I agree, Polar bear. I saw the flick myself, and Wow! :o
And the fact that they are children and going through that crap. ... If I weren't so skeptical of the 'mind control' theory itself, I'd have to say that a kind of 'mind control' was being applied here, what with watching the fear-and-guilt ridden expressions that I kept seeing on all those kids faces, and there emotions being taken on a roller coaster ride like that.
Hell, if what folks say about 'mind control' in how its supposedly rampant in TWI and in other groups, then it sure as hell is being applied here, particularly when its kids that are the targets for such psychological abuse.
One of the unmistakeably shocking statements uttered by Pastor Becky when interviewed in that documentary:
I want to see young people who are as committed to the cause of Jesus Christ as the young people are to the cause of Islam. I want to see them as radically laying down their lives for the gospel as they are over in Pakistan and Israel and Palestine and all those different places... Excuse me, but we have the truth!
Errmm, ... but aren't the lil Islamic children in Pakistan, Isreal, and Palestine told that their dedication could mean blowing themselves--and a lot of innocent people--up for Allah?! ... So that's how dedicated she wants these little kids to be? :o
The reason I asked if anyone recognized her or her name is that there is a scene where she leads the kids into speaking in tongues that shares a lot of similarities with session #12.
(She even starts her tongue with "Lashanta---)
It made me wonder if she had been exposed to PFAL at some time, either personally or vicariously.
According to the information I found on her, she is a fourth generation Pentecostal.
Maybe they have always done it this way, I don't know.
If they have, it would seem to cast a shadow on the authenticity of session #12.
I've seen this documentary, also. Since it was made, I understand Jesus Camp has been discontinued.
Newsflash: In our newspaper this morning I read that tonight, 4-12-08, "CBS' 48 Hours offers an intimate look at The Lord's Boot Camp, an interdenominational evangelical group in Merritt Island [Florida] that trains teen missionaries. The program premieres at 8:00 tonight on WKMG-Channel 6. The Lord's Boot Camp is a collaboration between the newsmagazine and Loki Films, makers of Jesus Camp, an Oscar-nominated documentary."
IMO, these camps take advantage of teens. Teens have underdeveloped brains that don't allow them to understand what they are really involved with. Because teen brains are not fully developed, they lack of the capacity to make decisions that reflect they understand the ramifications of their actions. This has been scientifically shown. Human brains are not fully developed until the early 20's.
IMO these teen camps and trainings are immoral and unethical. Period.
That gives me much more of a flashback to the Pentecostal church I attended for a few months than to twi. We stopped going there when my son, who was almost 7 years old at the time, tugged on my sleeve during one of their services and said, "Mommy, why is that man (the church's pastor) so mad all the time?"
Out of the mouths of babes. We stopped going there and started going to a twi fellowship.
I didn't like the chaos of everyone speaking in tongues aloud at once. I really disliked the fire and brimstone sermons and obsession with sin. I thought the "slain in the spirit" stuff was nothing but hysteria. And I got nothing out of the "angry" man's screamed sermons. He could have given Craig some lessons in vein popping and yelling. :)
I have regrets about raising my son in twi, to be sure, but I think I'd have more to regret if we'd stayed with that church, and even more if I'd gotten him mixed up in something like the camp shown in the video clip.
By the way, I listened to the beginning of that clip twice to see what the woman was saying. It sounds to me more like "rashada kasada."
We watched parts of this documentary in my Sociology class a couple weeks ago. I've seen the whole thing before, and it's pretty strange stuff. I definitely think this is an example of brainwashing. What better age to teach a child than age 4 or 5, when the mind is still malleable and absorbs things like a sponge? When it's things like this that are being taught...ohhhh boy...it's things like this that make me wonder what the face of modern Christianity is going to look like in about 50 years. *shudders*
Evangelical Christianity scares the hell out of me. :blink:
I find it extreemly comical that on one of those clips above they show the ousted evangelical mega church Pastor Ted Haggard who was unceremoniously bounced by his congregation when his homesexual behaivor with male prostitutes went public two years ago.
It's also humorous that they spoke of political indoctrination of kids toward being christian warriors for the republican party, when in reality the Christian Right is mocked by the Bush administration behind closed doors.
The guy Bush set up as the Faith Initiative Dept head even wrote a book about it after he observed this behavior for two years from the White House, all the while his department was slowly being underfunded, dismantled and dissolved by them. In reality the religious right were used to
The irony is that this camp is in DEVIL'S Lake, in South Dakota, and area errily reminds me of a section of central/NW Ohio(New Knoxville/New Bremen/St. Mary's/Wapokeneta/Sidney/Minster). Does make you wonder, although the crosses would never be seen on TWI property.
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I agree, Polar bear. I saw the flick myself, and Wow! :o
And the fact that they are children and going through that crap. ... If I weren't so skeptical of the 'mind control' theory itself, I'd have to say that a kind of 'mind control' was being applied here, what with watching the fear-and-guilt ridden expressions that I kept seeing on all those kids faces, and there emotions being taken on a roller coaster ride like that.
Hell, if what folks say about 'mind control' in how its supposedly rampant in TWI and in other groups, then it sure as hell is being applied here, particularly when its kids that are the targets for such psychological abuse.
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One of the unmistakeably shocking statements uttered by Pastor Becky when interviewed in that documentary:
Errmm, ... but aren't the lil Islamic children in Pakistan, Isreal, and Palestine told that their dedication could mean blowing themselves--and a lot of innocent people--up for Allah?! ... So that's how dedicated she wants these little kids to be? :o
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Watered Garden
That is truly weird!
Were the sound effects added in or is this the sequel to The Exorcist?
Nobody from that bunch would get near my kids/grandkids!
Yuck! Gives me the shivers.
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The sound effects were added by the person who uploaded it to youtube to make it even creepier.
You can go to youtube and watch the actual movie in 10 minute installments.
I think TWI is even scarier because they were so clever about camouflaging its true nature, whereas this group is very blatant and obvious.
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another short clip
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Dot Matrix
Was that blonde lady at the begining --
Was her tongue LAshunta....
Or is it me?
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I noticed that too.
Anybody recognize her or her name?
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Dot Matrix
Becky sure is hot about sin in others
Has she heard of gluttony? Just curious as she pushes the kids hard...
Do not ever recall hearing of her ---
I felt bad for that little boy with the blonde hair crying his eyes out... I hope he finds peace
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Watered Garden
That woman did indeed look a tad familiar.
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The reason I asked if anyone recognized her or her name is that there is a scene where she leads the kids into speaking in tongues that shares a lot of similarities with session #12.
(She even starts her tongue with "Lashanta---)
It made me wonder if she had been exposed to PFAL at some time, either personally or vicariously.
According to the information I found on her, she is a fourth generation Pentecostal.
Maybe they have always done it this way, I don't know.
If they have, it would seem to cast a shadow on the authenticity of session #12.
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Isn't this just about EVERY religious denomination believes, if not overtly, but tacitly?
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I've seen this documentary, also. Since it was made, I understand Jesus Camp has been discontinued.
Newsflash: In our newspaper this morning I read that tonight, 4-12-08, "CBS' 48 Hours offers an intimate look at The Lord's Boot Camp, an interdenominational evangelical group in Merritt Island [Florida] that trains teen missionaries. The program premieres at 8:00 tonight on WKMG-Channel 6. The Lord's Boot Camp is a collaboration between the newsmagazine and Loki Films, makers of Jesus Camp, an Oscar-nominated documentary."
IMO, these camps take advantage of teens. Teens have underdeveloped brains that don't allow them to understand what they are really involved with. Because teen brains are not fully developed, they lack of the capacity to make decisions that reflect they understand the ramifications of their actions. This has been scientifically shown. Human brains are not fully developed until the early 20's.
IMO these teen camps and trainings are immoral and unethical. Period.
Edited by penworks.
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Linda Z
That gives me much more of a flashback to the Pentecostal church I attended for a few months than to twi. We stopped going there when my son, who was almost 7 years old at the time, tugged on my sleeve during one of their services and said, "Mommy, why is that man (the church's pastor) so mad all the time?"
Out of the mouths of babes. We stopped going there and started going to a twi fellowship.
I didn't like the chaos of everyone speaking in tongues aloud at once. I really disliked the fire and brimstone sermons and obsession with sin. I thought the "slain in the spirit" stuff was nothing but hysteria. And I got nothing out of the "angry" man's screamed sermons. He could have given Craig some lessons in vein popping and yelling. :)
I have regrets about raising my son in twi, to be sure, but I think I'd have more to regret if we'd stayed with that church, and even more if I'd gotten him mixed up in something like the camp shown in the video clip.
By the way, I listened to the beginning of that clip twice to see what the woman was saying. It sounds to me more like "rashada kasada."
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Fast forward to approx. 7:40 for the tongues sequence.
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Linda Z
I saw that 2nd SIT part, Waysider. Didn't sound like Lo Shonta there to me, either, but then I am getitng up there. :)
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Not me.
I'm still a kid!!
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looking at some of the clips makes me think of TWI to a certian degree. Only these adults are more open in what they are teaching thease kids.
The kids are going to be growing up thinking that what they are being taught is the "ONLY" way of how christianity is supposed to be.
I know that in what I've read about Jesus and kids is that Jesus didn't go around teaching to be "zombies" for GOD, or militants either.
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We watched parts of this documentary in my Sociology class a couple weeks ago. I've seen the whole thing before, and it's pretty strange stuff. I definitely think this is an example of brainwashing. What better age to teach a child than age 4 or 5, when the mind is still malleable and absorbs things like a sponge? When it's things like this that are being taught...ohhhh boy...it's things like this that make me wonder what the face of modern Christianity is going to look like in about 50 years. *shudders*
Evangelical Christianity scares the hell out of me. :blink:
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now I see
I find it extreemly comical that on one of those clips above they show the ousted evangelical mega church Pastor Ted Haggard who was unceremoniously bounced by his congregation when his homesexual behaivor with male prostitutes went public two years ago.
It's also humorous that they spoke of political indoctrination of kids toward being christian warriors for the republican party, when in reality the Christian Right is mocked by the Bush administration behind closed doors.
The guy Bush set up as the Faith Initiative Dept head even wrote a book about it after he observed this behavior for two years from the White House, all the while his department was slowly being underfunded, dismantled and dissolved by them. In reality the religious right were used to
get votes, and nothing else.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
The irony is that this camp is in DEVIL'S Lake, in South Dakota, and area errily reminds me of a section of central/NW Ohio(New Knoxville/New Bremen/St. Mary's/Wapokeneta/Sidney/Minster). Does make you wonder, although the crosses would never be seen on TWI property.
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