The more that I read posts here, the more I find that the individual experiences were so different.
Very true.
Some people got off light. (I got off light, to name one.)
Some others were beaten down. (Some committed suicide.)
How did LCM ever get picked to lead? He was, imo, one of the most insecure -not comfortable in his own skin- people I've ever met. But he did have enough of a class clown / class bully mix to skirt that issue.
if you want to trace the progress, lcm HIMSELF made it easier.
Do a search for the thread: "vp and me in wonderland",
where we discussed lcm's own words on the subject.
What some posters have reported, is that vpw asked for who EVERYONE thought should be his
replacement, and that he said it could be "any Advanced class grad."
Naturally, that wasn't true-he'd want someone with years of twi experience, who's held
some office in twi. However, some people took him seriously.
Lots of names were sent to vpw. Almost nobody thought it should be lcm.
vpw chose him IN SPITE OF all suggestions.
There were some closed meetings, and, apparently based on the beginnings and
the results, vpw insisted it would be lcm, and kept at it until others eventually endorsed
what he'd already decided.
lcm's OWN story shows vpw had this planned for quite a while.
I don't know how his dynastic prophecy (we just started discussing this)
figured in, but it would not surprise me if he made 2 different contradictory plans,
and expected them BOTH to work.
Or, if he made that "prophecy" after choosing lcm and seeing he didn't get the results
he wanted....what year was it, and when did he install lcm? Anyone?
As far as why lcm? VP once said that the reason he went with *craig* was because he never asked how high when vp told him to *jump*. In hind sight that sounds to me like he was the biggest bu tt kisser.
As far as why lcm? VP once said that the reason he went with *craig* was because he never asked how high when vp told him to *jump*. In hind sight that sounds to me like he was the biggest bu tt kisser. then, those "jumping credentials" didn't serve craig very well on his quest as a ceo for a fortune 500 company?
For the record : from The Way Corps A Lifetime of Christian Service
Physical training is a valuable part of The Way Corps training. Because the Christian believer is a three - part being,his life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and in order for him to be at his best. Through participation in LEAD Outdoor Academy International, Way Corps students learn to develop mental, flexibility and physical stamina. Students build an attitude of "I can do ,therefore I do" and learn to live abundantly.
I'd say that qualifies as toughen up
i was reading this thread (via a link from another)
and i just got to this post and had to stop...
what gives, whitedove?
here i am reading along, clicked on the song link from excie and read her post (with tears in my eyes), other folks were responding with posts of compassion, and you come out of nowhere trying to prove that "twi literature" supports "toughening people up"...
have you no heart?
have you no compassion?
do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
i just don't understand where you are coming from at all!
I don't think it made us tough,spiritually it destroyed us,made us we never will fit into a church or feel comfortable in the body of christ here on earth,everything i learned in twi..i had to unlearn(not to become some spiritual strong christian)
just to get the brainwashing garbage out...and move on with Normal life on earth!
i was reading this thread (via a link from another)
and i just got to this post and had to stop...
what gives, whitedove?
here i am reading along, clicked on the song link from excie and read her post (with tears in my eyes), other folks were responding with posts of compassion, and you come out of nowhere trying to prove that "twi literature" supports "toughening people up"...
have you no heart?
have you no compassion?
do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
i just don't understand where you are coming from at all!
Your remarks about the "toughness" of theater directors hit home, since I lived it with dance teachers and choreographers from an early age. I think my own inability to distinguish between strictness and emotional abusiveness stemmed from a dad who didn't know the difference, was built upon by the dance discipline (they criticize, you work harder), and opened me to putting up with the cognitive dissonance of abusive husbands, bosses, and TWI's elite.
Luckily, there was still something in me that had a sense of "the way life should be," and I was able to pull away from all of it, sometimes by the skin of my teeth.
And I respectfully disagree -- I think there are ways to direct that respect the actor and require something different from him, at the same time.
i was reading this thread (via a link from another)
and i just got to this post and had to stop...
what gives, whitedove?
here i am reading along, clicked on the song link from excie and read her post (with tears in my eyes), other folks were responding with posts of compassion, and you come out of nowhere trying to prove that "twi literature" supports "toughening people up"...
have you no heart?
have you no compassion?
do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
i just don't understand where you are coming from at all!
(okay, i'll finish reading the thread now)
Hey Jen-o
It is quite obvious that you don't, let me refresh you. I hardly "came out of nowhere", in fact I answered the question at the start of the thread, I think that's called on topic. My response was limited to two questions, (which I believe that I clarified on some page) The one from the start of this thread which was......
My first question, which is multi-faceted, is this:
How many, who participate here, went into their respective programs, whether it was WOW, Fellow Laborers, Way Corps or other, with any kind of advance notice that the programs were designed, in part, to "toughen you up"?
What does the expression, "toughen you up" mean?
And this question........
"Toughen up" ?????????
Show me that in the promo literature or promo words about any of the programs!
To which my response was:
For the record : from The Way Corps A Lifetime of Christian Service
Physical training is a valuable part of The Way Corps training. Because the Christian believer is a three - part being, his life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically in order for him to be at his best. Through participation in LEAD Outdoor Academy International, Way Corps students learn to develop mental, flexibility and physical stamina. Students build an attitude of "I can do ,therefore I do" and learn to live abundantly.
I'd say that qualifies as toughen up
The questions asked for advanced notice and for references in promotional literature for which I provided such. It has nothing to do with any other post , which I again clarified on some page. They asked for the information I provided the answer. Don't shoot the messenger when you ask for the message........ These brochures were distributed to interested parties before entering residence ( that's why they call them promotional brochures by the way) It appears to me one could expect some physical toughening up from the wording, if you are developing physical stamina one would conclude that it was not there prior, I'd say they planned to toughen up your physical stamina. Had you read the posts you would see that I made no comment as to whether the program worked, or if I thought it was a good idea. I answered the questions posed only, which were ...Was there advanced notice ? Yes, and show me where it was in the literature, which I did.
Now as to your question.......... do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
In the context that the statement was made in.
......... life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically
Yes I do think it is a good thing. It's always good to grow (toughen up) in those areas of life.
The "toughen up" statement was made by another poster, on another thread(Losing The Way), in reference to an experience I had in Fellow Laborers. It was off-topic for the other thread so I started this one.
(I have pointed this out already.)
As I have also stated many times, I was never in the Way Corps.
Therefore any agreement in the Corps promotional literature is irrelevant to my particular experience.
I have also made it quite clear that "physical training" has nothing to do with the kind of "toughening up" that was being referenced in the post directed at me.
In fact, our physical training in Fellow Laborers wasn't really all that difficult anyhow.
That part of it was not a "toughening up" experience.
We did a morning run "down the road" and back, as well as calisthenics.
Old fashioned gym class sort of stuff, really.
Please take a few moments and re-read this thread in context so you can understand the "bigger picture" that is being discussed.
If there is still something about it that you don't understand, let me know and I will attempt to clarify my stance on the subject.
And, again, I pose the question-------------What does "toughen you up" really mean ?
The "IDEAL" type of toughening up that WhiteDove is refering to is o.k.
The experiences of many of the rest of you speak to "toughen up!!" being used as a control method designed to keep you going in the same direction without questioning what's being done to you.
At the worst that I've seen it, it was done by men with ungodly intentions who simply wanted to abuse you as much as they could before you were either used up or burnt out. This really isn't an uncommon thing. I think it's a common issue in abusive families, multilevel marketing, etc.
I think that it's possible that it can be said inside of the love of God, but was most often simply perpetuating the abuse.
The "toughen up" statement was made by another poster, on another thread(Losing The Way), in reference to an experience I had in Fellow Laborers. It was off-topic for the other thread so I started this one.
(I have pointed this out already.)
I understood that was the case although I have not read that thread.
As I have also stated many times, I was never in the Way Corps.
Therefore any agreement in the Corps promotional literature is irrelevant to my particular experience.
I have also made it quite clear that "physical training" has nothing to do with the kind of "toughening up" that was being referenced in the post directed at me.
In fact, our physical training in Fellow Laborers wasn't really all that difficult anyhow.
That part of it was not a "toughening up" experience.
We did a morning run "down the road" and back, as well as calisthenics.
Old fashioned gym class sort of stuff, really.
That may in fact be true in your case,but your question was
My first question, which is multi-faceted, is this:
How many, who participate here, went into their respective programs, whether it was WOW, Fellow Laborers, Way Corps or other, with any kind of advance notice that the programs were designed, in part, to "toughen you up"?
What does the expression, "toughen you up" mean?
If you did not wish to discuss the Way Corps or other programs then why did you ask for it. Had your question limited it to Fellow laborers then it would have been a different story You included the Way Corps , You can't include it and them complain that you received an answer.Second the other question was not from the other thread as well it was from this one page 1 post#7
"Toughen up" ?????????
Show me that in the promo literature or promo words about any of the programs!
Again the post was in responce to the one above it post#6 which also dealt with the Way Corps reading the context you will see that the posters also mentioned the Way Corps. And the question asked as I bolded any program, that covers The Way Corps I believe. Both posts mentioned the Way Corps apperantly that was the context of the thread at least everyone seemed to think so since it obviously kept comming up.
......... life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically
In that context thats what I believe toughen up means which was your other question
Yes I do think it is a good thing. It's always good to grow (toughen up) in those areas of life.
And I respectfully disagree -- I think there are ways to direct that respect the actor and require something different from him, at the same time.
And I respectfully agree with your disagreement. LOL
Directors who can bring out people's best, without bullying, are indeed a pleasure to work for.
Personally, it never really bothered me too much, though.
I always kind of thought of them as being "in character" when they were directing just as the actors were "in character" during rehearsal or performance. (Not a good thing to be "in character" after the show, though.)
Show me that in the promo literature or promo words about any of the programs!
First, White Dove, I wish to call your attention to the fact that the quote you posted and represented as having originated with me, were, in fact, the words of someone else.
Secondly, I never complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread.
In fact, if you would take the time to read the questions a bit more thoroughly, you would see that I actually INVITED participation from other programs.
Third, although you have shown that "physical training" was at one time referenced in the Way Corps literature, you have failed to demonstrate how that is relevant to the type of "toughening up" that is the focal point of this thread.
The poster who prompted me(on another thread) to begin this thread, implied that I was a weakling, whining about being a victim and that I should have known ahead of time that psychological bullying was part of the process.
If you don't believe that this sort of thing happened or that, if it did, it was a beneficial component of the programs, just come out and say so instead of trying to change the focus to something unrelated.
I dunno.. I don't ever remember the literature advertising they'd with almost any method practicaly attempt to turn an otherwise normal human being into a hard-hearted, conscionseless goose-stepping waybot.. willing to face unreasonable hazards in the guise of believing..
AS ADVERTISED it looked like a summer camp to get in shape, learn critical thinking skills and learn how to enjoy the bible..
First, White Dove, I wish to call your attention to the fact that the quote you posted and represented as having originated with me, were, in fact, the words of someone else.
The first quote I posted was yours the second was not as I said it was in responce to post #6 which was Oldies post. I addressed both points.
Secondly, I never complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread.
In fact, if you would take the time to read the questions a bit more thoroughly, you would see that I actually INVITED participation from other program.
I never said you complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread. What I said was that you asked for input from those who had participated in other programs as to advanced notice That's what you asked for ,which I gave as a participant. Then your responce was it doesn't apply because you were only fellow laborers, Thats not what you asked for your request asked for other programs period ,not other programs that apply only to you. Read what you wrote.
My first question, which is multi-faceted, is this:
How many, who participate here, went into their respective programs, whether it was WOW, Fellow Laborers, Way Corps or other, with any kind of advance notice that the programs were designed, in part, to "toughen you up"?
Third, although you have shown that "physical training" was at one time referenced in the Way Corps literature, you have failed to demonstrate how that is relevant to the type of "toughening up" that is the focal point of this thread.
Again I responded to question 1 which had no perimiters in it about abuse or bulling, if it was your intent to add that to the question you should have .I answered the question as is . It was relevant to the question as you stated it had you wanted to include other factors such as bulling, or abuse you should have included them in the question. There is none in question 1 read it.....
My first question, which is multi-faceted, is this:
How many, who participate here, went into their respective programs, whether it was WOW, Fellow Laborers, Way Corps or other, with any kind of advance notice that the programs were designed, in part, to "toughen you up"?
The poster who prompted me(on another thread) to begin this thread, implied that I was a weakling, whining about being a victim and that I should have known ahead of time that psychological bullying was part of the process.
Actually I see where you might read it that way ,however if you re read it you will see that what he said was not about you ,but a frame of mind like an I can do attitude...... I think he was saying the old some see the glass half empty some see it half full perspective, likewise some see themselves being picked on some see themselves being challenged or motivated...
If you don't believe that this sort of thing happened or that, if it did, it was a beneficial component of the programs, just come out and say so instead of trying to change the focus to something unrelated.
On this we agree I know that this happened, I don't believe in the cases that bulling, or abuse happened served any purpose in the program.
I did not think that the Corps was about being "toughened up," per se. I did think it was going to be "disciplined training," and had heard that that included an aerobic jogging program for fitness. That didn't faze me. In fact, even while in rez, the basics of the discipline didn't faze me, because I'd already had to have plenty of discipline as a dancer my whole life, and as a dance major at the college level.
What I didn't think qualified as toughening up was when older Corps, the Corps coordinator, or course instructors thought that it was okay to insult or belittle us. As I later read about how shoddy some of the LEAD training was, I don't believe putting people's lives in danger qualifies as godly "toughening up."
When I was in it, I just had a feeling of cognitive dissonance, of disconnect between how I thought Christians should be "especially kind to the household" and what I was seeing. I was ready to forgive, thinking these people were, after all, only human, and could have bad days and make mistakes. It was only later when I saw outright, purposeful disregard, that I finally got it that TWI was stinky because the head was rotten.
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"The Standard of Toughnicity"
Socks, You were truly fortunate to have known not one, but two men of such high caliber and moral character.
Maybe there is something to that expression, "What you look at you become.", after all.
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Very true.
Some people got off light. (I got off light, to name one.)
Some others were beaten down. (Some committed suicide.)
if you want to trace the progress, lcm HIMSELF made it easier.
Do a search for the thread: "vp and me in wonderland",
where we discussed lcm's own words on the subject.
What some posters have reported, is that vpw asked for who EVERYONE thought should be his
replacement, and that he said it could be "any Advanced class grad."
Naturally, that wasn't true-he'd want someone with years of twi experience, who's held
some office in twi. However, some people took him seriously.
Lots of names were sent to vpw. Almost nobody thought it should be lcm.
vpw chose him IN SPITE OF all suggestions.
There were some closed meetings, and, apparently based on the beginnings and
the results, vpw insisted it would be lcm, and kept at it until others eventually endorsed
what he'd already decided.
lcm's OWN story shows vpw had this planned for quite a while.
I don't know how his dynastic prophecy (we just started discussing this)
figured in, but it would not surprise me if he made 2 different contradictory plans,
and expected them BOTH to work.
Or, if he made that "prophecy" after choosing lcm and seeing he didn't get the results
he wanted....what year was it, and when did he install lcm? Anyone?
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I believe lcm was installed in 1982. I don't know what year the prophesy was made but it would be interesting to look at that timeline.
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I think I figured it out. They sound pretty much the same.
Just one of them gets union scale..

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As far as why lcm? VP once said that the reason he went with *craig* was because he never asked how high when vp told him to *jump*. In hind sight that sounds to me like he was the biggest bu tt kisser.
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skyrider then, those "jumping credentials" didn't serve craig very well on his quest as a ceo for a fortune 500 company?
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good posts and thoughts
toughness never equals character
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i was reading this thread (via a link from another)
and i just got to this post and had to stop...
what gives, whitedove?
here i am reading along, clicked on the song link from excie and read her post (with tears in my eyes), other folks were responding with posts of compassion, and you come out of nowhere trying to prove that "twi literature" supports "toughening people up"...
have you no heart?
have you no compassion?
do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
i just don't understand where you are coming from at all!
(okay, i'll finish reading the thread now)
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I don't think it made us tough,spiritually it destroyed us,made us we never will fit into a church or feel comfortable in the body of christ here on earth,everything i learned in twi..i had to unlearn(not to become some spiritual strong christian)
just to get the brainwashing garbage out...and move on with Normal life on earth!
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I would agree. I think they broke some people's trust to the extent they will never "get over it"..
It's worse than getting conned out of money..
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wow thanks !!!!!!!
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Your remarks about the "toughness" of theater directors hit home, since I lived it with dance teachers and choreographers from an early age. I think my own inability to distinguish between strictness and emotional abusiveness stemmed from a dad who didn't know the difference, was built upon by the dance discipline (they criticize, you work harder), and opened me to putting up with the cognitive dissonance of abusive husbands, bosses, and TWI's elite.
Luckily, there was still something in me that had a sense of "the way life should be," and I was able to pull away from all of it, sometimes by the skin of my teeth.
And I respectfully disagree -- I think there are ways to direct that respect the actor and require something different from him, at the same time.
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Hey Jen-o
It is quite obvious that you don't, let me refresh you. I hardly "came out of nowhere", in fact I answered the question at the start of the thread, I think that's called on topic. My response was limited to two questions, (which I believe that I clarified on some page) The one from the start of this thread which was......
And this question........
To which my response was:
For the record : from The Way Corps A Lifetime of Christian Service
Physical training is a valuable part of The Way Corps training. Because the Christian believer is a three - part being, his life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically in order for him to be at his best. Through participation in LEAD Outdoor Academy International, Way Corps students learn to develop mental, flexibility and physical stamina. Students build an attitude of "I can do ,therefore I do" and learn to live abundantly.
I'd say that qualifies as toughen up
The questions asked for advanced notice and for references in promotional literature for which I provided such. It has nothing to do with any other post , which I again clarified on some page. They asked for the information I provided the answer. Don't shoot the messenger when you ask for the message........ These brochures were distributed to interested parties before entering residence ( that's why they call them promotional brochures by the way) It appears to me one could expect some physical toughening up from the wording, if you are developing physical stamina one would conclude that it was not there prior, I'd say they planned to toughen up your physical stamina. Had you read the posts you would see that I made no comment as to whether the program worked, or if I thought it was a good idea. I answered the questions posed only, which were ...Was there advanced notice ? Yes, and show me where it was in the literature, which I did.
Now as to your question.......... do you think it's a good thing that twi tried to toughen people up?!?
In the context that the statement was made in.
......... life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically
Yes I do think it is a good thing. It's always good to grow (toughen up) in those areas of life.
Now don't you have some cooking or laundry to do?
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White Dove
The "toughen up" statement was made by another poster, on another thread(Losing The Way), in reference to an experience I had in Fellow Laborers. It was off-topic for the other thread so I started this one.
(I have pointed this out already.)
As I have also stated many times, I was never in the Way Corps.
Therefore any agreement in the Corps promotional literature is irrelevant to my particular experience.
I have also made it quite clear that "physical training" has nothing to do with the kind of "toughening up" that was being referenced in the post directed at me.
In fact, our physical training in Fellow Laborers wasn't really all that difficult anyhow.
That part of it was not a "toughening up" experience.
We did a morning run "down the road" and back, as well as calisthenics.
Old fashioned gym class sort of stuff, really.
Please take a few moments and re-read this thread in context so you can understand the "bigger picture" that is being discussed.
If there is still something about it that you don't understand, let me know and I will attempt to clarify my stance on the subject.
And, again, I pose the question-------------What does "toughen you up" really mean ?
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The "IDEAL" type of toughening up that WhiteDove is refering to is o.k.
The experiences of many of the rest of you speak to "toughen up!!" being used as a control method designed to keep you going in the same direction without questioning what's being done to you.
At the worst that I've seen it, it was done by men with ungodly intentions who simply wanted to abuse you as much as they could before you were either used up or burnt out. This really isn't an uncommon thing. I think it's a common issue in abusive families, multilevel marketing, etc.
I think that it's possible that it can be said inside of the love of God, but was most often simply perpetuating the abuse.
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Good points, Jeff
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this thread.
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......... life must be balanced spiritually, mentally, and physically
In that context thats what I believe toughen up means which was your other question
Yes I do think it is a good thing. It's always good to grow (toughen up) in those areas of life.
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And I respectfully agree with your disagreement. LOL
Directors who can bring out people's best, without bullying, are indeed a pleasure to work for.
Personally, it never really bothered me too much, though.
I always kind of thought of them as being "in character" when they were directing just as the actors were "in character" during rehearsal or performance. (Not a good thing to be "in character" after the show, though.)
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First, White Dove, I wish to call your attention to the fact that the quote you posted and represented as having originated with me, were, in fact, the words of someone else.
Secondly, I never complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread.
In fact, if you would take the time to read the questions a bit more thoroughly, you would see that I actually INVITED participation from other programs.
Third, although you have shown that "physical training" was at one time referenced in the Way Corps literature, you have failed to demonstrate how that is relevant to the type of "toughening up" that is the focal point of this thread.
The poster who prompted me(on another thread) to begin this thread, implied that I was a weakling, whining about being a victim and that I should have known ahead of time that psychological bullying was part of the process.
If you don't believe that this sort of thing happened or that, if it did, it was a beneficial component of the programs, just come out and say so instead of trying to change the focus to something unrelated.
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I dunno.. I don't ever remember the literature advertising they'd with almost any method practicaly attempt to turn an otherwise normal human being into a hard-hearted, conscionseless goose-stepping waybot.. willing to face unreasonable hazards in the guise of believing..
AS ADVERTISED it looked like a summer camp to get in shape, learn critical thinking skills and learn how to enjoy the bible..
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First, White Dove, I wish to call your attention to the fact that the quote you posted and represented as having originated with me, were, in fact, the words of someone else.
The first quote I posted was yours the second was not as I said it was in responce to post #6 which was Oldies post. I addressed both points.
Secondly, I never complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread.
In fact, if you would take the time to read the questions a bit more thoroughly, you would see that I actually INVITED participation from other program.
I never said you complained that people from other programs contributed to this thread. What I said was that you asked for input from those who had participated in other programs as to advanced notice That's what you asked for ,which I gave as a participant. Then your responce was it doesn't apply because you were only fellow laborers, Thats not what you asked for your request asked for other programs period ,not other programs that apply only to you. Read what you wrote.
My first question, which is multi-faceted, is this:
How many, who participate here, went into their respective programs, whether it was WOW, Fellow Laborers, Way Corps or other, with any kind of advance notice that the programs were designed, in part, to "toughen you up"?
Third, although you have shown that "physical training" was at one time referenced in the Way Corps literature, you have failed to demonstrate how that is relevant to the type of "toughening up" that is the focal point of this thread.
Again I responded to question 1 which had no perimiters in it about abuse or bulling, if it was your intent to add that to the question you should have .I answered the question as is . It was relevant to the question as you stated it had you wanted to include other factors such as bulling, or abuse you should have included them in the question. There is none in question 1 read it.....
The poster who prompted me(on another thread) to begin this thread, implied that I was a weakling, whining about being a victim and that I should have known ahead of time that psychological bullying was part of the process.
Actually I see where you might read it that way ,however if you re read it you will see that what he said was not about you ,but a frame of mind like an I can do attitude...... I think he was saying the old some see the glass half empty some see it half full perspective, likewise some see themselves being picked on some see themselves being challenged or motivated...
If you don't believe that this sort of thing happened or that, if it did, it was a beneficial component of the programs, just come out and say so instead of trying to change the focus to something unrelated.
On this we agree I know that this happened, I don't believe in the cases that bulling, or abuse happened served any purpose in the program.
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Thank you
I think you have found a point we can mutually agree on.
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I did not think that the Corps was about being "toughened up," per se. I did think it was going to be "disciplined training," and had heard that that included an aerobic jogging program for fitness. That didn't faze me. In fact, even while in rez, the basics of the discipline didn't faze me, because I'd already had to have plenty of discipline as a dancer my whole life, and as a dance major at the college level.
What I didn't think qualified as toughening up was when older Corps, the Corps coordinator, or course instructors thought that it was okay to insult or belittle us. As I later read about how shoddy some of the LEAD training was, I don't believe putting people's lives in danger qualifies as godly "toughening up."
When I was in it, I just had a feeling of cognitive dissonance, of disconnect between how I thought Christians should be "especially kind to the household" and what I was seeing. I was ready to forgive, thinking these people were, after all, only human, and could have bad days and make mistakes. It was only later when I saw outright, purposeful disregard, that I finally got it that TWI was stinky because the head was rotten.
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