I watch it. I worship it. It's just like church, only better.
jen-o, chuckle at will.
You know what's really funny though? My daughter's the last person in the world to do the Praise Wave. Not her thing, but she understands the "heart" as they say. She's more likely to say "Settle down Beavis!" Plus, personal hygiene. Don't wave if you haven't washed. Recently. It's just the right thing to do. I'm sure Paul would have handled it in an epistle to the Corinthians, once he got the other tough stuff worked out with them, like how to line up for dinner appropriately.
American Idol, though. Yeah. Best part of the show is that every year, you get a whole new batch to select from. It's like Dieties-R-Us. All sizes, weights, even gender diversity and gender preference diversity. Can't beat it.
Plus, they're young. Old dieties - once their memory starts to go, it's really hard to get the stuff you've prayed for. Worship 'em when they're young and learning the ropes. Cus once everything gets set in stone - forget it. It's like pulling teeth, they get so dogmatic about everything.
Reading through this thread reminded me how special that song "Shout to the Lord" is to me. It brought back memories of when we first started attending a church several years after leaving TWI. This song in particular helped me get free from the shackles and fetters of way stiffness. I was able to join in with all of my heart in lifting holy hands to praise Him who is worthy of all praise, and lifting my feet in dancing before Him and lifting my voice in a shout to the Lord.
It's true, isn't it wordsnworks? I won't bore you with the details but the first time I heard one of their songs - not Shout, but another one - it stopped me cold. Or Hot. Or something. I was on a long drive, business, over nighter, alone, heading up highway 101 north to Eureka. Beautiful drive, sunset. Full moon coming over the hill. Popped the tape in and started FF ing through tunes, and stopped on "Sing of Your Great Love" and had to pull over and stop. Maybe it was the moment, the music, me. It reached me in a wonderful way. I listened to the tape all the way up and then back returning. Went into my Wife and said "this is - have you listened to all of this???" and she said, well, yeah. She'd given it to me. Really touched me.
For me it was "Above All" but I don't have the skills to import or upload it or whatever magic it is you guys do.Above all powersAbove all kingsAbove all nature And all created thingsThat one.WG
One of the powerful aspects of these songs and this approach to "praise" is that it is, in fact, praise TO God, Jesus Christ, and what they've done. It's different than saying "God is great, He does great things". It's saying "God, You are great. You do great things". Both are swell, far as I'm concerned. I think there's even a basis for it in the bible, for those who can't make simple decisions for themselves.
It's talking to, singing to, speaking to, God. Jesus Christ. It's personal, directed.
Oh no, God will have a cow if I praise Jesus Christ. How could anyone possibly think that? I dunno. It's okay to say "Jesus, my redeemer lives!" but not to say "Jesus, you are my redeemer and I know you live!" ...???
If He's living, why can't I address Him like that? Where does the bible say "don't talk to Jesus Christ, leave Him alone"?
Anyway ex10, sorry for redirecting the thread topic so flagarantly. My bad. Me bad.
Well, I must confess to enjoying the derail of this thread, once I got over the shock and surprise, that is. :lol:
Speaking of those moments when a song grabs ya and wraps its fingers around your heart and stirs your very innerds.....
September of 2005 I found myself in my Mom's minivan shortly before sunrise. We were loaded down with snacks, water, teenage kids, and family pets. We were evacuating our beloved city cause a hurricane named Rita was barreling towards the TX coast. And we'd seen with our own eyes what Katrina had done 3 weeks before.
Anyway, THERE WE WERE, sitting still on Hwy 59 heading NE towards the lake house in Arkansas, bleery eyed and hot after traveling about 35 miles in 8 hours. The highway heading out of town was jammed with cars, trucks, RV's, buses, you name it. It was hot and muggy so everybody had their car windows down. The sun was just starting to come up. We had the Christian radio station on in the car, as did most everybody around us because the dj's were really on top of reporting the traffic situation among other stuff that was happenin.
As it got light enough to see the horizon in front of us, we were awestruck. It was a sea of cars, many of which were pulled over in the median or on the shoulder of the road, with parents and kids draped across their cars, sitting in the back of their trucks. Seems lotza folks ran out of gas and just stopped where they were.
There was a van right beside us, I mean I could reach out and touch it practically, and I counted one MOM and 8 kids, 2 of which were in car seats. Just as I was surveying the unbelievable scene all around us, a Chris Tomlin song came on the radio. It was How Great is Our God. (Every radio on the road was playing this song, no kidding.) As the song started, all the kids in the van next to us started to sing along, and I saw the MOM burst into tears.
Of course that did it for me and my Mom, and we joined her. :) There was something incredibly moving about hearing a vanful of kids singing their hearts out prasing God in the midst of the chaos. Unforgettable.
I think that praise and worship in the midst of hell must bless and honor God an awful lot. It's easy to praise God when you're happy and healthy and everything is going well. It's not so easy when life sucks. David talked about that some in Psalms, I believe. Jesus could commend his spirit into the hands of His Father with his last breath. I ran out of printer ink today and had a hissy.
Waysider, thanks for posting that for me. I'll get some lessons when I get this antivirus program on my almost brand-new computer with the 22" screen. (Yep, I'm braqging)!
I think that praise and worship in the midst of hell must bless and honor God an awful lot. It's easy to praise God when you're happy and healthy and everything is going well. It's not so easy when life sucks. David talked about that some in Psalms, I believe. Jesus could commend his spirit into the hands of His Father with his last breath. I ran out of printer ink today and had a hissy.
Waysider, thanks for posting that for me. I'll get some lessons when I get this antivirus program on my almost brand-new computer with the 22" screen. (Yep, I'm braqging)!
Not that I know much about computers but don't most of the new ones come with a bunch of stuff already built in?
well, since we are sharing songs that are in the "goosebump" category...
here's mine...
i left twi in the spring of 1997... and i did quite a bit of church-hopping after that... i would always sit in the front row, and analyze (and critique) everything that went on during the service, to the point of taking copious notes about every detail...
well, in the fall of 1999, i found myself in a little church in a rented out room of a charter school... a little band was playing music (actually a great band)... and they were playing various songs (of the hillsong variety)... and i was standing in the front row (as usual) and everything was all good... when they started playing a song called "heart of worship"... the words were on a big screen right in front of me... and i began singing along, until they got to the refrain: "it's all about you Jesus"... and then, i don't know what the heck happened... my eyes began to water, and i could not hold back the tears... i began to sob those heart-wrenching sobs that come from the innermost part of your being... my body became so weak i wanted to fall to my knees... i still have no idea how i remained standing... my heart was absolutely pierced with the simple words of that song... and i continued to tremble and sob, barely able to stand with eyes blurred with tears, all the way thru that song... if there were any vestiges of twi "mentality" left in me, they were cleared away with that song...
if anyone knows how to post a youtube version of the song here, that would be nice... waysider? :)
anyway, here are the lyrics:
Verse 1:
When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart
I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart
I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus
I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You,
It's all about You, Jesus (here's where i lost it)
When I saw the American Idol program end with a Christian song I thought perhaps the producers were acknowledging and in a way thanking all the work done in poverty stricken areas by church organizations. Even here in the states groups like Catholic Charities ( I volunteer with a low cost food program with them and it is well run and draws in volunteers of all faiths and no faiths) do alot to help the poor.
That they were trying to work with such organizations, not separate from them.
John Tesh is proably responsible for Contemporary Praise Music being on TV with his Worship at Red Rocks concert that was videoed for PBS. A lot of churches use DVD's and Cd's from Worship Together series from Integrity Music, and WOW Worship(no, not Word over the World) from Maranatha/Integrity/Vineyards. Now if Selah, Pressed Down, Good Seed, and Joyful Noise had done this back in the 70's before MTV and V-H1 had even poped up. Gee, where was VPW and his revelation manifestations? Thinking of America Awakes album and Ted Ferrell's song The White House Across the Street. Anyway enjoyed the YouTube videos.
And Whitedove, you are disputing the validity of exalting Jesus as Lord? I thought we had this conversation like 10 or 15 years ago? no?
Not at all, just how one goes about doing such a thing, but hey you wanted thoughts and by chance I had some extras that day.
We probably had this conversation but I don't remember, all this zombie fighting has taken it's toll on the hard drive. I need a memory upgrade.
Sorry I missed your call last week but I got your voice mail, I would have answered but I thought it might be an extraterrestrial calling trying to pozesssss my mind through the fiber optic network. Besides I was practicing my song for my Idol day view.
Ooh, I bet you're wondering how I knew
About you're plans to make me Blue
Waving hands with glassy eyes
Making me a zombie prize
It took me by surprise, I must say,
When I found out yesterday.
Don't you know that...
I heard it through the grapevine
Not much longer would I be mine.
Oh I heard it through the praise line
Oh and I'm just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
Wow Socks what a close call you had , Quick thinking , all those years of Corps training paid off. Nothing like a good word study a dose of Biblical Thorazine to snap them back to reality. I'm sure they are nice people but then again so was the Creature from the Black Lagoon ,well except for the fish breath....
Hey my motto - When the hands start to waving, a trail I'll be blazing
Obviously you never saw the pictures used to advertise TWI that were from the Rock of Ages 1972, with sweaty, fervent young people singing together their eyes closed and their hands waviing in the air. I guess if they had, you weren't be the passionate defender of TWI/Wierwille theology, huh? You would have run from the one true household of The Way?
In 1973 LCM himself gave me a business card with his name and address on one side and this very picture on the other. Gave me the creeps. But then I'd never have met Mr. Garden.....
Give it a rest. Go to an Episcopal Church or Sunday Service at TWI. Not everyone who likes contemporary music is a "handwaver". Some are. The important thing is that Christ is honored, God is given His due worship.
It's a great song but I don't particularly like this version of it, a bit too slow and dirge-like. And as somebody remarked above, very "Singing Ladies" style, over-synchronized moves.
I like the song based on Ps 103, "The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate" - there isn't a nice one on Youtube. So healing after the condemnation of TWI. Like Jen-o says, brings tears to the eyes.
I wish 'em well with it but don't see it making the winning post. That's probably reserved for some soppy love ballad or whatever about nothing important.
Obviously you never saw the pictures used to advertise TWI that were from the Rock of Ages 1972, with sweaty, fervent young people singing together their eyes closed and their hands waviing in the air. I guess if they had, you weren't be the passionate defender of TWI/Wierwille theology, huh? You would have run from the one true household of The Way?
In 1973 LCM himself gave me a business card with his name and address on one side and this very picture on the other. Gave me the creeps. But then I'd never have met Mr. Garden.....
Give it a rest. Go to an Episcopal Church or Sunday Service at TWI. Not everyone who likes contemporary music is a "handwaver". Some are. The important thing is that Christ is honored, God is given His due worship.
Give it a rest.
I've seen the film many times have a copy on video, as a matter of fact. Oh and I'm not a passionate defender of TWI/Wierwille theology by the way, just a defender of biblical truth, sometimes they are the same, sometimes not.
The important thing is that Christ is honored, God is given His due worship.
Let me just check those lyrics again......I must have missed it.....
My Jesus, My Savior
Lord there is none like You
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love
My Comfort, My Shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You
That's the thing Sounds like JESUS is being given the due worship to me, not God. Each to their own BUT lets just be honest about it. It's JESUS WORSHIP..... Now I see Jesus directing worship to the Fatherin the scripture.......... so like big bird says One of these things does not belong with the others.......
4 For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the LORD made the heavens.
6 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and glory are in his sanctuary.
7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth.
10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns."
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it;
12 let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them.
Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy;
13 they will sing before the LORD, for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in his truth.
Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
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I watch it. I worship it. It's just like church, only better.
jen-o, chuckle at will.
You know what's really funny though? My daughter's the last person in the world to do the Praise Wave. Not her thing, but she understands the "heart" as they say. She's more likely to say "Settle down Beavis!" Plus, personal hygiene. Don't wave if you haven't washed. Recently. It's just the right thing to do. I'm sure Paul would have handled it in an epistle to the Corinthians, once he got the other tough stuff worked out with them, like how to line up for dinner appropriately.
American Idol, though. Yeah. Best part of the show is that every year, you get a whole new batch to select from. It's like Dieties-R-Us. All sizes, weights, even gender diversity and gender preference diversity. Can't beat it.
Plus, they're young. Old dieties - once their memory starts to go, it's really hard to get the stuff you've prayed for. Worship 'em when they're young and learning the ropes. Cus once everything gets set in stone - forget it. It's like pulling teeth, they get so dogmatic about everything.
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Reading through this thread reminded me how special that song "Shout to the Lord" is to me. It brought back memories of when we first started attending a church several years after leaving TWI. This song in particular helped me get free from the shackles and fetters of way stiffness. I was able to join in with all of my heart in lifting holy hands to praise Him who is worthy of all praise, and lifting my feet in dancing before Him and lifting my voice in a shout to the Lord.
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It's true, isn't it wordsnworks? I won't bore you with the details but the first time I heard one of their songs - not Shout, but another one - it stopped me cold. Or Hot. Or something. I was on a long drive, business, over nighter, alone, heading up highway 101 north to Eureka. Beautiful drive, sunset. Full moon coming over the hill. Popped the tape in and started FF ing through tunes, and stopped on "Sing of Your Great Love" and had to pull over and stop. Maybe it was the moment, the music, me. It reached me in a wonderful way. I listened to the tape all the way up and then back returning. Went into my Wife and said "this is - have you listened to all of this???" and she said, well, yeah. She'd given it to me.
Really touched me.
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Watered Garden
For me it was "Above All" but I don't have the skills to import or upload it or whatever magic it is you guys do.
Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature
And all created things
That one.
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Great tune.
One of the powerful aspects of these songs and this approach to "praise" is that it is, in fact, praise TO God, Jesus Christ, and what they've done. It's different than saying "God is great, He does great things". It's saying "God, You are great. You do great things". Both are swell, far as I'm concerned. I think there's even a basis for it in the bible, for those who can't make simple decisions for themselves.
It's talking to, singing to, speaking to, God. Jesus Christ. It's personal, directed.
Oh no, God will have a cow if I praise Jesus Christ. How could anyone possibly think that? I dunno. It's okay to say "Jesus, my redeemer lives!" but not to say "Jesus, you are my redeemer and I know you live!" ...???
If He's living, why can't I address Him like that? Where does the bible say "don't talk to Jesus Christ, leave Him alone"?
Anyway ex10, sorry for redirecting the thread topic so flagarantly. My bad. Me bad.
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wow i haven't read this thread
but i'm laughing my azz off that it's being picked apart
okay i scrolled but really fast
ps. did i tell anyone i don't care
but i'm going back to listen to it
it makes me feel good
well to be honest, it didn't make feel as good as the first time
maybe it's the mood i have to be in
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
but in any case, you all crack me up
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Well, I must confess to enjoying the derail of this thread, once I got over the shock and surprise, that is. :lol:
Speaking of those moments when a song grabs ya and wraps its fingers around your heart and stirs your very innerds.....
September of 2005 I found myself in my Mom's minivan shortly before sunrise. We were loaded down with snacks, water, teenage kids, and family pets. We were evacuating our beloved city cause a hurricane named Rita was barreling towards the TX coast. And we'd seen with our own eyes what Katrina had done 3 weeks before.
Anyway, THERE WE WERE, sitting still on Hwy 59 heading NE towards the lake house in Arkansas, bleery eyed and hot after traveling about 35 miles in 8 hours. The highway heading out of town was jammed with cars, trucks, RV's, buses, you name it. It was hot and muggy so everybody had their car windows down. The sun was just starting to come up. We had the Christian radio station on in the car, as did most everybody around us because the dj's were really on top of reporting the traffic situation among other stuff that was happenin.
As it got light enough to see the horizon in front of us, we were awestruck. It was a sea of cars, many of which were pulled over in the median or on the shoulder of the road, with parents and kids draped across their cars, sitting in the back of their trucks. Seems lotza folks ran out of gas and just stopped where they were.
There was a van right beside us, I mean I could reach out and touch it practically, and I counted one MOM and 8 kids, 2 of which were in car seats. Just as I was surveying the unbelievable scene all around us, a Chris Tomlin song came on the radio. It was How Great is Our God. (Every radio on the road was playing this song, no kidding.) As the song started, all the kids in the van next to us started to sing along, and I saw the MOM burst into tears.
Of course that did it for me and my Mom, and we joined her. :) There was something incredibly moving about hearing a vanful of kids singing their hearts out prasing God in the midst of the chaos. Unforgettable.
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Watered Garden
I think that praise and worship in the midst of hell must bless and honor God an awful lot. It's easy to praise God when you're happy and healthy and everything is going well. It's not so easy when life sucks. David talked about that some in Psalms, I believe. Jesus could commend his spirit into the hands of His Father with his last breath. I ran out of printer ink today and had a hissy.
Waysider, thanks for posting that for me. I'll get some lessons when I get this antivirus program on my almost brand-new computer with the 22" screen. (Yep, I'm braqging)!
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Not that I know much about computers but don't most of the new ones come with a bunch of stuff already built in?
Anyway, it was my pleasure to post that song.
It's definitely in the "goosebump" category.
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well, since we are sharing songs that are in the "goosebump" category...
here's mine...
i left twi in the spring of 1997... and i did quite a bit of church-hopping after that... i would always sit in the front row, and analyze (and critique) everything that went on during the service, to the point of taking copious notes about every detail...
well, in the fall of 1999, i found myself in a little church in a rented out room of a charter school... a little band was playing music (actually a great band)... and they were playing various songs (of the hillsong variety)... and i was standing in the front row (as usual) and everything was all good... when they started playing a song called "heart of worship"... the words were on a big screen right in front of me... and i began singing along, until they got to the refrain: "it's all about you Jesus"... and then, i don't know what the heck happened... my eyes began to water, and i could not hold back the tears... i began to sob those heart-wrenching sobs that come from the innermost part of your being... my body became so weak i wanted to fall to my knees... i still have no idea how i remained standing... my heart was absolutely pierced with the simple words of that song... and i continued to tremble and sob, barely able to stand with eyes blurred with tears, all the way thru that song... if there were any vestiges of twi "mentality" left in me, they were cleared away with that song...
if anyone knows how to post a youtube version of the song here, that would be nice... waysider? :)
anyway, here are the lyrics:
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Heart Of Worship-------Matt RedmanOops. Didn't see Socks' post.
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When I saw the American Idol program end with a Christian song I thought perhaps the producers were acknowledging and in a way thanking all the work done in poverty stricken areas by church organizations. Even here in the states groups like Catholic Charities ( I volunteer with a low cost food program with them and it is well run and draws in volunteers of all faiths and no faiths) do alot to help the poor.
That they were trying to work with such organizations, not separate from them.
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Philippians 1:15-18 makes no mention of Jesus.
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what bible are you reading?
Christ is mentioned 3 times in that passage (in verses 15, 16, & 18)...
just who do you think Christ refers to??
(((socks))) (((waysider))) thanks! :~)
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Jesus is God?? Nonesense.
Saviour --- Absolutely.
I'll shut up now, so as not to derail this thread. :)
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
John Tesh is proably responsible for Contemporary Praise Music being on TV with his Worship at Red Rocks concert that was videoed for PBS. A lot of churches use DVD's and Cd's from Worship Together series from Integrity Music, and WOW Worship(no, not Word over the World) from Maranatha/Integrity/Vineyards. Now if Selah, Pressed Down, Good Seed, and Joyful Noise had done this back in the 70's before MTV and V-H1 had even poped up. Gee, where was VPW and his revelation manifestations? Thinking of America Awakes album and Ted Ferrell's song The White House Across the Street. Anyway enjoyed the YouTube videos.
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Not at all, just how one goes about doing such a thing, but hey you wanted thoughts and by chance I had some extras that day.
We probably had this conversation but I don't remember, all this zombie fighting has taken it's toll on the hard drive. I need a memory upgrade.
Sorry I missed your call last week but I got your voice mail, I would have answered but I thought it might be an extraterrestrial calling trying to pozesssss my mind through the fiber optic network. Besides I was practicing my song for my Idol day view.
Ooh, I bet you're wondering how I knew
About you're plans to make me Blue
Waving hands with glassy eyes
Making me a zombie prize
It took me by surprise, I must say,
When I found out yesterday.
Don't you know that...
I heard it through the grapevine
Not much longer would I be mine.
Oh I heard it through the praise line
Oh and I'm just about to lose my mind.
Honey, honey yeah.
Wow Socks what a close call you had , Quick thinking , all those years of Corps training paid off. Nothing like a good word study a dose of Biblical Thorazine to snap them back to reality. I'm sure they are nice people but then again so was the Creature from the Black Lagoon ,well except for the fish breath....
Hey my motto - When the hands start to waving, a trail I'll be blazing
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Watered Garden
Obviously you never saw the pictures used to advertise TWI that were from the Rock of Ages 1972, with sweaty, fervent young people singing together their eyes closed and their hands waviing in the air. I guess if they had, you weren't be the passionate defender of TWI/Wierwille theology, huh? You would have run from the one true household of The Way?
In 1973 LCM himself gave me a business card with his name and address on one side and this very picture on the other. Gave me the creeps. But then I'd never have met Mr. Garden.....
Give it a rest. Go to an Episcopal Church or Sunday Service at TWI. Not everyone who likes contemporary music is a "handwaver". Some are. The important thing is that Christ is honored, God is given His due worship.
Give it a rest.
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It's a great song but I don't particularly like this version of it, a bit too slow and dirge-like. And as somebody remarked above, very "Singing Ladies" style, over-synchronized moves.
I like the song based on Ps 103, "The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate" - there isn't a nice one on Youtube. So healing after the condemnation of TWI. Like Jen-o says, brings tears to the eyes.
I wish 'em well with it but don't see it making the winning post. That's probably reserved for some soppy love ballad or whatever about nothing important.
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I've seen the film many times have a copy on video, as a matter of fact. Oh and I'm not a passionate defender of TWI/Wierwille theology by the way, just a defender of biblical truth, sometimes they are the same, sometimes not.
Let me just check those lyrics again......I must have missed it.....
My Jesus, My Savior
Lord there is none like You
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love
My Comfort, My Shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You
That's the thing Sounds like JESUS is being given the due worship to me, not God. Each to their own BUT lets just be honest about it. It's JESUS WORSHIP..... Now I see Jesus directing worship to the Fatherin the scripture.......... so like big bird says One of these things does not belong with the others.......
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1 Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth.
2 Sing to the LORD, praise his name;
proclaim his salvation day after day.
3 Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
4 For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
he is to be feared above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but the LORD made the heavens.
6 Splendor and majesty are before him;
strength and glory are in his sanctuary.
7 Ascribe to the LORD, O families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
9 Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth.
10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns."
The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved;
he will judge the peoples with equity.
11 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it;
12 let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them.
Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy;
13 they will sing before the LORD, for he comes,
he comes to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in his truth.
Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?
No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
P.S. I don't believe that Jesus Christ is "God".
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There used to be a band in Cleveland named Jubal.
They took their name from that cat in Genesis(the book, not the band) who is the "father" of all musicians.
Gen. 5:21
"And his brother's name was Jubal: He was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ."
Hmmmmm. It appears he may have been the first harmonica player as well. Very interesting.
Anyway, he probably had it pretty easy 'cause there just wasn't all that much stuff yet to worry about gettin' "right on".
Now if I can find a verse that reveals what embouchure he preferred, I might just be privy to "the greatest secret in the harmonica world today".
I'll keep looking.
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