I found a phone number which I believe to be his. The voicemail says "Craig Martindale" just they way we've heard him say it for so many years. Of course, I cannot post that number without being in violation of the rules of this board. I've never called him because I don't know what I would say. So far, it always goes to voicemail. Maybe I will call him and ask him if he heard the latest interview with RD on GSC and how we've heard the REAL story about the so-called fog.
this MAN, not a god, just a man ,HURT so many people,abused his power,committed adultry,lied,decieved,developed an enormos EGO, and ran lots of people off for absolutly no reason. martindale wanted a CLEAN and PURE household (even though he was committing adultry and himself impure!!!)and ran off people that were dealing with problems in there life needed help from others and that had a ginuine desire desire to know GOD!!!this man reaped what he sowed!!!!he along with the Lallys ruined so many lives that whatever life brings them are there consequences!!!! i started fellowshipping in 1980,was KICKED out in 1998 because i had a fear,and was also overcoming another challenge in my life. the bastard branch guy that kicked me out quit shortly afterwards and to this day is not around, of corse he got his orders from martindale!!!! i had weakness and lcm didnt want anyone with weakness!!! well **** martindale and the lallys!!! i came back in 2001 ,lived with leadership( the most loving ,caring, willing to help me people i'v ever known). they helped me overcome my problems.they told me i never should have kicked out.they informed me that ALL the bad leadership had ben weeded out and no bad leaders would ever be allowed again. people have to speek up if there is a bad leader so they can be delt with.in peter it says there SHALL be false teachers that shall come in among you,you have to get rid of them!!!! i went way disciple 2003-2004 and had a great time!!! i was also a wow twice 81-82 & 83-84.this ministry has come a long way the last 7 years and i plan on staying and i and the rest will guard against evil creeping in!!! i am here to research,learn, fellowship,and help others with GODS WORD!!! GOD bless you all
I'm glad you enjoy fellowshipping with The Way. I left in 2002 when I lived in San Diego. My opinion of the leaders and the ministry is different that yours, yet you say the last 7 years have been blissful in The Way. Those last 2 years were just as bad as the previous 15 for me. Maybe the first couple of years weren't that bad, or I wouldn't have become so brainwashed. I couldn't bear getting up in front of people to tell them how blessed I was to be in The Way for 20 years, so I left just short
What point are you trying to make? Are you trying to talk someone back in to the ministry? I'll rather drink gasoline than go back.
I'm enjoying life without TWI. I like it that way. I'll NEVER go back.
do they know that you participate on this website?
yeah and they dont care and it wouldnt mater anyway no one tells me how to live my life!!!! this is a TOTALLY different ministry. no more lcm dictating peolples lives , and even than i cannot understand why people would allow someone else to tell them how to live. i got kicked out about 1998 and after lcm was gone i came back. this ministry has changed so much the past 7 years you could even call it by a different thats how much different it is . i lived with leadership for about a year from 02-03 and then went way disciple . i had ben a wow twice 81-82 and 83-84. when you have bad leadership bad things happen, when you have great leadership great things happen. same goes for your job, good boss good things bad boss bad things. we will never ever allow bad leaders in twi again, it took a while to weed them out but they are gone. i know a lot of people were hurt, and screwed over including me, but those days are long gone. loving ,caring how can we help you leaders and people in the ministry. in the book of peter it warns of false ministers that shall come in among you so you gotta be watchful and nip them in the bud ,keep them out.
I'm glad you enjoy fellowshipping with The Way. I left in 2002 when I lived in San Diego. My opinion of the leaders and the ministry is different that yours, yet you say the last 7 years have been blissful in The Way. Those last 2 years were just as bad as the previous 15 for me. Maybe the first couple of years weren't that bad, or I wouldn't have become so brainwashed. I couldn't bear getting up in front of people to tell them how blessed I was to be in The Way for 20 years, so I left just short
What point are you trying to make? Are you trying to talk someone back in to the ministry? I'll rather drink gasoline than go back.
I'm enjoying life without TWI. I like it that way. I'll NEVER go back.
i'm not trying to talk anyone back , furthermore if you have to talk someone into doing something your trying to convince them against their will. my point is the reason i go to fellowship is for the word of GOD that is taught and if thats brainwashing me so be it cause there is nothing greater than knowing what the deal with life is and how to get the most out of it. GODS word is not for everyone and neither is twi. watching the garbage on tv is not for me either. its a great thing to know what the deal is when it comes to things like eternal life, where did we come from,why am i here , what about global warming, i need prayers answered,etc. the roman catholic church i grew up in never had answers,just sin - condemnation-hell fire -and GOD was waiting to beat me over the head. i quit going and prayed to GOD to meet someone or group that would teach me the truth about HIM, and a few weeks later i was witnessed to , that was 1980 . talk about getting peace on the inside and many questions answered. there aint no other group that teaches as much of the word as twi does. there are those that teach accuratly but not to this extent. at one time there wasnt a twig close to me so i went to an independant fellowship run by a former way coordinator. it just wasnt the same. you have to do what you want to do and i'll do what i want to do . free will, and a free country to do it in at least free for now. ther are those who would like to take the freedom that we have in this country away and put us under iron hand rule.well we wont let that happen. i wish you the best ,GOD bless
This picture proves it all. They were there for the "good" and the BAD. Guess what??? all three are still there (at HQ) and in higher power .
I wouldn't go as far as saying that all the "bad" leaders have been "weeded" out. I can personally name off hand at least 10 leaders at HQ alone that could be and should categorized as a "bad leader" or worse. Not just from personal experiences but personal dealings with my family as well. This is coming from a person who has lived there within the very recent past. I'm sure this is common knowledge I just figured this pic I found on here may prove something.
That is humorous. Well not really. Sounds like the same old spin. LCM was "weeded out" by certain lawsuits going public. After many people started leaving because of this he was demoted and then finally given the boot. You look at the big picture it all looked so much like damage control.
Who were the other leaders that were "weeded out." There have been quite a few leaders from the Lichts to the Lallys to the Panerellos to the Mosquitas who may be considered bad leaders by some, but they were not bad my TWI's standards because they were not kicked out. They left on their own. No weeding... just leaving. So now even TWI says they were "bad leaders?" Sounds like their label of every other person who ever left TWI or for that matter anyone who was kicked out for petty reasons.
Good luck with the "greatest ministry out there." I hope the next leader who goes a little nutty and power hungry is noticed a little earlier than all those spiritual leaders did the first time around... for your sake and for the rest of those still in TWI.
I found a phone number which I believe to be his. The voicemail says "Craig Martindale" just they way we've heard him say it for so many years. Of course, I cannot post that number without being in violation of the rules of this board. I've never called him because I don't know what I would say. So far, it always goes to voicemail. Maybe I will call him and ask him if he heard the latest interview with RD on GSC and how we've heard the REAL story about the so-called fog.
Perhaps you're just reflecting, and not seriously pondering doing that. I hope.
Regardless of his personal problems, crimes and/or sins, you would be well advised to NOT harass him. Since he's not had his rights taken away from him, to harass him (call him to confront, to any degree) would likely be, besides contrary to good sense, also subject to prosecution.
And I'm not advocating treating LCM as anyone due any special honor. Instead, just concerned that no one gets the idea from this thread to commit any illegal/harmful actions that could get themselves in trouble (not to mention if they were to say they got the idea from GSC).
SHiftthis, all the bad leaders we dealt with at the time of my family's escape from TWI are still IN and still hold the same leadership positions, just in different regions. With communication discouraged about 'negatives', I'm sure the people they now work with don't have a clue.
Maybe they have had a few fangs pulled because if they throw away many more people they won't be able to be on salary or be a limb coord etc. So they are forced to play nice to keep their position.
I would not trust 'em with my life, decisions, family-- nope, not anything.
Sounds like TWI rosy version of the truth, to me, making them look like the heros. I don't believe it.
Coolchef, If he shows up over here I have my boys watching the ports! But what about if he's incognito? Who might he be impersonating? Does he hangout in oyster bars witnessing with (Ggeeer!) building a new Euro Splinter Group? Maybe they've united forces and FORMED a Brave New, "Word Over the World", Strategy??
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Seth R.
LOL I couldn't resist.
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This is the most recent stuff I could find, its really interesting.....http://www.greasespotcafe.com/main2/news/l...004---2006.html
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Kit Sober
He kicked me out of twi, for which I am forever grateful. Without that action on his part I may still be there.
I pray for him, as I do for anyone who needs prayer.
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I found a phone number which I believe to be his. The voicemail says "Craig Martindale" just they way we've heard him say it for so many years. Of course, I cannot post that number without being in violation of the rules of this board. I've never called him because I don't know what I would say. So far, it always goes to voicemail. Maybe I will call him and ask him if he heard the latest interview with RD on GSC and how we've heard the REAL story about the so-called fog.
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this MAN, not a god, just a man ,HURT so many people,abused his power,committed adultry,lied,decieved,developed an enormos EGO, and ran lots of people off for absolutly no reason. martindale wanted a CLEAN and PURE household (even though he was committing adultry and himself impure!!!)and ran off people that were dealing with problems in there life needed help from others and that had a ginuine desire desire to know GOD!!!this man reaped what he sowed!!!!he along with the Lallys ruined so many lives that whatever life brings them are there consequences!!!! i started fellowshipping in 1980,was KICKED out in 1998 because i had a fear,and was also overcoming another challenge in my life. the bastard branch guy that kicked me out quit shortly afterwards and to this day is not around, of corse he got his orders from martindale!!!! i had weakness and lcm didnt want anyone with weakness!!! well **** martindale and the lallys!!! i came back in 2001 ,lived with leadership( the most loving ,caring, willing to help me people i'v ever known). they helped me overcome my problems.they told me i never should have kicked out.they informed me that ALL the bad leadership had ben weeded out and no bad leaders would ever be allowed again. people have to speek up if there is a bad leader so they can be delt with.in peter it says there SHALL be false teachers that shall come in among you,you have to get rid of them!!!! i went way disciple 2003-2004 and had a great time!!! i was also a wow twice 81-82 & 83-84.this ministry has come a long way the last 7 years and i plan on staying and i and the rest will guard against evil creeping in!!! i am here to research,learn, fellowship,and help others with GODS WORD!!! GOD bless you all
Edited by ModDoglanguage
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dear shiftthis,
do they know that you participate on this website?
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I'm glad you enjoy fellowshipping with The Way. I left in 2002 when I lived in San Diego. My opinion of the leaders and the ministry is different that yours, yet you say the last 7 years have been blissful in The Way. Those last 2 years were just as bad as the previous 15 for me. Maybe the first couple of years weren't that bad, or I wouldn't have become so brainwashed. I couldn't bear getting up in front of people to tell them how blessed I was to be in The Way for 20 years, so I left just short
What point are you trying to make? Are you trying to talk someone back in to the ministry? I'll rather drink gasoline than go back.
I'm enjoying life without TWI. I like it that way. I'll NEVER go back.
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yeah and they dont care and it wouldnt mater anyway no one tells me how to live my life!!!! this is a TOTALLY different ministry. no more lcm dictating peolples lives , and even than i cannot understand why people would allow someone else to tell them how to live. i got kicked out about 1998 and after lcm was gone i came back. this ministry has changed so much the past 7 years you could even call it by a different thats how much different it is . i lived with leadership for about a year from 02-03 and then went way disciple . i had ben a wow twice 81-82 and 83-84. when you have bad leadership bad things happen, when you have great leadership great things happen. same goes for your job, good boss good things bad boss bad things. we will never ever allow bad leaders in twi again, it took a while to weed them out but they are gone. i know a lot of people were hurt, and screwed over including me, but those days are long gone. loving ,caring how can we help you leaders and people in the ministry. in the book of peter it warns of false ministers that shall come in among you so you gotta be watchful and nip them in the bud ,keep them out.
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i'm not trying to talk anyone back , furthermore if you have to talk someone into doing something your trying to convince them against their will. my point is the reason i go to fellowship is for the word of GOD that is taught and if thats brainwashing me so be it cause there is nothing greater than knowing what the deal with life is and how to get the most out of it. GODS word is not for everyone and neither is twi. watching the garbage on tv is not for me either. its a great thing to know what the deal is when it comes to things like eternal life, where did we come from,why am i here , what about global warming, i need prayers answered,etc. the roman catholic church i grew up in never had answers,just sin - condemnation-hell fire -and GOD was waiting to beat me over the head. i quit going and prayed to GOD to meet someone or group that would teach me the truth about HIM, and a few weeks later i was witnessed to , that was 1980 . talk about getting peace on the inside and many questions answered. there aint no other group that teaches as much of the word as twi does. there are those that teach accuratly but not to this extent. at one time there wasnt a twig close to me so i went to an independant fellowship run by a former way coordinator. it just wasnt the same. you have to do what you want to do and i'll do what i want to do . free will, and a free country to do it in at least free for now. ther are those who would like to take the freedom that we have in this country away and put us under iron hand rule.well we wont let that happen. i wish you the best ,GOD bless
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Hmmmm. That's an expensive drink (these days)! ;)
But the Kool-Aid offered at *headquarters* will cost more in the long run.
Too many here can attest to that fact, eh?
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And (if I may ---), I'm glad you're happy where you are Shiftthis.
I hope it works out for you, seriously --- I do.
I was the same way as you are (now) at one time.
The veneer of the *ministry* wore thin after a while, and became transparant.
What I saw --- I didn't like. But perhaps the veneer isn't so transparant these days.
Follow your heart. It may lead you right, it may lead you wrong;
but you'll be excercising freedom of will.
I could say more --- but I'll shut up here.
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Ron G.
Hey shiftthis and all the other Simpering Sophist Sycophants of the Way,
Is Rosie still there?
Oh yeah?
Well, bud...your assertion that "all the bad leaders were driven out" just crumbled to dust (to coin a new phrase no one here has ever heard before).
Sorry bud, but it just don't wash.
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Sorry shiftthis,
This picture proves it all. They were there for the "good" and the BAD. Guess what??? all three are still there (at HQ) and in higher power
I wouldn't go as far as saying that all the "bad" leaders have been "weeded" out. I can personally name off hand at least 10 leaders at HQ alone that could be and should categorized as a "bad leader" or worse. Not just from personal experiences but personal dealings with my family as well. This is coming from a person who has lived there within the very recent past. I'm sure this is common knowledge I just figured this pic I found on here may prove something.
Edited by LoftyLink to comment
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That is humorous. Well not really. Sounds like the same old spin. LCM was "weeded out" by certain lawsuits going public. After many people started leaving because of this he was demoted and then finally given the boot. You look at the big picture it all looked so much like damage control.
Who were the other leaders that were "weeded out." There have been quite a few leaders from the Lichts to the Lallys to the Panerellos to the Mosquitas who may be considered bad leaders by some, but they were not bad my TWI's standards because they were not kicked out. They left on their own. No weeding... just leaving. So now even TWI says they were "bad leaders?" Sounds like their label of every other person who ever left TWI or for that matter anyone who was kicked out for petty reasons.
Good luck with the "greatest ministry out there." I hope the next leader who goes a little nutty and power hungry is noticed a little earlier than all those spiritual leaders did the first time around... for your sake and for the rest of those still in TWI.
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Perhaps you're just reflecting, and not seriously pondering doing that. I hope.
Regardless of his personal problems, crimes and/or sins, you would be well advised to NOT harass him. Since he's not had his rights taken away from him, to harass him (call him to confront, to any degree) would likely be, besides contrary to good sense, also subject to prosecution.
And I'm not advocating treating LCM as anyone due any special honor. Instead, just concerned that no one gets the idea from this thread to commit any illegal/harmful actions that could get themselves in trouble (not to mention if they were to say they got the idea from GSC).
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SHiftthis, all the bad leaders we dealt with at the time of my family's escape from TWI are still IN and still hold the same leadership positions, just in different regions. With communication discouraged about 'negatives', I'm sure the people they now work with don't have a clue.
Maybe they have had a few fangs pulled because if they throw away many more people they won't be able to be on salary or be a limb coord etc. So they are forced to play nice to keep their position.
I would not trust 'em with my life, decisions, family-- nope, not anything.
Sounds like TWI rosy version of the truth, to me, making them look like the heros. I don't believe it.
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I wouldn't trust them as far as changing my cats litter box..
Oh yes, the la**ies, li*hts.. maybe that WAS the spin they put on it.. "we got's rids of the bad people's.."
anybody know, or hear the spin twi put on it?
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Coolchef, If he shows up over here I have my boys watching the ports! But what about if he's incognito? Who might he be impersonating? Does he hangout in oyster bars witnessing with (Ggeeer!) building a new Euro Splinter Group? Maybe they've united forces and FORMED a Brave New, "Word Over the World", Strategy??
OMG, this could be the beginning of THE END!
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George Aar
Anyone else notice that WayWorld apologist du jour "Shift this" has seemed to have disappeared?
One wonders if that new, kinder, gentler Way that he was describing has taken to re-educating him?
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