Aw, Paw, you're just fishing for compliments. Well, hey, why not, this site is a good thing that has helped many. Me, I thought it needed shooting down as being a wicked and offensive place when I first happened across it. Fancy saying such things about that great ministry! And its dynamic leader, LCM! But as you know - I stuck around. And finally got healed. Not so much scales falling from my eyes as completely new eyes.
This site still reaches out to new visitors to the Cafe and to lurkers. So build the extension and employ a few more busboys. Long may the Cafe continue to thrive. And its visitors thrive with it.
For what this site has meant to me, for the joy it has brought to my life, for the friends I have found, for the prayers and support that I have received I thank you Paw.
And I thank you for shouldering this burden for another year.
It is time for all for us to look in our own hearts and start figuring out haw to help Paw with this burden so that if the day comes that he ever has to decide he can't keep on at the current pace, there will be a plan to make things work out for the best for all off us.
As for calling me by my screen name....... My guess is that most of us chose names that reflect our innermost heart and that being called by that name brings feelings of happiness to us
Paw, there are no words that can adequately explain how valuable the cafe has been to my leaving and recovery from TWI. It is impossible to put a dollar figure on the priceless friendships I've made here in your booths and at the counter. You've done a good thing here and I hope the cafe will be around for many, many years to come.
I'm thinking for the 10 year anniversary you should take the GreaseSpot Cafe out of the electronic world into the physical for a big party. In December I did an exhibit for a gallery the theme was Coca-Cola Christmas but I just couldn't pass up the chance to showcase the diner. So I did "Christmas at the Diner" for part of my contribution. I had limited space to work with so a lot of items like booths would not work there. but it turned out to be a large draw for the gallery. How rewarding it was to talk with people about their memories of diner days. Here are some pictures of my vision of what the cafe might look like in real time.
P.S. Note to Belle Notice no gum under table..........
Your comfortable inviting place has given me anwers and stopped the spinning questions from controlling my mind. I am so thankful for your efforts and labor of love... I hope you will always keep the doors open.
Thanks Paw for all that you do and everything you give.
You are loved by many and maybe hated by a few because you've helped expose them.
There is a day coming when every single one will have to give an account of ourselves and I would rather be standing next to you then near them whenrecompense or rewards are decided.
Add some of my gum under one of those tables and you'd have something really authentic, there. [/color]
Authentic? That pie case is older than you dear. You would need to have peeled off some ABC gum from under the table chewed it and replaced it to be original at your age. But if there ever is a diner I'm keeping my eye on you just the same.
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Aw, Paw, you're just fishing for compliments. Well, hey, why not, this site is a good thing that has helped many. Me, I thought it needed shooting down as being a wicked and offensive place when I first happened across it. Fancy saying such things about that great ministry! And its dynamic leader, LCM! But as you know - I stuck around. And finally got healed. Not so much scales falling from my eyes as completely new eyes.
This site still reaches out to new visitors to the Cafe and to lurkers. So build the extension and employ a few more busboys. Long may the Cafe continue to thrive. And its visitors thrive with it.
Drinks all round, folks.
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Will there be cake?
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Roy, that was.................wonderful!!!
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God first
Beloved Shellon
God loves you my dear friend
I glad you enjoy I just hope it helps Paw see the good he is doing biger
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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For what this site has meant to me, for the joy it has brought to my life, for the friends I have found, for the prayers and support that I have received I thank you Paw.
And I thank you for shouldering this burden for another year.
It is time for all for us to look in our own hearts and start figuring out haw to help Paw with this burden so that if the day comes that he ever has to decide he can't keep on at the current pace, there will be a plan to make things work out for the best for all off us.
As for calling me by my screen name....... My guess is that most of us chose names that reflect our innermost heart and that being called by that name brings feelings of happiness to us
So don't sweat it
and finally
For he's a jolly good fellow,
for he's a jolly good fellow,
for he's a jolly good fellow
which nobody can deny.
nobody can deny.
nobody can deny.
FOr he's a jolly good fellow,
which nobody can deny..
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:wub: :wub:
Paw, there are no words that can adequately explain how valuable the cafe has been to my leaving and recovery from TWI. It is impossible to put a dollar figure on the priceless friendships I've made here in your booths and at the counter. You've done a good thing here and I hope the cafe will be around for many, many years to come.
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Congratulations on 8 years Paw
I'm thinking for the 10 year anniversary you should take the GreaseSpot Cafe out of the electronic world into the physical for a big party. In December I did an exhibit for a gallery the theme was Coca-Cola Christmas but I just couldn't pass up the chance to showcase the diner. So I did "Christmas at the Diner" for part of my contribution. I had limited space to work with so a lot of items like booths would not work there. but it turned out to be a large draw for the gallery. How rewarding it was to talk with people about their memories of diner days. Here are some pictures of my vision of what the cafe might look like in real time.
P.S. Note to Belle Notice no gum under table..........

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That's really cool, Dove!!
Add some of my gum under one of those tables and you'd have something really authentic, there.
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I think downtown New Knoxville would be the perfect spot
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Dot Matrix
That was funny, New Knoxville
Our own ROA thingy...
Your comfortable inviting place has given me anwers and stopped the spinning questions from controlling my mind. I am so thankful for your efforts and labor of love... I hope you will always keep the doors open.
With love,
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Glad to see you have found peace Roy,
God Bless You in the name of Christ Jesus.
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Thanks Paw for all that you do and everything you give.
You are loved by many and maybe hated by a few because you've helped expose them.
There is a day coming when every single one will have to give an account of ourselves and I would rather be standing next to you then near them when recompense or rewards are decided.
My all your efforts be multiplied back to you!
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Hmmm......Wonder if the old bookstore building is vacant?
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Authentic? That pie case is older than you dear.
You would need to have peeled off some ABC gum from under the table chewed it and replaced it to be original at your age. But if there ever is a diner I'm keeping my eye on you just the same. 
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