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The Way Bus in Van Wert


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So I grew up in the crazy little cult. I also was born and raised in Van Wert, Ohio. Lots of people gave me crap about being in the Way so I tended to keep quiet about it, unless I thought I could really share something with a close friend about the bible.

Anyway, I used to see the Way bus parked downtown, usually on Market Street. I'd always get kind of excited whenever I saw that. I never really thought to ask where all the Wayfers were. I guess it was just cool knowing a bunch of my people were in my crappy little town. I asked someone later, and apparently the Way Corps stopped there as part of some kind of Way history tour. I heard that the MOG like Bayleat's Coffee Shop. (Me too by the way. beef and noodles!) I can't believe I don't know more about that bus. Duh.

Any of you come through on that bus, or spend any other time in Van Wert? Anyone ever go to a twig there or witness or anything there? Come through lightbearers or wow or anything?

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Yes, I did. I took the tour as a new corps inductee. They took us to all the "significant" places in VP's life... churches, houses, graveyards (family history) etc.

I actually still have the brochure they gave us somewhere in my stuff. Give me a couple of days and I'll dig it out and post it here for you. Might be some interesting reading...

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I went on the Way Historic Tour during my interim year at HQ (1983-84) on a Saturday, the day after a beautiful, deep snow. It was really the highlight of my time there (admittedly, there was not much competition ... it was a horrible year for the most part) ... I enjoyed seeing Van Wert in the snow ... very pretty city/town. We went to all the "historic" places in VPW's life and the early life of the Way.

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A blessing from TWI!

(=Something that wasn't offered (?) to the later in rez. Musta been discontinued, then, about 1990 (?) )

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Fabulous... yeah I was on one of those tours - your remark would have made people crawl under the seats "during the day." Well done WS - always a pleasure to read your posts.

  waysider said:
Did they hand out maps like they do in Hollywood?

"Oh, look, Honey! There's the liquor store where Vicster bought his very first bottle of Drambuie."


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Historical_Tour___New_Knoxville_Area.zipFetching info...

Okay, here is the booklet they gave us. It has several maps listing important stops around VanWert, Payne, Spencerville, and New Knoxville, and lists some chronologies.

The file is a PDF, but you'll have to unzip it first... sorry, that's the only way I could get it small enough to post it.

To be honest, I haven't looked at this in years and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the facts listed here are contradicted in other twi publications. It certainly wouldn't be the first time!

But at first glance my only thought is: What in the heck does this have to do with the Word of God???? This is all about one man and his history. Geez, why didn't I see this junk for what it was at the time? They even gave us space to take NOTES. I need to take notes on the house that Uncle Harry built? The school that Vic and his siblings attended? Good grief, Charlie Brown!!!

Edited by TheHighWay
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  TheHighWay said:
Historical_Tour___New_Knoxville_Area.zipFetching info...

Okay, here is the booklet they gave us. It has several maps listing important stops around VanWert, Payne, Spencerville, and New Knoxville, and lists some chronologies. To be honest, I haven't looked at this in years and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the facts listed here are contradicted in other twi publications. It certainly wouldn't be the first time!

The file is a PDF, once you unzip it... sorry, that's the only way I could get it small enough to post it.

Wow thanks! I'm so glad I can go see where "doctor" played basketball! Maybe that's where the hook shot was invented.

And seriously, that VP quote on the last page is so overly flowery and verbose that it's hard to follow and impossible to remember immediately afterwards, just like most Way teachings!

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I had the pleasure of going on the historical tour at least once while in rez.

I was so hooked to twi that I took pictures of the gas pumps and the office window where vpw supposedly was.


To think how much importance/awe/worship I had for vpw and later lcm and others, I am embarassed and ashamed.

Thank goodness for forgiveness and deliverance!

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  JustThinking said:
Wow, what were we thinking?!

I have started to believe that I really wasn't thinking! To use a twi phrase--I only thought I was thinking!

So many paradoxes in twi--I thought I had found freedom in twi, only to be enslaved more than I ever had been before twi.

Many more thoughts along those lines, but I won't get going on them. I don't have enough time to post them all and I don't want to make my brain hurt right before bed or have anymore way-like dreams/nightmares.

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I took the bus trip too. It was almost a year after Dr. W. died. I had just been sent to HQ for the last block in the corps. I was about to graduate. The woman giving the tour publically showed doubt and criticism toward some of Dr. W.s claims. Some of the people were very upset and some just plain outright didn't know what was going on. It was no small stir. I think this person left HQ shortly afterwards.

Edited by gladtobeout
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  TheHighWay said:
Okay, here is the booklet they gave us. It has several maps listing important stops around VanWert, Payne, Spencerville, and New Knoxville, and lists some chronologies.

The file is a PDF, but you'll have to unzip it first... sorry, that's the only way I could get it small enough to post it.

To be honest, I haven't looked at this in years and I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the facts listed here are contradicted in other twi publications. It certainly wouldn't be the first time!

But at first glance my only thought is: What in the heck does this have to do with the Word of God???? This is all about one man and his history. Geez, why didn't I see this junk for what it was at the time? They even gave us space to take NOTES. I need to take notes on the house that Uncle Harry built? The school that Vic and his siblings attended? Good grief, Charlie Brown!!!


This is hilarious and brings back memories. Thanks for posting this. The quotes on the last page are so frickin' hilarious:

"Living history by men and women of God literally lifts the curtain and veil of revelation of who and what we really are and can do with Christ in us, the hope of glory".
What a hilarious attempt to be profound while saying nothing. We certainly have seen the history when the curtain and veil is lifted. It's the little man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Except he has a drinking and sex problem.
"We are like footprints in this moment of time, making the future as bright as the distance we walk now."

wtf??? It sounds like someone reading the "Footprints" poem while on magic mushrooms.

"What a tremendous impression upon the history of the moment you and I make when we walk with the greatness of God's Word in our life..."

What exactly is the 'history of the moment' ???? I mean, like, once you live a moment, then it's history. See, isn't that profound?

Actually, since he brought up the moment, more how I feel with the moment and TWI history is kind of like this:

Stuck in A Moment

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I went on the tour, also, and remember thinking what a waste of money to buy a house to house a few material things to look at when we were so heaven bent on the heavenly realm and living hand to mouth lifestyles. I remember the word "paradox" came to mind.

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