I can't answer it without getting into another brawl about the individuals involved in a situation being responsible for their own actions no matter who they might be, so I just thought it'd be better left alone. You can think what you will, but I'm not answering any more of your questions so don't bother asking.
Repeat after me.
There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. .... Ad nauseum
I can't answer it without getting into another brawl about the individuals involved in a situation being responsible for their own actions no matter who they might be, so I just thought it'd be better left alone. You can think what you will, but I'm not answering any more of your questions so don't bother asking.
Gutless. Totally gutless!
I notice how you focus exclusively on whatever (small) portion of responsibility that Wierwille's victims may have had, may have had, mind you. To the exclusion of any responsibility of the Vickster (or as little responsibility that you can get away with placing on him).
Is what Wierwille taught in PFAL really worthy of these kinda of tactics, Oldies? Whatever it takes to prop up and defend/make excuses for his reputation, and as a result, PFAL's? ... Ie., would PFAL's validity (such that it is) really go down in flames (leaving you with nothing worth believing in), if you discarded VPW and his reputation like the trash that it is?
Doesn't say much for the "integrity of God's Word" as taught by PFAL if that is indeed the case now, ... does it?
I hadn't thought of Gary Dunhoff in many years, I knew both he and John. John and Fran, since we were all teenagers in Alameda, Ca. Gary was a great guy, and didn't do anything that day to deserve to die. Neither did John. That accident was terrible, horrible in what happened. John did struggle with it, understandably, there's no way a person wouldn't. A million what-if's, how-comes and hurtful remembrances later, it could still be very hard to handle. At some level you have to come to grips with it, and to do so requires a lot of help, if you can get it.
I suspect looking back that VPW's response to it was a way of distancing himself from it, and any responsibility for it that might be reflected back on him or the Way International. It was "safer" for him to blame them and John than to love him and help him deal with it.
That's all you can do under those circumstances - try to love, get through one day and then the next and hopefully get them adding up so somewhere down the line you can not feel bad for even breathing, and realize you're still alive and not lost in darkness forever. You need to know you're still worth loving and living otherwise it's just not worth the alternative after awhile.
If John's out there - drop me a line here, "Johnnie G". we love you, brother.
Scroll down to the place where it says "real audio excerpt 1:19" and you will find the text that appeared in Yanagasawa's post.
I'm familiar with the speech. I am baffled as to what it has to do with the price of eggs. Or twi.
And this business of giving us a test?
I'll just go back and re-read the thread. After this last semester I was just looking for some lighter reading, but I should know better than to look for that here
OR....the external manifestation in the senses world of the internally reality of damage incurred as a result of contamination by twi involvement...(aka being an arse hole)
OR....the external manifestation in the senses world of the internally reality of damage incurred as a result of contamination by twi involvement...(aka being an arse hole)
It`s an infection some never overcome :(
I'm beginning to see the only thing people ever get here is a permanent case of irritable-bowl-syndrome.
So...going back to my original post on this thread...
...This girl killed herself because of what Wierwille did...If this thread does nothing else...I hope that it gives the name "Sandra Ann Sullivan" some meaning to those of us who were involved with twi.
If this were the ONLY trangression of VPW, it would be enough to disqualitfy him as a legitimate Chriatian minister...but sadly, this is just an example.
If this were the ONLY trangression of VPW, it would be enough to disqualitfy him as a legitimate Chriatian minister...but sadly, this is just an example.
I think if I went to a high school reunion, I would not invite him and would not have his picture displayed. Same for any other confirmed predators I went to school with ... especially if they never repented and were still scoping out more victims ... but that's just me.
I do not mean this post in any way to lessen the sadness of a life lost...
how are we so sure that she 'commited suicide'?
bad things happened there...
about the only thing I know is that things were not as they seemed...
Well if you want to believe and treat everything K@rl K@hler. says in his book: "The Cult that Snapped" as if it were "The Gospel" like some people here do, then be my guest.
From reading your posts lately it seems you've slid even further down in your sinkhole... you should really grab on to one of those ropes folks keep offering you...
What I can't understand is how someone could sink as low as to name their offspring after him..
You may not want to understand the answer to that one since many could have been named not just for their spiritual pap, but it could be even their bio.....
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Watered Garden
My own personal opinion is that Mr. Prager's opinion is shallow, judgmental, and ill-informed. I've never seriously tried to take my own life, but I've been in situations where I felt like I should.
What I can't understand is how someone could sink as low as to name their offspring after him..
Hmm.. like the Boys from Brazil I guess.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boys_from_Brazil_(film) Same here..
Nixon's Checker Speech
Scroll down to the place where it says "real audio excerpt 1:19" and you will find the text that appeared in Yanagasawa's post.
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Repeat after me.
There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. There's no such thing as coersive sexual abuse. .... Ad nauseum
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Gutless. Totally gutless!
I notice how you focus exclusively on whatever (small) portion of responsibility that Wierwille's victims may have had, may have had, mind you. To the exclusion of any responsibility of the Vickster (or as little responsibility that you can get away with placing on him).
Is what Wierwille taught in PFAL really worthy of these kinda of tactics, Oldies? Whatever it takes to prop up and defend/make excuses for his reputation, and as a result, PFAL's? ... Ie., would PFAL's validity (such that it is) really go down in flames (leaving you with nothing worth believing in), if you discarded VPW and his reputation like the trash that it is?
Doesn't say much for the "integrity of God's Word" as taught by PFAL if that is indeed the case now, ... does it?
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I hadn't thought of Gary Dunhoff in many years, I knew both he and John. John and Fran, since we were all teenagers in Alameda, Ca. Gary was a great guy, and didn't do anything that day to deserve to die. Neither did John. That accident was terrible, horrible in what happened. John did struggle with it, understandably, there's no way a person wouldn't. A million what-if's, how-comes and hurtful remembrances later, it could still be very hard to handle. At some level you have to come to grips with it, and to do so requires a lot of help, if you can get it.
I suspect looking back that VPW's response to it was a way of distancing himself from it, and any responsibility for it that might be reflected back on him or the Way International. It was "safer" for him to blame them and John than to love him and help him deal with it.
That's all you can do under those circumstances - try to love, get through one day and then the next and hopefully get them adding up so somewhere down the line you can not feel bad for even breathing, and realize you're still alive and not lost in darkness forever. You need to know you're still worth loving and living otherwise it's just not worth the alternative after awhile.
If John's out there - drop me a line here, "Johnnie G". we love you, brother.
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What The Hey
Are you kidding me? Are you EVEN ready yet for #1?
Well hang on tight! Get ready to s h i t your pants!!
Here comes the most terrifying, the most spectacular, the most amazing story yet to tell and post about on GSC of what went on in TWI!
(Like somebody's really got something "new" to talk about.)

Boy. 'It' just keeps on getting deeper and deeper and deeper in here all the time.
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well my goodness, aren't you the little drama queen!
that was quite a bit of histrionics for someone who didn't post much of any content...
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I'm familiar with the speech. I am baffled as to what it has to do with the price of eggs. Or twi.
And this business of giving us a test?
I'll just go back and re-read the thread. After this last semester I was just looking for some lighter reading, but I should know better than to look for that here
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But seriously--
Playing mind games with people who are tired of people playing mind games with them. What's up with that?
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I think it is someone being a troll, or trying to change the subject.
Or he was hallucinating and it all made perfect sense to him at the time ...
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OR....the external manifestation in the senses world of the internally reality of damage incurred as a result of contamination by twi involvement...(aka being an arse hole)
It`s an infection some never overcome :(
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What The Hey
I'm beginning to see the only thing people ever get here is a permanent case of irritable-bowl-syndrome.
No wonder some people here are always so cranky.
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Well that you are *beginning to see* is certainly a start WTH, we won`t give up hope for you yet :)
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What The Hey
Well, don't end up hitting your head on the ceiling darling.
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Dear What the Hey,
That's right, go ahead and put people down. I like that you post put downs on a thread like this. It makes it clear to me what you are.
I'd like to hear you be sorry about Sandra Ann Sullivan like most decent folks seem to be able to do. Why not you?
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when people have nothing to say... they say nothing (what a surprise!)
and substitute "potty talk" for content... how juvenile!
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So...going back to my original post on this thread...
...This girl killed herself because of what Wierwille did...If this thread does nothing else...I hope that it gives the name "Sandra Ann Sullivan" some meaning to those of us who were involved with twi.
If this were the ONLY trangression of VPW, it would be enough to disqualitfy him as a legitimate Chriatian minister...but sadly, this is just an example.
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I think if I went to a high school reunion, I would not invite him and would not have his picture displayed. Same for any other confirmed predators I went to school with ... especially if they never repented and were still scoping out more victims ... but that's just me.
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well i'm proud of you but WTF are you talking about
sorry that post was meant for yanawhatever
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Tom Strange
I do not mean this post in any way to lessen the sadness of a life lost...
how are we so sure that she 'commited suicide'?
bad things happened there...
about the only thing I know is that things were not as they seemed...
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What The Hey
Well if you want to believe and treat everything K@rl K@hler. says in his book: "The Cult that Snapped" as if it were "The Gospel" like some people here do, then be my guest.
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Tom Strange
Why would I do that?
From reading your posts lately it seems you've slid even further down in your sinkhole... you should really grab on to one of those ropes folks keep offering you...
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I am just reading this! My God..how can anyone continue to follow the teachings anymore by that SICK liar of a man!
Ditto that!
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What I can't understand is how someone could sink as low as to name their offspring after him..
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You may not want to understand the answer to that one since many could have been named not just for their spiritual pap, but it could be even their bio.....
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