They used to appoint the Country Coordinator, one or two others from that country, and TWI either as one individual (maybe the IO Coordinator) or as itself according to the country's law.
The officers:
2000 Joe & Louiselle Perry
2001 Joe & Louiselle Perry and Michael Cosgrove
2002 Joe & Louiselle Perry
2003 Joe Perry, Rivenbark, Platig, de Lisle
2004 As above
2005 As above
2006 Joe Perry, Rivenbark, Mittler, de Lisle
There seems to have been a change in the law in 2003 and not just directors/trustees but others in a like capacity had to be named.
At that point - we see Louiselle Perry disappear and 3 members of TWI put in an appearance.
This has such a familiar ring to it. I know nothing of the Perrys, what might be going on in their lives or such - but here again, we see the female half of a marriage blanked and TWI coming in instead. Assuming Joe and Louiselle are still married and together, we see Louiselle becoming a nonentity and the control having passed from the individuals most concerned to the parent organization.
I wonder what Louiselle thought about that, and how much input she had into the decision that she was no longer to be a trustee/director?
...And that's before I examine any monetary information...
I believe Jean-Yves de Lisle is in fact a French Canadian, so technically it's a 50/50 split between Canada and the USA (assuming also that Joe Perry is a Canadian).
TWI's "bylaws" which had to be incorporated as much as possible into the rules for the local Way organization/corporation/company insist (or used to) that the CC had to follow the direction of the TWI representative, ie, decisions to be taken in conjunction with, etc.
Which of course makes perfect sense, as one doesn't want different countries going off in a completely unrelated direction and sometimes a CC isn't very experienced as a business manager; but in fact what it led to was control from afar not local autonomy.
At that point - we see Louiselle Perry disappear and 3 members of TWI put in an appearance.
This has such a familiar ring to it. I know nothing of the Perrys, what might be going on in their lives or such - but here again, we see the female half of a marriage blanked and TWI coming in instead. Assuming Joe and Louiselle are still married and together, we see Louiselle becoming a nonentity and the control having passed from the individuals most concerned to the parent organization.
I wonder what Louiselle thought about that, and how much input she had into the decision that she was no longer to be a trustee/director?
...And that's before I examine any monetary information...
As I understand it.......The Way of Canada is comparable to a big Limb here in the U.S. (like say, The Way of Texas)......a home on the northside of London, Ontario....with an in-home office.
Like the Limb Homes of the 80s......The Way of Canada is modeled in a very DEPENDANT-ON-TWI for any and all promotions. And, in all's a closer "Limb" than dozens of U.S. limbs. No real canadian brc, no campground area, no training facilities......just a home without a mortgage. six years, the profit of $ 1,588, 372.00 is a nice hunk of change for a NON-PROFIT charity and will go far in sustaining itself for years to come.
According to the 2006, the country coordinator couple received near $ 83,000 in salary, wages, benefits (total of salaries minus the 2 part-time salaries). Not too shabby...... since they have access to petty cash accounts for travel expenses, conferences, weekend training expenses, dining expenditures, suv-vehicle allocation for "ministry use", etc.......nice perk.
Modeled after twi.......The Way of Canada gives back very little to its supporters except for tapes, re-hashed teachings, branch meetings, etc.
Obviously, with the financial growth.......looks like the old guard are hanging in there.
Thanks, WW. I hoped somebody would pick up on that...
Skyrider, I wouldn't be too sure that the Perrys have access to too much. It may look that way but I'm not so sure that they themselves would have their feet in the trough, as you imply. It is more tightly overseen from TWI than to allow that.
Silly me......I thought that INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH COUNTRIES were to be autonomous......existing, functioning and developing INDEPENDENTLY from twi.
I believe that non-U.S. Way entities were only as autonomous as they were required by local law to be. Probably the same goes for some U.S. limbs as well.
I would imagine that when Country Coordinators decided to split from TWI they were able to take the assets with them if there was no visible link to The Way International.
I believe that non-U.S. Way entities were only as autonomous as they were required by local law to be. Probably the same goes for some U.S. limbs as well.
I would imagine that when Country Coordinators decided to split from TWI they were able to take the assets with them if there was no visible link to The Way International.
Only an illusion of "independence".......
As long as twi holds the purse strings......well, you'd better do as THEY say.
I wonder what Louiselle thought about that, and how much input she had into the decision that she was no longer to be a trustee/director?
Louiselle was an amazing person when I knew her in-rez. Sweet, smart... a french-speaking Canadian who taught herself english so she could take more Bible classes. Just a joy to be around.
But I doubt that she was the same person by the time she had become a limb-leader's wife!! I saw too many friends become leader's wives and undergo dramatic changes from vibrant, inspiring, confident, self-posessed people into cowering little "1950's susie-homemaker-wannabees" with bad hair, bad makeup, and no sense of style, standing behind their man (a step behind and to the left, please). -- Rico M's wife Robin is another example of this.
Louiselle probably didn't give it much thought... just took directions from the top and obeyed.
Funny how the ministry in Canada has so much money, yet they don't spend any of it. They do absolutely nothing for their people.
The believers there pay for everything anytime there is an event. On top of that most of them are having serious financial problems.
I know firsthand there are only a few fellowships left in Canada.
Let the ministry choke on it's money.
Polar Bear......yeah, it really is pathetic how the canadian followers are "milked" day after day while the "owner of this cash cow" is the beneficiary.
According to the documents, the way of canada marks its beginning in 1979.......and from sources, it looks like twi's board of directors didn't move in as trustees/signing officers until 2003. Why then? Did the canadian by-laws change? Did rosalie & company get nervous that the country coordinator just might do a geer-like powergrab? Or, is there just no one else in the whole country of canada who qualifies with such high spiritual cahoonas (cough, cough)?
IMO, I tend to think that with MILLIONS in assets........twi's "trust in the country coordinators' wholesale commitment to those who taught them the word" NEEDED MORE VISIBLE TEETH IN IT. Just seems that the money trail always leads back to the top of the pyramid.......after all, they just don't trust anyone.
Ironic, isn't it........wierwille goes to Canada in 1953 and sits thru Rev. BG Leonard's class (twice) and then, steps into the spotlight and teaches it AS HIS OWN. After a few classes, wierwille tweaks it and augments it with material from stiles, bullinger, and others. AND NOW.......TWI IS MOVING IN CLOSER AND CLOSER TO CANADA'S ABS AND ASSETS.
In looking at the The Way of Canada's 2006 financial information.......Click Here
(follow links on registered charities, and add The Way of Canada, London, information)
Again, it shows the financial gain to way-tree structures that wierwille pawned off as "Christian" and "service"........where nearly every ministry function involves alpha male teaching and omega follower sitting. Where are the charitable works......helping the underprivileged, ministering to the sick and feeble, carrying the burdens that can be transferred, assisting at hospitals or shelters or food kitchens.....heck, even helping the next door neighbor.
So.......what's The Way of Canada going to do with over $ 3 Million...???
If the past is ANY INDICATOR of the future......then, they are going to sit on it and do same ole, same ole. Oh, there is the tri-monthly branch meeting, perhaps.....and yearly "limb" meeting in say Toronto.....but.....pfffffffffffff.
IMO, it's information like this that leads me to believe that wierwille was strong in marketing, weak in christian character and service. I mean........flip the tables on their wayspeak and HAVE TWI TRUSTEES GOING TO WEEKLY MEETINGS, GOING OUT WITNESSING, TOSSING 12-15% OF THEIR HARD-EARNED INCOME INTO THE HORN OF PLENTY, AND SPEND MONEY ON ACTIVITIES FEES, GAS MONEY, TRAVEL INTO HQ, SIT AGAIN FOR HOURS, ETC.....
Where is the compassion? Where is the empathy? Where are the good samaritans?
In looking at the The Way of Canada's 2006 financial information.......Click Here
(follow links on registered charities, and add The Way of Canada, London, information)
Again, it shows the financial gain to way-tree structures that wierwille pawned off as "Christian" and "service"........where nearly every ministry function involves alpha male teaching and omega follower sitting. Where are the charitable works......helping the underprivileged, ministering to the sick and feeble, carrying the burdens that can be transferred, assisting at hospitals or shelters or food kitchens.....heck, even helping the next door neighbor.
No wonder there are those way-tree structures.......where husband & wife sit over a splinter group (with a couple of part-time workers)......can sure amass their financial outlook if them followers keep abundant sharing.
And, especially......with NO charitable work except "a repetitive teaching ministry."
Sure has worked for that "limb" canada.
Top of pageSection E. Financial Information
E1 Was the financial information reported below prepared on an accrual or cash basis? 4020
E2 Figures are shown to the nearest dollar.
Cash, bank accounts, and short-term investments 4100
$ 37,002
Amounts receivable from non-arm's length parties 4110
Amounts receivable from all others. 4120
$ 4,831
Investments in non-arm's length parties 4130
Long-term investments 4140
$ 2,883,575
Inventories 4150
$ 15,218
Capital assets (at cost or fair market value) 4160
$ 103,599
Other assets 4170
$ 16,870
Total assets (add lines 4100 to 4170)
$ 3,061,095
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities. 4300
$ 14,009
Deferred revenue 4310
$ 689,462
Amounts owing to non-arm's length parties 4320
Other liabilities 4330
Total liabilities
$ 703,471
Amount included in lines 4150, 4160, and 4170 not used in charitable programs 4250
E3 Figures are shown to the nearest dollar.
Total eligible amount of tax-receipted gifts 4500
$ 276,129
Total amount received from other registered charities 4510
Total specified gifts included in line 4510 4520
Total enduring property included in line 4510 4525
Total other gifts 4530
Revenue from federal government 4540
Revenue from provincial/territorial governments 4550
Revenue from municipal/regional governments 4560
Total revenue from government 4570
Interest and investment income 4580
$ 113,030
Proceeds from disposition of assets
· gross 4590
· net 4600
Rental income (land and buildings) 4610
$ 110
Memberships, dues, and association fees (non tax-receipted) 4620
Total revenue from fundraising 4630
Total revenue from sale of goods and services (except to government) 4640
$ 17,482
Other revenue 4650
Total revenue
$ 406,751
Expenditures (Enter all expenditures, whether or not on charitable programs)
Advertising and promotion 4800
Travel and vehicle 4810
$ 6,228
Interest and bank charges 4820
Licences, memberships, and dues 4830
$ 18,511
Office supplies and expenses 4840
$ 7,061
Occupancy costs 4850
$ 14,542
Professional and consulting fees 4860
$ 7,200
Education and training for staff and volunteers 4870
$ 10,803
Salaries, wages, benefits, and honoraria 4880
$ 114,932
Donated and purchased supplies and assets expensed for the fiscal period 4890
$ 1,015
Amortization of capitalized assets 4900
$ 10,073
Research grants and scholarships as part of charitable programs 4910
Other expenditures 4920
$ 4,211
Total expenditures before gifts to qualified donees
$ 194,576
Total charitable programs expenditures included in line 4950 5000
$ 161,174
Total management and administration expenditures included in line 4950 5010
$ 33,402
Total fundraising expenditures included in line 4950 5020
Total political activity expenditures included in line 4950 5030
Total other expenditures included in line 4950 5040
Total gifts to qualified donees, excluding enduring property 5050
Total enduring property transferred to qualified donees (See the guide.) 5060
Total specified gifts to qualified donees (See the guide.) 5070
Total expenditures (add lines 4950, 5050, 5060 and 5070)
On the subject of the autonomy of The Way of Canada...
I had a roommate in the late-1990's who had been dating and getting very serious with a very eligible WC man who was in the upper leadership ranks in Canada. When they approached the subject of marriage with their WC leadership they were told to forget and drop the relationship. They were advised that because they were from two different countries/cultures that it wasn't "best" and they should be looking in their own area for a mate.
(As someone who grew up just a few hours from Canada and has spent time in that foreign land, I don't get how it was such a big difference. The "council" they received about their relationship was just another mind&uck, designed to keep them under TWI's thumb.)
I had a georgous roommate who was in the WC and black. She and an asian guy hooked up and wanted to get married, but leadership discouraged it. She's still single and at least 50 and still supporting TWI. I want to ask her how's that working, but I don't want to rub it in. TWI got involved in way too many personal aspects of people's lives.
I knew of another girl who lived in the northern part of oru state who was dating a guy in the southern part. She wanted to move to be closer to him and develop the relationship more. She was going to move in with me and my roommates. She was also discouraged by leadership saying it wasn't the best move. People wake up!!
Sorry to bring back this really old thread, but I just have some updates on the situation in Canada. Joe and Louiselle are still married and still in charge. They no longer live on the ministry property in London, it was sold in 2013. The Perrys have moved to Ottawa and now run the ministry from there. The headquarters is no longer a part of the house, it's now a separate office.
The reason I was told was that London had enough faithful people/leadership to stand on its own and that not having the HQ there wouldn't really affect the current numbers or stability, and that having HQ in Ottawa would help the (then, and still) small branch there grow. If that's the real reason or if there's another underlying reason, I'm not sure.
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Links not working.
They used to appoint the Country Coordinator, one or two others from that country, and TWI either as one individual (maybe the IO Coordinator) or as itself according to the country's law.
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The first link just takes you to the site, but shows nothing of twi.
They go by the name of "The Way Ministry of Canada" if you want to do a search.
The last two links work.
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Under the first link......scroll down and click under the year (bullet reference)
Thus, you can compare each year, respectively.
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Okay, can get into it now.
The officers:
2000 Joe & Louiselle Perry
2001 Joe & Louiselle Perry and Michael Cosgrove
2002 Joe & Louiselle Perry
2003 Joe Perry, Rivenbark, Platig, de Lisle
2004 As above
2005 As above
2006 Joe Perry, Rivenbark, Mittler, de Lisle
There seems to have been a change in the law in 2003 and not just directors/trustees but others in a like capacity had to be named.
At that point - we see Louiselle Perry disappear and 3 members of TWI put in an appearance.
This has such a familiar ring to it. I know nothing of the Perrys, what might be going on in their lives or such - but here again, we see the female half of a marriage blanked and TWI coming in instead. Assuming Joe and Louiselle are still married and together, we see Louiselle becoming a nonentity and the control having passed from the individuals most concerned to the parent organization.
I wonder what Louiselle thought about that, and how much input she had into the decision that she was no longer to be a trustee/director?
...And that's before I examine any monetary information...
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Silly me......I thought that INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH COUNTRIES were to be autonomous......existing, functioning and developing INDEPENDENTLY from twi.
Sure, receive twi's tapes, mags.....but NOT have twi trustees as directors/signing officers over the affairs of ANOTHER COUNTRY'S WORK.
Three of the four signatures are FROM an American corporation....... :blink:
So much for........self-governing, self-propagating, blah, blah, blah.
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Not wanting to start a war with Canada, but if the Fox is an officer in Canada
they can have her.
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I believe Jean-Yves de Lisle is in fact a French Canadian, so technically it's a 50/50 split between Canada and the USA (assuming also that Joe Perry is a Canadian).
TWI's "bylaws" which had to be incorporated as much as possible into the rules for the local Way organization/corporation/company insist (or used to) that the CC had to follow the direction of the TWI representative, ie, decisions to be taken in conjunction with, etc.
Which of course makes perfect sense, as one doesn't want different countries going off in a completely unrelated direction and sometimes a CC isn't very experienced as a business manager; but in fact what it led to was control from afar not local autonomy.
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This was worth repeating.
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As I understand it.......The Way of Canada is comparable to a big Limb here in the U.S. (like say, The Way of Texas)......a home on the northside of London, Ontario....with an in-home office.
Like the Limb Homes of the 80s......The Way of Canada is modeled in a very DEPENDANT-ON-TWI for any and all promotions. And, in all's a closer "Limb" than dozens of U.S. limbs. No real canadian brc, no campground area, no training facilities......just a home without a mortgage. six years, the profit of $ 1,588, 372.00 is a nice hunk of change for a NON-PROFIT charity and will go far in sustaining itself for years to come.
According to the 2006, the country coordinator couple received near $ 83,000 in salary, wages, benefits (total of salaries minus the 2 part-time salaries). Not too shabby...... since they have access to petty cash accounts for travel expenses, conferences, weekend training expenses, dining expenditures, suv-vehicle allocation for "ministry use", etc.......nice perk.
Modeled after twi.......The Way of Canada gives back very little to its supporters except for tapes, re-hashed teachings, branch meetings, etc.
Obviously, with the financial growth.......looks like the old guard are hanging in there.
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Thanks, WW. I hoped somebody would pick up on that...
Skyrider, I wouldn't be too sure that the Perrys have access to too much. It may look that way but I'm not so sure that they themselves would have their feet in the trough, as you imply. It is more tightly overseen from TWI than to allow that.
Edited by TwinkyLink to comment
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I would imagine that when Country Coordinators decided to split from TWI they were able to take the assets with them if there was no visible link to The Way International.
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Only an illusion of "independence".......
As long as twi holds the purse strings......well, you'd better do as THEY say.
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Louiselle was an amazing person when I knew her in-rez. Sweet, smart... a french-speaking Canadian who taught herself english so she could take more Bible classes. Just a joy to be around.
But I doubt that she was the same person by the time she had become a limb-leader's wife!! I saw too many friends become leader's wives and undergo dramatic changes from vibrant, inspiring, confident, self-posessed people into cowering little "1950's susie-homemaker-wannabees" with bad hair, bad makeup, and no sense of style, standing behind their man (a step behind and to the left, please). -- Rico M's wife Robin is another example of this.
Louiselle probably didn't give it much thought... just took directions from the top and obeyed.
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polar bear
Thanks Sky, that was interesting research.
Funny how the ministry in Canada has so much money, yet they don't spend any of it. They do absolutely nothing for their people.
The believers there pay for everything anytime there is an event. On top of that most of them are having serious financial problems.
I know firsthand there are only a few fellowships left in Canada.
Let the ministry choke on it's money.
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Polar Bear......yeah, it really is pathetic how the canadian followers are "milked" day after day while the "owner of this cash cow" is the beneficiary.
According to the documents, the way of canada marks its beginning in 1979.......and from sources, it looks like twi's board of directors didn't move in as trustees/signing officers until 2003. Why then? Did the canadian by-laws change? Did rosalie & company get nervous that the country coordinator just might do a geer-like powergrab? Or, is there just no one else in the whole country of canada who qualifies with such high spiritual cahoonas (cough, cough)?
IMO, I tend to think that with MILLIONS in assets........twi's "trust in the country coordinators' wholesale commitment to those who taught them the word" NEEDED MORE VISIBLE TEETH IN IT. Just seems that the money trail always leads back to the top of the pyramid.......after all, they just don't trust anyone.
Ironic, isn't it........wierwille goes to Canada in 1953 and sits thru Rev. BG Leonard's class (twice) and then, steps into the spotlight and teaches it AS HIS OWN. After a few classes, wierwille tweaks it and augments it with material from stiles, bullinger, and others. AND NOW.......TWI IS MOVING IN CLOSER AND CLOSER TO CANADA'S ABS AND ASSETS.
Guess....twi has a way of repeating itself.
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In looking at the The Way of Canada's 2006 financial information.......Click Here
(follow links on registered charities, and add The Way of Canada, London, information)
Again, it shows the financial gain to way-tree structures that wierwille pawned off as "Christian" and "service"........where nearly every ministry function involves alpha male teaching and omega follower sitting. Where are the charitable works......helping the underprivileged, ministering to the sick and feeble, carrying the burdens that can be transferred, assisting at hospitals or shelters or food kitchens.....heck, even helping the next door neighbor.
So.......what's The Way of Canada going to do with over $ 3 Million...???
If the past is ANY INDICATOR of the future......then, they are going to sit on it and do same ole, same ole. Oh, there is the tri-monthly branch meeting, perhaps.....and yearly "limb" meeting in say Toronto.....but.....pfffffffffffff.
IMO, it's information like this that leads me to believe that wierwille was strong in marketing, weak in christian character and service. I mean........flip the tables on their wayspeak and HAVE TWI TRUSTEES GOING TO WEEKLY MEETINGS, GOING OUT WITNESSING, TOSSING 12-15% OF THEIR HARD-EARNED INCOME INTO THE HORN OF PLENTY, AND SPEND MONEY ON ACTIVITIES FEES, GAS MONEY, TRAVEL INTO HQ, SIT AGAIN FOR HOURS, ETC.....
Where is the compassion? Where is the empathy? Where are the good samaritans?
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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No wonder there are those way-tree structures.......where husband & wife sit over a splinter group (with a couple of part-time workers)......can sure amass their financial outlook if them followers keep abundant sharing.
And, especially......with NO charitable work except "a repetitive teaching ministry."
Sure has worked for that "limb" canada.
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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On the subject of the autonomy of The Way of Canada...
I had a roommate in the late-1990's who had been dating and getting very serious with a very eligible WC man who was in the upper leadership ranks in Canada. When they approached the subject of marriage with their WC leadership they were told to forget and drop the relationship. They were advised that because they were from two different countries/cultures that it wasn't "best" and they should be looking in their own area for a mate.
(As someone who grew up just a few hours from Canada and has spent time in that foreign land, I don't get how it was such a big difference. The "council" they received about their relationship was just another mind&uck, designed to keep them under TWI's thumb.)
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I knew of another girl who lived in the northern part of oru state who was dating a guy in the southern part. She wanted to move to be closer to him and develop the relationship more. She was going to move in with me and my roommates. She was also discouraged by leadership saying it wasn't the best move. People wake up!!
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Sorry to bring back this really old thread, but I just have some updates on the situation in Canada. Joe and Louiselle are still married and still in charge. They no longer live on the ministry property in London, it was sold in 2013. The Perrys have moved to Ottawa and now run the ministry from there. The headquarters is no longer a part of the house, it's now a separate office.
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Don't be sorry. Updates are always welcome here.
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Welcome, StayQuiet. I don't know the Perrys but am glad their marriage has somehow survived the predation and interference of TWI.
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Thanks for the update. Do you know why the move and why they sold the other property?
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The reason I was told was that London had enough faithful people/leadership to stand on its own and that not having the HQ there wouldn't really affect the current numbers or stability, and that having HQ in Ottawa would help the (then, and still) small branch there grow. If that's the real reason or if there's another underlying reason, I'm not sure.
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