But remember, we have quit producing CO2, so that is why it is cooling ...
I'm just glad the glaciers are receding, the world has been much icier through most of its phases ... I prefer warmer ...
The MSM is so wrapped up in electing Obama, they won't pursue this story. And we even have Newt sitting with Pelosi saying we have to destroy our economy by enacting laws that will do nothing to stop global warming or cooling ... it is all so insane ....
We've gone through something like seventeen meltings and ice age cycles so far. The last one was a mere 14,0000 years ago or so..
I wonder how many "civilizations" of whatever we are have thrived during the various warm times..
I think we're good for at least a couple more cycles, that is, before the sun burns off all the hydrogen.. they say when it starts fusing helium and heavier stuff, the accomodations here won't be quite as hospitable..
Our results have been misused as "evidence" against global warming by Michael Crichton in his novel "State of Fear" and by Ann Coulter in her latest book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism." Search my name on the Web, and you will find pages of links to everything from climate discussion groups to Senate policy committee documents — all citing my 2002 study as reason to doubt that the earth is warming. One recent Web column even put words in my mouth. I have never said that "the unexpected colder climate in Antarctica may possibly be signaling a lessening of the current global warming cycle." I have never thought such a thing either.
The actual author of the study mischaracterized by Crichton and also Mz. Coulter goes on to say in that article:
Our study did find that 58 percent of Antarctica cooled from 1966 to 2000. But during that period, the rest of the continent was warming. And climate models created since our paper was published have suggested a link between the lack of significant warming in Antarctica and the ozone hole over that continent. These models, conspicuously missing from the warming-skeptic literature, suggest that as the ozone hole heals — thanks to worldwide bans on ozone-destroying chemicals — all of Antarctica is likely to warm with the rest of the planet. An inconvenient truth?
Also missing from the skeptics' arguments is the debate over our conclusions. Another group of researchers who took a different approach found no clear cooling trend in Antarctica. We still stand by our results for the period we analyzed, but unbiased reporting would acknowledge differences of scientific opinion.
The disappointing thing is that we are even debating the direction of climate change on this globally important continent. And it may not end until we have more weather stations on Antarctica and longer-term data that demonstrate a clear trend.
In the meantime, I would like to remove my name from the list of scientists who dispute global warming. I know my coauthors would as well.-
- Peter Doran (was the author)
Hide your head all you want, but I would think, given your view on the subject that you would WANT the US press to bury this story! teeheee Try reading it again, and follow the links within it this time to see what is being said, maybe? I understand the headline is rather misleading.
Believe it or not, the scientists are now saying we are facing global cooling. I kid you not. I first saw this in the international press about a month ago. Naturally, the US press didn't cover it much. I remember in the article from last month that it said that the scientists are now admitting "that the planet might be more resilient than they first thought."
In fact, for the last 7 years, the earth has been cooling. Combine that with the relatively recent discovery that the lead scientist at NASA who provides most of the fodder for the global warming nuts has been secretly funded by George Soros and all of a sudden, there appears to be a small conspiracy going on with a hoard of lemmings unknowingly supporting it.
Just google "global cooling" and you'll get a number of articles. Here's one on weather.com.
I'm not saying that it is time to stock up on winter coats but it will be interesting to see how long the US press will bury this story.
ummm just who are the lemmings NOW!! LOLLOLOLOLOLOL
(by the way, I kind of remember the attribute attributed to lemmings is actually false too, like your argument against global warming trends, but I am not gonna bother looking it up)
Hide your head all you want, but I would think, given your view on the subject that you would WANT the US press to bury this story! teeheee Try reading it again, and follow the links within it this time to see what is being said, maybe? I understand the headline is rather misleading.
ummm just who are the lemmings NOW!! LOLLOLOLOLOLOL
So Hap, you finally came up with proof that reducing CO2 (and crippling our economy) will keep us from warming another one degree in the next 100 years?
And have you any proof that warming another one degree in the next 100 years would be harmful, instead of helpful, as it appears to be?
How about the millions of humans you killed with that bogus "DDT is killing some birds" report from Silent Spring? Would you care to express your regrets to the families? Surely you were hip for that movement ... right?
Enviro nuts haven't changed ... just a new cause .... maybe you can reunite with your SDS buds, and voice your solidarity with the Black Panthers on global warming. Raise your fist in the air brother ... the cause is alive ... :blink:
Since this is still in the Open forum. here is a site with about equally as many pro and con articles on the subject. I have not yet followed the links in it much, but it looks promising for those who want to hear both sides rationally.
the "scary" part of it is we produce stuff like plutonium 239, which has a half life of something like 24,0000 years or so. About the same time things will be nice and warm again. Which means, the next time around we might find this little bit of Terra Firma habitable, we've got another whole set of problems to deal with.. unless whatever *we* are happens to have developed some kind of immunity to gamma rays and such..
*shrug* It seems only natural to me that we would have fluctuations (drastic ones at that) in our climate. You hear about winter and snow fall records being broken - you've got drought in some areas of the country and flooding in others - climates change - shift and cycle..... we only have a short time of accurate record keeping to look back on - I think hyper vigilance and paranoia is just that - paranoia - besides.... isn't there a verse somewhere about God protecting us??? Surely, He would even protect us from ourselves if it were true that we were the ones causing the demise of the Earth.....
The actual author of the study mischaracterized by Crichton and also Mz. Coulter goes on to say in that article:
Too bad he didn't give a quote of Ann so we could see what she actually said. And he didn't say she "mischaracterized" the study, he said "misused". I would guess Ann quoted the results accurately, but he drew different conclusions from the data. Too bad.
Also he does say Antartica has been cooler ... but then he says MODELS show there will be more warming. Models can show anything, but they are pretty to look at.
"And climate models created since our paper was published have suggested a link between the lack of significant warming in Antarctica and the ozone hole over that continent."
I don't think Ann says there is no warming, and I think your author is mischaracterizing her position.
The real question is whether man is causing it and is it bad?
IF man is causing it AND it is bad, is CO2 the main cause?
if it is CO2, is it feasible to reduce CO2 enough to make any difference.
I think even most AGW enthusiasts agree that (even if there was any evidence that it is caused by CO2 and is bad) there is very little we can do about it.
It is not the scientists leading the charge on this .. it is Al Gore ... which is why I compared it to the DDT scare ... wrong headed enviro junk science became a political tool .. and killed lotsa people in third world nations. (that I think are finally getting cheap and effective and harmless DDT back to control insects and malaria)
But Rachel Carson and the Silent Spring myth still are revered by the enviro cult.
Also he does say Antartica has been cooler ... but then he says MODELS show there will be more warming. Models can show anything, but they are pretty to look at.
Yeah, a model can show anything and make it appear desirable or believable. That's what models do.
Just be very careful when you tell them they can keep what they're showing.
oh no !!!! not global cooling i hate global cooling !! back in the 1970's in the 8th grade we were being taught in school that we were headed for an ice age. time magazine did an article on it , it was everywhere. we were being warned of this and that and when it didnt happen people forgot all about it. a little bit later global warming . now the scientist have backed off. they say the hottest year on record was 1990 something . now i guess they will start telling us we are heading for an ice age . i hope not i like it warm !!! 2 peter ch. 3 says this earth will remain until its time to be replaced so al gore and the rest of his bunch will not get their wish or is it woooooosh !!! it says this earth shall pass with a great noise !! BOOOOM !!!! i want a front row seat to see the end of the world, you know the fivefifty tickets in front , or marbe i'll get to do a drum roll, i play drums !
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But remember, we have quit producing CO2, so that is why it is cooling ...
I'm just glad the glaciers are receding, the world has been much icier through most of its phases ... I prefer warmer ...
The MSM is so wrapped up in electing Obama, they won't pursue this story. And we even have Newt sitting with Pelosi saying we have to destroy our economy by enacting laws that will do nothing to stop global warming or cooling ... it is all so insane ....
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OH NO! We are digressing into the Form and Void period of Genesis..
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We've gone through something like seventeen meltings and ice age cycles so far. The last one was a mere 14,0000 years ago or so..
I wonder how many "civilizations" of whatever we are have thrived during the various warm times..
I think we're good for at least a couple more cycles, that is, before the sun burns off all the hydrogen.. they say when it starts fusing helium and heavier stuff, the accomodations here won't be quite as hospitable..
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Your first article (which appears to me to be tongue in cheek- and not supporting your naysayer premise) says:
Another link (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/27/opinion/...amp;oref=slogin WITHIN that article speaks of the oft misreported "antarctic ice thickening" squabbles the other "R-named" poster has been so fond of repeating:
The actual author of the study mischaracterized by Crichton and also Mz. Coulter goes on to say in that article: - Peter Doran (was the author)Hide your head all you want, but I would think, given your view on the subject that you would WANT the US press to bury this story! teeheee Try reading it again, and follow the links within it this time to see what is being said, maybe? I understand the headline is rather misleading.
ummm just who are the lemmings NOW!! LOLLOLOLOLOLOL
(by the way, I kind of remember the attribute attributed to lemmings is actually false too, like your argument against global warming trends, but I am not gonna bother looking it up)
-edited to correct spelling of Crichton~
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So Hap, you finally came up with proof that reducing CO2 (and crippling our economy) will keep us from warming another one degree in the next 100 years?
And have you any proof that warming another one degree in the next 100 years would be harmful, instead of helpful, as it appears to be?
How about the millions of humans you killed with that bogus "DDT is killing some birds" report from Silent Spring? Would you care to express your regrets to the families? Surely you were hip for that movement ... right?
Enviro nuts haven't changed ... just a new cause .... maybe you can reunite with your SDS buds, and voice your solidarity with the Black Panthers on global warming. Raise your fist in the air brother ... the cause is alive ... :blink:
Yours truly,
that other R-named poster...
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Since this is still in the Open forum. here is a site with about equally as many pro and con articles on the subject. I have not yet followed the links in it much, but it looks promising for those who want to hear both sides rationally.
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the "scary" part of it is we produce stuff like plutonium 239, which has a half life of something like 24,0000 years or so. About the same time things will be nice and warm again. Which means, the next time around we might find this little bit of Terra Firma habitable, we've got another whole set of problems to deal with.. unless whatever *we* are happens to have developed some kind of immunity to gamma rays and such..
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*shrug* It seems only natural to me that we would have fluctuations (drastic ones at that) in our climate. You hear about winter and snow fall records being broken - you've got drought in some areas of the country and flooding in others - climates change - shift and cycle..... we only have a short time of accurate record keeping to look back on - I think hyper vigilance and paranoia is just that - paranoia - besides.... isn't there a verse somewhere about God protecting us??? Surely, He would even protect us from ourselves if it were true that we were the ones causing the demise of the Earth.....
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Too bad he didn't give a quote of Ann so we could see what she actually said. And he didn't say she "mischaracterized" the study, he said "misused". I would guess Ann quoted the results accurately, but he drew different conclusions from the data. Too bad.
Also he does say Antartica has been cooler ... but then he says MODELS show there will be more warming. Models can show anything, but they are pretty to look at.
I don't think Ann says there is no warming, and I think your author is mischaracterizing her position.
The real question is whether man is causing it and is it bad?
IF man is causing it AND it is bad, is CO2 the main cause?
if it is CO2, is it feasible to reduce CO2 enough to make any difference.
I think even most AGW enthusiasts agree that (even if there was any evidence that it is caused by CO2 and is bad) there is very little we can do about it.
It is not the scientists leading the charge on this .. it is Al Gore ... which is why I compared it to the DDT scare ... wrong headed enviro junk science became a political tool .. and killed lotsa people in third world nations. (that I think are finally getting cheap and effective and harmless DDT back to control insects and malaria)
But Rachel Carson and the Silent Spring myth still are revered by the enviro cult.
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Seth R.
Probably until the next Ice Age. :)
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Well, dang.
I'm menopausal.
I with they'd make up my mind.
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Ron G.
Yeah, a model can show anything and make it appear desirable or believable. That's what models do.
Just be very careful when you tell them they can keep what they're showing.

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But I was referring to pretty climate models ... like these ...
I'm getting mixed signals ...
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I was given notice that I was producing too much CO2, so I have been banned from eating beans... :B)
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oh no !!!! not global cooling i hate global cooling !! back in the 1970's in the 8th grade we were being taught in school that we were headed for an ice age. time magazine did an article on it , it was everywhere. we were being warned of this and that and when it didnt happen people forgot all about it. a little bit later global warming . now the scientist have backed off. they say the hottest year on record was 1990 something . now i guess they will start telling us we are heading for an ice age . i hope not i like it warm !!! 2 peter ch. 3 says this earth will remain until its time to be replaced so al gore and the rest of his bunch will not get their wish or is it woooooosh !!! it says this earth shall pass with a great noise !! BOOOOM !!!! i want a front row seat to see the end of the world, you know the fivefifty tickets in front , or marbe i'll get to do a drum roll, i play drums !
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