I always liked that song... but yeah, now I'm sure it would sound differently to me.
I have found that the twi songs sung by the earliest artists, the ones they wrote from the heart and sang from the heart, don't bother me to listen to even if they are filled with twi jargon and doctrine. The only agenda these folks had was their own personal joy and the belief they had in God.
The music that really creeps me out is the later way-prod stuff that was written per instruction of the mog, and performed under strict guidelines, and intended to do nothing but indoctrinate the masses and promote twi. BLECH!!!!
It was either Pressed Down or Cookin Mama that used to play the Doobie Brothers song Jesus is just alright with me at the rock, I doubt that would fly these days.
Who did the song "Drop Kick Me Jesus, Through The Goalposts of Life" ?
I remember hearing that song on a sunday night service tape - from the BRC - sung by a group called "the jordan river ramblers" - must have been around 1978 or early 1979 time frame. That group may have been one of those thrown together for a time - I don't really know their genesis, but I distincly recall their name and that they did a rendition of that song.
I thought it was a ministry written song, though. It was funny and a little rebellious (for religion), YET heartfelt, too.
At the time i heard it, i too thought it was a ministry song, or at least written by the guys who sang it. It did sound a little funny, along the lines of the "sandles in the sky" song by JN. One memory associated with that song that stands out - I was visiting one of the WoWs whose dad was visiting him - they were both into country music - and mentioned a song by that name. I thought to myself, I've got a tape with that song on it. Later that day or the next, I got the tape and played it for them them, but alas, it wasn't the version of the song they were thinking of. I then realized the version I had heard wasn't the originial.
I still enjoy "Pressed Down's" music but the leaf analogy is wrong. A tree drops it's leaves every year and gets new ones, which is true about TWI but not the church as God intended. That's why Corinthians uses the analogy of the body to show we were all important.
Actually, here's the story of how that song became associated with The Way.
One day, as the members of that group(all Way believers) were at work in the filling station where they were employed, a mammoth blizzard descended upon the town.
This was no ordinary storm. In fact, the town hadn't seen a storm of this magnitude in 2,000 years!
Well, naturally, the bus station and train depot and even the landing strip, that the local farmers used to facilitate their crop dusting aircraft, were completely closed.
Wouldn't you just know it?
Some unsuspecting old geezer had started out motoring in his Diamond REO on what started out as a perfectly lovely day.
Before he knew it, the snow, which turned the sky pitch black, had him so confused that he drove and drove in circles until he was dangerously low on fuel.
He was almost overcome with joy when he spotted the filling station and proceeded to pull in immediately.
At the very moment he pulled up to the pumps and was greeted by the members of this group, The Northern Lights displayed their unmistakable brilliance for all to behold.
As you may have guessed by now, the song that was playing on his 8 track tape player at that very moment was "Drop Kick Me Jesus----"
Well, the combined effect of the Northern Lights coupled with the sweet refrains of " Drop Kick Me, etc.", just seemed to be too far fetched to be mere coincidence.
Their eyes all met simultaneously in a manner that expressed that they had, indeed, "seen the light" (Northern as it were) and heard the voice of instruction that shouted loudly to them, "Use this song as if it were your own!!!")
edited to say that those early songs by PDST, Selah and others have fond places in our memories because they had legitimate musical value that transcended the subject matter of the lyrics.(IMHO)
Jordan River Ramblers -- with Randy DeBru** on banjo. Great group!
Had the privilidge of playing fiddle with them at a Heartbeat festival in the late 1970's.
Yes! That strikes a memory chord. I think I even have it in my collection. I kept on thinking it was in High Country Caravan, but couldn't find it in that set.
Yes! That strikes a memory chord. I think I even have it in my collection. I kept on thinking it was in High Country Caravan, but couldn't find it in that set.
Hey there Mike. No -- I'm thinking that High Country Caravan came several (as in 5 or so) years later than Jordan River Ramblers. I remember seeing JRR at the BRC before a Sunday night teaching service around 1976 - 77, and (if I recollect correct) once at the ROA as well as at the Heartbeat fest I went to. Whenever they played (someone correct me if I'm wrong about this), it was pretty low key and not hyped up like High Country was. :)
I still enjoy "Pressed Down's" music but the leaf analogy is wrong. A tree drops it's leaves every year and gets new ones, which is true about TWI but not the church as God intended. That's why Corinthians uses the analogy of the body to show we were all important.
I still enjoy "Pressed Down's" music but the leaf analogy is wrong. A tree drops it's leaves every year and gets new ones, which is true about TWI but not the church as God intended. That's why Corinthians uses the analogy of the body to show we were all important.
Yeah......the leaf / twig / branch / limb / trunk structure.....the whole twi structure was wrong. In its onset, wierwille structured his ministry on a premise that was unbiblical. And, in doing so.....he distorted the essence and core of a genuine, Christian walk with Christ as the head of the One Body.
This distortion permeated "the way tree"...... ......giving the whole cult-like experience an exclusive club of way-isms [...all other Christian denominations...and "trees"....were not a part of "the way tree"...]. To this day, the wayspeak concept and analogy lives and is nourished in terminology like OFFSHOOTS.
The value of ANY analogy is found in the area where it does NOT break down.
If you choose to look at the breakdown of an analogy it BECOMES useless, regardless of how useful it is in the area it was intended to be used.
All analogies break down somewhere, and it usually doesn't take much brains to find that point.
I like being a leaf, within the INTENDED confines of the analogy.
First of all.......an ANALOGY is one thing, but a DIFINITIVE, CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE WITH AN ACCOMPANYING DOCTRINED-BASED CLASS -- The Way Tree -- AND COPYRIGHTED LOGO for the way international is something far, far different.
Wierwille had his little-jonny-t0wns3nd-do-good teach that "way tree" class......using much of the Book of Acts to augment and document it. Later, that class was shelved.......IIRC, the research-types at hq saw too many holes in the way-tree-doctrine and helped to pull it from further contaminating young minds.
Another THUD........for the wierwille campaign before his death.
Why wasn't there a class like MEMBERS IN PARTICULAR -- detailing the unique and diversified ways that God works with His chosen ones?
Why wasn't there a class entitled CHRIST IS THE HEAD -- an advanced teaching on Christ's responsibilities and duties as mediator/intercessor/advocate in relation to those walking by the spirit of God?
Oh, silly me...........THEN such biblical truths would have RIGHTFULLY RESTORED BIBLICAL TRUTHS that wierwille was deceptively disguising in his "way tree" structure and all "nourishment" coming from THE ROOT LOCATION AT WAYWORLD.
I am very happy with how Dr. Wierwille steered me into understanding the scriptures. If it weren't for him I would have no understanding whatsoever. There's no one here who could have commanded my attention, and I doubt if anyone else could have either.
Grads who took Dr's teaching without diligently cross referencing their KJVs and concordances to the best of their own ability often drifted from his teaching's meaning, often far too. This was called re-searching, and I did it.
Why wasn't there a class like MEMBERS IN PARTICULAR -- detailing the unique and diversified ways that God works with His chosen ones?
Why wasn't there a class entitled CHRIST IS THE HEAD -- an advanced teaching on Christ's responsibilities and duties as mediator/intercessor/advocate in relation to those walking by the spirit of God?
I never had any problem with being a member in particular, because I re-searched.
I never had any problem with Christ being the head, because I re-searched.
I am very happy with how Dr. Wierwille steered me into understanding the scriptures. If it weren't for him I would have no understanding whatsoever. There's no one here who could have commanded my attention, and I doubt if anyone else could have either.
Grads who took Dr's teaching without diligently cross referencing their KJVs and concordances to the best of their own ability often drifted from his teaching's meaning, often far too. This was called re-searching, and I did it.
I never had any problem with being a member in particular, because I re-searched.
I never had any problem with Christ being the head, because I re-searched.
Mike, Mike.........nice try to side-step and move this little discussion towards re-search, but......you're missing the point.
There were CLASSES on: 1) Keys to Research, 2) Witnessing & Undershepherding, 3) The Renewed Mind, 4) Dealing with the Adversary, and 5) The Way Tree.....as I recall.
Why the CLASS on The Way Tree..??
Surely, wierwille had MORE in mind than just building a WHOLE CLASS around "an analogy" (as you attempt to allude to) ???
Could there be a..........S - U - B - T - L -E.......A - G - E - N - D - A ?????
Dr's agenda was to teach us what God was teaching him.
Dr was human, so because of what the Word says about humans, I knew he must have had sin in his life. When a human is out of fellowship with the Father, I'd suspect they drift in their goals and agendas. Doesn't the same happen to you? I'm sure it does, and if you deny it, then I'm even more sure.
Dr's agenda was to teach us what God was teaching him.
Dr was human, so because of what the Word says about humans, I knew he must have had sin in his life. When a human is out of fellowship with the Father, I'd suspect they drift in their goals and agendas. Doesn't the same happen to you? I'm sure it does, and if you deny it, then I'm even more sure.
Talk about off topic!!
I liked pressed down first way cassette I ever bought!
Played the heck out of it
One of the high points of my time in the way was hearing them play at a family table at like roa78!!
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I always liked that song... but yeah, now I'm sure it would sound differently to me.
I have found that the twi songs sung by the earliest artists, the ones they wrote from the heart and sang from the heart, don't bother me to listen to even if they are filled with twi jargon and doctrine. The only agenda these folks had was their own personal joy and the belief they had in God.
The music that really creeps me out is the later way-prod stuff that was written per instruction of the mog, and performed under strict guidelines, and intended to do nothing but indoctrinate the masses and promote twi. BLECH!!!!
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I agree, that WAS sad Highway.
We should have an early and late example of artists in twi. Kind of like the before and after pics on the diet commercials :)
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It was either Pressed Down or Cookin Mama that used to play the Doobie Brothers song Jesus is just alright with me at the rock, I doubt that would fly these days.
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Who did the song "Drop Kick Me Jesus, Through The Goalposts of Life" ?
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Paul Craft wrote it.
Bobby Bare recorded it.
I think Kris Kristoferson also covered it at one time.
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does paul vergillio have a music web site? anyone know?
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I remember hearing that song on a sunday night service tape - from the BRC - sung by a group called "the jordan river ramblers" - must have been around 1978 or early 1979 time frame. That group may have been one of those thrown together for a time - I don't really know their genesis, but I distincly recall their name and that they did a rendition of that song.
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Thanks Peruser.
I know I heard it on a SNS tape years ago.
I thought it was a ministry written song, though. It was funny and a little rebellious (for religion), YET heartfelt, too.
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At the time i heard it, i too thought it was a ministry song, or at least written by the guys who sang it. It did sound a little funny, along the lines of the "sandles in the sky" song by JN. One memory associated with that song that stands out - I was visiting one of the WoWs whose dad was visiting him - they were both into country music - and mentioned a song by that name. I thought to myself, I've got a tape with that song on it. Later that day or the next, I got the tape and played it for them them, but alas, it wasn't the version of the song they were thinking of. I then realized the version I had heard wasn't the originial.
Oh well :)
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I still enjoy "Pressed Down's" music but the leaf analogy is wrong. A tree drops it's leaves every year and gets new ones, which is true about TWI but not the church as God intended. That's why Corinthians uses the analogy of the body to show we were all important.
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Actually, here's the story of how that song became associated with The Way.
One day, as the members of that group(all Way believers) were at work in the filling station where they were employed, a mammoth blizzard descended upon the town.
This was no ordinary storm. In fact, the town hadn't seen a storm of this magnitude in 2,000 years!
Well, naturally, the bus station and train depot and even the landing strip, that the local farmers used to facilitate their crop dusting aircraft, were completely closed.
Wouldn't you just know it?
Some unsuspecting old geezer had started out motoring in his Diamond REO on what started out as a perfectly lovely day.
Before he knew it, the snow, which turned the sky pitch black, had him so confused that he drove and drove in circles until he was dangerously low on fuel.
He was almost overcome with joy when he spotted the filling station and proceeded to pull in immediately.
At the very moment he pulled up to the pumps and was greeted by the members of this group, The Northern Lights displayed their unmistakable brilliance for all to behold.
As you may have guessed by now, the song that was playing on his 8 track tape player at that very moment was "Drop Kick Me Jesus----"
Well, the combined effect of the Northern Lights coupled with the sweet refrains of " Drop Kick Me, etc.", just seemed to be too far fetched to be mere coincidence.
Their eyes all met simultaneously in a manner that expressed that they had, indeed, "seen the light" (Northern as it were) and heard the voice of instruction that shouted loudly to them, "Use this song as if it were your own!!!")
And they all lived haplessly ever after.
The End
edited to say that those early songs by PDST, Selah and others have fond places in our memories because they had legitimate musical value that transcended the subject matter of the lyrics.(IMHO)
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Jordan River Ramblers -- with Randy DeBru** on banjo. Great group!
Had the privilidge of playing fiddle with them at a Heartbeat festival in the late 1970's.
My ALL TIME favorite *WAY SONG* is "Children Of The Light*, by Sam Pruyn.
Great vocal work, great guitar work, exquisite execution of all things musical. :)
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Yes! That strikes a memory chord. I think I even have it in my collection. I kept on thinking it was in High Country Caravan, but couldn't find it in that set.
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Hey there Mike. No -- I'm thinking that High Country Caravan came several (as in 5 or so) years later than Jordan River Ramblers. I remember seeing JRR at the BRC before a Sunday night teaching service around 1976 - 77, and (if I recollect correct) once at the ROA as well as at the Heartbeat fest I went to. Whenever they played (someone correct me if I'm wrong about this), it was pretty low key and not hyped up like High Country was. :)
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This bore repeating.
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Yeah......the leaf / twig / branch / limb / trunk structure.....the whole twi structure was wrong. In its onset, wierwille structured his ministry on a premise that was unbiblical. And, in doing so.....he distorted the essence and core of a genuine, Christian walk with Christ as the head of the One Body.
This distortion permeated "the way tree"......
......giving the whole cult-like experience an exclusive club of way-isms [...all other Christian denominations...and "trees"....were not a part of "the way tree"...]. To this day, the wayspeak concept and analogy lives and is nourished in terminology like OFFSHOOTS.
The "ONshoots" were never ON to begin with.
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The value of ANY analogy is found in the area where it does NOT break down.
If you choose to look at the breakdown of an analogy it BECOMES useless, regardless of how useful it is in the area it was intended to be used.
All analogies break down somewhere, and it usually doesn't take much brains to find that point.
I like being a leaf, within the INTENDED confines of the analogy.
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First of all.......an ANALOGY is one thing, but a DIFINITIVE, CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE WITH AN ACCOMPANYING DOCTRINED-BASED CLASS -- The Way Tree -- AND COPYRIGHTED LOGO for the way international is something far, far different.
Wierwille had his little-jonny-t0wns3nd-do-good teach that "way tree" class......using much of the Book of Acts to augment and document it. Later, that class was shelved.......IIRC, the research-types at hq saw too many holes in the way-tree-doctrine and helped to pull it from further contaminating young minds.
Another THUD........for the wierwille campaign before his death.
Why wasn't there a class like MEMBERS IN PARTICULAR -- detailing the unique and diversified ways that God works with His chosen ones?
Why wasn't there a class entitled CHRIST IS THE HEAD -- an advanced teaching on Christ's responsibilities and duties as mediator/intercessor/advocate in relation to those walking by the spirit of God?
Oh, silly me...........THEN such biblical truths would have RIGHTFULLY RESTORED BIBLICAL TRUTHS that wierwille was deceptively disguising in his "way tree" structure and all "nourishment" coming from THE ROOT LOCATION AT WAYWORLD.
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I am very happy with how Dr. Wierwille steered me into understanding the scriptures. If it weren't for him I would have no understanding whatsoever. There's no one here who could have commanded my attention, and I doubt if anyone else could have either.
Grads who took Dr's teaching without diligently cross referencing their KJVs and concordances to the best of their own ability often drifted from his teaching's meaning, often far too. This was called re-searching, and I did it.
I never had any problem with being a member in particular, because I re-searched.
I never had any problem with Christ being the head, because I re-searched.
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Mike, Mike.........nice try to side-step and move this little discussion towards re-search, but......you're missing the point.
There were CLASSES on: 1) Keys to Research, 2) Witnessing & Undershepherding, 3) The Renewed Mind, 4) Dealing with the Adversary, and 5) The Way Tree.....as I recall.
Why the CLASS on The Way Tree..??
Surely, wierwille had MORE in mind than just building a WHOLE CLASS around "an analogy" (as you attempt to allude to) ???
Could there be a..........S - U - B - T - L -E.......A - G - E - N - D - A ?????
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What was taught in that class blessed me.
Dr's agenda was to teach us what God was teaching him.
Dr was human, so because of what the Word says about humans, I knew he must have had sin in his life. When a human is out of fellowship with the Father, I'd suspect they drift in their goals and agendas. Doesn't the same happen to you? I'm sure it does, and if you deny it, then I'm even more sure.
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Talk about off topic!!
I liked pressed down first way cassette I ever bought!
Played the heck out of it
One of the high points of my time in the way was hearing them play at a family table at like roa78!!
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So instead, listen to Simon and Garfunkel sing "I Am a Rock"
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