Yes, some are still friends, wonderful people, and I've made it up with the family, well, most of 'em.
Oh wait, you CAN believe I did that, y'all did too.
Sigh... I absolutely can identify. For all the criticism TWIt leader.... take, some of us rank and filers could be pretty bad too.
One of my "shining moments": Telling a Greek Orthodox priest he was wrong about a Greek translation. He was a native speaker trained in classical greek and Hebrew. He looked at me like I was an idiot. Seems he was right on that point too!
My parents had a sort of black list of books and movies we couldn't read and watch. One we like to joke about today is Pocahontas, which we had to sell because "Grandmother Willow is a devil spirit." We had to explain to other kids why we couldn't read and watch these things. When I was in sixth grade, I felt like an absolute sinner for sitting in the classroom while my teacher read certain books.
Surprisingly, it was another set of Way parents who got my parents to lighten up.
Dmiller is such a refreshing breath of fresh air, eh?
This one you may enjoy.
Rock of Ages 1984. Ending my first year in residence. Corps Week, assignment bless patrol. Richard Thomas, who I knew from Georgia, was the coordinator and put us at our spots.
At first, I had no idea where the rah ho I was. I saw a house, a parking area, a huge tree, teo metal chairs with puddles of water in them, a barn looking place, and Richard says, here you are....I said ok, where I are. This is the Wierwille patio. Crap, I won't be able to smoke.
I sat there for the longest time, saw people running back and forth to the pond, and I thought many many times to tump the water out of the second chair, didn't though.
Many hours later, who comes amblin out of the house, slamming the screen door but VP. Of course, I stood to hug him. And then we went to sit down, I sat and he bent about halfway, looked at me and said, I am going to get my butt wet, aren't I. I said, yep if you keep going. And he kept going. I did condemn myself for a while about this, but when i really thought about it, he knew he was wearing khaki pants, he could have tumped the water out, or just not sat down. We never said one word to each other and he sat there for at least 30 minutes. Grandkids came out and talked to him. When he got up, and this is hysterical, he did that shake the leg thing when he was walking away. Oops.
(copy and paste from another thread because Chas is lazy on a Friday night...)
And did I tell you about how I ruined Donna Martindale's birthday one year?
Yes, I'm sure she remembers this one.... Well, since it was her birthday, a day more holy than Easter or Christmas, but not as holy as Cinco d Mayo or St. Patrick's Day, a bunch of her biggest fans were all saving up seats near the head table. I was asked if my husband and I would join a group at a table - it happened to be in the area where we usually sat anyhow, so I saved us seats. I didn't get to see hubby before lunch and then got pulled out to usher at the last minute.
Next thing I knew, hubby was sitting at a different table and had saved me a seat. ROT-ROW... Now I had 2 empty seats to fill near the head table and there was no one left to seat them. The head of food services (IR@) came up to me in a huff and ripped me in front of a couple of tables about these EMPTY SEATS... I mean... no one was bleeding, right? You'd have thought Christ was never going to come back now because *I* had NOT filled 2 freaking chairs near the head table... IR@ went almost purple yelling at me (and I'm usually pretty soft about these things - I don't hold together well when I get yelled at, but he was so short and so purple it was hard not to laugh...) What was up with that?! Yeah... I bet Donna stays awake every night thinking about that one...
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Sigh... I absolutely can identify.
For all the criticism TWIt leader.... take, some of us rank and filers could be pretty bad too.
One of my "shining moments": Telling a Greek Orthodox priest he was wrong about a Greek translation. He was a native speaker trained in classical greek and Hebrew. He looked at me like I was an idiot. Seems he was right on that point too!
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My parents had a sort of black list of books and movies we couldn't read and watch. One we like to joke about today is Pocahontas, which we had to sell because "Grandmother Willow is a devil spirit." We had to explain to other kids why we couldn't read and watch these things. When I was in sixth grade, I felt like an absolute sinner for sitting in the classroom while my teacher read certain books.
Surprisingly, it was another set of Way parents who got my parents to lighten up.
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There once was a *train* rolling down the tracks at 90 MPH;
And we were standing between the rails on the *CROSS* ties.
We got run over. Plain and simple.
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Dmiller is such a refreshing breath of fresh air, eh?
This one you may enjoy.
Rock of Ages 1984. Ending my first year in residence. Corps Week, assignment bless patrol. Richard Thomas, who I knew from Georgia, was the coordinator and put us at our spots.
At first, I had no idea where the rah ho I was. I saw a house, a parking area, a huge tree, teo metal chairs with puddles of water in them, a barn looking place, and Richard says, here you are....I said ok, where I are. This is the Wierwille patio. Crap, I won't be able to smoke.
I sat there for the longest time, saw people running back and forth to the pond, and I thought many many times to tump the water out of the second chair, didn't though.
Many hours later, who comes amblin out of the house, slamming the screen door but VP. Of course, I stood to hug him. And then we went to sit down, I sat and he bent about halfway, looked at me and said, I am going to get my butt wet, aren't I. I said, yep if you keep going. And he kept going. I did condemn myself for a while about this, but when i really thought about it, he knew he was wearing khaki pants, he could have tumped the water out, or just not sat down. We never said one word to each other and he sat there for at least 30 minutes. Grandkids came out and talked to him. When he got up, and this is hysterical, he did that shake the leg thing when he was walking away. Oops.
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Lucy... you ain't got nuttin' on me...
(copy and paste from another thread because Chas is lazy on a Friday night...)
And did I tell you about how I ruined Donna Martindale's birthday one year?
Yes, I'm sure she remembers this one.... Well, since it was her birthday, a day more holy than Easter or Christmas, but not as holy as Cinco d Mayo or St. Patrick's Day, a bunch of her biggest fans were all saving up seats near the head table. I was asked if my husband and I would join a group at a table - it happened to be in the area where we usually sat anyhow, so I saved us seats. I didn't get to see hubby before lunch and then got pulled out to usher at the last minute.
Next thing I knew, hubby was sitting at a different table and had saved me a seat. ROT-ROW... Now I had 2 empty seats to fill near the head table and there was no one left to seat them. The head of food services (IR@) came up to me in a huff and ripped me in front of a couple of tables about these EMPTY SEATS... I mean... no one was bleeding, right? You'd have thought Christ was never going to come back now because *I* had NOT filled 2 freaking chairs near the head table... IR@ went almost purple yelling at me (and I'm usually pretty soft about these things - I don't hold together well when I get yelled at, but he was so short and so purple it was hard not to laugh...) What was up with that?! Yeah... I bet Donna stays awake every night thinking about that one...
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