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What about Schoenheit??

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hi now i see!

after i left twi, i did quite a bit of church-hopping...

but not before i first checked out the various offshoots: ces, cff, geer, and one other offshoot that i don't remember the name of... the people seemed nice enough (on a surface level anyway), but the meetings were deader than dead... they might as well have held them in a mausoleum... they were full of empty, meaningless ritual... and blatant idolatry!.. in one rather large house, a whole room had been set up to honor and memorialize vpw (and that's where they held the "fellowships")... it really creeped me out... there were statues of vpw, paintings of vpw, and numerous other vpw artifacts that lined the wall-to-wall bookshelves and decorated the room... the meetings followed the twi format, the teachings were worthless, and God was absent!... all i found was ritualized idolatry in these "offshoots"...

you are quite accurate in your assessment that they are "blind"...



Edited by jen-o
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among the most disturbing things john s. said to me during our last conversation, was the following:........." i remember one time, on the motorcoach with doctor

I wonder.. does j.s. STILL call the vicster "doctor"??

I thought he respected academic honesty just a little more than that..

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JS is not arrogant in a pompous or in-your-face sort of way. He does believe with all his heart that he has a better understanding of scripture than any person on the planet. To drive that point home, his ongoing project is a rewrite of the Bible. I find that amazingly arrogant, but that's just me. His arrogance manifests itself in other ways.

Several years ago, a finance committee was formed to study CES's financial processes and help CES conform better to 501© criteria. More than 18 months after the committee brought its findings to the board, not one suggestion had been implemented. Several people were perturbed about this, including JS's own sister - a member of the committee. JS spoke to me about how sad it was that all these people had "turned" on them. In order to gain a better understanding of the whole thing, I asked for a list of the proposed changes. None of the recommendations seemed particularly difficult. So my question was why hadn't the recommendations been implemented? The answer was that "we haven't gotten around to it, yet." I told him that was why the committee had "turned." Busy people do not like having their time wasted and that's exactly what the board did. He seemed oblivious to the fact that CES had wasted all of these people's time. I believe disrespecting other people's time is a sign of arrogance.

He has (had) this belief that certain people's role in life is to meet his every need so that he can be free to do God's work. When he articulated this notion to me, I just looked at him with utter amazement. I told him that as a woman, I felt he should reexamine that belief. To me, that is a very arrogant belief.

Since my "release" as a consultant, JS has not contacted me once. Not once. Years of intimate conversations, me going out of my way for him on numerous occasions, and not one word from him. I think dismissing someone from your life after that person has served a purpose and is no longer needed is arrogant (among other things).

This is just me and my opinion based on my experience. YMMV.

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2 Timothy 4:4

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

The verse before it applies too.

vs 3:

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;"

I think he is a legend in his own mind, too bad, he did have a chance to step away and see cleary, too bad he didn't follow through, woe unto him and to all who follow him, it is very sad indeed.

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  excathedra said:

ps. and i'm thinking of adding this to the clergy thread(s)

any leader or higher-up or rev. or butcher baker candlestick maker who didn't start a jerkoffshoot is okay in my book

Hi Excie et Bonsoir from here in beautiful Bretagne! I was just wondering if you would have liked any of these "jerkoffs" better if they had become "used car" salesman?? :biglaugh:

Don't forget bumpy over here, suffering with the Moules ce soir!!

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  excathedra said:
ps. good evening to you too

but babel fish only gave me "moulds this evening" on your last comment

what does that mean ?

Mussels Mariniere, that's when you cook them with mary, wine and joseph, talk them to death with more wine, garlic, herbs de Provence, onion, more wine, thyme, parsley and sage but not in that order and some rosemary, leaving out the baybe but with a bayleaf, and I think...that's about it! Maybe a little salt? Bump

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  jen-o said:
monsieur le bump, quelle heure est-il en bretagne?



It's L A T E R THAN YOU THINK!! :biglaugh: Grandmother's House is on the ocean and it's raining. The lights are flickering so we keep candles burning in the windows...waiting, waiting for the hour when the stairwell doors are shuttered. OMG...I know it's coming, the cat has just knocked over a bottle of rouge, damn I hate house cats! :evildenk:

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  jen-o said:
c'est tres amusant, monsieur le bump...

now what are you really doing in france?

During the day, I am a u s e d car salesman! At night, I keep the doors locked, open the bible and tear out verses I wish to share. Then I mail them to chris le guerre, hoping he will publish them in his up-coming pop novel on how revelation brought him to bumpy in copenhagen in the early 80's when we enjoyed a johnny winter concert together.

Those were the days! <_<

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During the day, I am a u s e d car salesman! At night, I keep the doors locked, open the bible and tear out verses I wish to share. Then I mail them to chris le guerre, hoping he will publish them in his up-coming pop novel on how revelation brought him to bumpy in copenhagen in the early 80's when we enjoyed a johnny winter concert together.

Those were the days!

merveilleux !!!!!!

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  copenhagen said:

did u say copenhagen?

I will have a big pinch.


...aaah Copenhagen...Bumpy is about 28 and life is good, Tivoli is open and the streets of the old town are at my backdoor! Had a good job, a couple of great apartments and the cult has a few members with not a lot of outside pressure in ca.'82.

But that's because there's nobody but me, a completely crazed young ex-pat, appointed by VP at roa "SturmbahnFuhrer" for the 5th column entering Scandinavia is at za Kontolls!

(Meanwhile, back at the ranch, everyone is high on the research depts. latest report. And kool aid is frying the brains of those young little minds...and pretty little girls.)


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  Shellon said:
Oh damn. Will be praying for him and his family

For those who care-Sam was shot in the head in Afghanistan and is fighting for his life. He's previously done 2 tours of duty in Iraq and is a marine Re-con. His unit was ambushed last Wed./Thurs. There is a website for updates:




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  cinderpelt said:
For those who care-Sam was shot in the head in Afghanistan and is fighting for his life. He's previously done 2 tours of duty in Iraq and is a marine Re-con. His unit was ambushed last Wed./Thurs. There is a website for updates:




Please keep in mind that Sam was where he was when he took the bullet to defend your right to sit at your computer and say whatever you want, on whatever forum you want.


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