair to say when loy left, these sycophants didn't change, they just shifted gears..
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And yet, when I was in the process of leaving twi and used this as one of the lies told by twi, my Branch Coordinator actually had the juevos to tell me that twi NEVER taught that they were the only way to fellowship with God. (Just the BEST way.)
Yeah, sorry, but I was 18th corps and DID hear the MOGFODAT say these kinds of things himself!! -- hello.. Greasespot, anyone???
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Yeah, someone who has a longsuit in preparing and serving Italian appetizers (antipasto).
(It's awful the way my mind works.
One of the demotivational posters at despair.com, entitled "MISTAKES" and featuring a sinking ship, reads, "It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
Know anyone you'd like to send that to? :D
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Yeah-- Howard Allen.
I have a quote from Howard that came from the 6th Corps in-res class he taught on principles of management:
"No man is ever truly worthless-- you can always use him as a bad example!"
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