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  waysider said:
The teaching on this one single, simple yet immeasurably important subject, was all over the map, so to speak.

If it was OK for some to not observe celibacy, did that nullify the supposed "spiritual nature" of the act that VPW claimed was "always" a spiritual event? Which times were spiritual and which were not if that was the case? And I remember, also, VeePee stated, in CF&S, that it was impossible for a person to experience the true spiritual nature of orgasm without intercourse. If two unmarried people "consummated" their relationship, should they therefore consider themselves "married" in God's eyes? Were they now somehow committed to each other by some "spiritual" bond? If they were, what was the expectation of honoring that bond?

Well, I guess if one considers these questions from a strictly secular, societal standpoint, the answers aren't so difficult to find.

But we were supposed to be living in a special, spiritually aware society that had some sort of esoteric standard to maintain.

Hi WS, there are spiritual bonds that are formed even with one-nighters, whether we realize it or not. "Oh, the webs that we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" It's not a joke. When you're breathing someone else's spirit and they yours back and forth, there are bound (no pun intended) to be bonds. Most likely, women feel them to a greater degree than men, but then it is the woman that is more spiritually aware than men. Just like the song, "I'm stuck on you!" There's truth in there somewhere.

Edited by brideofjc
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  JavaJane said:
Now, I remember being told that it was ok as long as you WEREN'T with a believer (as long as it was "just getting your need met") because it could cause divisions in the household...


Yeah, this is the one that I remember too. But the additional info added was this: Don't ever scr ew a believer....but it's ok to do it with an unbeliever, because they're already going to hell anyway. Yeah, and now the believer just might be right behind the unbeliever on the down elevator too. Thanks VP!

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  waysider said:
Here's some other stuff that has crossed my mind.

When he was expounding In CF&S about how it was a "spiritual event" and all the other mumbo-jumbo he spouted, I think he was really priming his future victims. When he subsequently told young women it would heal them, it made perfect sense in light of his CF&S line of reason. Here they are, being told it will heal them and they have already accepted it to be a "spiritual event". Carry that just one step farther and you can understand why a "spiritual event" with the self implied Man Of God for The World would take on a whole new meaning. It's not merely sex with some old horny geezer, it's a 'spiritual connection" to God via the man who knows God like no one has known him for thousands of years. Whether it was intentional or subconscious, I think the guy operated in an incremental fashion. Step by step, he drew people closer and closer to the snare until it was too late. Then he pounced. He was one sick puppy.

old spiritual geezer??? ya mean 'old and spiritual all right along with the heebie jeebies! In 1987 AC at Emporia, I stood next to him for a picture and my skin just crawled.

  jen-o said:
yep, that's called *grooming*

yup, that's what it's called all right!

  nandon said:
sex is so annoying...

growing up in TWI i didn't know what to think. my mom and dad said wait till marriage. they were way corps ppl, so i figured they were smart...

then other "higher ranking" way co. ppl told me pre-marital sex was fine, and not only COULD i do it, i SHOULD be doing it, because "you need to learn how to please a woman"

so i got guilted from one side and pressured from the other.

when i acted conservative and followed my parents advice i would get in trouble for not being loving enough... when i would follow the other advice i would get in trouble for being too forward...

now as an adult, I'm still trying to figure out what's right and wrong.

Post TWI, I've tried it both ways: If im conservative with a girl, she gets insecure, and that sucks... If I give the girl what she wants, she expects me to call her every day, and return text messages every 30 minutes.. or else she gets mad and insecure...

So, i have decided that my parents were right... im staying away from sex till im married... not cuz of religion or guilt... but because its the best way to treat a lady... tell her right up front "I'm waiting till marriage" if she don't like it,,,, move on immediately, if she respects it,,, i may have found a good one.

i hope this was still on subject...

Bravo!!!! You go Bro!

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  bowtwi said:
In the late 80s our area had some class or other going on over a weekend in our limb city. Most of the believers in our branch booked rooms for the weekend in the same hotel. I was married to what the way called an "unbelieving believer", who wasn't involved in the way at all.

A male believer and I had gotten to be really close friends and spent a lot of our free time at the rock together. We exchanged platonic back and neck rubs and never ever crossed any boundaries between us. We were both always aware that I was a married lady... If this guy had lived in my town, he and my then-husband would have been great buddies.

This guy and I decided to share a room to cut down on our expenses. My husband knew all about this plan and trusted me completely. He also enjoyed the idea of me not having to pay full room price by myself. We had no other "single" ladies from our area for me to room with.

When our limb coordinator's wife and I were discussing the weekend about a week before the event, she hit the roof to hear that this guy and I were going to share a room for the weekend. She gave me all sorts of lecture about lest the ministry be blamed and when I said, but MY HUSBAND approves with this plan, so why would anyone else have an issue - she quoted that verse about avoiding the appearance of evil... She basically ordered me not to share a room with this man, my friend.

We wound up with adjoining rooms, but dang! Here the leadership was carrying on like they were and all we two were trying to do was save a buck and enjoy a weekend together - platonic and bible study oriented.

I shared a rroom at the Advanced Class Special in 2001 with a married man. His wife couldn't go, and I needed a room. He slept on the sofa bed, and I slept in the bed. He was my Fellowship coordinator too. Our BCs knew we were sharing a room. Funny how leadership doesn't always speak the same thing. The only thing that happened is he talked too much when I was trying to go to sleep. I had to tell him to shut up because I was tired and wanted to sleep. Then I couldn't get his arse up and moving in the morning. He was used to his wife doing everything for him. She even went out ot start his car every morning so all he had to do was jump in and go. He smoked roll-yer-own cigarettes. She even rolled his cigs in the morning. I was not about to do any of that crap for him.

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