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I have been a busy shazzy the past 2 years, working 3 jobs and doing grad school in library and informational science. I have only 3 months to go, yippee!

The survey below is for a course on consumer health information. There are only 5 questions. No names or usernames will be divulged in the results. If you would prefer to email the survey, please send it to shazdancer AT danceart DOT net (you know how to make that into an email addy, dontcha?)

THANKS SO MUCH! I will share the results of this survey in about a week, once the results are in.


Please type an X after the answers that best describe your situation.

FOR EXAMPLE: Do you use a computer at home?

a. Yes X

b. No

Here are the questions:

1.) Think back to the last time you got ill. When you first became ill, where did you first go to seek quality information about your illness? (Please choose one answer)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals

h. Other (please describe) _____________

2.) In the course of finding out about your illness, where else have you gone to seek quality information? (Choose one or more answers)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals

h. Other (please describe) _____________

3.) Have you ever discussed what you learned on the Internet about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Choose one answer)

a. Yes, I have discussed what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

b. No, I did not discuss what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

c. I did not use the Internet

4.) Have you ever changed healthcare professionals based in part on a negative response to the Internet information about your illness you discussed? (Check one answer)

a. Yes, I have changed at least one healthcare professional in part because of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

b. No, I have stayed with my healthcare professional(s) in spite of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

c. No, I have only had positive responses from healthcare professionals to the Internet information we discussed

d. I have not discussed Internet information with my healthcare professional(s).

5.) Is there anything else you would like to share about seeking, finding, or discussing information you have found about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Please type your response below)

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I have been a busy shazzy the past 2 years, working 3 jobs and doing grad school in library and informational science. I have only 3 months to go, yippee!

The survey below is for a course on consumer health information. There are only 5 questions. No names or usernames will be divulged in the results. If you would prefer to email the survey, please send it to shazdancer AT danceart DOT net (you know how to make that into an email addy, dontcha?)

THANKS SO MUCH! I will share the results of this survey in about a week, once the results are in.


Please type an X after the answers that best describe your situation.

FOR EXAMPLE: Do you use a computer at home?

a. Yes X

b. No

Here are the questions:

1.) Think back to the last time you got ill. When you first became ill, where did you first go to seek quality information about your illness? (Please choose one answer)

a. Primary care practitioner X

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals

h. Other (please describe) _____________

2.) In the course of finding out about your illness, where else have you gone to seek quality information? (Choose one or more answers)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals X

h. Other (please describe) _____________

3.) Have you ever discussed what you learned on the Internet about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Choose one answer)

a. Yes, I have discussed what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

b. No, I did not discuss what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

c. I did not use the Internet X

4.) Have you ever changed healthcare professionals based in part on a negative response to the Internet information about your illness you discussed? (Check one answer)

a. Yes, I have changed at least one healthcare professional in part because of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

b. No, I have stayed with my healthcare professional(s) in spite of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

c. No, I have only had positive responses from healthcare professionals to the Internet information we discussed

d. I have not discussed Internet information with my healthcare professional(s). X

5.) Is there anything else you would like to share about seeking, finding, or discussing information you have found about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Please type your response below) No


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Please type an X after the answers that best describe your situation.

Here are the questions:

1.) Think back to the last time you got ill. When you first became ill, where did you first go to seek quality information about your illness? (Please choose one answer)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals

h. Other (please describe) Midwife at an a GYN clinic

2.) In the course of finding out about your illness, where else have you gone to seek quality information? (Choose one or more answers)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist XXX

c. Hospital

d. Public library XXX

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals XXX

h. Other (please describe) XXXMidwife at a GYN clinic

3.) Have you ever discussed what you learned on the Internet about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Choose one answer)

a. Yes, I have discussed what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

b. No, I did not discuss what I learned on the Internet with a health professional. No but I did take a print out to her

c. I did not use the Internet

4.) Have you ever changed healthcare professionals based in part on a negative response to the Internet information about your illness you discussed? (Check one answer)

a. Yes, I have changed at least one healthcare professional in part because of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

b. No, I have stayed with my healthcare professional(s) in spite of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

c. No, I have only had positive responses from healthcare professionals to the Internet information we discussed

d. I have not discussed Internet information with my healthcare professional(s).

5.) Is there anything else you would like to share about seeking, finding, or discussing information you have found about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Please type your response below

I am seeking a GYN that is qualified to do a surgery that I need done and love that I can check licensure, history, malpractice, etc about my health care professionals on the internet.

Edited by Shellon
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I have been a busy shazzy the past 2 years, working 3 jobs and doing grad school in library and informational science. I have only 3 months to go, yippee!

The survey below is for a course on consumer health information. There are only 5 questions. No names or usernames will be divulged in the results. If you would prefer to email the survey, please send it to shazdancer AT danceart DOT net (you know how to make that into an email addy, dontcha?)

THANKS SO MUCH! I will share the results of this survey in about a week, once the results are in.


Please type an X after the answers that best describe your situation.

FOR EXAMPLE: Do you use a computer at home?

a. Yes X

b. No

Here are the questions:

1.) Think back to the last time you got ill. When you first became ill, where did you first go to seek quality information about your illness? (Please choose one answer)

a. Primary care practitioner X

b. Healthcare specialist

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet

g. Friends, family, or other individuals

h. Other (please describe) _____________

2.) In the course of finding out about your illness, where else have you gone to seek quality information? (Choose one or more answers)

a. Primary care practitioner

b. Healthcare specialist X

c. Hospital

d. Public library

e. Health library

f. Internet X

g. Friends, family, or other individuals X

h. Other (please describe) _____________

3.) Have you ever discussed what you learned on the Internet about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Choose one answer)

a. Yes, I have discussed what I learned on the Internet with a health professional X

b. No, I did not discuss what I learned on the Internet with a health professional

c. I did not use the Internet

4.) Have you ever changed healthcare professionals based in part on a negative response to the Internet information about your illness you discussed? (Check one answer)

a. Yes, I have changed at least one healthcare professional in part because of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed X

b. No, I have stayed with my healthcare professional(s) in spite of a negative response to the Internet information we discussed

c. No, I have only had positive responses from healthcare professionals to the Internet information we discussed

d. I have not discussed Internet information with my healthcare professional(s).

5.) Is there anything else you would like to share about seeking, finding, or discussing information you have found about your illness with a healthcare professional? (Please type your response below)

I am very happy to check out various drugs prescribed or suggested. I also value various support groups I have discovered on the Internet.

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Thanks so much kris, Shell, and George! Yeah, Shell, if you're looking things up through the state medical board, you are getting some good info. Just be careful of those "rate this doc" boards, because they mean very little. And wishing you all good results on your surgery.

David, I didn't use the polling function -- just hit reply and fill it in, or copy the survey and PM or email me. I have some responses from others and will combine them in my results.

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