...Why would a dog want to eat paper? Why would things like lotions and deodorant taste good to him? This dog isn't malnourished. I feed him a very good dog food, and his doggie cookies are the best you can buy. He's just a freak!
Have any of you heard of a dog with such strange tastes? Do any of your dogs have odd habits that you can't figure out?
My short answer is your dog is not getting enough paper, moisturizing lotion or deodorant in his diet - ....sorry, couldn't resist the setup....Seriously though - there's probably stuff in those items that appeals to his taste buds [don't know about the paper though]...We've got two dogs - one tries to lick the boot creme off my work boots after I've conditioned them, and the other one loves tooth paste....I've heard of pets drinking antifreeze - again something about the taste...We've got to watch out for our babies, dontcha know.
We've got to watch out for our babies, dontcha know.
No kidding. They can be sooooo smart sometimes. And then there are the other times. :D
Oh, and yes, I've often asked Clevey if he has a paper deficiency. Funny, T-Bone.
And Jim, panty fetishes are common. Doggies just seem to love anything that contains the scent of a body fluid (I'm trying to be delicate here...not easy when it comes to things dogs like to eat).
Linda, my Moses (Maltese) loves kleenex, used or new. I can no longer leave a bpx out on the table by the couch cuz he'll chew and shred them all. He'd do the same to toilet paper rolls left out. Both my dogs try to "dry" my legs just after i get out of the shower, and both will lick the lotion off my legs! Moses tries to clean our ears-- talk about a "wet willie" LOL!
Mo-mo LOVES chocolate (yes i KNOW they're not supposed to have it!) But a couple times we left a chocolate bar, chocolate chips, and once my LINDOR TRUFFLES, dangitt!--out on a coffee table. each of those times, he has devoured the chocoltae and then preceeded to puke chocolate puke all over the house--at least 15 puke piles! joy joy. . .
We once had a cat that would dig used Q tips out of the trash and chew on the "contents" EWWWWWW!
Zippie, my female Maltese likes snacks out of the litter box. We try to keep it scooped, but sometimes she beats us to it! EWWWW again!
I am afraid to tell you about our 7 yd old Golden Retriever "Miss Shadow" because you may want to take her.
She is a kleptopmaniac. One day we found a brand new 5th of Jack Daniels that she had stole from the neighbor.
Then she brought home a cube of beer which already had a couple of beers taken out of it. She put it on her blanket on the deck.
We have found everything buried in our mulch including small coolers, yard ornaments, shoes (both right and left) and recently one of those huge plastic leg braces that people wear when they break their leg.
The vet asked me if I brushed her teeth because they were so clean from chewing on rocks.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the time she brought a pair of the neighbor ladies panties home. The kids brought them to us thinking it was a pillow case. Yow!
paper you say? no he doesnt eat it just crinkly anything that sounds like a bag opening and you got a thirty pound beast begging like he has not had anything in weeeks.
he knows words
he knows food, eat, can yes as in canned cat food! and he knows the word store or grocery.
if anyone says these words he
howls, yes howls so i know that is am important word to him.
like i do not know after two decades.
do not try to advise me on just how to thin him down.
it is impossible.
he has a problem
a serious problem .
but on the plus side he is like an overstuffed teddy bear and is hysterical to watch run ! he runs side ways and tests spots before he jumps up to make sure it will hold him .
well, i've only had my chocolate lab puppy for a little over 3 days... and she has lots of her own toys (balls, stuffed animals, and puppy bones), but she likes to steal our cat's toys (especially the ones with catnip in them)... today, she almost chewed a hole thru a little bag of catnip... has anyone ever heard of puppies liking catnip??
Dogs must love tissue. My dog digs only in the bathroom trash. He shreds tissues, toilet paper, or tampons (ewwww!!!). His alltime favorite is Qtips. He LOVES to bring those out and chew the cotton off in the dining room. I usually leave the bathroom door shut, but he seems to always find his way there if I forget.
If you've been around GS very long you've probably heard about my EmmaDog and Clevey-Dog. They're both very sweet and lovable, but they do some weird things.
Clevey is my son's 4-year-old, 120 lb. black lab/Chesapeake Bay retriever mix that looks like a giant chocolate lab. He is a sweetheart from the tip of his nose to the tips of his toes. Cuddly, gentle, sweet...a good boy. However, he does some really weird things.
First, he loves to chew (and sometimes eat) paper--any kind of paper: toilet paper, Kleenex, playing cards. I once came home to find half a $20 bill, parts of a couple $5 bills, and three $1 bills with their corners chewed off lying on the living room floor. They'd been on a lamp table when I left for work that day.
Paper isn't the only thing he has a taste for. I also have to keep bath soap out of his reach. I had to throw away a few half-eaten bars before I figured out I had to hide it from him. And when I get out of the shower in the morning, Clevey is sitting on my bed, eagerly waiting for the opportunity to lick the moisturizing lotion off as fast as I put it on my legs and arms and (this is gross) try to lick my deodorant as soon as I put it on. Of course I don't let him, but he tries, every single day. It doesn't matter how much I scold him. He's obsessed.
Why would a dog want to eat paper? Why would things like lotions and deodorant taste good to him? This dog isn't malnourished. I feed him a very good dog food, and his doggie cookies are the best you can buy. He's just a freak!
Have any of you heard of a dog with such strange tastes? Do any of your dogs have odd habits that you can't figure out?
Linda my Pomeranian eats paper also, I've tried to break him of this habit any scrap will do. He is obsessed with getting every bit he can he will grab it off the street when walking.. Don't know if this applies to your dog or not but I have a theory, Lucca is a rescue dog from a breeder he lived in a cage for the first three years of his life. He was breeder stock until he was used up and too old at three. I wonder if they used shredded paper for bedding? Maybe that was all he had to play with in his cage to pass the time. Hopefully he had enough to eat and did not have to eat paper to fill his stomach. I think it is just a carry over from his prior life. After 4 years now I've pretty much given up and just try to limit the intake as much as possible. Next to paper he loves his ball which I think may have been his first toy ever, which I brought to him at the shelter while I was waiting to adopt him, he keeps it close by, another reason I think he had nothing but paper to play with.
The one that past away in Decmber also LOVEDDD PIZZA - would stand and stare at the box on the counter and whine.
My one that is a husky chow retriever mix --also has a bad habit of eating socks...we have closed hampers nows and it has cut down considerably-- ohh i WOULD WORRY -- he would stop eating for a couple days and then sure enuf' a sock would poop out in the back yard!
That's a logical theory, WD, except Clevey has been with my son since he was weaned and didn't have shredded paper for bedding in his crate when he was crate trained. I'm guessing there's some chemical residue or something in it that appeals to them.
Psalmie, come to think of it, he'll lick my legs, lotion or no lotion, when I come out of the shower. Ewww, 15 piles of chocolate puke. That'll teach you to leave chocolate around! heheheh
jeast, you really made me laugh!!!! A leg brace? Yard ornaments. Oh my Lord. Really LOL here.
Pond, cat stories are more than welcome. Your big boy would be a perfect mate for my Princess LardAss. I only feed her dry food, but I think she finds stray dog kibble at night when everyone else is sleeping. I don't know what she weighs. I can't hold her on the scale (or hold her anytime), and no way she'd stand on it by herself.
jen-o, my cat has had no toys of her own (except hard plastic balls that she can roll around and make noise with) for years because the dogs just destroy them. She gets her revenge. After they go to bed, I often catch her in the living room, lying on her back and holding one of the dog's stuffed toys with her front paws and pounding the heck out of it with her back feet.
Notta, oh nooooooooooo, not Tampons. I guess I can be thankful it's just toilet paper and Kleenex!
OKC, does your dog ask you to rub baby oil on him/her? :)
I bought my wife a cat for Mother's day 15 years ago, he is now a big orange tiger cat named "Fearless"
When I went to look at the kittens at the animal shelter he was the one that just stared at the latch on the door as if to will it open.
Little did I realize he was really using mind control. To this day he will just stare at the door when he wants out and somehow the door gets opened, by me of course.
Just to show me how much control he has he will make me open the front door to let him out then I'll go to the back door and I be darned if he don't want back in.
The guys I work with make fun because they say I like cats.
My answer to that is... I love my wife...my wife loves cats.... that's all I'm going to say about that.
My Ozzy unrolls the tp and eats Qtips - it makes me crazy.
Tipper the Tibetian Spaniel/peke eats her hair. I mean, I shave her, trim or whatever and she will knock over the trash can, then she pulls all her hair out, lays on it and eats it as if she wants to reattach it.
Not only does our black lab mix, Marly, love paper, but he ate $174.00 worth of library books!!! OUCH he has also pulled all of the stuffing out of two desk chairs now.
He pretty much has to have something in his mouth all of the time. I think he is about 8 or 9 months old now and I am hoping sometime over the next six months or so some of this chewing will slow down. His weirdest chewing habit is plastic bottles. HE LOVES plastic bottles, but I worry about the chemicals.
Also, at 65 lbs he thinks he is a teeny tiny lap dog and our small 30 lb Buster thinks he is a a giant guard dog and will attach any strange dog, no matter how big. Funny and true story. We have a 6 foot privacy fence around our yard. One evening Aaron was in the yard with the dogs. Another dog (golden lab maybe??) actually jumped the 6' fence. Aaron freaked out and started screaming for us. In the meantime our 30 lb Buster attacked the dog, which then jumped back over the fence and out of the yard again, before Sushi or I could get there. I would have questioned Aaron's story a bit, because it seems so unlikely to me that a dog could jump that fence, except I did find clumps of its fur in the back yard.
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I owned a Border Terrier that had a pantie fetish.
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My short answer is your dog is not getting enough paper, moisturizing lotion or deodorant in his diet -
....sorry, couldn't resist the setup....Seriously though - there's probably stuff in those items that appeals to his taste buds [don't know about the paper though]...We've got two dogs - one tries to lick the boot creme off my work boots after I've conditioned them, and the other one loves tooth paste....I've heard of pets drinking antifreeze - again something about the taste...We've got to watch out for our babies, dontcha know.
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Linda Z
No kidding. They can be sooooo smart sometimes. And then there are the other times. :D
Oh, and yes, I've often asked Clevey if he has a paper deficiency. Funny, T-Bone.
And Jim, panty fetishes are common. Doggies just seem to love anything that contains the scent of a body fluid (I'm trying to be delicate here...not easy when it comes to things dogs like to eat).
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Psalm 71 one
Linda, my Moses (Maltese) loves kleenex, used or new. I can no longer leave a bpx out on the table by the couch cuz he'll chew and shred them all. He'd do the same to toilet paper rolls left out. Both my dogs try to "dry" my legs just after i get out of the shower, and both will lick the lotion off my legs! Moses tries to clean our ears-- talk about a "wet willie" LOL!
Mo-mo LOVES chocolate (yes i KNOW they're not supposed to have it!) But a couple times we left a chocolate bar, chocolate chips, and once my LINDOR TRUFFLES, dangitt!--out on a coffee table. each of those times, he has devoured the chocoltae and then preceeded to puke chocolate puke all over the house--at least 15 puke piles! joy joy. . .
We once had a cat that would dig used Q tips out of the trash and chew on the "contents" EWWWWWW!
Zippie, my female Maltese likes snacks out of the litter box. We try to keep it scooped, but sometimes she beats us to it! EWWWW again!
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I am afraid to tell you about our 7 yd old Golden Retriever "Miss Shadow" because you may want to take her.
She is a kleptopmaniac. One day we found a brand new 5th of Jack Daniels that she had stole from the neighbor.
Then she brought home a cube of beer which already had a couple of beers taken out of it. She put it on her blanket on the deck.
We have found everything buried in our mulch including small coolers, yard ornaments, shoes (both right and left) and recently one of those huge plastic leg braces that people wear when they break their leg.
The vet asked me if I brushed her teeth because they were so clean from chewing on rocks.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the time she brought a pair of the neighbor ladies panties home. The kids brought them to us thinking it was a pillow case. Yow!
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Can we add in cats?
well look at him, just look at him.
he has an eating disorder.
paper you say? no he doesnt eat it just crinkly anything that sounds like a bag opening and you got a thirty pound beast begging like he has not had anything in weeeks.
he knows words
he knows food, eat, can yes as in canned cat food! and he knows the word store or grocery.
if anyone says these words he
howls, yes howls so i know that is am important word to him.
like i do not know after two decades.
do not try to advise me on just how to thin him down.
it is impossible.
he has a problem
a serious problem .
but on the plus side he is like an overstuffed teddy bear and is hysterical to watch run ! he runs side ways and tests spots before he jumps up to make sure it will hold him .
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well, i've only had my chocolate lab puppy for a little over 3 days... and she has lots of her own toys (balls, stuffed animals, and puppy bones), but she likes to steal our cat's toys (especially the ones with catnip in them)... today, she almost chewed a hole thru a little bag of catnip... has anyone ever heard of puppies liking catnip??
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My dog likes to sit on top of our classic nova and sun tan,
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Dogs must love tissue. My dog digs only in the bathroom trash. He shreds tissues, toilet paper, or tampons (ewwww!!!). His alltime favorite is Qtips. He LOVES to bring those out and chew the cotton off in the dining room. I usually leave the bathroom door shut, but he seems to always find his way there if I forget.
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Linda my Pomeranian eats paper also, I've tried to break him of this habit any scrap will do. He is obsessed with getting every bit he can he will grab it off the street when walking.. Don't know if this applies to your dog or not but I have a theory, Lucca is a rescue dog from a breeder he lived in a cage for the first three years of his life. He was breeder stock until he was used up and too old at three. I wonder if they used shredded paper for bedding? Maybe that was all he had to play with in his cage to pass the time. Hopefully he had enough to eat and did not have to eat paper to fill his stomach. I think it is just a carry over from his prior life. After 4 years now I've pretty much given up and just try to limit the intake as much as possible. Next to paper he loves his ball which I think may have been his first toy ever, which I brought to him at the shelter while I was waiting to adopt him, he keeps it close by, another reason I think he had nothing but paper to play with.

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Yes , Yes and yea all 3 of mine do this.
The one that past away in Decmber also LOVEDDD PIZZA - would stand and stare at the box on the counter and whine.
My one that is a husky chow retriever mix --also has a bad habit of eating socks...we have closed hampers nows and it has cut down considerably-- ohh i WOULD WORRY -- he would stop eating for a couple days and then sure enuf' a sock would poop out in the back yard!
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Linda Z
That's a logical theory, WD, except Clevey has been with my son since he was weaned and didn't have shredded paper for bedding in his crate when he was crate trained. I'm guessing there's some chemical residue or something in it that appeals to them.
Psalmie, come to think of it, he'll lick my legs, lotion or no lotion, when I come out of the shower. Ewww, 15 piles of chocolate puke. That'll teach you to leave chocolate around! heheheh
jeast, you really made me laugh!!!! A leg brace? Yard ornaments. Oh my Lord. Really LOL here.
Pond, cat stories are more than welcome. Your big boy would be a perfect mate for my Princess LardAss. I only feed her dry food, but I think she finds stray dog kibble at night when everyone else is sleeping. I don't know what she weighs. I can't hold her on the scale (or hold her anytime), and no way she'd stand on it by herself.
jen-o, my cat has had no toys of her own (except hard plastic balls that she can roll around and make noise with) for years because the dogs just destroy them. She gets her revenge. After they go to bed, I often catch her in the living room, lying on her back and holding one of the dog's stuffed toys with her front paws and pounding the heck out of it with her back feet.
Notta, oh nooooooooooo, not Tampons. I guess I can be thankful it's just toilet paper and Kleenex!
OKC, does your dog ask you to rub baby oil on him/her? :)
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I bought my wife a cat for Mother's day 15 years ago, he is now a big orange tiger cat named "Fearless"
When I went to look at the kittens at the animal shelter he was the one that just stared at the latch on the door as if to will it open.
Little did I realize he was really using mind control. To this day he will just stare at the door when he wants out and somehow the door gets opened, by me of course.
Just to show me how much control he has he will make me open the front door to let him out then I'll go to the back door and I be darned if he don't want back in.
The guys I work with make fun because they say I like cats.
My answer to that is... I love my wife...my wife loves cats.... that's all I'm going to say about that.
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My newest addition, Hoover the corgi, attacks water that is being sprayed out of a hose. He gets soaked whenever I water the patio plants.
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Dot Matrix
Luca is SOOOOOOOOOO cute!
My Ozzy unrolls the tp and eats Qtips - it makes me crazy.
Tipper the Tibetian Spaniel/peke eats her hair. I mean, I shave her, trim or whatever and she will knock over the trash can, then she pulls all her hair out, lays on it and eats it as if she wants to reattach it.
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Not only does our black lab mix, Marly, love paper, but he ate $174.00 worth of library books!!! OUCH he has also pulled all of the stuffing out of two desk chairs now.
He pretty much has to have something in his mouth all of the time. I think he is about 8 or 9 months old now and I am hoping sometime over the next six months or so some of this chewing will slow down. His weirdest chewing habit is plastic bottles. HE LOVES plastic bottles, but I worry about the chemicals.
Also, at 65 lbs he thinks he is a teeny tiny lap dog and our small 30 lb Buster thinks he is a a giant guard dog and will attach any strange dog, no matter how big. Funny and true story. We have a 6 foot privacy fence around our yard. One evening Aaron was in the yard with the dogs. Another dog (golden lab maybe??) actually jumped the 6' fence. Aaron freaked out and started screaming for us. In the meantime our 30 lb Buster attacked the dog, which then jumped back over the fence and out of the yard again, before Sushi or I could get there. I would have questioned Aaron's story a bit, because it seems so unlikely to me that a dog could jump that fence, except I did find clumps of its fur in the back yard.
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