Wow 88. My brother was the one who organized that reunion. Did your wife end up going?
Some people got offended because the only purpose of the reunion was to hang out, reconnect, play golf, whatever. My brother got tons of grief from some he contacted about it because it wasn't "spiritual" or some other such nonsense. But he went, and I think they had about 75 people or so show up for it. He had a great time and played alot of golf. :)-->
I guess I should add, it was supposed a 10yr reunion, kinda like a high school reunion I guess.
I do I am sick of thepompous arrogant no life christians who think they are special because they can not fit in the general population God created.
Why not?
Because they do not know how to love one another that is why. some are so full of judgement towards anyone who isnt in the cult or heading towards the cult they forget loving all together.
With God I can do all things and I can sit next to a freaking heathen and know I am ok.
and still love. they have so much fear in life they are afraid of anyone who isnt a borg.
What if they cant keep the mind and slip up and think for a second they might want a joyous happy life that God inteneded them to have .
NO that that...
stay away .God may tempt me to worship Him in truth and Love... I may be jealous of seeing some Joy in life.
We were confronted more than once about being in contact with our ex-Way friends. John also had (and still has) some terrific ex-Way guys who work for him. That was a problem for our RC/LC as well.
One of the reasons listed in the letter we got when we got dropped from the Corps was "Hope keeps in contact with 'copped-out'? leadership". I asked what leader he'd heard I kept in touch with. His answer was that anyone who was former Corps was considered a "copped-out"? leader. I had kept in touch with an old friend who I went to HIGH SCHOOL with - I knew her before we were in TWI or the 6th Corps together. SHE was the person they accused me of communicating with! So silly - she'd left YEARS ago and didn't even let TWI cross her mind too often. Yet that was one of the reasons we were dropped from the Corps.
We actually were made to memorize verses that had to do with "have no fellowship with them" and of course "Mark those which cause divisions among you ... and avoid them."
Hope R. color>size>face>
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints - the sinners are much more fun... Billy Joel size>
do you know what kills me about the ones who think they are special?
they can sin and not think a dam thing about it because they are convinced they are far and above any other person on earth due to thier twi experiences......
Well we will see....
when I sin I ask for forgivness i do not take for granted it is because another one of Gods children made me do it..
talk about lack of controling your own mind or life.....
talk about inability to trust God not to metion anyone eles.
what a pathetic way to live the good life God granted you.
Unfortunately she had a conflict during the date of the reunion.
Jal had called us to personally invite us to the very first Momentous in New England. She decided to go to that instead.
I still had reservations about it and did not attend Momentous at that time.
Any chance of another Reunion????
Dot, g.o.o.d. o.n.e!!! Any chance you know M.V. ??? Maybe my wife Terre knows you!
P.S. after my wifes Momentous, she convinced me to take this class. Reluctantly I signed up for a class in Ohio since I was flying out on business it was easy for me to attend their.
On the last day of the class four of us who were taking the class took one of helpers running the class to lunch. One of these people was an ex wayfer. She asked me if I had spoken with anyone still in lately.
I told her the story of M.V. above, I said M.V. was a wow with my wife Terre in Austalia and in the 14th corps with her.
The girl almost started crying, I said what did I say? She said she was the other wow sis in Australia that year with M.V. and Terre and she had lost conact with them since she had been out for years.
Small ministry huh!!!
[This message was edited by Outin88! on February 12, 2003 at 10:25.]
[This message was edited by Outin88! on February 12, 2003 at 10:41.]
Hope, how could you NOT have those verses memorized that year? They were read in every single teaching. Sadly, they have kept up that little bit and each year the theme verse is so repeated that you just want to puke during the teachings.
Further isolation is exactly what the motive was. If you weren't in twi, you were an unbeliever.
I worked these verses the summer before leaving TWI.
They have nothing to do with not having contact with or friendships with "unbelievers". It was simply in reference to your thoughts. Do not tie your thoughts to theirs, do not become an "unbeliever" simply because they are, etc.
LCM's teaching on it was wrong. As always, he took it to an extreme, and yes, it was to further isolate us.
BTW, who decides who is and who is not an unbeliever? I would guess, even from a biblical perspective, most people are both. Most people have things they believe which are correct/truth and those which are not.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on February 13, 2003 at 5:27.]
[This message was edited by Abigail on February 13, 2003 at 5:30.]
But of course twi had to qualify "unbeliever" also when so many people pointed out the complete error in teaching that a believer who leaves twi becomes a heathen. Remember the old button in the glass example?
So we became "unbelieving believers".
Just like household became "functioning household"
TWI lives by these concepts that aren't even referred to in the BIble they claim to love and live by.
One of the results of that "Unequally Yoked" crap was that they started teaching that if you were not "doing the Word", you were causing your spouse to be "unequally yoked" to an "unbeliever".
Whenever a problem became manifest in a marriage, they would whisper that in the ear of the spouse that was perceived to be more loyal to TWI.
Another example of how, even if they didn't actually cause problems in peoples' marriages, they certainly made them worse.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Weakness brings down strength was the popular way to repeat it over and over and over and my area.
In TWI being unequally yoked really wasn't being yoked to a weaker "ox", it was being yoked to a stronger one. Being a good wayfer is just yoking yourself to another weak 'ox'.
Be careful little weak ox. Don't go sniffing other bull's sh!t. You might be lured away. Keep plowing and don't look back even when massa LCM whips you back in line.
I found TWI herd and I did eat sh!t.
Isn't that in Isaiah?
I heard this uneqully yoked BS a lot. I had "unbelieving" friends. Of course if they didn't decide to come to fellowship in the leadership's determined time, I was to ditch these friends like trash.
A couple of times I did try and cut back my time with them, but I did usually start hanging out with them more and more again. What was I to do? I didn't have an innie in my age group in our area and most folks were married anyway. I had a few single people my parents age that I could hang with.
What if I didn't want to hang with them all the time. Always talking about God and of course there was the unspoken rule that when ever you were out with another believer you should always try and witness (even more so than usual). (Maybe that wasn't 'unspoken').
What if I didn't really like them and didn't want to be around them more than a couple of hours twice a week?
Gawd, this "us and them" mentality makes me crazy. And, yes, it was prevalent in WayWorld (and to a greater or lessor degree in a multitude of religions/denominations) from the beginning.
Could it be anymore childish? Maybe instead of physically avoiding the unwashed heathen, you could just stop your ears and yell "la,la,la,la,.."
quote:A couple of times I did try and cut back my time with them, but I did usually start hanging out with them more and more again. What was I to do? I didn't have an innie in my age group in our area and most folks were married anyway. I had a few single people my parents age that I could hang with.
Lindy that is so sad. I feel for young adults when this happens. It is so sad especially during times like high school when it is so important to have a social life with people your own age.
TWI claims that your needs can be met in their beloved household. I say Bulls*it!! Look at how many single women there are (over-aged at that) because there are not enough single "believer" men for them to marry. The needs of people are not met in their beloved household!! It makes me mad, mad, mad!!!
It was sold to people interested in learning truths remember?
But actualy what I think happened was "friends and family members" became twi.
People began complaining about folks and lines were drawn on who liked who and who didnt like who .
those in control by that time had serious issues and didnt want to be questioned on their own personal life or when bold face lies and areas of doctrines were taught people didnt want to figure out a way to get out of the reality .
so they began this unbelieving believers stuff.
I remember that.
that is how I knew it turned into a cult really it was absolutely out of control like teenage girls in the potty wispering about the boys etc.
Elite few meant those who would do anything to keep the lies that time they had no will of a life outside of the way so it was turned into a them and us thing.
how can anyone doubt it was a cult?
I knew God loved everyone and wanted to save every creature.
but the way did not want to help that ideal they wanted it to be a inner circle of power and control.
By this time they had enough money to get rid of those that didnt agree.
I have seen many folks willing to allow others dictate to them in many areas of life, it is easier you know to not take the responsibility for your life , to never make a mistake without back up reason, that leaves you innocent and feeling worthy .
I see it al the time but I do not understand it.
i would rather die with amistake of my own than be hurting others and think I am ok and good.
twi taught me alot about humans nature and the need to be loved by God and others... and it isnt prety I say.
What I could never figure out was, why was it ok to be 'unequally yoked' in some instances and not others.
My ex had friends who were ex-twi and it was and still is perfectly ok for him to spend time with them. Yet it was totally unacceptable for me to.
The only answer I could come up with was his friends had been out for so long, none of the leadership even knew who they were, though they did know they were ex-twi. My friends, leadership knew.
Gee, this wouldn't have had anything to do with emotions, would it? Perhaps even hard feelings, anger, or even fear that the people I knew might say something negative, yet truthful, about the leadership?
Naw, that's just evil thinking. I better go renew my mind.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
if they were involved in way productions or had sucked up to leaders in some way it sure did .
that is why I was marked .
I told a truth with proof about some one in way productions and also friends with the LC, a personal experience that happened and he admited to me.
I was marked and avoided for it.
To even begin to admit it to the followers at that time would have been to many questions and farther disclosures so shut me up quick right now.
funny tho I didnt hate the guy I just wanted help for him and his problem, I didnt think that would happen to me or I would not have told at all.
Many did not afterwhat happened to me and the creeps had a free reign .
the worst part of all?
was the phone calls the endless phone calls from other people who knew what I knew and told me how sorry they were yet they couldn't/ wouldnt say it to anyone eles but ... you know I cried with them and truly understood why at the time.
those phone calls have eoched in my ears for twenty years .. try "renewing your mind to that!"
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with any who are not paying TWI: for what fellowship hath the paranoid with the sane? and what communion hath a cult with a church?
15 And what concord hath TWI with society? or what part hath he that that is has no life with those with no micro-management?
16 And what agreement hath the VPW Auditorium with anyone living outside of the 250 mile radius? for ye are the cash cow for the Way Ministry; as LCM and VPW hath said, I will milk them, and pork them; and I will be their Mog, and they shall be my recreation.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the TWI, and touch my unclean thing; and I will receive not just your tithes.
18 And will claim to father you, and ye shall be my dollars and cents, saith the Mog Almighty.
"What I could never figure out was, why was it ok to be 'unequally yoked' in some instances and not others."
Could it be that my own first hand experience in dealing with Religious Nazi's seems to have proven the fact, all too well, that one man's camel was just another man's gnat when came to the thou shalt?s and shalt not's of ministry edicts...
It must have been: When circumstances change, REVELATION CHANGES!!!!!
yeah that's it... they uh ...we're list-en-ing to God. Yeeeah, they were tuned in see? to the Big Guy Himself ... One day they were just minding their own business ... and then whooosh God just showed up and said, Hey their cool.
... and the leader was ... uh ... changed into just like Moses (but shorter) ... and he was suddenly in a desert, no less... and was sur-rounded by a ? millllllion Jews that wanted to fish.
and all of a sudden Goliath jumped out of this bush and stole the golden calf but then... a giant squash grew out of the ground ate Goliath up, ? just like that ...
and ... and .... uh that?s when the animals ... got on an ark? which was like a cruise ship for animals and all they crossed the sea...
Hmm, it's in the Bible isn't it? The Way meant "unbelievers" as anyone not in the Way really. It could also mean a so-called believer who wasn't strong. Really, I didn't like Way Believers reminding me of that. Some of my best relationships during my Way years were with unbelievers! (Who were usually brought up Christian, but didn't believe as adults) So, now what are we? We all believe in something. Ourselves, God, God within us, God in nature, God in Music and Art. That's another thing, a lot of Way believers put down Art, Music, Movies, etc. "Oh that is so off the Word!!" No kidding! I never stopped liking "old man" music, movies, etc, but during Way years would feel "guilty". Also felt guilty for liking "unbelievers". Sometimes even felt guilty for liking to hang out with my natural family. Yes, Way Leadership reproved me on a lot of really stupid things. I would get mad, but then feel "guilty". Oh well!!
twi taught a lot of things wrong. This is also covered in the PFAL errors thread. Apistia and apethia are both taught incorrectly.
twi is really good at twisting the scriptures to say what they want to say, they ignored research that showed the opposite. they are masters at double-speak.
Turns out you were smarter and more "christian" than any of your twi buddies. You didn't lose the tender heartedness that God wants us to have.
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Wow 88. My brother was the one who organized that reunion. Did your wife end up going?
Some people got offended because the only purpose of the reunion was to hang out, reconnect, play golf, whatever. My brother got tons of grief from some he contacted about it because it wasn't "spiritual" or some other such nonsense. But he went, and I think they had about 75 people or so show up for it. He had a great time and played alot of golf.
I guess I should add, it was supposed a 10yr reunion, kinda like a high school reunion I guess.
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o 88 I know how that goes
but now I prefer the company of unbelievers.
I do I am sick of thepompous arrogant no life christians who think they are special because they can not fit in the general population God created.
Why not?
Because they do not know how to love one another that is why. some are so full of judgement towards anyone who isnt in the cult or heading towards the cult they forget loving all together.
With God I can do all things and I can sit next to a freaking heathen and know I am ok.
and still love. they have so much fear in life they are afraid of anyone who isnt a borg.
What if they cant keep the mind and slip up and think for a second they might want a joyous happy life that God inteneded them to have .
NO that that...
stay away .God may tempt me to worship Him in truth and Love... I may be jealous of seeing some Joy in life.
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Dot Matrix
WOW 88
M.V. turned into a b. i. t.c. h.
Dot Matrix
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Hope R.
LCM used that verse in 2 Corinthians 6 to further isolate TWI's followers from not just non-Christians, but from anyone who left TWI.
He turned the last Rock of Ages into a class called "Living Sanctified". One of the sessions emphasized that verse. He also used another verse from that chapter that says "be ye separate". He also taught about "having no aggreement with idols" and talked about how it was INSANE for us to be yoked to people who refuse to believe God's Word. He included those who once stood on The Word of Truth© but who had turned their backs on it.
We were confronted more than once about being in contact with our ex-Way friends. John also had (and still has) some terrific ex-Way guys who work for him. That was a problem for our RC/LC as well.
One of the reasons listed in the letter we got when we got dropped from the Corps was "Hope keeps in contact with 'copped-out'? leadership". I asked what leader he'd heard I kept in touch with. His answer was that anyone who was former Corps was considered a "copped-out"? leader. I had kept in touch with an old friend who I went to HIGH SCHOOL with - I knew her before we were in TWI or the 6th Corps together. SHE was the person they accused me of communicating with! So silly - she'd left YEARS ago and didn't even let TWI cross her mind too often. Yet that was one of the reasons we were dropped from the Corps.
We actually were made to memorize verses that had to do with "have no fellowship with them" and of course "Mark those which cause divisions among you ... and avoid them."
Hope R. color>size>face>
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints - the sinners are much more fun... Billy Joel size>
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do you know what kills me about the ones who think they are special?
they can sin and not think a dam thing about it because they are convinced they are far and above any other person on earth due to thier twi experiences......
Well we will see....
when I sin I ask for forgivness i do not take for granted it is because another one of Gods children made me do it..
talk about lack of controling your own mind or life.....
talk about inability to trust God not to metion anyone eles.
what a pathetic way to live the good life God granted you.
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Hi Ex10,
Unfortunately she had a conflict during the date of the reunion.
Jal had called us to personally invite us to the very first Momentous in New England. She decided to go to that instead.
I still had reservations about it and did not attend Momentous at that time.
Any chance of another Reunion????
Dot, g.o.o.d. o.n.e!!! Any chance you know M.V. ??? Maybe my wife Terre knows you!
P.S. after my wifes Momentous, she convinced me to take this class. Reluctantly I signed up for a class in Ohio since I was flying out on business it was easy for me to attend their.
On the last day of the class four of us who were taking the class took one of helpers running the class to lunch. One of these people was an ex wayfer. She asked me if I had spoken with anyone still in lately.
I told her the story of M.V. above, I said M.V. was a wow with my wife Terre in Austalia and in the 14th corps with her.
The girl almost started crying, I said what did I say? She said she was the other wow sis in Australia that year with M.V. and Terre and she had lost conact with them since she had been out for years.
Small ministry huh!!!
[This message was edited by Outin88! on February 12, 2003 at 10:25.]
[This message was edited by Outin88! on February 12, 2003 at 10:41.]
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Hope, how could you NOT have those verses memorized that year? They were read in every single teaching. Sadly, they have kept up that little bit and each year the theme verse is so repeated that you just want to puke during the teachings.
Further isolation is exactly what the motive was. If you weren't in twi, you were an unbeliever.
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I worked these verses the summer before leaving TWI.
They have nothing to do with not having contact with or friendships with "unbelievers". It was simply in reference to your thoughts. Do not tie your thoughts to theirs, do not become an "unbeliever" simply because they are, etc.
LCM's teaching on it was wrong. As always, he took it to an extreme, and yes, it was to further isolate us.
BTW, who decides who is and who is not an unbeliever? I would guess, even from a biblical perspective, most people are both. Most people have things they believe which are correct/truth and those which are not.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
[This message was edited by Abigail on February 13, 2003 at 5:27.]
[This message was edited by Abigail on February 13, 2003 at 5:30.]
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But of course twi had to qualify "unbeliever" also when so many people pointed out the complete error in teaching that a believer who leaves twi becomes a heathen. Remember the old button in the glass example?
So we became "unbelieving believers".
Just like household became "functioning household"
TWI lives by these concepts that aren't even referred to in the BIble they claim to love and live by.
Fold TWI, Fold!
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One of the results of that "Unequally Yoked" crap was that they started teaching that if you were not "doing the Word", you were causing your spouse to be "unequally yoked" to an "unbeliever".
Whenever a problem became manifest in a marriage, they would whisper that in the ear of the spouse that was perceived to be more loyal to TWI.
Another example of how, even if they didn't actually cause problems in peoples' marriages, they certainly made them worse.
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Weakness brings down strength was the popular way to repeat it over and over and over and my area.
In TWI being unequally yoked really wasn't being yoked to a weaker "ox", it was being yoked to a stronger one. Being a good wayfer is just yoking yourself to another weak 'ox'.
Be careful little weak ox. Don't go sniffing other bull's sh!t. You might be lured away. Keep plowing and don't look back even when massa LCM whips you back in line.
I found TWI herd and I did eat sh!t.
Isn't that in Isaiah?
I heard this uneqully yoked BS a lot. I had "unbelieving" friends. Of course if they didn't decide to come to fellowship in the leadership's determined time, I was to ditch these friends like trash.
A couple of times I did try and cut back my time with them, but I did usually start hanging out with them more and more again. What was I to do? I didn't have an innie in my age group in our area and most folks were married anyway. I had a few single people my parents age that I could hang with.
What if I didn't want to hang with them all the time. Always talking about God and of course there was the unspoken rule that when ever you were out with another believer you should always try and witness (even more so than usual). (Maybe that wasn't 'unspoken').
What if I didn't really like them and didn't want to be around them more than a couple of hours twice a week?
I guess I just had to renew my mind.
Isn't that simple?!
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George Aar
Gawd, this "us and them" mentality makes me crazy. And, yes, it was prevalent in WayWorld (and to a greater or lessor degree in a multitude of religions/denominations) from the beginning.
Could it be anymore childish? Maybe instead of physically avoiding the unwashed heathen, you could just stop your ears and yell "la,la,la,la,.."
Makes about as much sense to me.
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Lindy that is so sad. I feel for young adults when this happens. It is so sad especially during times like high school when it is so important to have a social life with people your own age.
TWI claims that your needs can be met in their beloved household. I say Bulls*it!! Look at how many single women there are (over-aged at that) because there are not enough single "believer" men for them to marry. The needs of people are not met in their beloved household!! It makes me mad, mad, mad!!!
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I took pfal, because I was a "believer".
It was sold to people interested in learning truths remember?
But actualy what I think happened was "friends and family members" became twi.
People began complaining about folks and lines were drawn on who liked who and who didnt like who .
those in control by that time had serious issues and didnt want to be questioned on their own personal life or when bold face lies and areas of doctrines were taught people didnt want to figure out a way to get out of the reality .
so they began this unbelieving believers stuff.
I remember that.
that is how I knew it turned into a cult really it was absolutely out of control like teenage girls in the potty wispering about the boys etc.
Elite few meant those who would do anything to keep the lies that time they had no will of a life outside of the way so it was turned into a them and us thing.
how can anyone doubt it was a cult?
I knew God loved everyone and wanted to save every creature.
but the way did not want to help that ideal they wanted it to be a inner circle of power and control.
By this time they had enough money to get rid of those that didnt agree.
I have seen many folks willing to allow others dictate to them in many areas of life, it is easier you know to not take the responsibility for your life , to never make a mistake without back up reason, that leaves you innocent and feeling worthy .
I see it al the time but I do not understand it.
i would rather die with amistake of my own than be hurting others and think I am ok and good.
twi taught me alot about humans nature and the need to be loved by God and others... and it isnt prety I say.
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What I could never figure out was, why was it ok to be 'unequally yoked' in some instances and not others.
My ex had friends who were ex-twi and it was and still is perfectly ok for him to spend time with them. Yet it was totally unacceptable for me to.
The only answer I could come up with was his friends had been out for so long, none of the leadership even knew who they were, though they did know they were ex-twi. My friends, leadership knew.
Gee, this wouldn't have had anything to do with emotions, would it? Perhaps even hard feelings, anger, or even fear that the people I knew might say something negative, yet truthful, about the leadership?
Naw, that's just evil thinking. I better go renew my mind.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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if they were involved in way productions or had sucked up to leaders in some way it sure did .
that is why I was marked .
I told a truth with proof about some one in way productions and also friends with the LC, a personal experience that happened and he admited to me.
I was marked and avoided for it.
To even begin to admit it to the followers at that time would have been to many questions and farther disclosures so shut me up quick right now.
funny tho I didnt hate the guy I just wanted help for him and his problem, I didnt think that would happen to me or I would not have told at all.
Many did not afterwhat happened to me and the creeps had a free reign .
the worst part of all?
was the phone calls the endless phone calls from other people who knew what I knew and told me how sorry they were yet they couldn't/ wouldnt say it to anyone eles but ... you know I cried with them and truly understood why at the time.
those phone calls have eoched in my ears for twenty years .. try "renewing your mind to that!"
it was a cult.
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That verse -- the most twisted of all by TWI...tore more families apart than any other verse TWI could have used on us.!!!
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14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with any who are not paying TWI: for what fellowship hath the paranoid with the sane? and what communion hath a cult with a church?
15 And what concord hath TWI with society? or what part hath he that that is has no life with those with no micro-management?
16 And what agreement hath the VPW Auditorium with anyone living outside of the 250 mile radius? for ye are the cash cow for the Way Ministry; as LCM and VPW hath said, I will milk them, and pork them; and I will be their Mog, and they shall be my recreation.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the TWI, and touch my unclean thing; and I will receive not just your tithes.
18 And will claim to father you, and ye shall be my dollars and cents, saith the Mog Almighty.
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amen and amen
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Abby posed this great observation...
"What I could never figure out was, why was it ok to be 'unequally yoked' in some instances and not others."
Could it be that my own first hand experience in dealing with Religious Nazi's seems to have proven the fact, all too well, that one man's camel was just another man's gnat when came to the thou shalt?s and shalt not's of ministry edicts...
It must have been: When circumstances change, REVELATION CHANGES!!!!!
yeah that's it... they uh ...we're list-en-ing to God. Yeeeah, they were tuned in see? to the Big Guy Himself ... One day they were just minding their own business ... and then whooosh God just showed up and said, Hey their cool.
... and the leader was ... uh ... changed into just like Moses (but shorter) ... and he was suddenly in a desert, no less... and was sur-rounded by a ? millllllion Jews that wanted to fish.
and all of a sudden Goliath jumped out of this bush and stole the golden calf but then... a giant squash grew out of the ground ate Goliath up, ? just like that ...
and ... and .... uh that?s when the animals ... got on an ark? which was like a cruise ship for animals and all they crossed the sea...
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Hmm, it's in the Bible isn't it? The Way meant "unbelievers" as anyone not in the Way really. It could also mean a so-called believer who wasn't strong. Really, I didn't like Way Believers reminding me of that. Some of my best relationships during my Way years were with unbelievers! (Who were usually brought up Christian, but didn't believe as adults) So, now what are we? We all believe in something. Ourselves, God, God within us, God in nature, God in Music and Art. That's another thing, a lot of Way believers put down Art, Music, Movies, etc. "Oh that is so off the Word!!" No kidding! I never stopped liking "old man" music, movies, etc, but during Way years would feel "guilty". Also felt guilty for liking "unbelievers". Sometimes even felt guilty for liking to hang out with my natural family. Yes, Way Leadership reproved me on a lot of really stupid things. I would get mad, but then feel "guilty". Oh well!!
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twi taught a lot of things wrong. This is also covered in the PFAL errors thread. Apistia and apethia are both taught incorrectly.
twi is really good at twisting the scriptures to say what they want to say, they ignored research that showed the opposite. they are masters at double-speak.
Turns out you were smarter and more "christian" than any of your twi buddies. You didn't lose the tender heartedness that God wants us to have.
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