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What’s wrong with marriages? (Turkey of the Century Award)

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What’s wrong with marriages? (Turkey of the Century Award)

If there is a marriage that provides sort of a microcosm with which to view ourselves it is the former marriage of Jessica Simpson to Nick Lachey. Jessica S., not only is a stunning beauty, but has a terrific musical talent and a personality more pleasant than sugar. In addition, my daughter once told me she was a virgin when she got married. I mean could any man on the planet ask for anything more? Most of us don’t get all those goods in one person when we get married. It was in fact pretty rare air for anyone, and the winner of this ball of flame of goods, Nick Lachey.

What then could have possibly went wrong? To have one excuse Nick Lachey would have needed an excuse larger than the planet earth. A sweetheart of a woman like Jessica Simpson just doesn’t come around the corner, grab someone like Lachey by the ear and send him packing.

So then what could have went wrong? Sexual purity is always enough to keep a marriage strong or at least together, throughout both the good and bad times. These two didn’t even have much “bad times.” Jessica Simpson, could NOT have possibly cheated on her husband. The fact is he had to have cheated sexually on her. Now, there would be those who say you can’t posit something like sexual purity is always enough to keep a marriage strong or together at a minimum. Why not? It is a valid conclusion based on religious convictions and futher more the government has done far worse and they are still around. Far worse as in the tuskegee experiment, where the government based upon erroneous conclusions performed a horrible racial acts against black people. At least my posit isn’t racist and it has valid assumptions from a religious morale view. Thus, and furthermore, my posit is protected under the Constitution of the United States of America where there’s in fact was NOT. What does the Tuskegee experiments and my posit have in common? Much indeed. The horrific racist scientists of Tuskegee also studied the effect of these people and syphilis on there wife’s and "perhaps" other things as well. Tragically, the government may have been able to find out some (and I emphasize some because I certainly don't know if some like Lachey had syphillis) of the information they sought by one easy test which is: Giving Nick Lachey a lie detector test. Thus and according to my posit, did he or did he not cheat on the adorable Jessica Simpson? In fact, Yes, I think he did.

I read or saw some place that after the divorce Nick Lachey was talking about how anyone of his new dates would have to have certain limitations on how many sexual partners they had in the past. Of course, I dunno if this is true or not, but if it is it would make Lachey, the de-virginizer, the biggest Turkey ever. Fact is now Miss Jessica Simpson, was left with all the pain that someone who is the victim experiences. Having done nothing wrong, she is left with the tragic misfortune that many women ask themselves as in what did they do wrong? In Jessica Simpson’s case, I would guess little or NOTHING. Certainly not enough to warrant getting a divorce.

A well known sportswriter in our area, writes a column every Thanksgiving handing out his Turkey of the Year award. For making a ship wreck of the Rose of Sharon; and bungling up a too good to be true person (she was and is) in Jessica Simpson; Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Turkey of the Century Award (when it comes to marriage) Nick Lachey.

Edited by sky4it
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Well, I don't know much about Simpson and Lachey.

But, I do know that one of the basic premises taught in Sociology, is that monogamy has been a cherished quality in cultures throughout the history of mankind.

Edited by waysider
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Hmmm, I'd read( my sisiter loves magazines) that Jessica was quite insecure and needy, surrounded herself with an entourage of those who would flatter her, was quite a diva, and that her father was very very involved in her life. Might those issues have something to do with a young marriage breaking up?

Quote: Sexual purity is always enough to keep a marriage strong or at least together, throughout both the good and bad times.

Now, that statement I question ALOT. Plenty of mariages break up over things other than adultery! Finances, raising kids, addictions...Isn't finacial pressure the #1 reason for divorce?

Shucks, I was considering leaving my hubby and fleeing with the kids far far away, because of this cult we got involved in. Sexual purity wasn't even a blip on the radar of my unhappiness! We were TWI grunts--no free time to go out looking for that kind of trouble.

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  Bramble said:
Hmmm, I'd read( my sisiter loves magazines) that Jessica was quite insecure and needy, surrounded herself with an entourage of those who would flatter her, was quite a diva, and that her father was very very involved in her life. Might those issues have something to do with a young marriage breaking up?

Well Hello Bramble been a while :wave: I can only speak from the male point of view. I am not sure what being a diva really means. Having an entourage of flattering people is probably considered quite normal when your a star and in fact probably couldn't get away from it. As far as the rest of the things "cookie crumbs" sounds like a young person who is adjusting. I guess my point was it was quite a stunning package of goods, in addition she was wealthy. When you have a song bird like that, not valuing it would seem to qualify Mr Lachey for major turkey status.

  Bramble said:
Now, that statement I question ALOT. Plenty of mariages break up over things other than adultery! Finances, raising kids, addictions...Isn't finacial pressure the #1 reason for divorce?

Ahh hah, and I knew you would Bramble because we have talked to much in the past and I prepared for it. I put it forth as a "posit" for consideration. I think finances where not a problem in this family also, Jessica Simpson was and is rich. Now too boo hoo about the other things (if this is what Lachey did); it certainly has been my experience that big problems result when there is a lot of complaining and whining. I guess what I am saying is that to become a Major Turkey you have to first be a Major Complainer (complainer, murmurer) (It's biblical, I Corinth 10:10) . Major Compainer = murmurrer, whinner If you think about it it makes sense. People always have there "reasons", which they enumerate to do what they do. It always starts small with some petty dissatifaction, which makes a greater behavior justifiable or seem correct in there concocted distorted view. I think this is why the bible tells us to give thanks in all things.

  Bramble said:
Shucks, I was considering leaving my hubby and fleeing with the kids far far away, because of this cult we got involved in. Sexual purity wasn't even a blip on the radar of my unhappiness! We were TWI grunts--no free time to go out looking for that kind of trouble.

ahh spoken like a true woman. And I think you are correct, woman do contemplate divorce having a litany of reasons having nothing to do with sex. But the marriage only becomes totally rancid/unpalatable when there is cheating. People are willing to put up with a lot for love, but betrayal is not commonly in there repetoire. At least that is my view point.

Dot Matrix, yeah but the term doctrinal is so borish, have to spice it up a little.

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i never post down here in doctrinal, and i dont know anything about Jessica Simpson or Nick Lachey but I do know alot of divorced people.

In my experience sex is almost never the issue, but an incompatability on some other level seems to be at the root of almost all of the divorces I know, usually some communication impasse where the couples cannot get on the same page that breaksdown or flares up over time.

No matter how many attributes Jessica Simpson has or how good the sex or money was, I'd most likely have a difficulty relating to someone who for whatever reason felt the need to pursue fortune and fame and have their story in every magazine. To me that is bizarre and a very strange character aspect that points toward other possible deficiencies that are being overcompensated for...but like I said ..I dont know her or the inner dynamics of their marriage, but the little that I do screams --stay away--this is someone with more problems than they are willing to admit to...

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  mstar1 said:
i never post down here in doctrinal, and i dont know anything about Jessica Simpson or Nick Lachey but I do know alot of divorced people.

And I don't know a ton about them either because I rarely read tabloids. My daughter is a Jessica Simpson fan. On one occassion she kind of filled me in on the skinny, and I thought what she said was rather interesting. Last year, I was watching a Dallas Cowboy football game, and apparently she was in the stands because she was dating the Cowboy QB. It got me thinking..... It was rather humorous from the standpoint the Cowboy QB was not playing well (and prior he was playing terrific) and the commentors where suggesting she may have been a distraction to Tony Romo. They kinda put it out there for thought.

  mstar1 said:
In my experience sex is almost never the issue, but an incompatability on some other level seems to be at the root of almost all of the divorces I know, usually some communication impasse where the couples cannot get on the same page that breaksdown or flares up over time..

And I think you are partially correct, other reasons are always STATED as the big factor. But most of these can be overcome. Adultry/Fornication being one that is not as easy to overcome. That is why I said to bramble, complaining is a precursor which leads to adultry and marital failure.

  mstar1 said:
No matter how many attributes Jessica Simpson has or how good the sex or money was, I'd most likely have a difficulty relating to someone who for whatever reason felt the need to pursue fortune and fame and have their story in every magazine. To me that is bizarre and a very strange character aspect that points toward other possible deficiencies that are being overcompensated for...but like I said ..I dont know her or the inner dynamics of their marriage, but the little that I do screams --stay away--this is someone with more problems than they are willing to admit to...

Well I would disagree with that. Some people are given great talent. Like Michael Jordan, Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriquez; they have a talent which elevates them to star like status. I mean you certainly can't hold there talent against them. They become well known because of there capacity to do things at an exceptional level. In Jessica Simpson's case she has a terrific musical talent. Also in her case, it didn't hurt that she looks like a Barbie Doll, in terms of beauty. I mean what would we have these people do NOTHING with there talent? I think not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having practiced matrimonial law for many years, what I see is that marriages break down for the simple reason that the parties fail to communicate with each other. They may use words and speak to each other, but a real deep inter-active communication, with a full sharing of heart and mind, is what kills it. It's more than just words.

Especially if one of the parties then goes and gets that inter-active sharing with someone else ("my wife doesn't understand me..."). It's the betrayal of the heart rather than the betrayal of the body that kills a marriage.

Next question: why won't one (or both) fully share? Usually insecurity. Imagined control over the other (rarely recognized by the controller) by witholding information or by refusing to listen. Anal-retentive two-year olds in 20- or 30- or more aged bodies shouldn't get married.

Both of them are probably at fault - they need to spend time together away from everyone else with NOBODY else to distract them (no entourage, no waiters). Anybody know a desert island to ship this unhappy pair off to?

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This is a FAScinating discussion. I started reading it and I had to put down my People magazine and turn off the E! channel and stop eating my turkey leg, so I could respond!


Are we really discussing Nick and Jessica in the doctrinal forum? As in that was the perfect marriage that Nick threw away? Are we really having a hard time seeing the reasons that they separated? Are we really having a hard time finding flaws in Jessica Simpson? Is she really the perfect woman? Barbie face, beautiful voice, "boomin' system in the front... and in the back" (beastie boys), oh and a virgin bride. Yippee! This thread is totally bizarre! :confused:

Sky have you been drinking while while watching MTV? :drink:

Here's a thread topic, "What's wrong with us?" :asdf:

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  lindyhopper said:
Sky have you been drinking while while watching MTV? :drink:

Lindyhopper, nah, I think I just have good taste in people, I dont need no stinkin people magazine. since it is sat night cheers

Bramble: Hello, nice to see you around. If you see Abi around be sure to say hi from me. :dance:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello....this one ain't hard to figger out.

She thought she was marrying a man like dear ole dad. She was following the way she was raised. Remember he "broke up" with her because she would not have sex with him. He pursued. They married. Then he lost interest. The caveman mentality.

Dost thou remember the story of Elvis and Priscilla? Same thing happened. Conquer and move on.

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