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Oprah's starting a cult?


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I don't watch Oprah, never have ... but after she campaigned for Obama, I find this story interesting.

Oprah Winfrey may have gone too far in exploiting and distributing the teachings of a questionable New Age writer.

He says in interviews that he had a personal epiphany in 1977 at age 29 after a life of suffering from suicidal depression. For the next 15 years, no one knows much about what happened to him, and he's not saying. He says he spent time wandering and sitting in London's parks, with "no relationships, no job, no home, no socially defined identity," but a sense of "intense joy."

What makes Oprah's seminars even more creepy are the "study groups" she has lined up for Tolle at bookstores and other locations around the world. They're all hooked up to the seminars through Skype, and the members can ask questions. They all have that same glazed-over look as people giving testimonials on late-night infomercials.

"I consider this to be a sacred moment when we can all come together … and share in this work," Winfrey says at the start of seminar 6. And why not? You'll notice that she, not Tolle, has the sole copyright on the broadcasts. Ka ching!

But don't worry about Eckhart Tolle. His "power of now" is all about his store. All roads lead to his merchandise, which is prominently featured on his Web site and accessed from Oprah's.

His is a costly philosophy.
Books, tapes, DVDs — all of it becomes quite expensive when added up
, making Tolle no different than Scientology, Kabbalah or any other shiny new religion

I have a friend into "A Course in Miracles", but I'm not too familiar with it all. It sounds like Oprah may really believe thestuff, or maybe she is just moving into a new market.

She may have the next president of the US indebted to her, she makes $260 million/ year ... now she can have her own religion. :o

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From my breif research of his philosphy from about two weeks ago, I found that he had some good ideas about managing stress, and anxiety in his live in the moment instruction, beyond that, it looks like he propounds Buddhist concepts.  For me, I don't really want to go much deeper than gleaning techniques to reduce stress.

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I think there is a big difference in attitiude and heart between those that aren't reading it because it doesn't interest them (there are books I'm not interested in reading by popular Christian writers, Islamic writers,Jewish writers etc), and those that aren't interested in it and have labeled it as evil, devilish, and those that are getting something out of it as cult members. Or worse.

I don't go on a forum that is discussing a book I haven't read and never plan to read and disparage the readers and tell them how awful and wrong they are for reading it or liking it, which is pretty much what is happening last I looked on the book forum on Oprah.

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From the article I linked, it seemed this was a big thing for Oprah, something very important to her and Tollee was like her guru.

Oprah extolled the author’s virtues, calling his best-selling "New Earth" book "one of the most important books of our time," the seminars one of "the most exciting things I’ve ever done."

for the first time in her much-applauded Book Club’s history, she’s gone into business with the author ... the mysterious creator of a philosophy that Winfrey endorses and suggests her readers live their lives by.

Indeed, Winfrey already has flirted with several cult-like New Age deals. She’s enthusiastically embraced the Scientology celebrities like
Tom Cruise
John Travolta

What’s interesting is not so much Tolle, with his German accent and blank stare, proselytizing his nonsense. He talks a lot, literally, about looking at flowers and trees in a new way, much like
Chauncey Gardner
in "Being There."

her association with Tolle is way over the top. It involves sponsorships with General Motors (Chevy), 3M Corp. (Post-Its) and Skype Internet phone service. In one broad stroke, she’s managed to accomplish what Scientology never has achieved: bringing corporate America’s implicit approval into religion.

It sounded like more than her normal book promotion. Maybe she has learned the value of getting customers hooked on her religion ... of course batcave says Oprah is a cult. :biglaugh:

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Okay, whatever. Plenty of people who haven't even openned the book seem to know exactly what its really about, a brand new eeeviiilll religion with Oprah and Eckhardt at the helm, gearing up to utterly destroy Christianity, and there is no changing their minds, nor do I want to waste my time trying.

Nobody needs to actually read the book, watch the class vidoes, or participate in any discussions about the actual content about the actual book! Now, that would be silly, because xyz has already discerned it all for us! Please spread the xyz message about this book, its gotta be right.

In my opinion, that is a made up hysterical drama fueled by fear of those that are different, outside the fold, and believe differently.

Same old same old. Our way is the only true right way, all others are roads to hell. Yawn.

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I'm not talking about what is in the book, but just the idea that Oprah is promoting this philosophy/religion that she thinks everyone should live by.

The history of the author/leader and the big money and corporate involvement makes it more interesting yet.

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i'm with batcave...

oprah IS a cult!

and evidently, a very wealthy cult leader...

what cult leader wouldn't love to have such resources and multiple outlets to get their message out to the masses...


it looks like you are complaining about folks making comments over at oprah's book forum... you say that you don't want to waste your time trying to change those folks, but then you come here and complain to us about them... are you just venting about what is going on over at oprah's book forum?



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Here's what I gather from Oprah and Eckhart Tolle's class. There's a way to experience a spiritual awakening in your life by realizing some of your thought processes which have been dictated by society for many years. I equate this class to evolvement of mankind. For instance, in our grandparents' day, it was acceptable for a man to beat his wife and children and it was acceptable. Nobody got involved in anyone else's life. The abuse was secret in society. Today, there is a different thought in society. People do get involved in others' lives when they see abuse and destruction happening.

Oprah can't be all bad. She isn't insisting her "followers" give 20% of their earnings. If people choose to buy something she is marketing, it is totally up to them. Oprah has used her money for good. She's helped people all over the world. She's opened up an all girls school in Africa where girls are not considered privileged enough to have schooling. She help a lot of Hurricane Katrina survivors get back on their feet. She's a doer. I love that about her. That doesn't mean I agree with everything she's about.

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It seems clear Oprah doesn't need the money ... I'd guess she believes in the thing ...

On the other hand, it is pretty clever to keep her followers fully wrapped in her ideology ... the cult of personality ... or whatever.

She was pretty influential in moving Obama along early on ... she is in a pretty powerful position, in any case. Whether this more religious thing gets folks addicted is hard to say. Maybe it is a good thing ... but there is a lot of money tied to it, like with other religions I suppose.

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  rhino said:
Indeed, Winfrey already has flirted with several cult-like New Age deals. She’s enthusiastically embraced the Scientology celebrities like Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

What’s interesting is not so much Tolle, with his German accent and blank stare, proselytizing his nonsense. He talks a lot, literally, about looking at flowers and trees in a new way, much like Chauncey Gardner in "Being There."

Quote from another thread: :biglaugh: "I'm GREEN! I'm a TREE!" :biglaugh:

Oh, never mind, that was just my acid trip...I mean reflux!

her association with Tolle is way over the top. It involves sponsorships with General Motors (Chevy), 3M Corp. (Post-Its) and Skype Internet phone service. In one broad stroke, she’s managed to accomplish what Scientology never has achieved: bringing corporate America’s implicit approval into religion.

When has corporate America NOT marketed religions?? They simply took over from the RC.

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The tone of the article doesn't sound a bit biased to any of you?

Relax, the class on Oprah is over in a few weeks. The religion-IS-competition/warfare-and-we 're-going-to- win people will find something else to oppose and condemn, because that is what they do.

And teachers like Eckhardt Tolle will continue to find audiences who are interested in spiritual aspects that are not attached to any certain faith.

I have several of his books on audio, and I find his voice soothing. But it does lack the authoritative book slapping fervor that was the style in TWI.

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Well, I like the audio files I have listened too. I am not reading the book. I read Tolles other book - I need a month at Cabo San Lucas to sit around and read this stuff. That said

I think what is termed spiritual is merely serious metathinking. In the Language pathology world we call this this theory of mind at its most fundamental. Much lacking in certain dx. It is also lacking in many of societies robots that follower the TV - Magazine neighbor --keep up witht he Jones population - they gave up thinking for themselves...consequently they gave up thinking about what they think about.

This book addresses that - at least the author does this ont he audio files I have listened to.

I do think like anything there will be extremists...but overall it seems to be only helping people become better aware of themselves with anything plugged into their brains as to the awareness -

that I think is always a good thing.

Something that we all needed earlier on in the way --something that mingt have helped up use our gut instinct much sooner than we did.

I think anything that helps people get better at being themselves is a good thing.

On a seperate not -- not particulary related to the book in question, I do think Oprah has become an "ology" Her new tv ":teaching" channel and HER best life -- not mine -- one size does not fit all -- consequently I think she has gotten very "big" and there will always be followers and worshipers of anything or anyone that big.

but I prefer the verse idea that we can prove all things, and hold fast to the good.

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From what I can see on the Oprah boards, people are not abandoning the ANE book and joining fundamentalists churches as a result of all the preaching and the Oprah/Tolle are the antichrist stuff. Those who are vehemently opposed seem to be preaching to their own choir.

Hellfire and rigid dogma that condemns so many others just doesn't have the power over people that it once did. Many seem to see such attitudes as destructive.

There seems to be a sense of--why are you here if you haven't even read the book? Not the roll over and show the belly folks like some of us were in TWI.

Reminds me of when people would call TWI a cult due to our non trinitarian beliefs. Um, that's not what made it a cult!

But the fact that almost 4 million copies of the book sold during this Oprah deal must have some people and churches really scared.

The fundamentalists are very vocal, but there are plenty of other Christians on the boards who are reading and having positive things to post.

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Nobody needs to actually read the book, watch the class vidoes, or participate in any discussions about the actual content about the actual book!

And based on this sarcastic comment, every one should take PFAL, read the book, and then make a decision about whether it is good or bad. Maybe I'm wrong, but somehow I don't think you'd recommend that Bramble?

And also, I have heard with my own ears and seen with my own eyes Oprah saying that she has abandoned the belief that Jesus Christ is the way for people to be saved. That Jesus is NOT the only way to God the Father.

And so, I abandon considering anything she has to say about spirituality since she has cast Jesus Christ aside as mankind's only hope for salvation, for, Jesus said;

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by the son....."

She's just another "new agey" person with a butt load of money who is trying to make herself feel good with self righteous good works. But we are not justified by good works. The good news is, hopefully, is that maybe she was born again long long ago in the Christian church(es) that she was brought up in. And that's cool, because God's mercy and grace is that big...

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Did you miss that it is a book discussion about a book? Seems to me that it would be a discussion for people who have read the book. Most peopel who participate on the PFAL discussions either have been involved in it or have studied it--how else can they be on topic?

As for Oprah's theology, I have no problem with a Christian disagreeing with it and choosing not to be involved.

I do object to the demonizing of those who believe differently than they do...but have learned to expect it from certain theologies--"others" are evil type stuff. Which is one of the things this book addresses.

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  Bramble said:
I do object to the demonizing of those who believe differently than they do...but have learned to expect it from certain theologies--"others" are evil type stuff. Which is one of the things this book addresses.

I'm not involved in those discussions, and it would seem odd for outsiders to "invade" to try to save people from Oprah's dangerous philosophy. (I mean the "invaders" must apparently think it is dangerous). I suppose the article I linked was maybe a response to the hubbub that was already going on in Christian fundamentalist world.

But I find it interesting that Oprah is not just discussing the book, but saying everyone should live their lives this way. I just wonder whether she says that to ensnare people deeper into her customer base, or whether she really believes it. Her remarks I quoted before seem to indicate she is a true believer in the "snow on the gas pumps" type revelation this guy seems to claim he received. Or at least she wants people to think she truly believes.

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Living our lives her way is what I have issues with.

The author of the book is very interesting and has given extensive thought to things most of us havent given the same amount of energy too.

I do think this kind of thought thinking is a luxury. One not nfound in many other poorer countries and in that way it can be overtly self indulgent to me.

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  washn said:
Living our lives her way is what I have issues with.

The author of the book is very interesting and has given extensive thought to things most of us havent given the same amount of energy too.

I do think this kind of thought thinking is a luxury. One not nfound in many other poorer countries and in that way it can be overtly self indulgent to me.

The book does not encourage following a guru, celebrity etc, nor is it brand new stuff. What the book teaches has been practiced in cultures far removed from Oprah on the flatscreen.

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I was not equating Tolle and his book as a guru following things. It was a side comment regarding Oprah in general. (2 separate issues to my way of thinking)

I do think this kind of self exploration is indulgent and it may be practiced in other cultures I would argue they are more affluent than less and the third world populations are busy trying to survive, not explore the seperation of their egos.

I have "tuned in to all the teachings"

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