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Paradoxes part1


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hey roy!

you're really having fun with this youtube stuff... :D

i'm technologically challenged, so i wouldn't have a clue how to put anything up on youtube, but i think you are doing a great job (with the pics and all) and you have a great speaking voice... :)



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God first

Beloved jen-o

God loves you my dear friend

with Apple "I-Movie" its real easy not sure of if I could do it on my Dell's PC but on "I-Movie" there a button to upload it for you making it real easy

yes I am having fun because I can do things and not worry about spelling or grammer

I am glad you enjoy my voice I was worry about that part because I do not always sound things out best and I like to talk fast at times

and yes peace

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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