wow... three folks coming up with the same name at the same time... i'm gonna have to give the name "mocha" some serious thought... actually i love the name!... and her full name could be mocha latte (ya know, for the vet records and stuff)
I like names that aren't commonly used... but that's my weirdness I'd call her either "Marmalade" or "Lady Marmalade"(but you gotta pronounce it right!) because of the line: "Mocha chocolata ya-ya..."in the Patti LaBelle song:
I had a chocolate lab named Hershey. He was the best dog in the whole world. I still miss him... I would love to get another, but I have 2 others dogs right now. My husband had another named Snickers.
I have a great name for a female dog. In fact, male or female, I like it alot. I had a dog, a sweet pup German Shorthair, and I named him this name. But, the sweet young rascal had a rare blood disease, and he died before he was even five months old. But, his name was......."Rhino". I loved that name for a dog. I loved to be able to yell: "Rhiii-NO!" with a really gravelly voice. And if he had been a she, I could also say; "Well yeah, she's a cute little Rhino..."
And so, one day, when it's my turn to get a new pup, I think I'll name him....."Sue". No wait! I mean "Rhiiii-NO"! We had another sweet pup who was a German Wirehair Pointer (GWP). And this young fella was a dandy! He was from a kennel in Toronto, and we paid some good bucks for him. The name of the Kennel was "Darkwing Kennels". And so, since no one accepted my proposal for the Way Of Alaska's motto of "The Salt Of The North" (they went with "God's Northern Lights"-Oh how original-roll eyes) back in the day, I decided to name our new pup with his fancy "kennel name": "Darkwing Salt Of The North", or, "Salty" for short. There was a lot of heart behind that name, because I have been a "salty dog" since I have been going to sea since I was sixteen as a Merchant Marine, and that name was just perfect because we still live in Alaska. We called him "Salty", "Salty Dog", and it was just plain swell! Until one dark day, someone stole our Salty Dog! He wasn't even six months old and had been our "heart's bandaid" after little Rhino took and went and up and died. And so, we were heartsick, and my wife was nearly un-consolable. But time has gone on since Salty went away, and we are NOT to be without a dawg. So now we have "Mokey", a young five month old German Wirehair, and krikey! He's a beauty! We named him "Mokey" because of a story about a little monkey named Mokey that I invented and used to tell my kids when they were little.
And so, you may, if you wish Jen, use the names "Rhino" or Salty". But if not, think of cool things that relate to your own life or your family and kids when coming up with a name! Something that might remind you and your family of earlier times that were blessed times. Or, just name her..............Fang! Haha! (I like funny names) Hey, cool thread....
thanks for sharing your stories and some awesome names with me... :~)
i've got 3 teenage boys, so whatever i come up with has to be approved of by them... LOL
we had tossed some of these names around, but could never come up with a consensus.. i had originally wanted to name her Cocoa, but oldest son said that name sounded like it was for an old poodle... LOL... (i don't know where he came up with that)... i had also considered "Cioccolata" (the italian word for chocolate), but it is kinda long... oldest son's first thought was to name her Hershey... we also tossed around the names: Snickers/Snickerdoodle, Twix/Twixie, Truffles, Toffee, Tootsie Roll, Ebony, Sienna, Hannah, Sandy, Fudge, Brownie, and of course, Mocha/Mocha Latte...
currently, i think it is a toss up between Mocha and Hershey... maybe we will see which name she responds to better, and let her pick between the 2 names... LOL
jim, i wish i knew how to do the upload picture thingie... she is the most adorable cutest little thing! :~)
(maybe one of my kids can help me to put a picture on here)
I like the name Mocha best. I read somewhere that, from the dog's perspective, a name with a distinct sound (and not too long) is best, because they can discern their name easily. Mocha has that nice, distinct hard "ch" sound in the middle. I agree with your son that Cocoa sounds like a little poodle.
My son has a half black lab, half Chesapeake Bay retriever who lives with me. He looks like an extra-large chocolate lab, so my son named him Cleveland Brown (ever the loyal fan of Cleveland sports teams). I call him Clevey when he's good and Cleveland! when he's bad, which isn't too often.
I hope you learn how to post photos, because I'd love to see little what's-her-name!
Congratulations! Labs are great dogs. Ours will be 15 in May, if she survives that long. She is in bad shape with arthritis and all.
We got her when she was 6 years old, a semi-rescue from a couple who were going to put her down as dangerous to children! Imagine, a lab dangerous to children! My grandson and she have always been close; she knows he's The Sprout's pup, and watches out for him as best she can.
Here is the best advice I can ever give you about raising a Lab, Jen-o: DO NOT LET HERSHEY GET OVERWEIGHT!!!! Labs will eat until the food is gone. At age 6 Sophie, a show lab (shorter and blockier than a field lab bred specifically for hunting) weighed about 100 lb. She should have weighed 60-70, 70 being the maximum and let's get that down a bit, more like 65 (my vet is very smart). In spite of twice daily walks and a stringent diet that got the flab off her, the damage to her hips and spine was done. Her hips click when I pick them up to help her move, and I fear that means she is bone-on-bone, a painful condition.
She is way smart, very loving, very protective without having a vicious bone in her body. OH, and beautiful, too. Her grandfather was a national champion.
I wish you and Hershey a long, happy life together.
i did not know about this because i have not had a dog for over 20 years... we have had multiple cats, and have always just left the food bowl down (and full of food)... and i used to do the same thing with my other dogs (and never had a weight problem)... but the vet told me about this yesterday... and so now i will be feeding her on a schedule (so she doesn't get overweight)... :)
labs do have great personalities and gentle dispositions!
Hershey is a cool name for a chocolate lab. Seems I read somewhere that dogs respond better with a two syllable name with a long e or long o at the end. Have fun with your new pup and enjoy it while it lasts. As much trouble as they may be you will soon be wistfully thinking of how cute Hershy was as a pup. :) PS. Take LOTS of pics! They grow up so fast!
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I learned to ride on a horse named Hershey. But for a chocolate lab, I'd name her Mocha.
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Hmmm let's see chocolate /coffee about "Mocha"
That is a hoot! I had no idea Jim was posting at the time. His time in was 6:35 and mine was 6:36.
After I replied his was up. Cool, That is two for Mocha!
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Interestingly, the first idea I had was also Mocha.
My step-daughter and her husband have a chocloate lab named Guinness.
All my dogs have comic book names (go figure): Ambush Bug, Zook, and Snapper.
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wow... three folks coming up with the same name at the same time... i'm gonna have to give the name "mocha" some serious thought... actually i love the name!... and her full name could be mocha latte (ya know, for the vet records and stuff)
what do the rest of you think?
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I like names that aren't commonly used... but that's my weirdness
I'd call her either "Marmalade" or "Lady Marmalade"(but you gotta pronounce it right!) because of the line: "Mocha chocolata ya-ya..."in the Patti LaBelle song:
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I had a chocolate lab named Hershey. He was the best dog in the whole world. I still miss him... I would love to get another, but I have 2 others dogs right now. My husband had another named Snickers.
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J0nny Ling0
I have a great name for a female dog. In fact, male or female, I like it alot. I had a dog, a sweet pup German Shorthair, and I named him this name. But, the sweet young rascal had a rare blood disease, and he died before he was even five months old. But, his name was......."Rhino". I loved that name for a dog. I loved to be able to yell: "Rhiii-NO!" with a really gravelly voice. And if he had been a she, I could also say; "Well yeah, she's a cute little Rhino..."
And so, one day, when it's my turn to get a new pup, I think I'll name him....."Sue". No wait! I mean "Rhiiii-NO"! We had another sweet pup who was a German Wirehair Pointer (GWP). And this young fella was a dandy! He was from a kennel in Toronto, and we paid some good bucks for him. The name of the Kennel was "Darkwing Kennels". And so, since no one accepted my proposal for the Way Of Alaska's motto of "The Salt Of The North" (they went with "God's Northern Lights"-Oh how original-roll eyes) back in the day, I decided to name our new pup with his fancy "kennel name": "Darkwing Salt Of The North", or, "Salty" for short. There was a lot of heart behind that name, because I have been a "salty dog" since I have been going to sea since I was sixteen as a Merchant Marine, and that name was just perfect because we still live in Alaska. We called him "Salty", "Salty Dog", and it was just plain swell! Until one dark day, someone stole our Salty Dog! He wasn't even six months old and had been our "heart's bandaid" after little Rhino took and went and up and died. And so, we were heartsick, and my wife was nearly un-consolable. But time has gone on since Salty went away, and we are NOT to be without a dawg. So now we have "Mokey", a young five month old German Wirehair, and krikey! He's a beauty! We named him "Mokey" because of a story about a little monkey named Mokey that I invented and used to tell my kids when they were little.
And so, you may, if you wish Jen, use the names "Rhino" or Salty". But if not, think of cool things that relate to your own life or your family and kids when coming up with a name! Something that might remind you and your family of earlier times that were blessed times. Or, just name her..............Fang! Haha! (I like funny names) Hey, cool thread....
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You could call her Cocoa.
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Brown sugar
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When can we see some pictures???
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I dunno. I think "Woofgang" might be cute..
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i have four labs my chocholate one we let my son name he calld him "charlie brown",I had one we called Hershey and another cocoa!
My black lab is Pepper and my Yellow lab is Sandy,the other labis yellow and we didn't name her "thebe"that was her training
name for her police dog academy but she failed her drug test! Didn't make the cut.
So..she came to live on or dog farmette.
(she didn't do drugs she couldn't sniff them out!! I always end up explaining this to people and they laugh)
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thanks for sharing your stories and some awesome names with me... :~)
i've got 3 teenage boys, so whatever i come up with has to be approved of by them... LOL
we had tossed some of these names around, but could never come up with a consensus.. i had originally wanted to name her Cocoa, but oldest son said that name sounded like it was for an old poodle... LOL... (i don't know where he came up with that)... i had also considered "Cioccolata" (the italian word for chocolate), but it is kinda long... oldest son's first thought was to name her Hershey... we also tossed around the names: Snickers/Snickerdoodle, Twix/Twixie, Truffles, Toffee, Tootsie Roll, Ebony, Sienna, Hannah, Sandy, Fudge, Brownie, and of course, Mocha/Mocha Latte...
currently, i think it is a toss up between Mocha and Hershey... maybe we will see which name she responds to better, and let her pick between the 2 names... LOL
jim, i wish i knew how to do the upload picture thingie... she is the most adorable cutest little thing! :~)
(maybe one of my kids can help me to put a picture on here)
thank you all for all of your suggestions!
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Linda Z
I like the name Mocha best. I read somewhere that, from the dog's perspective, a name with a distinct sound (and not too long) is best, because they can discern their name easily. Mocha has that nice, distinct hard "ch" sound in the middle. I agree with your son that Cocoa sounds like a little poodle.
My son has a half black lab, half Chesapeake Bay retriever who lives with me. He looks like an extra-large chocolate lab, so my son named him Cleveland Brown (ever the loyal fan of Cleveland sports teams). I call him Clevey when he's good and Cleveland! when he's bad, which isn't too often.
I hope you learn how to post photos, because I'd love to see little what's-her-name!
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I'd recommend not naming it Cocoa.
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Seeing what name she responds to is a great idea.
Something sweet and simple. It would be hard to communicate with a dog with a name like Liberace or Henrietta.
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well, it looks like it's gonna be "hershey" :D
that's the name she responds to best... in fact, she ignored the name "mocha" but got all excited when we called her "hershey"
so hershey it is!
thanks, everybody, for all your help in choosing her name!
btw, she went to the vet today for her 1st check-up and set of shots...
(she's 8 weeks old today, and 13lbs)
and she got a clean bill of health, along with a free bag of puppy food and a rawhide chew...
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Watered Garden
Congratulations! Labs are great dogs. Ours will be 15 in May, if she survives that long. She is in bad shape with arthritis and all.
We got her when she was 6 years old, a semi-rescue from a couple who were going to put her down as dangerous to children! Imagine, a lab dangerous to children! My grandson and she have always been close; she knows he's The Sprout's pup, and watches out for him as best she can.
Here is the best advice I can ever give you about raising a Lab, Jen-o: DO NOT LET HERSHEY GET OVERWEIGHT!!!! Labs will eat until the food is gone. At age 6 Sophie, a show lab (shorter and blockier than a field lab bred specifically for hunting) weighed about 100 lb. She should have weighed 60-70, 70 being the maximum and let's get that down a bit, more like 65 (my vet is very smart). In spite of twice daily walks and a stringent diet that got the flab off her, the damage to her hips and spine was done. Her hips click when I pick them up to help her move, and I fear that means she is bone-on-bone, a painful condition.
She is way smart, very loving, very protective without having a vicious bone in her body. OH, and beautiful, too. Her grandfather was a national champion.
I wish you and Hershey a long, happy life together.
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watered garden,
thanks for the advice!
i did not know about this because i have not had a dog for over 20 years... we have had multiple cats, and have always just left the food bowl down (and full of food)... and i used to do the same thing with my other dogs (and never had a weight problem)... but the vet told me about this yesterday... and so now i will be feeding her on a schedule (so she doesn't get overweight)... :)
labs do have great personalities and gentle dispositions!
she is a real sweetheart... :wub:
thanks again,
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Super, give Hershey a big scratch behind the ear for me.
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Hershey is a cool name for a chocolate lab. Seems I read somewhere that dogs respond better with a two syllable name with a long e or long o at the end. Have fun with your new pup and enjoy it while it lasts. As much trouble as they may be you will soon be wistfully thinking of how cute Hershy was as a pup. :) PS. Take LOTS of pics! They grow up so fast!
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