Have you been on the "wrong end" of a supposed exorcism?
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14 members have voted
1. Have you been on the wrong end of an supposed exorcism?
Never, and never did it to anyone5
I was, and couldn't spit out a daimon for the life of me..4
I projectile vomited frogs, or something like it1
The other guy spit them out, at my command2
I just got an interview, on tape with daimon0
"I" was interviewed0
I adjured them by the name of the lord, and alas, there weren't any there..2
I have NO IDEA what the hell happened..2
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Only three votes?
maybe this is just too crazy..
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i find it surprising. In my experience -- especially just post way in a few offshoots, near everyone I ran into wanted to cast out some spirit or another.
Some of them were really wierd--the spirit of coughing, another time the spirit of nicotine. It seemed (especially postway)like they were always coming up with a new one to cast out of me...
They tried a bunch of times for a bunch of different things--nothing changed.
I still smoke, I still occasionally cough and i still do alot of other things that are also a matter of my choice and not some unseen dark force
It took me awhile to unravel way doctrine and realize that it was all a whole hatful of lunacy(duh) and they needed to go sell crazy someplace else
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I think if a *real* spirit sat up and said "boo".. they'd end up in the emergency room somewhere.
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sounds alot like working retail at christmas time(you know there is a hell,because you work retail)
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Unfortunately, they are too real! But you're right, most Christians even, would totally freak if they
ever saw some of the daimonion that the Holy Spirit has allowed me to see.
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That might be a great line to tell somone the next time they knock on my door to offer their god.
Panama City Sailor wanna hump hump bar......

Panama City Sailor wanna hump hump bar......

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I have never been through an exorcism. Would leaving the TWI count as being free of evil sprits
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Ron G.
I saw the movie.
The sequels sucked, tho.
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I am not a Roman Catholic.
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do tell bride !!!!!!
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when i was in school we always had that class called physical ed. they made use put them gym clothes on and do all them exorcism's !!!
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When I was a WOW I got my first crappy job in a Lebanese restaurant. One Friday afternoon the owner told me in her broken English that business was slow and that she'd pay me Monday.
I told her I was on a mission from God, had a big meeting that weekend and that I needed to be payed immediately:
"I say I pay Monday!"
"I need to be paid now!"
"I say I pay Monday!"
At that time I believed that any inconvenience, slight, put-down or ignoring of ME (God's faithful ambassador) was the direct attack of five star general demons on the "movement of the Word."
I lowered my eyes, stared at her cold, unbelieving, face and said, "In the name of Jesus Christ pay me."
She stepped up to my toes, looked deeply into the face of a Son of God with all power and whispered, "Jesus Christ you - you sunna beetch I said I pay you Monday!"
She paid me Monday, then fired me before I could clock in.
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now I see
Wish I could vote twice!
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i've seen a couple of them...
one of them took the form of my dead grandfather on the night of his funeral...
btw, i do not believe that christians can become possessed by evil spirits...
oppressed? yes
possessed? NO
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That's because you're thinking twi dogma and their failure to separate body, soul and spirit, but relegated spirit to mean the HS that you received at new birth. I've had to cast them out of myself when the Lord had me on a cleansing program, so I cannot deny it and won't, especially when the HS is the one that told me to cast it forth. Possessed would indicate the demonic habitation of the person's spirit, while oppressed would indicate the demonic habitation of the soul. Either way, they need to be cast out after repentance in the blood of Jesus has been made available.
I do not know about your Grandfather....I didn't know him, obviously. But when my Mother died, I was worshipping the Lord as I was laying in my bed and all of a sudden, I felt a decided and definite "hug" and heard the words, "I love you." I thought it was the Lord Jesus and so just said back, "I love you, too." Then I started to fall asleep and then the phone rang and it was my sister saying, 'Mom's gone." She had checked on her about an hour or two before and she was fine, breathing etc. I then thought about the time line and it was about a little more than an hour ago when I had thought it was the Lord Jesus speaking to me and hugging me, but now I know, it was my Mother saying goodbye to me.
I no longer have such constrained thoughts about death and what happens to the dead after they die. Not like I did when indoctrinated with twi dogma. In all reality it is only their bodies that have died, not their spirits or their souls.
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no, on the contrary... if i was thinking twi dogma, i would believe that christians could get possessed...
in all my time in twi, i never heard of anyone indicating that christians could not get possessed...
in fact, i did see wafers quite frequently assuming that believers were possessed...
and that is what i believed when i was IN twi...
so i'm not sure why you've come to this conclusion...
or why you assume that i hold on to any twi dogma...
as for seeing relatives after they have died, i believe this falls under the category of familar spirits...
(you may disagree, which you are entitled to)
oh, btw, i totally disagree with your definition of possession and oppression... however, this i DO agree with... Edited by jen-oLink to comment
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interesting turn of discussion here..
so what happens to the soul?
I have a few thoughts..
How long do you think we have been "around".. I for one don't think we (or should I say *I*) are devil spirits that "incarnate" themselves in one generation after another.. loy's or "doc's" explanation of reincarnation is rather immature, in my opinion.
I think the warnings of religion and hypocrisy only are used to wilfully mask our true nature.
what else does one do, if one lives forever.. we pretend.. we play the games..
I think we play these cruel games, one lifetime after another.
take it as you wish..
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in fact, i'm not sure you read what i wrote at all...
you write:
and how exactly does this disagree with what i said... which is, that a christian cannot be "possessed"... you yourself admit that the demon would move once a person becomes a christian...so are you saying a christian CAN be possessed or CAN'T be possessed??
well... i can't correct you, i don't remember the specifics of this class, and i don't have the syllabus... all i know is that all the wafers that i was around used the term "possessed" for both believers and non-believers... so whatever vpw's thinking was, in practice, the term "possessed" was applied to BOTH christians and non-christians indiscriminately... and i was led to believe while IN twi that christians could become "possessed"... this is quite an assumption, bride... because i don't agree with you, you want to label my thinking as way-like... you don't know me very well!... and i don't think that is a very honest way to have a discussion by labeling the other person's thoughts as ingrained with "twi terminology" (especially when i've told you otherwise)... if you want to disagree, then disagree on the merits of what i say and NOT by trying to discredit me with a presumptuous label...peace,
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(which i thought you were objecting to... but now i see we both agree... :D )
apology accepted... :)peace,
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