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I No Longer Drive a WOWmobile


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During the Oakspear 2002 North American Tour Laleo labelled my car (accurately) a "WOWmobile". During the same trip my father gave me several hundred dollars so I could make it home if the car crapped out on me. I was still driving the POS's that characterized many of our WOW vehicles.

This week I bought my first new car. I still have a second car that is more than ten years old, but it runs beautifully and looks pretty sharp too.

Gee, tithing, fellowshipping daily, obeying leadership for years and I drove rolling rust buckets...

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  Oakspear said:
Gee, tithing, fellowshipping daily, obeying leadership for years and I drove rolling rust buckets...

See .. faithfulness pays off ... you got your new car ... :eusa_clap:

let me give you my the new address for the ABS though ... so you are sure to continue receiving Gawd's blessings ... :who_me:

Edited by rhino
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  Oakspear said:
This week I bought my first new car. I still have a second car that is more than ten years old, but it runs beautifully and looks pretty sharp too.

So ------ Don't keep us in suspense, Oak. What did you buy?????

Cheap and/ or practical?? Costly and/ or racy?? Truck? SUV? Mini Cooper?

Inquiring minds want to know!! :biglaugh:

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So ------ Don't keep us in suspense, Oak. What did you buy?????

Cheap and/ or practical?? Costly and/ or racy?? Truck? SUV? Mini Cooper?

Inquiring minds want to know!!


Can I have the old WOWmobile? I'd like to upgrade..... :biglaugh:

Edited by WhiteDove
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'08 Saturn Aura - Red (you know, like the drapes)

I actually got rid of the last WOWmobile about 2 years ago. It was a fake-wood-sided 1987 (or '88) Oldsmobile station wagon. Some of you may remember it from the 3rd Annual Weenie Roast. It was a great travel car, but I sadly had to send "Big Woody" to the Big Car Lot in the Sky. I replaced him with a '95 Saturn S-1. My wife was leasing a Saturn when we got married. The lease was up so we decided to buy.

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congrats oakspear. i now have a new truck, which IF i was still in TWI, would put me in the "let's get him to use his truck for our benifit and tell him it's for 'Gods business' " type of deal.

When i was a WOW in 1979 and 1980, i did one heck of a lot of walking. Which probably explaines why my knees bother me so much.

But glad you and your wife have a nice vehicle. And a really nice one to boot.

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My first year WOW, 1974, I did not have a vehicle. In a city with 28 WOWs (Little Rock, AR) we had maybe 8 vehicles. One of them was a '65 mustang that was so rusty that the tail lights had fallen into the trunk, and had to be taped back up. You had to ride around, winter or summer, with all the windows rolled down to keep from being asphyxiated (as one of us at the time said, riding in that thing was exhausting!)

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