And, I think I'll make sure to turn my lights ON during that "earth hour" deal. I am perhaps the biggest "lights off Nazi" you will ever meet. When my kids leave their lights on upstairs, even if I am upstairs when I find the light left on in a bedroom, I call them up to turn off their own light, even though it would have been easier for me to do it. "If you leave a room, turn the light off. Make it a habit" I tell them.
BUT, I do not believe that the global warming is "man made", and I certainly do not believe that the floods and hurricanes are caused by "global warming" which is also another way of saying that it is all "George Bush's fault" for not signing on to the Kyoto Protocol". It's the fear mongering in the first part of that vid clip that I reject MStar, the part showing all of the destruction "caused" by global warming. I really had to laugh at the glacier "calving". I mean, glaciers have been calving for centuries. It's what they started doing when the Ice Age was over. In actuality, I think it's a peachy idea for everyone to turn their lights off at once for an hour. I like it alot! Saving on electricity is a fine idea. But I do not like it when Fear Mongers try to motivate me to do it with their fear tactics. And so, thanks MStar for the heads-up. I will make sure to turn my lights on at that time, and then of course do my usual "be frugal with my electricity" by way of turning off my lights and using those little mini screw in florescent light bulbs, etc...
"be frugal with my electricity" by way of turning off my lights and using those little mini screw in florescent light bulbs, etc...
But what hapens when people start throwing those compact flourescents out with the trash? That mercury goes into our water, eventually ... I have a bunch of them, but that is a question. Is it easier to get rid of a little nuclear fuel, or to have mercury spread around in our environment?
I think there was already a Sat. Night Live skit on that ... or some skit.
We need 2000 new nuke plants ... making the world darker seems like a bad plan ... though conservation is smart. from wikipedia ...
A June 2007 article calculated that the overall mercury emission by CFLs is less than the mercury released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power generation for series of equivalent incandescent lamps over the same period.
Of course, not all electricity is coal-fire generated, but the mercury from spent CFLs in landfills is not released into air if the bulbs are transported in a way so that they don't break, and with proper disposal, will not be released into the subsurface or groundwater in the foreseeable future. Yet at the moment it is calculated that only 3% of CFL bulbs are properly disposed of or recycled. It is important to note that this comparison also only refers to the statistics of one CFL bulb surviving for a full 5 years of use. For example: If the CFL were to break or burn out a total of 3 times in that 5 year period there would be an additional 12mg of mercury used
Shucks --- doesn't anyone else remember the RECEIVE, RETAIN, RELEASE thing from pfal???
The earth receives energy (your guess is as good as mine as to from where ---)
The earth retains energy (consider it a *bank account* of sorts) -- and:
The earth needs to RELEASE energy so it doesn't blow up, or become a Dead Sea.
Personally -- in honor of Earth Hour -- I turned on every light bulb I have in the house here.
Without any release of energy -- some serious-$h!t-is-gonna-happen-that-won't be-purty!!
And Momma (earth) will heave a sigh of relief.
Personally -- I think that any bozo that tends to agree with and/ or comply with this *blackout* mandate to enhance "global salvation" (or whatever it is being called) needs to (in the words of docvic) -- get CHECKUP from the NECKUP!
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i'm glad you told me rottie or i'd 'a been scared !!!!!!
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??? I don't get it. What's changed about it?
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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Garth! You honestly mean you don't see anything different? Or are you just yanking me? <_<
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Its dark for Earth Hour which is happening around the world today..
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Well I turn my lights off every night when I go to sleep. Besides, I want to see America's Most Wanted! Or does having a TV on not count?
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J0nny Ling0
What, that the Google background is black?
And, I think I'll make sure to turn my lights ON during that "earth hour" deal. I am perhaps the biggest "lights off Nazi" you will ever meet. When my kids leave their lights on upstairs, even if I am upstairs when I find the light left on in a bedroom, I call them up to turn off their own light, even though it would have been easier for me to do it. "If you leave a room, turn the light off. Make it a habit" I tell them.
BUT, I do not believe that the global warming is "man made", and I certainly do not believe that the floods and hurricanes are caused by "global warming" which is also another way of saying that it is all "George Bush's fault" for not signing on to the Kyoto Protocol". It's the fear mongering in the first part of that vid clip that I reject MStar, the part showing all of the destruction "caused" by global warming. I really had to laugh at the glacier "calving". I mean, glaciers have been calving for centuries. It's what they started doing when the Ice Age was over. In actuality, I think it's a peachy idea for everyone to turn their lights off at once for an hour. I like it alot! Saving on electricity is a fine idea. But I do not like it when Fear Mongers try to motivate me to do it with their fear tactics. And so, thanks MStar for the heads-up. I will make sure to turn my lights on at that time, and then of course do my usual "be frugal with my electricity" by way of turning off my lights and using those little mini screw in florescent light bulbs, etc...
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But what hapens when people start throwing those compact flourescents out with the trash? That mercury goes into our water, eventually ... I have a bunch of them, but that is a question. Is it easier to get rid of a little nuclear fuel, or to have mercury spread around in our environment?
I think there was already a Sat. Night Live skit on that ... or some skit.
We need 2000 new nuke plants ... making the world darker seems like a bad plan ... though conservation is smart. from wikipedia ...
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Well maybe tonight I'll go to McDonalds and drive with my lights off and explain to the cop it's Earth Hour.

Edited by RottieGrrrlLink to comment
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Shucks --- doesn't anyone else remember the RECEIVE, RETAIN, RELEASE thing from pfal???
The earth receives energy (your guess is as good as mine as to from where ---)
The earth retains energy (consider it a *bank account* of sorts) -- and:
The earth needs to RELEASE energy so it doesn't blow up, or become a Dead Sea.
Personally -- in honor of Earth Hour -- I turned on every light bulb I have in the house here.
Without any release of energy -- some serious-$h!t-is-gonna-happen-that-won't be-purty!!
And Momma (earth) will heave a sigh of relief.
Personally -- I think that any bozo that tends to agree with and/ or comply with this *blackout* mandate to enhance "global salvation" (or whatever it is being called) needs to (in the words of docvic) -- get CHECKUP from the NECKUP!
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Well buddy why don't you just tell it like it is.
Do you think that there may be a little greed behind the GW agenda?
I sure some have the best of intentions but you can bet someone has got their eye on the pie.
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J0nny Ling0
What's GW got to do with this?
And, I didn't know that about the mercury Rhino. I just use them to save on my electric bill. Hmmmmm
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