...this thread is about giving very roundabout descriptions of movies. For example, the first post in this thread gave this description: "Girl travels to a foreign country, kills the first woman she meets, partners with 3 total strangers to kill again" The movie referred to was "The Wizard of Oz." Get it? It's actually kind of hard to give clues to movies this way! At any rate, giving a line from a movie is suited to the "Name that Flick" thread, rather than this one.
Please, play any or all of the game threads; just follow the rules.
A trained assassin tries to forget his past, starts new and takes a job and falls in love, then loses that love, finds that the only thing that matters was that love and goes about taking everyone's life who had helped take that love from him.
A trained assassin tries to forget his past, starts new and takes a job and falls in love, then loses that love, finds that the only thing that matters was that love and goes about taking everyone's life who had helped take that love from him.
This is a good one. It actually has the description that could fit many flicks of their genre. Does anyone need more clues to solve this?
Nothing wrong with using new movies,BTW. They just have to be well-viewed enough for people to figure out your clues. Older movies usually have been seen by more people.
It's just a tough thread to post clues in. One could give a straight plot synopis for a movie, but that's not the point. And if you can be clever enough to give a twisted plot synopsis, the movie has to be well-known enough to be recognized from the clue.
Man took a trip on the civilization ride. With each ride Man's on, he discovers technological advancements beyond anything that anyone else before him has realized. When the ride that Man is on ends, he finds that the ride was predestined to fail.
You know I looked at my clue I posted to this thread and I thought if "I didn't know" what movie I got this from, there was no way that I could begin to make a guess from that encryption. So, I thought I'd give it another go.
Man takes an epic journey from the dawn of civilization. Along the way Man takes giant steps with technology and advances beyond all he can see and know. Man is a mouse being played in the maze we call life.
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That guess was hardly "wild".
It IS "Taxi Driver."
Travis suddenly begins focusing his life when he prepares to do
violence- working out, buying guns, fashioning a custom
holster, looking tough in the mirror
("You talking to me?...."),
then tries to shoot the Governor/Presidential candidate.
He fails.
Meanwhile, he's been trying to get Jodi Foster's
character to give up prostitution. When he sees her pimp
victimizing her, he gets her out of there by shooting up the
place-and shooting all the criminals. He becomes reported
as a hero for rescuing that young girl from criminals.
it's soul searcher's turn.
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soul searcher
Here's a quote:
"Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"
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soul searcher
Okay, I'll add some context:
Local sheriff pursues a psychopathic hit-man who is pursuing a retired veteran who took took satchel of money.
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Human without the bean
No Country for old men
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soul searcher
Human's got it.
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Human without the bean
Here's the clue
A trained assassin tries to forget his past, starts new and takes a job and falls in love, then loses that love, finds that the only thing that matters was that love and goes about taking everyone's life who had helped take that love from him.
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Human without the bean
This is a good one. It actually has the description that could fit many flicks of their genre. Does anyone need more clues to solve this?
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Since no one has guessed, I would say, yes.
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Human without the bean
I need a day to come up with something. It's like you said George this game is especially hard on the clue giver.
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Human without the bean
A one man army takes on a cartel and sacrifices his own life in exchange for another's!
Best I can do. :unsure:
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Human without the bean
Try the 21st century. :o I know it's a stretch, but try to picture this flick in modern times!
Not dissing this thread. Just think we should try to evolve from the 70's, 80', and 90's eras.
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"Terminator: Salvation"?
Nothing wrong with using new movies,BTW. They just have to be well-viewed enough for people to figure out your clues. Older movies usually have been seen by more people.
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Human without the bean
Nope. Not it. Movie has become quite popular and plays on cable networks now.
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Human without the bean
I think I'll give it up. Maybe its not that well known among some fans.
MAN ON FIRE Denzel Washington Dakota Fanning
Free Post.
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I've heard of it, but I doubt I've seen it.
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Human without the bean
Anyone? It's open to a free post.
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Human without the bean
Wow this thread's been dead for nearly six months.
I need to think about this.
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It's just a tough thread to post clues in. One could give a straight plot synopis for a movie, but that's not the point. And if you can be clever enough to give a twisted plot synopsis, the movie has to be well-known enough to be recognized from the clue.
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Human without the bean
I think I have one.
Man took a trip on the civilization ride. With each ride Man's on, he discovers technological advancements beyond anything that anyone else before him has realized. When the ride that Man is on ends, he finds that the ride was predestined to fail.
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The Time Machine?
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Human without the bean
Good guess. But no.
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Human without the bean
You know I looked at my clue I posted to this thread and I thought if "I didn't know" what movie I got this from, there was no way that I could begin to make a guess from that encryption. So, I thought I'd give it another go.
Man takes an epic journey from the dawn of civilization. Along the way Man takes giant steps with technology and advances beyond all he can see and know. Man is a mouse being played in the maze we call life.
That's better. Give that a shot.
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