The drifting is awful here. I'm not sure exactly how much we got in my neck of the woods. I think it's about a foot, but the drifts keep getting higher and higher. There's one right outside my back door that makes it hard for me to let the dogs out. I've had to push the snow back with the storm door and then dig out a space with the snow shovel I keep in my laundry room, to keep the drift from blocking the door completely.
My poor Emma-dog. She's bewildered by trying to pee in snow that's as tall as she is. She won't go more than a foot away from the back door, and she just pees standing upright because she doesn't like squatting down in that cold stuff. Cleve-dog is so tall he can breeze right through it, and he likes snow. But even he did his thing and came right back in the last time I let them out.
I'm thankful, though. At least I don't live in Ashtabula, where more than 3,000 homes still don't have power after our ice storm on Tuesday. But hey, spring is only 12 days away.
Waysider, I do remember the blizzard of '78. I was at Rome City, and we got hit hard there.
That blizzard of '78 was a once in a lifetime fiasco.
It was totally unexpected. I think it set an all time record for low barometric reading.(IIRC)
It was pointless to try to go outdoors because the gale force winds made it impossible walk or even catch your breath.
Snowdrifts were up to the 2nd story windows in some places.
Where I was at the time, there were farmers actually burning their furniture to stay warm because power crews couldn't even use snowmobiles to go out and make repairs. No trucks could get on the road to deliver propane or heating oil either.
This one really pales in comparison, though I think we got more snow this time.
My neighbor just used his snowblower to clear his walk, my walk and the next walk over.
We have a country porch that wraps around one side of the house and we have put bird seed out all along the rail. There are many very interesting birds that have suddenly become our best friends, finches, cardianls, some little sparrowy things. Last year a robin froze to death in one of my flower beds. I felt so bad for it.
In Athens in 1978 we were very fortunate to have the hills to protect us so it was not so bad. Still, we lived in a little apartment on top of a hll and had to climb the icy hill when we couldn't get the car up. It was quite a mess for a week or so. According to Storm Team 4, this will be much better than that and we will be happily motoring around again by Monday, at least in Columbus.
Oh yeah, remember that blizzard, was a Senior in High School and it was a GREAT money maker driving around on our snowmobiles getting supplies for neighbors, giving a few a ride, etc.
Love it Love it Love it. For us this year it's been the awful COLD that's kicked out butts, not the piling snow.
My daughter and her fiance are in Ft. Wayne area to see a fight, WG, and said it's much like her own city has been here in Michigan, but she's got front row seats to see blood sweat and teeth fly, so she doesn't care, then staying overnight.
Might as well enjoy the snow, it'll be gone too soon
Actually, Mr. Garden and I had purchased a desk/work center for my new home business and this was the perfect opportunity for him to put it together. So it wasn't without benefit.
I'm baking bread and the house smells so good.
Actually, days like this remind me of my grandmother's house when I was a kid, except I just read instead of parking in front of the TV. She'd bake bread, my grandfather would skewer three chickens together and roast them, and we would eat them with gravy, mashed potatoes dripping with real butter, green beans, and something like pie or cake with ice cream for dessert. And that bread! The recipe is buried with my grandmother. She never really measured, just a little pan with a broken-off handle that she used for a flour scoop, then a handful of this, a dash of that....and she would rub the crust with a stick of butter the minute it came out of the oven. I always got the first slice, buttered and sugared.
I left my house this morning at 4:30 am to go to work...the plows had not yet been through and it was hard to tell where the road was...I followed the telephone lines, hoping I wouldn't drive into the ditch alongside the road. Although the wind was blowing snow and ice so hard that it would have been difficult to see the road even if it had been plowed...
...Up and down the snowy and icy hills of rural Fairfield county, Nisan Maxima (Maxine), bravely continued on...
...until suddenly my wipers quit working...instantly, my visibility became zero. I quickly rolled down the window and hung my head out in order see. Small ice pellets assaulting my face, I finally entered the city of Lancaster...only one more mile to go.
...As I slowed down to turn into the parking lot, I tapped the brakes and was suddenly facing the wrong direction in the road...fortunately there were no other cars at that hour and I eventually managed to straighten her out and make into my regular parking space...
...the return trip back home was not much for the good news! I have the next three days off and do not plan to go anywhere. :)
Tennessee didn't get a blizzard, but we did get SNOW! My son and I were visiting Rascal and the Rascalettes and got to enjoy the beauty with them. They had a bonfire and cookout planned per our request, so we didn't let lots of snow and a bit of sleet and rain stop us from the fun. Even topped it off with loads of fireworks. What a great time!
We left out early today, as road conditions were "snowy with patches of ice" from her home to ours. Had been told I could expect some 30 mph conditions, so set out expecting about a 6 hour drive. Turned out the roads were clear, and we made it home in 4 hours. Driving through middle Tennessee with all the beautiful snow covered slopes was delightful. Got so excited about viewing the scenery, was just following the car ahead of me, and not paying attention to our speed. A local Highway Patrolman got our attention, however, and gave us each a "present" to remember our drive home. It was cruise control the rest of the way home, but still lovely to view.
Still have my "Please Let It Snow!" flag outside our front door and would love to get more before spring. I like the kind we got yesterday. The air full of white, swirling fluff, falling to cover and blanket the ground. Wake up to next day to covered ground, but clear roads. Perfect, I'd have to say.
It was a beautiful 70 degrees in California today. I was reminded to get the car aircon fixed soon. I'm enjoying it because in 2 more months it will be 100. I wished I could say I miss the snow.
I was a senior in high school the winter of 78 also. We got snow but we also got a lot of ice in Kentucky. That was the tough part. We had to go to my grandmother's and stay for a few days because we didn't have electricity at our house.
Got about 4-5 inches here in Ky yesterday but it's in the 40's today so it's melting pretty fast.
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Linda Z
Yep, I'm snowed in up to the north of you, WG.
The drifting is awful here. I'm not sure exactly how much we got in my neck of the woods. I think it's about a foot, but the drifts keep getting higher and higher. There's one right outside my back door that makes it hard for me to let the dogs out. I've had to push the snow back with the storm door and then dig out a space with the snow shovel I keep in my laundry room, to keep the drift from blocking the door completely.
My poor Emma-dog. She's bewildered by trying to pee in snow that's as tall as she is. She won't go more than a foot away from the back door, and she just pees standing upright because she doesn't like squatting down in that cold stuff. Cleve-dog is so tall he can breeze right through it, and he likes snow. But even he did his thing and came right back in the last time I let them out.
I'm thankful, though. At least I don't live in Ashtabula, where more than 3,000 homes still don't have power after our ice storm on Tuesday. But hey, spring is only 12 days away.
Waysider, I do remember the blizzard of '78. I was at Rome City, and we got hit hard there.
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That blizzard of '78 was a once in a lifetime fiasco.
It was totally unexpected. I think it set an all time record for low barometric reading.(IIRC)
It was pointless to try to go outdoors because the gale force winds made it impossible walk or even catch your breath.
Snowdrifts were up to the 2nd story windows in some places.
Where I was at the time, there were farmers actually burning their furniture to stay warm because power crews couldn't even use snowmobiles to go out and make repairs. No trucks could get on the road to deliver propane or heating oil either.
This one really pales in comparison, though I think we got more snow this time.
My neighbor just used his snowblower to clear his walk, my walk and the next walk over.
Is that a great neighbor or what?
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Watered Garden
We have a country porch that wraps around one side of the house and we have put bird seed out all along the rail. There are many very interesting birds that have suddenly become our best friends, finches, cardianls, some little sparrowy things. Last year a robin froze to death in one of my flower beds. I felt so bad for it.
In Athens in 1978 we were very fortunate to have the hills to protect us so it was not so bad. Still, we lived in a little apartment on top of a hll and had to climb the icy hill when we couldn't get the car up. It was quite a mess for a week or so. According to Storm Team 4, this will be much better than that and we will be happily motoring around again by Monday, at least in Columbus.
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Oh yeah, remember that blizzard, was a Senior in High School and it was a GREAT money maker driving around on our snowmobiles getting supplies for neighbors, giving a few a ride, etc.
Love it Love it Love it. For us this year it's been the awful COLD that's kicked out butts, not the piling snow.
My daughter and her fiance are in Ft. Wayne area to see a fight, WG, and said it's much like her own city has been here in Michigan, but she's got front row seats to see blood sweat and teeth fly, so she doesn't care, then staying overnight.
Might as well enjoy the snow, it'll be gone too soon
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Watered Garden
Actually, Mr. Garden and I had purchased a desk/work center for my new home business and this was the perfect opportunity for him to put it together. So it wasn't without benefit.
I'm baking bread and the house smells so good.
Actually, days like this remind me of my grandmother's house when I was a kid, except I just read instead of parking in front of the TV. She'd bake bread, my grandfather would skewer three chickens together and roast them, and we would eat them with gravy, mashed potatoes dripping with real butter, green beans, and something like pie or cake with ice cream for dessert. And that bread! The recipe is buried with my grandmother. She never really measured, just a little pan with a broken-off handle that she used for a flour scoop, then a handful of this, a dash of that....and she would rub the crust with a stick of butter the minute it came out of the oven. I always got the first slice, buttered and sugared.
Those were the days........
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Level 3 storm here...
I left my house this morning at 4:30 am to go to work...the plows had not yet been through and it was hard to tell where the road was...I followed the telephone lines, hoping I wouldn't drive into the ditch alongside the road. Although the wind was blowing snow and ice so hard that it would have been difficult to see the road even if it had been plowed...
...Up and down the snowy and icy hills of rural Fairfield county, Nisan Maxima (Maxine), bravely continued on...
...until suddenly my wipers quit working...instantly, my visibility became zero. I quickly rolled down the window and hung my head out in order see. Small ice pellets assaulting my face, I finally entered the city of Lancaster...only one more mile to go.
...As I slowed down to turn into the parking lot, I tapped the brakes and was suddenly facing the wrong direction in the road...fortunately there were no other cars at that hour and I eventually managed to straighten her out and make into my regular parking space...
...the return trip back home was not much for the good news! I have the next three days off and do not plan to go anywhere. :)
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Tennessee didn't get a blizzard, but we did get SNOW! My son and I were visiting Rascal and the Rascalettes and got to enjoy the beauty with them. They had a bonfire and cookout planned per our request, so we didn't let lots of snow and a bit of sleet and rain stop us from the fun. Even topped it off with loads of fireworks. What a great time!
We left out early today, as road conditions were "snowy with patches of ice" from her home to ours. Had been told I could expect some 30 mph conditions, so set out expecting about a 6 hour drive. Turned out the roads were clear, and we made it home in 4 hours. Driving through middle Tennessee with all the beautiful snow covered slopes was delightful. Got so excited about viewing the scenery, was just following the car ahead of me, and not paying attention to our speed. A local Highway Patrolman got our attention, however, and gave us each a "present" to remember our drive home. It was cruise control the rest of the way home, but still lovely to view.
Still have my "Please Let It Snow!" flag outside our front door and would love to get more before spring. I like the kind we got yesterday. The air full of white, swirling fluff, falling to cover and blanket the ground. Wake up to next day to covered ground, but clear roads. Perfect, I'd have to say.
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It was a beautiful 70 degrees in California today. I was reminded to get the car aircon fixed soon. I'm enjoying it because in 2 more months it will be 100. I wished I could say I miss the snow.
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We didn't get much snow here in Knoxville, just flurries! I really wanted snow!
Oh well, I had the bread and milk
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This sounds like a story I once heard .
Were there gas pumps involved?
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I was a senior in high school the winter of 78 also. We got snow but we also got a lot of ice in Kentucky. That was the tough part. We had to go to my grandmother's and stay for a few days because we didn't have electricity at our house.
Got about 4-5 inches here in Ky yesterday but it's in the 40's today so it's melting pretty fast.
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Does anyone have photos?
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Blizzard of '78
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And the storm the other day?.....
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Here's a photo of the one this weekend.
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You turned my little snowstorm into a "whiteout"
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Now you're gettin' the "picture".
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I wish I coulda' seen it in the original... was it real..... so-so?
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Well I've got a shovel,but I'm not helping you!
Snow ....Just never use that word around me.......
Why I've forgotten more about snowballs than Pete ever knew......
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I wonder what his snowplow looked like...
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Put this on the front of a WOW-mobile, and there ya have it! ;)
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This one ought to be sent to New Knoxville:

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