When I was in college, my boyfriend took me to see "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." About 20 minutes into it maybe, I told him I wanted to leave. He wouldn't, so I sat in the lobby for the entire movie.
It was horrible. I was so mad at said boyfriend for not taking me home, I broke up with him. Best thing I coulda done. :o-->
Re-Animator (the uncut) version is wild, and a good story.Don't rent it at Hollywood or Blockbuster they cut out the best 15 seconds of the movie.
Henry: Portrait of a serial killer, is extremely disturbing. Now this is weird, you can rent this at Bluckbuster uncut cause it's considered to be a "masterpiece." Really weird.
Witchboard (With Tawny Kittean) has some genuine chills.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Believe it or not - "The Shining" scared the poop outta me. Couldn't sleep after I saw it.
When I was a kid "House on Haunted Hill" was terrifying... that vat of acid at the end .... ewwwww...
But - and don't laugh -
When I was in elemetary school - my friend Betsy and I watched "Carnival of Souls" on TV. It scared us to death! I know it's supposed to be one of those "Ed Wood" type movies - so bad it's funny - but it freaked us out. I couldn't get it out of my head for a long time.
Oh - and let's not forget the ORIGINAL "Night of the Living Dead"! What a nightmare maker THAT one was.
Rottie Girl - "The Sixth Sense" was a recent flick with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osmont... he saw dead people.
Hope R. color>size>face>
"Try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong" - Lennon/McCartney size>
Hope, thanks! I remember that one. Ironically I saw it when I was in Colorado for a CES thing (when I was dewayferizing my mind) I opted to skip that nights teachings to stay in my room and watch movies! How could I forget the name of that one?
I also remember "Carnival of Souls" watching it with my two older brothers as a kid. Weird movie, I'd like to see it again.
As a kid I remember seeing with my brothers "Bucket of Blood" Yick. That's a strange one. This artist kills women and coats them in plaster. Then at the end he has this great art show and they all start springing blood all over.
Mr.Sardonicus (sp?) scared me as a kid too, though I barely remember the movie.
There was another H.P. Lovecraft tale that was made into a movie, "From Beyond." Not as good as ReAnimator but still had some freaky stuff in it.
OH! I liked "Return of the Living Dead" with the punk rockers! That was a good movie! And a decent soundtrack.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
Another very scary one (and I actually watched this with my twig after a fellowship one night of all things) was a movie called: "Let Them Die Slowly". If you have a thing for seeing people commit cannabalizm, this is "THE" movie to see. It sure put a real damper on the fellowship that evening.
pfal ac Santa Cruz, California went to see the Exorcist (courtesy of the Winegarners I think) -- anyway fear had no root because of the great bunch people there praying for each other (Del Duncan was there :)--> with so many great friends :)-->)
I was scared by The wizard of Oz (the witch on her broom) and had nitemares for years over that!
Elvis and Gidget movies became my viewing choice after that.
2) The Birds - saw that as a 12 year old, I think. Couldn't sleep for weeks! Kept wondering what would we do living in an apartment building with them crashing through the window. Where would I hide? The only place in the apartment without access to windows: the hall closet (the others had poles for curtains to cover the closet areas.
3) The Exorcist...made me wear a cross for years. Scared me for years!
4) Aliens (my all time favorite of the lot of Alien movies.)
5) Silence of the Lambs - So gritty and real...made the horror more so that people like that actually live and prey on humans. The kind of thing you can't turn off in your head because it's NOT a story that goes away.
2) The Birds - saw that as a 12 year old, I think. Couldn't sleep for weeks! Kept wondering what would we do living in an apartment building with them crashing through the window. Where would I hide? The only place in the apartment without access to windows: the hall closet (the others had poles for curtains to cover the closet areas.
Rafael: I really identify that title "The sixth sense" with this t.v. series I used to watch as a kid. You know,the one that took over night gallery, about that guy who had ESP and would solve murders.
Wayward. I swear, every year or so I bring up Witchboard and I doubt anyone ever goes to rent it. It sounds like some dumb B movie. But It takes a lot to really creep me in the cinima (I've seen horror movies since I was like 3 years old) and that one really had some genuine chills in it.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
I once went to hear some real life exorcists speak about their experiences. They played tapes, videos and told some horrific tales. I couldn't sleep for weeks after that.
How could I forget The Ring? Definitely catch it when it comes out on DVD next week. Every time you think they've used a predictable cliche'--surprise!
I think it's the only movie my wife actually screamed during.
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Off the top of my head, I'd have to say John Carpenter's 1982 remake of The Thing. Creepy.
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oh geeze
When I was in college, my boyfriend took me to see "Texas Chainsaw Massacre." About 20 minutes into it maybe, I told him I wanted to leave. He wouldn't, so I sat in the lobby for the entire movie.
It was horrible. I was so mad at said boyfriend for not taking me home, I broke up with him. Best thing I coulda done.
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Blair Witch Project really got to me for some reason. I had to turn it off mid way thru and finish it in the light of day.
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When I was a kid, it was House on Haunted Hill or Haunted House on the Hill..something like that. I think Vincent Price was in it.
Then Last House on the left sent me crying to the ladies room when the one girl got murdered in the woods (horrible).
I didn't see the movie the Exorcist but read the book and it scared me for the next ten years...LOL
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"The Sixth Sense"
No other movie has given me chills like that one.
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I don't recall a movie called the sixth sense?
Exorcist is granddaddy of horror movies.
Re-Animator (the uncut) version is wild, and a good story.Don't rent it at Hollywood or Blockbuster they cut out the best 15 seconds of the movie.
Henry: Portrait of a serial killer, is extremely disturbing. Now this is weird, you can rent this at Bluckbuster uncut cause it's considered to be a "masterpiece." Really weird.
Witchboard (With Tawny Kittean) has some genuine chills.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Hope R.
Believe it or not - "The Shining" scared the poop outta me. Couldn't sleep after I saw it.
When I was a kid "House on Haunted Hill" was terrifying... that vat of acid at the end .... ewwwww...
But - and don't laugh -
When I was in elemetary school - my friend Betsy and I watched "Carnival of Souls" on TV. It scared us to death! I know it's supposed to be one of those "Ed Wood" type movies - so bad it's funny - but it freaked us out. I couldn't get it out of my head for a long time.
Oh - and let's not forget the ORIGINAL "Night of the Living Dead"! What a nightmare maker THAT one was.
Rottie Girl - "The Sixth Sense" was a recent flick with Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osmont... he saw dead people.
Hope R. color>size>face>
"Try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong" - Lennon/McCartney size>
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Hmmmm, the scariest movie I've ever seen would have to be . . .
"Power For Abundant Living"
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Very funny Steve!
Hope, thanks! I remember that one. Ironically I saw it when I was in Colorado for a CES thing (when I was dewayferizing my mind) I opted to skip that nights teachings to stay in my room and watch movies! How could I forget the name of that one?
I also remember "Carnival of Souls" watching it with my two older brothers as a kid. Weird movie, I'd like to see it again.
As a kid I remember seeing with my brothers "Bucket of Blood" Yick. That's a strange one. This artist kills women and coats them in plaster. Then at the end he has this great art show and they all start springing blood all over.
Mr.Sardonicus (sp?) scared me as a kid too, though I barely remember the movie.
There was another H.P. Lovecraft tale that was made into a movie, "From Beyond." Not as good as ReAnimator but still had some freaky stuff in it.
OH! I liked "Return of the Living Dead" with the punk rockers! That was a good movie! And a decent soundtrack.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Yep, gotta give props to the original Night of the Living Dead too. When that little girl zombifies in the basement...
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OH And my favorite scene is of course the scene with the Rottweilers in the graveyard in the Omen.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Oh yeah, The Omen! The bit where Doctor Who gets impaled with the spike, or the glass-pane beheading... Classic!
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What The Hay
Another very scary one (and I actually watched this with my twig after a fellowship one night of all things) was a movie called: "Let Them Die Slowly". If you have a thing for seeing people commit cannabalizm, this is "THE" movie to see. It sure put a real damper on the fellowship that evening.
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The shining. Back in the 60's I saw a movie called the haunting of hill house with Julie Harris, but in recent times it's the shining hands down.
I've seen the reanimator, eww, and all three texas chainsaw movies, #2 was as much a comedy as horror. Dennis Hopper, too cool.
Saw a 60's movie called the wizard of gore. Know of a case where this guy took his girl to see it and she wasn't his girl afterward.
Those mark of the devil movies are pretty intense.
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OUT aka Martha
Well when I was a kid The Birds scared the living crap outa me.
Then I grew up and saw ALIEN....geez by the end of that movie I HATED that damn cat...LOL
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Kit Sober
pfal ac Santa Cruz, California went to see the Exorcist (courtesy of the Winegarners I think) -- anyway fear had no root because of the great bunch people there praying for each other (Del Duncan was there
:)--> with so many great friends
I was scared by The wizard of Oz (the witch on her broom) and had nitemares for years over that!
Elvis and Gidget movies became my viewing choice after that.
Kit Sober
:)-->-- God
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My list of scariest movies:
1) Night of the Living Dead (that slow chill that
wouldn't go away
2) The Birds - saw that as a 12 year old, I think. Couldn't sleep for weeks! Kept wondering what would we do living in an apartment building with them crashing through the window. Where would I hide? The only place in the apartment without access to windows: the hall closet (the others had poles for curtains to cover the closet areas.
3) The Exorcist...made me wear a cross for years. Scared me for years!
4) Aliens (my all time favorite of the lot of Alien movies.)
5) Silence of the Lambs - So gritty and real...made the horror more so that people like that actually live and prey on humans. The kind of thing you can't turn off in your head because it's NOT a story that goes away.
6) Copycat...for the same reason.
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My list of scariest movies:
1) Night of the Living Dead (that slow chill that
wouldn't go away
2) The Birds - saw that as a 12 year old, I think. Couldn't sleep for weeks! Kept wondering what would we do living in an apartment building with them crashing through the window. Where would I hide? The only place in the apartment without access to windows: the hall closet (the others had poles for curtains to cover the closet areas.
3) The
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Checking in from my vacation...
Rottigirl: How could you not remember the Sixth Sense?
"I See Dead People," Haley Joel Osmet, Bruce Willis, of course you remember it.
That movie scared the bejesus out of me. Really. I can't find my bejesus anymore.
Halloween, for whatever reason, hasn't been listed. Yikes and a half.
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The Witch Board - Tawny Kitaen was in it. About a Ouija board.
I didn't sleep for weeks.
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Rafael: I really identify that title "The sixth sense" with this t.v. series I used to watch as a kid. You know,the one that took over night gallery, about that guy who had ESP and would solve murders.
Wayward. I swear, every year or so I bring up Witchboard and I doubt anyone ever goes to rent it. It sounds like some dumb B movie. But It takes a lot to really creep me in the cinima (I've seen horror movies since I was like 3 years old) and that one really had some genuine chills in it.
...It's hard to be humble when you own a Rottweiler...
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Nightmare on Elm Street
Amytiville Horror
King Kong
The Shining scared me too.
I once went to hear some real life exorcists speak about their experiences. They played tapes, videos and told some horrific tales. I couldn't sleep for weeks after that.
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Athletes of the spirit and ex10 I think texas chainsaw massacre was horrible too.
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How could I forget The Ring? Definitely catch it when it comes out on DVD next week. Every time you think they've used a predictable cliche'--surprise!
I think it's the only movie my wife actually screamed during.
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