This is one of the all time great threads thanks to the contributions of many who were "there" with pervy vic in the day, it warrants rereading again....I especially like this gem of a post by Don'tWorry, and there are many other posts in this thread that are equally significant:
hi jen-o!..........nice seeing you on this thread!...............thanks for your question...........i do have some thoughts regarding your question which , perhaps may answer it in perspective is based on hindsight, which, in many cases, may be "20/20", and, in this case, i believe it probably is.......
for the most part, i tend to agree that the "nature" of twi is difficult to separate from that of its founder.........but the "organization" we "joined" was quite a bit more enigmatic than just the overtly pathological nature of its founder, because it did suck in quite a number of folks whose "nature", motivation, and heart were markedly different from those of its founder.........i know that vic himself along with howard allen, was "corrupt" well before 1970.......his perversions, both doctrinal and personal were habitualized by him, imho, by the time he left his denominational church in van wert, in 1957.........but, twi really did'nt "take off" until after he finished filming pfal in 1968, especially in the years and locations i mentioned in my first post on this thread..........the large influx of young, idealistic, "believers" in 1969, and throughout the decade of the '70's is what i was a part was'nt vic, or any of the "old timers" in ohio who witnessed to was my hippie, musician friends whose genuine enthusiasm for "things spiritual", and whose marked "transformation through christ", caught my attention..........and, the many "miracles, signs and wonders" which, i believe, god wrought among us back in those days had nothing to do with vic's personal presence or involvement in our lives, but, quite the contrary, it had to do with our childlike, enthusiastic, and genuinely exuberant acceptance of christ as our risen saviour, and our innocent "believing action" upon the parts of the bible we were learning and accepting as "truth".........the fellowships we were a part of, and bringing our friends and families to were really a lot of fun!......and, the fruit of the spirit as listed in galatians 5:22,23 were evident in abundance, and were accomplishing their results in an atmosphere free from the control of vic and the growing cult machinery of hq in new knoxville! a matter of fact, it was the ever increasing personal control exerted by vic with his increasing personal involvement in our lives and fellowships, which, imo, eventually stifled and strangled the genuine "revivals" god was energizing among the early twi fellowships.......this was the fruit of vic's "ministry" being brought to bear upon the ministry of jesus christ.........vic's profound corruption was becoming institutionalized among the innocent, geniune christian fellowships god and christ were "planting" around the USA, not just in twi, but in a broader "spiritual movement" that was far bigger than anything vic demanded credit for!!......imho, vic's "ministry" sowed the "tares" of his personal and doctrinal perversions among the "good seed" god and christ were sowing without any need of help from the "ministry" of "the teacher"!
the more involved believers became with vic's programs (wow, way corps, "college" division, word in business, culture, etc., etc., etc.) and classes, the more the "tares" of his corruption took root and choked the innocence and purity of holy spirit and its fruit out of the lives and fellowships of the "good seed"............and, for those of us fortunate enough to have "tasted" and experienced genuine christian revival, and who earnestly desired to see it continue and spread throughout "the world", unfettered by "man-made religion",..........the "vehicle" we thought god provided in twi, was hijacked by the "vehicle" vic provided in its stead, also called twi, but not "fueled" by god, but rather by the growing control and dominance of vic's personal perversions and corruption, eventually yielding its own "fruit" in the monster of hypocrisy, deceit, and abject immorality which the entire organization of twi grew into and remains to this day........a monument to the legacy of the "ministry" of "the teacher"........not the legacy of the ministry of jesus christ to the world..........fortunately, the two are NOT the same!
so, jen-o................imo, vic was thoroughly and irreversibly corrupt by the late '50's............and it only took him 30 more years to thoroughly and irreversibly corrupt the entire organization he "founded", and which thousands of innocent "believers" built and paid cash for, for him in the '70's and early '80's.............which he handed over to his "best friend", and his oldest biological son, and the neanderthaal intellect of the doofus from okie, so they could destroy it and its people in the late '80's and through the '90's.........and which is now run by those who are the most loyal and faithful disciples of his perversions, lies and corruption...........those who truly made vic's way, their way, which is the way international!............................peace.
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This is one of the all time great threads thanks to the contributions of many who were "there" with pervy vic in the day, it warrants rereading again....I especially like this gem of a post by Don'tWorry, and there are many other posts in this thread that are equally significant:
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