there is nothing i could type to follw that story, but still i am compelled to be a part of this topic.
at show and tell, i got everyone saved one time. I tried every year, but in second grade, every single kid promised to believe romans 10:9-10. at the time, i couldnt believe that.
I just want to curl up and die when I think of some of the things I did and said while deeply entrenched in TWIt doctrine.
My Sales Manager received a beautiful diamond cross for Christmas one year. She was proudly showing it to all of us and I just sneered and asked her if she'd be wearing it so proudly if Jesus had been killed on an electric chair or with a machine gun.
The summer before I went out wow I wrote to the book of the month club to tell them I couldn't complete my purchasing committment ( I think I still had four or five books to go) because I was going to be an ambassador for God. I didn't think they would let me off that easy, but I never heard back from them. They must have been too busy rolling on the floor laughing at me to bother.
Yeah, I would have to say some of my most embarrassing moments were when I blindly put faith in someone or vouched for them simply because they were also members of twi. Like loaning some WOWs a set of furniture and kitchen items (dishes, glasses, etc) that I wasn't needing at the moment. At the end of the year when I went back to get my stuff, most of it had vanished. When I asked where it went they just sort of flustered about and gave me some mumbo jumbo about breakage. Yeah, cuz plastic dinnerware is SO fragile... :blink:
I remember going to my first Men's advance in the mid 80s and not finding out until on the road that... four to a room meant two to a bed.
Well the closer we got to the advance the more I was freaking out (it didn't help that they jokingly would tell me how people sometime forget it's not their wife next to them). When we got to hotel, they were right... there were only two beds.
Fortunately, there was a drop down bed bolted to side of the wall (why... I don't know). But I borrowed some tools and got that bed down as soon as my roommates left.
This may not be funny to all but, I had numerous "Secular" girlfriends in high school and middle school. Occasionally, the question would come up "Do you think we'll ever get married?" the girl would ask me. My immediate response would be "NO." They would always ask why??? and I would always say "because that would mean that we would be "UNEQUALLY YOKED" haha. Looking back I kinda feel like a d*Ck. Whoops!!! My explanation then would have been " I can't go beyond what I am taught" but now I would say "I'm Sorry". They were some really great people.
Had an unfortunate situation similar to TheHighway's. When I went WOW in 1974-75, I left a house full of furniture in the care of my roommate who was, along with others, staying as a Medical WOW. She in turn lent some of the furniture to a couple in Indy on their interim year from the 4th WC. These individuals, instead of returning my furniture to my former roommate, GAVE it to another person. When I tried to find it, I had this trail to follow until my then fiance' and I ran into the guy who was the end of the trail for my furniture. I knew this guy from the medical center, and walked up to him, asked him politely about the table and chair and the bookcase, and HE JUST STARED AT ME AND NEVER SAID A FREAKIN' WORD - NOT ONE WORD! After a few embarrassing moments, I just walked away.
I never saw the SOB again. He was a safety officer at the medical center and his job was to go around measuring amounts of radiation emitted in the buildings. I suspect he might have gotten a little to close to the cobalt or something. I still think to this day the jerk had my furniture and had no intention of relinquishing it, so just played dumber than dumb.
But my roommate should never have "loaned" it to the WC couple, and they should never have GIVEN it away to someone else. I never did get to meet them. When I would ask at HQ, they were so protected it was unbelievable. Their names were W**ne and Ch**yl Fo***er. If you are out there, guys, I'd like to have the formica table and chairs and the big bookcase painted green and white back, please. My paternal grandfather made that bookcase by hand, actually it was some sort of a kitchen cabinet and I took off the doors and converted it to a bookcase. Who did you think you were to GIVE IT AWAY to someone else? I mean, yeah, I know you were a great and mighty man and woman of God who were highly exalted WC, but geez, to take something that belongs to someone else, and then give it away to yet a third someone, that's awfully close to stealing, at least in my copy of the Book.
Right after I took PFAL for the first time, I threw away my yearbooks from high school and college.
I've really regretted that. There's some scripture about forgetting the past that I was "acting" on.
Yup, been there, done that too.
I also got rid of most of my LP collection, my negatives from when I was into photography and some books. Screw Uncle Harry day. Bookburning is for fascists.
How about this - being pulled off the street by a reputable modelling agency and offered a job and training as a model... FOR FREE... didn't take it because I thought it would interfere with my ministry responsibilities.
WG, gosh, that's sad. Wow. Reminds me of the time a believer asked me if she and her husband could borrow my very expensive set of dishes while I was out WOW.
Sis: "I'm sure they'll be chipped up with normal wear and tear when you get back, but that will be better than letting them just sit for a year in storage when a bro and sis in Christ needs them."
Me: Blank stare.
Sis: "Well, thanks. It will be a huge blessing."
Me: "Since they're not chipped now and I've used them for over a year, I think I'll just let them sit in storage."
You know, those dishes do not have a chip in them to this day.....
Yeah, I would have to say some of my most embarrassing moments were when I blindly put faith in someone or vouched for them simply because they were also members of twi. Like loaning some WOWs a set of furniture and kitchen items (dishes, glasses, etc) that I wasn't needing at the moment. At the end of the year when I went back to get my stuff, most of it had vanished. When I asked where it went they just sort of flustered about and gave me some mumbo jumbo about breakage. Yeah, cuz plastic dinnerware is SO fragile... :blink:
I had to laugh. More than five (5) years after someone stored furniture and household crap at MY expense as they went about their WOW business and didn't bother to come back, they came back asking for their furniture, which was junk to begin with and I couldn't even give it away, nor could I afford to continue hauling it around. They were mighty bent out of shape that I said I threw it away. Or the guy who came looking for his freakin' can opener - after 9 years. I looked him in the eye and said, "Go buy one."
I found my fellow TWIers to be the most disrespectful, antagonistic bunch of people in the free world, unless you were a member of the clergy or in a leadership position.
Funny Belle! I used that machine gun thing myself once to someone so proud of her cross. She was dumbfounded; having nothing to say, she just avoided me from then on.
I tried another thing once while trying to share about God with someone. It seems that we could never see eye to eye on anything, and I was just wasting my time with him. But he did seem to indicate he believed that God is so wonderful and kind that he would not allow anything bad to happen to anyone because God IS LOVE.
Wanting to agree with him on SOMETHING, ANYTHING, I got the BRIGHT IDEA to say to him, "Well, at least everyone gets to go to heaven in the end." He perked up gladly and said, "Now you're talking! I have always believed that myself too!"
Then I quipped back at him, "But not everybody gets to STAY THERE!" (Ha! Ha!)
Yeah, I would have to say some of my most embarrassing moments were when I blindly put faith in someone or vouched for them simply because they were also members of twi. Like loaning some WOWs a set of furniture and kitchen items (dishes, glasses, etc) that I wasn't needing at the moment. At the end of the year when I went back to get my stuff, most of it had vanished. When I asked where it went they just sort of flustered about and gave me some mumbo jumbo about breakage. Yeah, cuz plastic dinnerware is SO fragile... :blink:
I loaned some furnature to some corps. When they left, they gave it all away. They gave a lamp to a friend of mine, and I said nothing until he decided to get rid of it, then I told him that it was actually mine.
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there is nothing i could type to follw that story, but still i am compelled to be a part of this topic.
at show and tell, i got everyone saved one time. I tried every year, but in second grade, every single kid promised to believe romans 10:9-10. at the time, i couldnt believe that.
now, i cant believe they let me do that.
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I just want to curl up and die when I think of some of the things I did and said while deeply entrenched in TWIt doctrine.
My Sales Manager received a beautiful diamond cross for Christmas one year. She was proudly showing it to all of us and I just sneered and asked her if she'd be wearing it so proudly if Jesus had been killed on an electric chair or with a machine gun.
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The summer before I went out wow I wrote to the book of the month club to tell them I couldn't complete my purchasing committment ( I think I still had four or five books to go) because I was going to be an ambassador for God. I didn't think they would let me off that easy, but I never heard back from them. They must have been too busy rolling on the floor laughing at me to bother.
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I put my name out for a WOW to use when he was looking for work, since I
had worked for this company and still knew the managers.
This guy was ap corp.
This prospective employer called me after the interview and said I quote
( what the hell is an eliete spiritual man , sent by God to bring light to this area
got to do with construction? )
I almost could not speak, but spit out so I guess he is not getting the job?
The manager said he is not getting the job but I am calling him back to
interview with my brother because he wants to meet the idiot that told me
about how dark our city is and needs the bible. Then went on to say the RC
church and Pope were evil. This family was catholic.
He also said he never worked anywhere but hq.and was a son of God with all power.
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Yeah, I would have to say some of my most embarrassing moments were when I blindly put faith in someone or vouched for them simply because they were also members of twi. Like loaning some WOWs a set of furniture and kitchen items (dishes, glasses, etc) that I wasn't needing at the moment. At the end of the year when I went back to get my stuff, most of it had vanished. When I asked where it went they just sort of flustered about and gave me some mumbo jumbo about breakage. Yeah, cuz plastic dinnerware is SO fragile... :blink:
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I know what your talking about.
I once had the pleasure of working with this way corp guy.
He was soooo drinking the kool aid he would come to work with
teaching tapes and play them in the lunch room for all to hear.
He set up a prayer list in the lunch room not to pray for people
but to find their need and teach them the bible and tell them where
they had weekness in thir life.
Worst of all he would always say things like copenhagen comes to fellowship,
he knows the bible. I never wanted to be somewhere else in my life.
What a great day when he got fired.
He had the nerve to try and get me to quit because that place was so
spiritually dark.
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I remember going to my first Men's advance in the mid 80s and not finding out until on the road that... four to a room meant two to a bed.
Well the closer we got to the advance the more I was freaking out (it didn't help that they jokingly would tell me how people sometime forget it's not their wife next to them). When we got to hotel, they were right... there were only two beds.
Fortunately, there was a drop down bed bolted to side of the wall (why... I don't know). But I borrowed some tools and got that bed down as soon as my roommates left.
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This may not be funny to all but, I had numerous "Secular" girlfriends in high school and middle school. Occasionally, the question would come up "Do you think we'll ever get married?" the girl would ask me. My immediate response would be "NO." They would always ask why??? and I would always say "because that would mean that we would be "UNEQUALLY YOKED" haha. Looking back I kinda feel like a d*Ck. Whoops!!! My explanation then would have been " I can't go beyond what I am taught" but now I would say "I'm Sorry". They were some really great people.
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Right after I took PFAL for the first time, I threw away my yearbooks from high school and college.
I've really regretted that. There's some scripture about forgetting the past that I was "acting" on.
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Watered Garden
Had an unfortunate situation similar to TheHighway's. When I went WOW in 1974-75, I left a house full of furniture in the care of my roommate who was, along with others, staying as a Medical WOW. She in turn lent some of the furniture to a couple in Indy on their interim year from the 4th WC. These individuals, instead of returning my furniture to my former roommate, GAVE it to another person. When I tried to find it, I had this trail to follow until my then fiance' and I ran into the guy who was the end of the trail for my furniture. I knew this guy from the medical center, and walked up to him, asked him politely about the table and chair and the bookcase, and HE JUST STARED AT ME AND NEVER SAID A FREAKIN' WORD - NOT ONE WORD! After a few embarrassing moments, I just walked away.
I never saw the SOB again. He was a safety officer at the medical center and his job was to go around measuring amounts of radiation emitted in the buildings. I suspect he might have gotten a little to close to the cobalt or something. I still think to this day the jerk had my furniture and had no intention of relinquishing it, so just played dumber than dumb.
But my roommate should never have "loaned" it to the WC couple, and they should never have GIVEN it away to someone else. I never did get to meet them. When I would ask at HQ, they were so protected it was unbelievable. Their names were W**ne and Ch**yl Fo***er. If you are out there, guys, I'd like to have the formica table and chairs and the big bookcase painted green and white back, please. My paternal grandfather made that bookcase by hand, actually it was some sort of a kitchen cabinet and I took off the doors and converted it to a bookcase. Who did you think you were to GIVE IT AWAY to someone else? I mean, yeah, I know you were a great and mighty man and woman of God who were highly exalted WC, but geez, to take something that belongs to someone else, and then give it away to yet a third someone, that's awfully close to stealing, at least in my copy of the Book.
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No, that flat-out IS stealing!!!
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Yup, been there, done that too.
I also got rid of most of my LP collection, my negatives from when I was into photography and some books. Screw Uncle Harry day. Bookburning is for fascists.
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How about this - being pulled off the street by a reputable modelling agency and offered a job and training as a model... FOR FREE... didn't take it because I thought it would interfere with my ministry responsibilities.
Man, that was dumb...
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i still can't believe I sold my 12 string guitar to get the money for pfal class
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And these are just the examples that aren't too entirely embarrassing to share.
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fooledagain, so funny about the glasses!
Belle, been there done that. augh.
WG, gosh, that's sad. Wow. Reminds me of the time a believer asked me if she and her husband could borrow my very expensive set of dishes while I was out WOW.
Sis: "I'm sure they'll be chipped up with normal wear and tear when you get back, but that will be better than letting them just sit for a year in storage when a bro and sis in Christ needs them."
Me: Blank stare.
Sis: "Well, thanks. It will be a huge blessing."
Me: "Since they're not chipped now and I've used them for over a year, I think I'll just let them sit in storage."
You know, those dishes do not have a chip in them to this day.....
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now I see
Ha ha ha!!!!!!!
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I had to laugh. More than five (5) years after someone stored furniture and household crap at MY expense as they went about their WOW business and didn't bother to come back, they came back asking for their furniture, which was junk to begin with and I couldn't even give it away, nor could I afford to continue hauling it around. They were mighty bent out of shape that I said I threw it away. Or the guy who came looking for his freakin' can opener - after 9 years. I looked him in the eye and said, "Go buy one."
I found my fellow TWIers to be the most disrespectful, antagonistic bunch of people in the free world, unless you were a member of the clergy or in a leadership position.
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"Looking for his can opener" :blink: Holy crap!
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At the age of 27, I turned down an opprotunity to manage an automotive paint store in Denver, Co...nice salary, nice benefits...nice future...
...instead, I went into the 10th corps...

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Funny Belle! I used that machine gun thing myself once to someone so proud of her cross. She was dumbfounded; having nothing to say, she just avoided me from then on.
I tried another thing once while trying to share about God with someone. It seems that we could never see eye to eye on anything, and I was just wasting my time with him. But he did seem to indicate he believed that God is so wonderful and kind that he would not allow anything bad to happen to anyone because God IS LOVE.
Wanting to agree with him on SOMETHING, ANYTHING, I got the BRIGHT IDEA to say to him, "Well, at least everyone gets to go to heaven in the end." He perked up gladly and said, "Now you're talking! I have always believed that myself too!"
Then I quipped back at him, "But not everybody gets to STAY THERE!" (Ha! Ha!)
That sure shut him up!
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I went military WOW in Germany thinking that they were actually going to send somebody to go WOW with me.
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I loaned some furnature to some corps. When they left, they gave it all away. They gave a lamp to a friend of mine, and I said nothing until he decided to get rid of it, then I told him that it was actually mine.
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...Alienated all my family and my friends...
Yes, some are still friends, wonderful people, and I've made it up with the family, well, most of 'em.
Oh wait, you CAN believe I did that, y'all did too.
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