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God first



Here I sat thinking about how I have not wrote in a while to my dear friends of the World Wide Web, who live all over the world. But one thing that will never change is God’s love for us and the love of his beloved son the seed of Christ.

Now I do not know what it the weather is doing there where you live but here it is cold and raining almost every day. So I been straying in and sleeping a lot my mood is low but I look forward to sunshine and spending time outside enjoying life.

While I am not sad or depressed, I just want to sleep and dream of brighter days when the weather is more of a blessing to get out in. But I know every day cannot be the same and as mush as we need sunshine we also need rain.

Here in Kentucky April is known as April Rains but March does not always have as much rain as we have had this year most of the time so maybe the rain will stop soon. While the heat of summer will be here soon enough, I look forward to it.

Some times I feel like a bear when its cold and raining because of the desire to sleep my life away but while I sleep I plan and dream while talking to my God about my personal desires. I would think we all do this some what when the weather is wet and cold.

I look forward to the mood to run and play day and night and wish I had more time to sleep and rest. Isn’t it great that God made seasons where our moods can change teaching us about life and moods?

As we learn about normal moods, we can notice non normal moods and be aware of moods that could be harmful to living life as God designed us, to live it. Life was design to live with joy and happiness without end.

While God did design moods but only to help us deal with changes in a good way to sleep when the weather keeps us in or to be playful when the weather is nice. I just wanted to talk a bit about moods to us and together we can understand good and bad moods.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this set of words on moods, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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Hi, Roy

It's always nice to hear from you.

It won't be long before the landscape is teeming with blossoming flowers and the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle fills the evening air. The songs of spring peepers and tree frogs will sound like a symphony in contrast to the stillness of winter's dark and silent nights, signaling the birth of a new and bright spring.

As for me, I think maybe that's what "the voice of God" is all about.

Holy hugs to you, Bro.


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God first

Beloved waysider

God loves you my dear friend

its great to hear from you my dear friend too

yes the "The songs of spring peepers and tree frogs will sound like a symphony in contrast to the stillness of winter's dark and silent nights, signaling the birth of a new and bright spring"

looking forward to all that my friend

yes the voice of God is all about that and more

its great to have spring to look forward too as its great to have a second life to look forward too

thanks for the holy hugs and some holy hugs back at you

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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